The Project Infinite Podcast

123 - Remembering Ben "Comicstorian" Potter & Exploring "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga"

Project Infinite Episode 129

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Get ready to experience the magic of movies, the heroism of comics, and the thrill of gaming like never before! This week, we talked about "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga," where we dissect everything from the eye-catching action to the mind-blowing sound design that sets this film apart. Sadly, we also pause to remember Ben Potter, the beloved Comicstorian, honoring his legacy and the indelible mark he left on the comic community. Expect an emotional and heartfelt segment that pays tribute to a truly unique voice in storytelling.  Before our review, we as discuss the impressive Xbox Showcase before wrapping up with some Superman news before we talk about Furiosa Timecodes are provided if you want to skip around to your topic of choice! Thank you to everyone who continues to support and don’t forget to subscribe to download new episodes as they become available and don’t be afraid to share a rating!

0:00 Intro
 01:39 Ben Potter AKA Comicstorian of Youtube, Dies at age 40.
 13:02 Summer Games Fest/Xbox Showcase Recap!
 25:19 Superman Movie News!
 31:48 “Furiosa” Review & Discussion *SPOILERS*
 01:17:43 Awards & Placing “Furiosa” on the Project Infinite Movie Hierarchy
 01:31:22 BREAKING BLADE NEWS, Signing off for the Week

Topic for Next Week: Hit Man

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Speaker 1:

It's the Infinite Podcast. Go tell your friends. It's the Infinite Podcast. My journey never ends. It's the Infinite Podcast with Robin Korker Q.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Project Infinite Podcast, the podcast covering the infinite and ever-expanding multiverse of fandom For movies, comics, tv shows, video games. We got you covered. I'm Rob. I'm here, as always, with Court, court. We're doing another movie this week, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love the movies.

Speaker 2:

This is great. I also love the movies. What did you see? Well, at the ripe time of 11 11, 45, this morning, I saw furiosa, a mad max story. Can we stop doing that?

Speaker 1:

by the way, with movies, the subtitle thing, unfortunately, that's never going to go away.

Speaker 2:

So the book of saw. What else? The book of boba fett? The book of boba fett? Um, just just get rid of rogue one. A star wars story? Yep, there's that too. Um, just all of it, just don't, I don't need it anymore you know what about the name recognition?

Speaker 1:

how are people going to go see the movie? Oh wait, they're still not going to see the movie and they already named it furiosa.

Speaker 2:

If you don't remember furiosa?

Speaker 2:

from your furiosa, from the mad max lore, yeah yeah, they had that covered already, we didn't need to add them. But you know studios and we're going to talk about that because there's some studio-ness involved in this movie that we have to talk about. So, yeah, we're going to talk about Furiosa. We both liked it and we're going to talk about why we liked it. But first we do have some news, unfortunately, starting with some really unfortunate news. So, um, a couple of days ago, we, the community, the comic community, lost a, a pioneer of um I don't know how you would explain it other than like the long form kind of YouTube storytelling yeah, um, ben Potter, also known as comic story in um, uh, died. Um at the age of 40 from a car accident. Um, at the age of 40 from a car accident. We have come to find out. Just really, really, really unfortunate, because I mean, I don't know about you, but that guy what?

Speaker 1:

He's a staple of you know of my love for comics comes through, you know, through way of him. You know him. Sal Comics Explained, rob at Comics Explained. I mean so many different YouTubers, but I mean, when you talk about the absolute titans of the youtube game, truthfully it was comic story and and comics explained and just watch, and I mean just watching, uh, comics explained video about you know their friendship. It's just like it's, it's heartbreaking man and it's like it's youtube's in this weird realm where like select, like people pass away and it's always, it's always sad and when that happened it was such this weird reaction that not weird, but it was such this like gut-wrenching reaction when it happened.

Speaker 1:

Because you don't realize how, like because you know people that are around like movies, music, like they're always around but you don't realize how around like youtubers are in like your daily life of like oh, oh, this YouTuber dropped like how ingratiated into your life they are and like thinking about it comics, comic story and was ingratiated into my life for so many years. I mean you know you made a great point. Like I don't know anybody that's going to. It's not cause you know, the beauty of like comics explained is like he's breaking down so much of the comic, like the lore, the comic, the past, what's influences, but comic story, and it's like he's like a anthropologist of comics, almost in like the most Epic of ways. Like I mean, um, what I wanted to ask you is what your favorite I'll ask at the end what your favorite, like you know what your favorite, you know summation he's ever done, but know it's, it's just, it's one of those things where it's he's so close to you and like a lot of these youtubers are so close to you, but it's just.

Speaker 1:

Again, it's, it's what we say, like how we joke, we just joked about it. Like how much we love the movies, like we love comics, all these things, and it's just like you didn't until he just passed away, like you don't realize how big of a person he was in the comic community. I mean him and comics, explained, were on the rise during the rise of the mcu, at a perfect time. And like without them, like so many p, like marvel comics themselves has to be thankful for for these guys, for the amount of people like they're breaking down their comics. People are going further and making sure they're watching all these things and like this is the storyline that they're about to do in this movie.

Speaker 1:

Let's's break down this comic that it came from and, like I mean, his voice was iconic. I mean he's just, he's one of those, like, like I said, it's just it's a weird place to be in Cause like he was so close, while being so far, if that makes sense he was just so close in everyday life of just watching these videos, getting just having a good time of like the epic, the epic nature comics.

Speaker 2:

It's just, it's awesome yeah, I think you're making. You're making a really great point about youtubers and you know the kind of like these social media kind of stars really, um, have this interpersonal nature about them, like just because of the medium. Like you know, it's not something that you know we're all watching at the same time. It's not like a communal thing, but it also is. But it's also this interpersonal thing where you know you can you'd be running, you know, however many youtube videos in a row, like just kind of hanging out by yourself, just throw on a comic story video about whatever comic or whatever. Just not even necessarily you might not even be interested in it or have heard of it, but you just enjoy his work. So you're just like, let me just throw this on and then all of a sudden you find yourself being into it, you know, um, and it's such a great way.

Speaker 1:

Um, what what him and comics explain rob pioneered. The two of them were really the idea of like that comics didn't need to be this thing that was inaccessible because you have to go to a. Like hey, if you don't have, like it's a. It's great for younger audiences, like younger people too, because like hey, you don't need to go to like obviously, and they always say it like go to your and ben always said it at the end of the video go to your local comic shop and support them.

Speaker 1:

Like I can only do so much and like he was conscious of that, like I can only do so much, make sure you go to your local comic shop and keep buying the issues of this thing. Like I can only explain so much. What I think is just very it was very great of him to do that at the end of each video too. But, yeah, man, that one was like I mean, I texted you Because I didn't find out right away and I just like hopped on Twitter and I saw it and I was like it didn't even feel real at first. I was like what do you mean comic story and passed away Like that. Just it doesn't even feel like a thing that can happen.

Speaker 1:

And that's where the real world and the human element comes into it. It's just such an unfortunate thing, but just to see all the people that you know loved him and you know all the stories about him too, it's just like you could tell that he was a great guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it sucks Anytime this, it's just. Yeah, it sucks anytime this type of thing happens, it's just, it's just terrible. Especially, like I said, we have these like celebrities, it's one thing, but then you have like these interpersonal like it.

Speaker 2:

I mean it sounds silly because, like everyone, at the end of the day is just like a regular person but like but you know what I'm trying to say, right, like this guy really was just like a regular person, like he wasn't, you know he didn't have incredible fame, like he wasn't, you know he didn't have incredible fame, like he wasn't like a movie star or a TV star Like he had.

Speaker 2:

He had internet fame, of course, but but you just see, like this ordinary guy who just had like a passion about a thing and affected so many people, which is crazy and it's and it's, you know, it's a testament to, to the medium too, and him too, and just um, you know his wife, obviously just condolences to his wife, who who broke the news um to the internet, and she has gone on and said that you know his team and and her like they're going to continue, kind of his legacy and I guess keep the thing going, which I think would be really great because, like you said, he he was really a a touchstone for the comic community in particular. Like you know, he didn't really I mean, he didn't at all talk about movies, tv shows, anything like that, it was strictly comics.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like what? Three years? I think he started dipping in, but cause I know him and Rob had the podcast, but I know, for like those years, like the, the height, like when the MCU, like 2011, 2010, like that was strictly like this is comics, like these are the comics that are going on. I'm gonna mention that this movie is like has to pertain to this comic, but like I just like one of my favorite ones that he's ever done was the Dark Side War for DC like just the epic nature of him talking about, like you know, flash, god of Death, or like Batman, or like batman, god of not like all those things. Like he just like I said, he just brings like a grandeur to comics and like it just it made it feel like, makes it feel so cool, like these like and he, he's the definite, he was the definition of like, personification of what comics can be yeah, I always point to the injustice one as one of my favorites, because um that one has, like.

Speaker 1:

I mean like six and maybe even more. It might have been like the tens of millions of views I said it to you yesterday when we were talking about his passing.

Speaker 2:

He's probably one of the only ones that could have made sense of Injustice. He did core Injustice Gods Among Us. Then he went back and did Injustice Year Zero, 1 through 6. Then he did Injustice 2. You could follow it as scattered and as nonsensical as that storyline can get, but there's energy behind it that keeps you invested.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I said, he's like if comics explained is like. He's like I'm going to dive deep into everything and tell you all these things. He's like the train. He's like no, no, no, you're coming on the story with me. I'm not. I'm not sitting. I'm not going to sit here and break everything down, like me and you are going to walk through this comic and I'm going to make this the most epic thing I can.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, like you said, it paves the way and gives you a gateway to further exploring it. If you want to like, here's the story, here are the characters we're gonna go on this ride, and if you really vibe with it, like you know now, the world is your oyster. You know, and I mean I think that's a really great touchstone, especially for comics, because we we've talked about before I'd, yeah, it's unique, and we talked about it when we did um, kingdom come. Like you know, comics can be inaccessible at times. Um, you, you know that.

Speaker 2:

I mean, there's decades worth of material and you can feel overwhelmed when you're like, hey, I really like batman. And then you look at the library you're like, oh my god, so like he. You know, his, his channel was such a great touchstone for being like. You know, I like batman, like, and you can just go to comic story and find a bunch of batman stories and that'll. That's your launch point. You know what I mean. So just sucks, man, this always sucks. And, like you said, you know it hits a little bit harder with these social media personalities because, like I said, um, they aren't mega famous.

Speaker 1:

They just feel like regular people, like they feel like you and I like you know what I mean all the stories of, like the cons of all the people that met him as well too, and just being like an absolutely energizer bunny of a human being. That's just like full, full, full of life.

Speaker 2:

So yep, yeah, it's just super, super unfortunate. Um. So, rip to ben potter comic historian. Um, you know, definitely definitely been revisiting a couple of them in the last few days too, just being like man, just and just. You know, it sounds simple like what he did, but he had a talent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he, oh, that's such an incredible. He had talent. Talent is just like, it's the talent of self-awareness too, from him to be like. You know, listen, when I start this, like, I have to realize like comics is very like. Unfortunately, comics is sort of an inside baseball type of ordeal. So how do I make this the most accessible to everybody? And that's through, like, like I said, it's that energy that he brings and, again, it's not. He's so unique in the. He was so unique in the fact that.

Speaker 1:

It's not like I'm gonna do this thing where I'm gonna, I'm gonna break down every bit of those comics. Like he's such a, he was such a great coupling with comics explained. Because if I want to really dive into this thing and know every detail, I'm gonna go to a comic explain. But if I need to catch up on this comic that I can't read right now, I'm gonna go to comic story because he's telling he's the storyteller. Comics explained was the. Is the breakdown that I did. It's just, it was such a great he, he was incredible at what he did. And just saying you're, I'm always, I was always entertained. I will, yeah, the to the, to the last day that I'm here, I will always be entertained by watching comics.

Speaker 2:

Comic story video yeah, and in a world that you know, 30 minute, 45 minute youtube videos like shouldn't have breathing space. I mean, especially when he first started, like obviously the long form stuff is way more popular now, like some, some people go on two, three hour video essays dissecting a movie or a tv show, like. But like when he first started doing it, man, like youtube had you know these, these really kind of strict regulations towards longer form videos like those things like you can only do, you know, certain videos of certain lengths, depending on your following.

Speaker 2:

So it just shows how effective he was at that that he was granted that kind of openness too. So, yeah, just a shame man. It really sucks and, as always I say, there's no easy way to transition out of that stuff. But we do have some other news, starting with some video game stuff. So we had Summer Games Fest and the Microsoft Xbox Showcase that took place over the weekend. So Summer Games Fest is Jeff Keighley's thing. It's the summer version of the Game Awards and it was an okay show. I mean, jeff said beforehand temper your expectations a little bit. And it was fine.

Speaker 2:

I thought there was a lot of good stuff for a lot of different people. Jeff really made a point of good stuff for for for a lot of different people. Jeff really made a point of, you know, talking about, like, single developers and independent developers and talking about how the top 10 games on steam 8 of 10 are are independent developers or single developers, which is really cool, um. But the thing that really impressed me, to be quite honest, was the xbox showcase. Yeah, um, I was really really impressed, um, with what xbox showed off, especially starting with obviously black ops 6, yeah um took a big swing and you know it's.

Speaker 1:

They did a smart thing, but starting with it, not ending with it because I think the playstation in the room and the and the sony in the room is what is probably what prompted that I think they knew that whatever they were going to do to get people to watch, they needed to take the sure-fired swing, and I think there's a swing later that they did. And there's the first one. And you know, name recognition. Keep it simple. Name recognition now Microsoft-owned, correct for Black Ops.

Speaker 1:

Like now, hey, here you go. Like this is the thing everybody's been asking for, that Black Ops 6 feels very classic, if that makes sense. Feels very classic, if that makes sense, feels very classic. Feels very um.

Speaker 2:

Black ops 1, black ops 2, realm um of thinking kind of just, storytelling wise, even um, with this going to take place in the 90s, I believe so yeah, again one of those things that lets me know how old I am, um, that we're, that we're doing this, um, I just remember those first black ops games were cold war, vietnam, all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like, yeah, that stuff is ancient history. And now Black Ops 6 is talking about like the Gulf War in the 90s, like I think there's going to be some 9-11 related stuff in it, just seeing, like you know, like President HW Bush and President Clinton, like being like digitized as part of this, like conspiracy, that, like I remember, obviously, like you would see, like kennedy and and nixon and and like fidel castro, and I'm like, yeah, the old times. And now, like I'm the old times, so I'm like, oh, no, um, but yeah, I mean, I was always. I always enjoyed the black ops games. I haven't played one in forever. It's been a while, um, but, but those were always the most interesting cod campaigns for me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, 100 with the black ops ones favorite, favorite campaign that you've played from any of the modern warfare modern warfare.

Speaker 2:

Probably the black ops 2 campaign is still my favorite, um kind of like 25 baby wrapping up the, the campaign of, of, of, uh, alex mason and all that stuff like woods yeah, I really enjoyed the black ops 2 campaign and you know I'm looking forward to this one too, um, but they showed off a ton of stuff at this xbox showcase a new gears of war game yeah, um, people are talking about that quite a bit, yep I mean, gears of war is one of xbox's obviously staples, um, right up there with halo, and it's a prequel.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna be a prequel, um, it's not gonna be a it. It's it's the fifth years of war game, but it is not a gears of war 5. So we're going, which I mean, in this age of, we're in the age of nostalgia, right. So you know, people, people obviously love gears of war for the gameplay, but they also really identify with dom, dom and marcus phoenix, um, and you know, going back to, I guess it's, it's going to be E-Day, so it's going to be like the start of the Locust invasion. So that's awesome too.

Speaker 2:

I mean, like I said, they came out swinging man and then I mean, the thing that stood out to me was a lot of these and I don't have the titles in front of me of everything that came out, but they really are chasing that Sony third third person action that's yep, um story driven from that. Uh, they're finally doing it and it feels like xbox never really had one. And then they came out with this xbox showcase and showed off, I think like three of them at least, of these um, kind of story driven, narrative driven, action-driven action games that Sony obviously has had a stranglehold on for decades. Now, when you think about Uncharted, when you think about Last of Us, when you think about Ghost of Tsushima, you think about Horizon, and now Xbox seems to be finally getting on board, and I think that's cool. I think one of the big drivers in of like the quote-unquote console war is, you know, xbox players being like why don't we have, like, our own ghost of tsushima, our own last of us?

Speaker 1:

and now it seems like maybe they will yeah, I mean fable looks I I'm just fables back. It looks phenomenal. I mean talk about a gameplay reveal that had people talking to and to your point and it's a point we're going to keep making like I think we're in an age of you know. I feel like, like we said, we're older now we're not the same age that we were playing these games when we were younger. So we're not at the point like I can just put on Madden for hours and just be like I can't do that anymore, something like this. This is where I'm at. I need to get something from it if I'm going to sit down and play these games now and Fable looks like that Indiana Jones.

Speaker 2:

Indiana Jones looks really great.

Speaker 1:

Troy Baker. I think he's doing pretty solid as Indiana Jones. I want to see the. I have a big question. I wonder how this gameplay is going. That's my only concern for this Indiana Jones game is the actual gameplay. I'm slightly concerned on how engaging it's going to be. Because I think you know obviously story. I just don't think there's anything groundbreaking out of this.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's going to be a lot of puzzle solving. You know kind of how you know what's the studio that did the not they didn't do uh. Oh yeah, they did do the Jedi games Uh.

Speaker 2:

I'll respond yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's going to be. I'll maybe a bit respond inspired by, like you know, a little bit of puzzle solving a little bit of, like you know, you die, you go back all those things.

Speaker 2:

Yep, there was that Dune game, the Dune MMO. We got a little bit more of that. It's going to be basically like what if Paul Atreides was never born? And that's kind of like the set for the world, and I think that's a really cool idea to go with. If you're going to do a Dune MMO like Dune survival MMO, like just take Paul Atreides out of the equation and, you know, basically make your own Dune universe, which I is is really cool. Um, what else would they show off here? Indiana jones, we talked about starfield got an update. Um, just overall, I was just really impressed. Um, and then I mean, the big thing that came out um the day after was the ubisoft presentation of assassin's creed shadow and star wars outlaws. And as someone who's kind of I haven't played assassin's creed in a long time, like I played valalla but I didn't finish it, didn't play Mirage, didn't play Origins I really like the way the look of Assassin's Creed Shadow.

Speaker 1:

And, weirdly enough, they need a win, in my opinion. I think to your point. I mean, you're such a gamer and you didn't even finish and you didn't even play. One of the games Tells me a lot Assassin's.

Speaker 2:

Creed has been around forever.

Speaker 1:

I really love the older ones, those, are some of the most iconic games you could find.

Speaker 2:

You have the Ezio trilogy with Assassin's Creed 2, brotherhood and Revelations. You have Assassin's Creed 3 that takes place in the American Revolutionary War. Assassin's Creed Black Flag is probably the high watermark for assassin's creed as like a franchise um with the caribbean stuff and the pirates um, and then and then they, they, they dip their toes in like to the more expansive rpg mechanics, um with, uh, odyssey and other stuff. It's just they needed something. And I get what they were doing with odyssey, where they're like we need to kind of change the formula up a little bit. And then people are like maybe you change the formula a little too much.

Speaker 2:

Um, so shadow seems to be almost like a balance of everything that's come before it, but in the the form of the two main protagonists, where you have um yasuke, who is the notorious black samurai of of japan and he's gonna, I guess, serve for more of the melee based kind of actiony combat. And then you have your other character, I think her name is neo um, and she's gonna be like the more traditional assassin's creed stealth character and you can kind of like choose, you know, who you want to play with in any certain mission, and I think that's a really great. I was really impressed. It looked really cool. Um, and then star wars outlaws got like a 30, 30 to 60 minute demo, gameplay demo. Yeah, and am I in? I'm kind of in, I'm kind of in. Um, you know, I I liked what I saw and I think it's they need. They needed to delineate themselves obviously from jedi survivor and give us something different, and it looks like it's going to do that um, like I said, I'm in, I'm I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

I was. I was very, very, very, very skeptical at first. I didn't know what to expect and and that's fine, and you know, and it is to your point, it is the jedi game in the room. I mean, those games have been phenomenal since 2019 and 2023. The last five years of our life have been dominated by that was at a time where everybody was so fed up with Star Wars video games. And then we get finally what everybody's been asking for Is it okay if we can be a Jedi? Is this fine? And then, taking the quote-unquote Han Solo route for something like this Can I be a scoundrel in the galaxy? Now Fly a ship? You know, quote unquote Han Solo route for something like this like can I be a scoundrel in the galaxy? Now fly a ship, fly a ship.

Speaker 2:

Like all those things like space combat looked surprisingly good fun it looks fun when they threw that and then they're like there's space combat.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, oh, how is that gonna go? Like, is it gonna be like kind of arcadey, is it gonna be? But then I remember, because it's Ubisoft like they did give us Black Flag, like they gave us naval combat in Assassin's Creed 4, and I think that's really hard to do and I don't think a lot of games since have been able to capture the naval combat of Assassin's Creed 4 to this day. So I should have known that they probably could have pulled off space combat. And it looks fun. It looks very reminiscent of Battlefront, which I'm really excited for, and then the story looks interesting. It does look interesting too they're going to have a GTA-esque policing system front right, which I'm really excited for.

Speaker 1:

And then the um. You know, the story looks interesting. It does look interesting too.

Speaker 1:

They're gonna have a gta-esque uh policing system I think it's such a genius idea and it expands the world too, and it makes it. It doesn't expand it in the way where it's like overwhelming. I think it expands it in the way of like okay, this is going to be interesting now, like now I can. I don't feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over and over again too, and I think for a game like this, where you need something that grab you immediately, that helps, it's just gonna help and that's where those assassin's creed games really burn me out.

Speaker 2:

But like the ubisoft method of like open world, where they're like here's a bunch of things to collect, here's a bunch of like towers that you have to unlock your map with, like you know, as long as they don't bog the game down with that. And I know there's already a really big sticking point with this game when it comes to its DLC, where the Jabba the Hutt stuff is locked behind I think the pre-order bonus If you want to do the Jabba the Hutt mission off-rip that's locked behind the deluxe edition of the game, which I don't love.

Speaker 1:

And again to my point about the battlefront games, the new age battlefront games. Like it's the one thing that has been holding you back and you're you're everything that people are coming for you on is this it's the pay to play, and we yeah, obviously, the jedi games took that like we're not even thinking about anything like that. Like that is like a remnant of a time long past.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's one thing. If it was going to be story content, that was post-release and it was part of a season pass, that thing is normalized now. I still don't totally love it, but I understand it. But for a mission that's going to be available at launch and for it to be locked behind a microtransaction, I'm just like maybe you guys should just put that in the base game, and I mean, I guess they still have time to do that.

Speaker 2:

But, um, yeah, overall, um, this is the first time in a long time when I was like, oh man, like am I gonna, am I gonna be missing out, like not having an xbox, like it's the first time in a long, long time. I felt that way where I was just like I kind of had this like air of superiority around, like the playstation stuff. But, um, yeah, I yeah super impressed and I think that's great. I think it's great that more games are good. Um, the industry is not doing so great right now, so I think, um, the better, the more better games that are out there. Um, you know, I think it's a win for everybody. So, um, and then, last but not least, we have some dc news. So superman is rounding into shape. We have added beck bennett and mckayla hoover to the cast. Now um both, both of the. You know both as in their journalistic bag. So beck bennett will be playing what's the character's name?

Speaker 2:

uh, he's playing, uh, lombard yeah, steve lombard yeah steel as well too, yep yep, good, good, good, get him in there. He's a notable name with a notable voice.

Speaker 1:

I really, and I told you before we hopped on, it was his voice and I said what did I tell you? I said he might be the best casting in this whole movie, in the most unironic way, and I think they're hitting with all these castings too. I think it's so important and you have to. You're essentially, when you're doing this reboot thing, like the game you have to play is the forget game. You have to do your best for everybody, not not necessarily to forget, but be okay that everything's going on, and just little castings like that.

Speaker 1:

I've really been enjoying this movie feels very rounded out because I've been like I saw the daily planet logo, like I I can't put my finger on it about this movie, but I, I just I have a good feeling, like I just there's something that feels so organic about this movie and so like genuine, for lack of a better term. So I'm really looking forward to what James Gunn's got. Um, and we know I don't know if we were just dumb and we didn't know for a fact he's directing the movie, but now they had the, they had the clapperboard uh, board, uh, that we saw, uh, behind the scenes.

Speaker 2:

And now we've officially, officially know that james, james gunn's gonna do this movie, which we, we, we, we kind of yeah, I don't know if we've just missed it or if, like we've, we've guessed so long strongly that it was gonna happen that we just kind of like accepted it. But, yeah, I was, I was, I had the same thought that I was like did we know this? Um, but we do now, whether or not we knew before, we, we know for sure now. So we're late. We're late on that.

Speaker 1:

I apologize, but uh, we do think he's gonna probably at this. It's funny because I know he's gonna direct some episodes of peacemaker season two and I'm, I'm, I'm very okay with it because that's his project and, uh, what an incredible season one that he turned out from a character like that that we were not expecting right I just I he's got. I know he's gonna have a lot going on like I know he's gonna have a infinite amount on his plate.

Speaker 1:

So for sure again, I wonder if he's gonna do. I think he'll probably keep all the superman movies. I don't think he'll do whatever the justice league movie will be eventually, I don't think he'll do that. I think he'll get somebody, or maybe like a team, like a team of two, um, because I, over the last couple years, the team, like the team directors, have been growing and growing like, obviously, the ones that we know are like the wachowskis. The coen brothers are usually like those were like the two big ones that would be like a club, and then the russo brothers, like the collaboration efforts. But you know, now it feels like we're getting more and more, which is pretty cool. So, like I mean, you have the Daniels that are working on Star Wars. They're working on. What are they working on? They're working on Andor. No, no, they're working on the show with Jude Law.

Speaker 2:

So you know, which I guess I think they're also directing an episode of something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what are they? It's the. Yeah, they're doing that Star Wars show with Jude Law. I know they have something in there. Koganada from Cinema after Yang and from Columbus, lord of Miller, yeah, he directed yesterday's episode of the Acolyte. The title crawl rolled and I was like, wait, is that Koganada that just directed this episode? But to my point about, I think he's probably going to get somebody like a team maybe Because it's a big ask to do a solo movie with so many characters too. But, um, I'm still full steam ahead on the in like in james gunn. We trust that like, especially after guardians.

Speaker 2:

I don't have any reason not to um. And then mckayla hoover's playing cat grant.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say that earlier but it was in the suicide squad. Yes, yeah, as secretary oh, oh interesting.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even catch that, but yeah, so she's going to be Cat Grant, most recently played by Calista Flockhart in Supergirl, and she was great.

Speaker 1:

You guys look like the culturally diverse cast of a CW show.

Speaker 2:

She was incredible. I really, really enjoyed that character. But yeah, I totally am with you on the Superman stuff. I think it's incredibly promising and we'll see. I mean we'll see how it gets received.

Speaker 1:

I mean people are gonna be mad at it I, I I mean just telling from the first photo. I know people are gonna be very, very, very mad at this movie, but I just I don't know how you can't you watch guardians 3, um, or any of the guardians movies, and you know movies and you're questioning if he can pull that out of Superman. But he can pull that out of Rocket, raccoon and Groot. I just think he's going to be fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, and people just need to get over the fact that it's over. The Zack Snyder thing is over.

Speaker 1:

And people are mad that he's bringing his own team. Every director brings their own team when they do stuff. I don know why james gunn is the mutually exclusive one to be rebel moon's getting a director's cut, by the way.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you saw that news for both movies. I know both halves yeah it, I told you, I told you this was gonna happen. It's his, it's his gimmick now. It's his. He's leaned into the, he's leaned into the gimmick at this point and it was on a streaming service.

Speaker 1:

You didn't. You could have. Just I'm gonna do my full movie and they were gonna. We don't care like we didn't. We didn't ask, you can do whatever you. He's leaned into the bit. He committed to the bit. Netflix was naive enough to also fall for it too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm over it, man, I'm over it I watched.

Speaker 1:

I watched the. I I don't think I even finished the first part of my. That was a. This is a tougher watch and I'm a very like I can. I'm not above turning and I'm the cinema guy in here, like I'm the resident cinema guy, I'm like I can, too, turn my brain off and like, just like entertain it. That was a tough one to entertain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a little tougher yeah man, I don't know, I don't know what he's, I don't know he's up to. I think I think he's, I think he's like it feels like he's.

Speaker 2:

I don't even blame him anymore, though I don't blame him no, it's not him, it's just it's it's everybody else entertaining this and being fine with whatever happened he's, he's, he's, he's quickly devolving into, like sean malone, territory of being like oh, here's another zach snyder thing make the new sean malone movie that's coming out no, no, it's the daughter, right the daughter's the, the psycho killer, and he's protecting her. I'm oh what was my thing.

Speaker 1:

What if it's the? What if it's the pop star? She's the psycho killer yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready for whatever twist is coming um we already got a meme from that movie and it's not even out for like months.

Speaker 2:

Um, all right, let's talk about. Let's talk about mad max and furiosa. So furiosa, a mad max saga has released. Um, it is a prequel and a spin-off of mad max fury road, which came out 10 years ago. Um, this movie was in development hell for a while, um, and it and it kind of you know it kind of shows not in a bad way, but like you kind of know that this was supposed to come out like a little bit closer to mad max fury road than it did. Um, first of all, charlie's their own age aged herself out of the role, so she was originally going to come back as furiosa for this movie. Um, but they got on you taylor joy to step in, which I think is as good a substitute as you can get.

Speaker 1:

I have some incredible thoughts on that, because she was phenomenal in 20 minutes of screen time in a two and a half hour movie yeah, she was not in this as much as I thought she was going to be like it works they stayed.

Speaker 2:

They stayed with the younger furiosa a lot longer than I thought they were going to. I think it works.

Speaker 1:

I think it works too. I was just Save to talk about it Cause I think it's such a smart thing that they do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I was. I was just surprised that they did this, um, but George Miller obviously returning, um, he was in a spat with Warner brothers for a while, which also postponed this movie, um for quite a while. Um, I love this was. This was like the most Mad Max has ever dipped into the lore of the world as much as the other movies, as much as the other movies. You watch them and you're like are these related? Are these?

Speaker 1:

connected. I think it's more of a fact of.

Speaker 2:

You're like no Gibson's still there, so they gotta be connected.

Speaker 1:

I think it's more of a fact of when you think about it. All the other mad max movies, including fury road, are all we're here, like we're already here, like this is the first one where it's just like we're here because of this, like we're here which makes sense because it's a prequel, um, and it's directly related to like another one of these.

Speaker 2:

so, like it makes sense that, like you know, all your, all your Black, are back, we're just going to keep going. We're just going to keep going past that. Who's back?

Speaker 1:

in this. The video podcast is coming soon, because that could have been an all-time moment for me.

Speaker 2:

Morton Joe is back. The People Eater is back.

Speaker 1:

Furiosa is back. Furiosa is back.

Speaker 2:

you're furiosa from the mad max fury road spoiler mad max is in this for two seconds, but it's not mad max oh, but there's that guy. But then there's also actual mad max, but it's not tom hardy, no, it's a stunt double.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sorry spoilers and he's like oh, hmm, you're not tom hardy furiosa, um, you're not doing a funny voice. So he wanted george, you're not doing a funny voice. So he wanted You're not doing a funny voice, what's he doing in that biker movie? I'm all in, I'm in. So George Miller originally wanted to shoot these back-to-back, yeah. But during pre-production he was like actually we're only going to do Fury Road. They wanted to originally do this as an anime, which would have been awesome actually, this movie definitely has some grandiose moments.

Speaker 2:

To lend credence to that, though, I will say Then in 2017, that's the spat that George Miller had with Warner Brothers, where he sued them over a salary dispute for Fury Road, which delayed the production of this movie and any other Mad Max movie that was ever going to come out. Then, in 2019, miller said Furious is still happening, in addition to two Mad Max sequels. Then they finally settled in 2020, and then the pandemic happened. So it put this movie again further back into development and, like I said, I mean we can talk about the box office real quick, because it hasn't been great and I think it's a byproduct of two things.

Speaker 2:

So, first and foremost, like Fury Road did okay at the box office, like it wasn't like a big giant smash hit or anything like that. It obviously won you know stupid amount of Academy Awards. Like it was very well critically received. It just didn't perform well. And then you know you have this movie coming out 10 years later and people just mad max isn't like batman, like it's not like hey, the new mad max movie is out like I gotta go see it. Like it's a very niche thing and this movie just is getting killed at the box office, unfortunately. But I mean the one thing in its favor is that the, the country and continent of australia, um, footed a lot of this bill because they're like yes, please set your movie and shoot your movie here yeah, they actually shot it in modern day australia.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, post-apocalypse, that's just. If you go to australia right now, that's exactly what it's like.

Speaker 2:

So it doesn't need a ton of money to make to break even, but it still probably won't do it um, which is a shame because, as we're going to talk about um, this movie was really really good I actually very much enjoyed this movie.

Speaker 1:

I was, I went, uh I went the tuesday after the weekend where it came out and my theater was pretty decent. It wasn't too too bad.

Speaker 2:

My theater was me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was just you, Just you. And it shows the week-over-week return to that box office point. It was by myself.

Speaker 1:

But you know some great beats about this movie. Just to start, this movie, especially the second half of this movie, is frenetic. This movie I said it to you when I texted you that I saw the movie and I was kind of glowing about it. One of the best pieces about this movie is the soundscape. In this movie you talk about the ideology of immersion and what goes into it, the idea of what a movie is. I'm a big proponent in the like the film philosophy. That sound is half your battle and it's from the opening frame in this movie. The soundscape kind of. It takes you. It's like putting you in a car on the fury road. I think this movie does a very great job at that and it kind of like the score is just. The score is big, it's booming, um, it's, it's really well done. But it's not something where it's it's not annoying, it's not something where I'm like, oh God.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, tom Hulkenberg came back. He did Fury Road and he came back for this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, arguably, I like this score even better, I think. I think I think it fits this movie a little bit better and it fits like. It fits the ascension of furiosa too, and it's like um, and it fits the world that you're trying to build too. So, um, that's great. The soundscape, uh, just the sound mix in this movie is really well done too. It's just it's. It's loud but it's not overwhelming, but it's overwhelming when it needs to, if that makes sense, like it's like the points where it needs to really hit you, it hits you. Um, obviously, anya taylor joy is just phenomenal in anything she does. She has. She's so graceful, but she has such this rugging nature behind her too, which I think is perfect if you're gonna do that, be a character like, like furiosa. Um, and I think everybody's great in this movie. I mean chris hemsworth. This is maybe one of my favorite roles he's ever done in his speaking of loud, king, yap, he is yapping the whole movie.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the symbolism behind Dementus is not exactly subtle, but I liked it. I liked it a lot how they use his physical appearance as a symbol of his descent into absolute lunacy, where he starts the movie and he's he's very like, he's very like deified, like he's very deity, like yeah. And in the beginning of the movie, you know.

Speaker 1:

You know what it's cool, why it's cool it it's. It's very interesting in the fact that he's like desert jesus, yeah, yeah, he's already, he's already established, because something like this especially after a morton joe who isn't also in this movie, which which they share an absolutely awesome scene. It was one of my favorite scenes from the movie. What you need to do with something like this is credibility is known. We know you have to make your villain a credible threat, but also you know where he lies.

Speaker 1:

He lies on this weird teeter line where I had myself falsely asking the question in my head Like is he? Is he the? He's not the worst person here? Like in a in a landscape of horrible people. I'm like this is a pretty decent gig that this guy's offering, right, yeah, but then the first half of the movie, yeah, and then you. But then, and to your point, point, that's his descent into absolute lunacy. Like he's a guy that thinks he can talk himself out of any and he does talk himself out of every situation he's in and I, just like I said, I love, I love the, the physical symbolism of.

Speaker 2:

He starts the movie and he's like, yeah, he looks like chris, he's got the you know, blonde, blonde, beard, white, all white get up and then circumstances, he ends up with a red, more red get up and he keeps the red get up for a while and that kind of like starts his descent and then the next time you see him he's the red has turned to black, his hair is gray and black because time passes. Um, and then by the time you see him in that state he's gone, like he's, he's just a, he's a desert warmonger, um, just a grubby, not caring about anybody or anything, just just loves killing. And that's it. Um and um, like I, like I mentioned up top, we we spend a lot of time with, with young furiosa, child furiosa played by let me get this actress's name Aaliyah Brown plays her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's great. I think she's pretty solid.

Speaker 2:

And it's her first kind of major acting role and she's going to be in Sonic 3 later this year as Dr Robotnik's daughter. Yeah, so she was great. What I really loved about both her performance and Anya Taylor-Joy is a lot was made of the 44 lines of dialogue that Furiosa gets in this movie, and George Miller was, like dialogue's overrated.

Speaker 1:

He pulled the Denis from Do it. He said Can everybody shut up?

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I mean I don't think she talks at all. Who the young Furiosa?

Speaker 1:

Barely yeah a couple times, sheiosa, she talks a couple times, she just yells, just like.

Speaker 1:

just a couple yells A couple yeses a couple noes, talks to her mom a couple times, but you know what it does too. It also drives the aura and it drives the. You know the personification of what Furiosa is. And you know, and it's a great coupling with Charlize Theron, because Charlize Theron demands it, and then Anya Taylor Joy like garners it, like come here, and then, uh, like I said, uh, charlize Theron's like okay, you're here now, you're good. You have no choice but to listen to me at this point.

Speaker 2:

Uh, man, wow. This is the opening of the movie. Charlie Frazier plays her mother, who and I was just like phew. I was like make the movie about this character. Actually, she's the coolest person in this whole. She's cooler than Mad Max. She is cooler than Mad Max. I was like, wait, what's going on here? Like she Talk about like Remember that? What was that movie with? Uh, the jada, ping and smith where, like, the daughter gets kidnapped and she goes on like a taken revenge mission.

Speaker 1:

We got that for like 20 minutes 25 minutes universe and she's the coolest person ever. That's what we got, oh man like she is relentless.

Speaker 2:

I told I texted you while I was watching the movie and I was just like I was like I love mad max universe because every character has like a modicum of superhuman in them, like people can take like an absurd amount of abuse in these movies and like no one that like people get lit up. She gets lit on fire at one point like she's just on fire, like a gas can gets blown up, like immediately like right behind her and she's like on fire driving the bike like nothing's wrong close off.

Speaker 2:

She's got like first degree burns and she's like we're going, we're going in there. She tells Furiosa whatever you do, don't follow me, go back home. Furiosa immediately follows her, gets kidnapped by Dementus Dementus borderline crucified.

Speaker 1:

She does. Yeah, and again. That's where you know Dementus is like look, I'm a sucker for a revenge movie, man, and this is what this movie is. This movie is a classic revenge movie this movie down. This is just a very classic, you know, run-of-the-mill not run-of-the-mill, but very classic revenge story and that's it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I guess we'll revisit, not revisit, but we'll talk about the ending where Dementus basically lays that out, where he's like you know, you can't, you can't have this. Like you can't have that both ways. Like we're not you can't, you know you can't have this both. Like you're not. You're not any more justifiable than I am. Like we both suck. Like we're both children of darkness. Essentially is what she, what he tells her at the end of the movie, and he's right. Like you know, furiosa is a lunatic, especially, oh man, we'll talk about the scene with her arm and everything. Like just man, uh, but yeah, man, um, should we talk about Mad Max a little bit?

Speaker 1:

We can which one.

Speaker 2:

The, the, the standard, the fake Mad Max.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's talk about it for the amount of time he's in the movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So we get you know, midway through this movie, furiosa gets her call to action, right, she's, she's working, she's working her way up um the citadel as as a boy, um, a small boy, and everyone's like this small boy's got got spunk and she gets, she works her way up through the system and she, she befriends, uh, pretorian jack, the, the war rig driver, who was very clearly supposed to be Mad Max. Because I'm sure Warner Brothers was like wait, are you making a Mad Max movie? And George Miller was like yeah, and he's like is Mad Max in this? And George Miller was like not. And Warner Brothers was like get us a Mad Max. So they call him Tom Burke. And they're like you're gonna be Mad Max in this.

Speaker 1:

But you can't say you're. Mad Max, but you're not Mad Max, so they got like a whiteboard and then like or they got a dartboard and they put like random names on there and they just they like they had like a prefix name and then they had like a like an actual name and they just started throwing it until they landed on Pretorian Jack.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so he's Mad Max in this. He teaches Furiosa everything she knows. Here's a gun, furiosa, you know the most important thing, he teaches her Love.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, god forbid, they couldn't just let Charlize Theron just, or Anya Taylor-Joy just be Furiosa.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we didn't need the weird love side plot To the point where Dementus is even like no, no no, no, are they in love? I love Dementus' accent. I love how aggressively deity he is. In the beginning he's like I'm wise, I'm this kid Give her some food and water.

Speaker 1:

And then he's like ladies and gentlemen, oi, I'm Australian, I'll blow up the roar rig if you want. I don't think you want it.

Speaker 2:

What happened to this guy? I love Chris Hemsworth in this movie.

Speaker 1:

He's really good.

Speaker 2:

He's missed his calling as a maniac in movies. Right, just let him be a maniac Australian and everything. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think I'll be happy. He's got a great 40s 50s ahead of him if he keeps going, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, we get Mad Max in this. He teaches Furiosa like you're going to become Furiosa, yeah, but I can't be Mad Max because you have to meet Mad Max in the next movie. And he's Tom Hardy. Yeah, and he's Tom Hardy and, like I said, spoiler alert. So Furiosa's walking back from her really horrific experience at the. What is that place? The gun farm. The gun farm.

Speaker 1:

I. What is that place?

Speaker 2:

the gun farm, the gun farm and I love the names of all the bases because, like gas town, it's very fallout, yeah, it's very fallout with the names of these places the citadel gas town, the bullet farm, um yeah, so so mad max discount, mad max dies, he gets pretty. It's a pretty horrific death scene. He died. Oh yeah, you sure. Oh, yeah, yeah, he died. I'm yeah you sure. Oh yeah, yeah, he died. I'm not too sure. I'm pretty sure he was dragged for hours and eaten by dogs. I still think he's alive. I think he's dead as a doornail.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm assuming just the way of how important he was to this. I'm assuming one of those two movies that I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're going to the, we're gonna. Is he important or is he just a mad max insert character? It was cool, it was cool, but I just don't think he was ever. I don't think he was ever supposed to be there until they were just like you need to put mad max in there I still have a sneaking suspicion that one of the two movies that george miller wants to make is about him but I really liked I.

Speaker 1:

I mean Praetorian Jack, a Mad Max saga.

Speaker 2:

Assuming he did die. I really liked how he died, if that makes sense, and like horrific, but like it was kind of off-screen and happening in the background, like it's just this close-up of Dementus just being like, like just being angry and just being like being like at the end of his wits, but meanwhile like praetorian jack's carcass is being dragged in circles and circles and circles and he's like and then dementis is finally like I've had enough, boy, I've had enough, had enough of this. And he goes back and you just see furious's arm hanging and you're like holy moly cut her arm off she is a maniac.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you're as mad as I am. Not like mad, but like mad in the mind.

Speaker 1:

Mad Max. See, you know why that works. And Captain Marvel, Fury's Eye doesn't work Because, like we know, the thing that's going to happen to the character is going to get explained. But like one was for like a gag of, like a real, like I would have rather like like hers in a movie like this, like I'm cool if they do something as stupid as that, and like she lost her arm and like she accidentally like was working on a car and like some stupid like one of, like the um, a morton joe disciples, like tricks the rig on accident and just drops he's like oh no not on my arm, yeah, but like she does it in the coolest way possible of like I'm going to murder you, but let me cut my arm off.

Speaker 2:

So I can see and there's also a story bit, because that's the arm that she wrote the star chart on Right yep To chart her way back to the green place.

Speaker 1:

And it's so sad because she can never find her way back there, but not that she wants to, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, she walks back through the desert and then she's about to pass out. And then then she's like about to pass out and then there's a big pan out shot of of the va interceptor and a guy in a jacket being like huh, I'm mad max. It's implied that he saves her, I guess, like he takes her back to the citadel. And then he's like I'm mad max I'm out.

Speaker 2:

Y'all take it easy, I'm out I also do like think about mad max. That like obviously, like this is within the same continuity as the mel gibson movies, like he should be a bigger deal, but like no one ever talks about him no, he.

Speaker 1:

And again to your point to add on to tom hardy like tom hardy very much, just does show up in fury road.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's just there, he's mad max by the time fury road comes around is like this kind of like, none of davis nicholas hol's the main character of Mad Max Fury Road, and you can't prove me wrong. Like Mad Max is almost like this. He's not quite a deus ex machina, because, like in Fury Road, he's not like the, he's not the driving force behind what undoes the villain, but like he does just sort of show up as this kind of like mysterious stranger and you're like, oh, it's mad max, he's gonna do mad max.

Speaker 1:

He's cooler as like a sage, like a wise old sage character than the actual main character. I'm telling you nicholas holtz, the main character, like a mad, look, look, listen, just hear me out for a second. One of the morton joe disciples, right, um, you know he's at his last ends. He needs a blood bag. That's just so happens to be mad max. Like, and again like, he has the cooler line in the movie what a lovely day on the fury road. Like you know, this is last ditch ever. Like, give me the wheel. Like I'm gonna. Like that's a main character. Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like, I just like. I just like mad max's mythos in this universe. He's just a guy. He feels like he should be a bigger deal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but he's not, but no one ever talks about him like Like a Morton Joe, isn't like inherently like worried about Mad Max being out there, right, right, it's actually, it's kind of funny. But yeah, and then, yeah, furiosa gets back to the Citadel and she's like Dementus is a maniac and he's taken over Bullet Farm and Gastown and what's his name? The people eater is like Not on my watch, impossible, it was on your watch. And then his two sons. The one son is like let's go to Gastown and murder him. The other son's like I'm a pedophile. And the Morton Joe's like no, no, no, no, listen to me, I'm a Morton Joe, not Cotton Eye Joe, aon joe, oh, imagine if there was a cotton eye joe though there should be, um, and he's like that we're gonna lure out.

Speaker 2:

I love this, this end bit, because, like, again, it's like the shogun thing, yeah, of like you think there's gonna be a big battle, and it's just not, it's just dementisogun thing. Of like you think there's going to be a big battle, and it's just not, it's just Dementors' crew getting obliterated while his historian Is his historian, telling us this at the end yeah, like the whole story about like there's been all sorts of wars throughout history War of the Roses, world War I, world War II, the Gulf War, the battle.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's just. What's his name from Fallout?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the gulf war, the battle. He's just what's his name from fallout. Yeah, the civil war war never changes he doesn't say that part, but that's copyrighted for him. He's like, he's like. And then there was the 40-day war in the australian desert, like that bit, that montage bit.

Speaker 1:

I thought that was really clever.

Speaker 2:

I did enjoy that dementis's crew is just obliterated and furios is like tell you what a morton joe, you can go down there and win this war, but Dementus is mine, immortan Joe's like I don't care he's like yeah whatever, alright, yeah, he really I don't. He only ever wanted her like to be a, a bride, right, like a bride, yeah yeah, well, that was the original plan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I do like, I do like, I do like, well, morton Jo didn't? Well, nobody knew who she was. After, yeah, I thought, even after she they found out she was a woman, they still didn't know who she was a woman a woman.

Speaker 2:

That was the look that that fake Mad Max gave her when she took her helmet off and she had the long hair. He was like huh now am I in love?

Speaker 1:

I should have played the music.

Speaker 2:

But I do like Immortan Joe. I did like that going back to the scene with Immortan Joe and Dementors, where Dementors is like all right.

Speaker 1:

I think that's one of the best scenes in this movie. I enjoyed that scene Because it's like it's the guy that I already know. I already know Immortan Joe.

Speaker 2:

You're a pretty good villain. Where did you come from? Where did you go?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, did you go. Yeah, what are you doing in that citadel of morton joe? Why is his name a morton joe? It's so silly, I don't know. Nothing makes sense in this movie. But I'm here because it's cool a dementis I do. This is where dementis truthfully starts losing his mind. Dementis walks in. He has the trigger. No, no, he has. Um, I forget what guy he has chained to his nipples. Yeah, yeah, because this is the Mad Max universe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so rips his nipples off. Why not? Not even phased? Not even phased.

Speaker 2:

Because everyone in this movie is a superhuman and he's like alright.

Speaker 1:

Well, he has gas down. He's like I have a bomb and gas down and everyone's like he wouldn't blow up Gastown Like for sure, that's insane.

Speaker 2:

And then he rips his nipples off. I was like everybody's like all right, this guy might be in business, so he's like I just want Gastown.

Speaker 1:

I want a cut of this. Whatever this weird triumvirate. I want Mother's Milk, not from the boys. I want Mother's Milk. I want Gastown. I just want to, just want to like. Whatever this weird triumvirate manager, that's all he wants, he just wants like upper management.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and morton joe's like sure, but give me the, give me the doctor, give me your doctor person, because he's going to be inferior road give me your daughter she is your daughter, right, and demence is like yeah, yeah, look at, like, look, mate, mate yeah, greatest, greatest, greatest sally I ever seen. I love her mate, she's so much my daughter. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Are you his daughter? No, no.

Speaker 2:

And he's like all right yeah.

Speaker 1:

I lied my bad guys.

Speaker 2:

And the dementess is like well, give me my bear back then. And, like I said, she grows up there, she escapes being assaulted by the other son, then she just hangs out there for 15 years, yeah she's good at what she does.

Speaker 1:

She quickly moves up the ranks. She's hiding there. Why are you peeing back there? Don't worry about it.

Speaker 2:

Is this? She's the man, is this Mulan? And then so 15 years have passed and they're like dude Dementus he ruined Gastel, yeah everybody's like is Dementus, like he's not doing anything over there.

Speaker 1:

No, he's just Well, dementus' whole thing is he's for the people. I will give you what you want, and I still have my loudspeaker, so I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, where have we ever seen that happen in real life? Right? He's like yeah, this is awesome.

Speaker 1:

Like, guys, guys, if you really want to like make some change, let's go, let's go to the citadel and really make some change.

Speaker 2:

So it's like no, guess what it's not awesome. Yeah, so they send the rig out with with, uh, fake mad max and furiosa, the bami, the bami naka. Yeah, we got something new this is great and I love this bit this is where the rig, the rig, raid.

Speaker 1:

This is where you're sitting back in your seat. And then you sit up in your seat you're like oh, oh, this movie's got some. It just kept going Unrelenting.

Speaker 2:

Every time I thought like wow, we're wrapping this up another bit. A guy on a parasail came in and I'm like oh my god. And then they dealt with the guys on the parasails and then a guy with a bigger parasail attached to a motorcycle showed up. It felt like a video game.

Speaker 1:

Where it felt like a video game, yeah, where I was like all right you deal with like the regular guys and then, like slightly upgraded guys, come in, and then the big major guy comes in and that's what happened here. The whole sequence is unrelenting, basically furiosa's kind of hidden. So she, because she overhears, oh, we're gonna go see dementis. She's like, oh, I want to murder that guy.

Speaker 1:

I hate yeah, I hate him, I'm gonna, I'm gonna that's what the movie's about I'm gonna go actually. And then, um, she gets seen by the second in command and he's just like ah, you're already here. Can you just repair this line, because I'm about to be murdered myself?

Speaker 2:

the mechanic guy. He's like she developed like a, a one-line friendship with, like before the mission yeah, yep, and he's like they kind of give each other a look like huh, okay, you might be the.

Speaker 1:

Are you the main character? Yeah, it doesn't matter. We have a big day tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

I thought I thought, I thought I was the main character.

Speaker 1:

No, you're more joey's. You're the secondary, like you're gonna best supporting actor, but you're not him yeah, he gets.

Speaker 2:

He gets rolled up under the truck trying to keep some people are murdered in the scene.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, it's brutal. All the disciples get murdered. All the the war boys, the war boys, the raiders get.

Speaker 2:

The raiders who are no longer working for Dementus. No, those were just guys, those were just like.

Speaker 1:

Well, those were the guys that. Those were the bike riders. From the bike riders, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Those were the guys that Dementus kind of throws onto the bus for the original. When Dementus raided Gastown, he was like we're going to stage a raid and then they're like they're not falling for it and Dementus is like, well, now we have to actually kill them to make it look real to be fair good plan, good plan, not bad, not bad.

Speaker 1:

and then that's when is like when Dementus is second in command and was just like, how dare you? I was like buddy, what universe are you in? Where'd your spot go? How else are you getting into? Lost at Dementus?

Speaker 2:

I'm like yeah, his name's Dementus. What did you think was going to?

Speaker 1:

happen. We gave it away. That's when people are like when the Decepticons try to play nice, I'm like that's John Cena's character in Bumblebee. He's like their name's, the Decepticons guys. I think they might be the villains.

Speaker 2:

See this a rig.

Speaker 1:

And he operates the bombing knocker.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's like is it time?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Hold it. Hold it, thor. If I was driving that thing, I'd I'd. That's my opening move.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, you can't because then they're going, it's going. It's basically four spikes.

Speaker 2:

It's four flails tied together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that just spin at like lightning speed and if you even come close you're getting. It's basically getting sucked into like a jet engine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So like I'm opening up with Once I see the guys on the parasails.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I'm personally putting it in the front and the back, Because that thing is see the guys on the parasails.

Speaker 2:

I'm like that's it. I'll bet zero. Yeah, because my guys with the exploding spears just aren't hitting anything.

Speaker 1:

The war boys are like they're not great shooters, like they're all right and they're exploding spears, you don't even have to get that close, but everybody has plus 10 in this universe. So like you can, you can like. It's like a video game.

Speaker 2:

These are video game characters they are everyone's got flamethrowers, everyone's got a flamethrower. And then, and then, yeah, so we get. We finally get to furiosa. The first mechanic dies and furiosa's like I'm the mechanic now. And then she gets in there and and discount mad max is like I love you, question mark. Oh, shoot a woman, a woman, I love you. She shoots a couple guys, he shoots a couple guys and then he's like you're all right, yeah, I'm gonna teach you the ways of mad max.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, I'm to teach you the ways of Mad Max. Oh my God, I'm going to teach you the ways he actually kind of says that line. I'm going to teach you the ways of the Fury Road.

Speaker 2:

I'm not Mad Max, but I'm the Mad Max stand-in Furiosa. So prepare to be wooed by me.

Speaker 1:

They get to Gastown and it's just a hive of scum and villainy. Dementus is still I love Dementus's vehicle like the chariot oh, the bike chariot, yeah, the bike chariot. And then he gets the monster truck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like everybody, settle down, settle down, everything's great, nothing's bad, people are getting shot, killed and he's like's my gas that you went to Gastown for.

Speaker 1:

He's like Dementors is just he's lost and he's like and he took over the bullet farm no, not the bullet farm, that's where we get our bullets from and the bullet farmer is there, yeah yeah bullet samurai armor kind of cool, I'm not gonna lie, kind of cool samurai armor made out of bullets that's the best part, especially about Furiosa, because I think Furiosa dials it up a little bit. I think Mad Max Fury Road has a little bit more of a finish on it. A little bit more of a serious finish, but Furiosa doesn't care a lot of the times, which I think works a little better. It's objectively absurd, this universe is absurd.

Speaker 2:

And then we get to the point where we're like, alright, furiosa, you gotta become furiosa now, which circles us back to like they go on another run. He's like you got to go to the, go to the bullet farm and do some things.

Speaker 1:

Well they're trying to gear up because they want to just take dementis out for good. Yeah, so they're like all right, you're gonna, we're gonna create a diversion. You guys are gonna go to bullet farm, get every single last bullet from that bullet farm. That's 1, 1.3 trillion bullets. I want all of them. Put them in the rig.

Speaker 2:

And Mad Max Discount. Mad Max is like Furious. I know you've been riding shotgun with me, but you've got to drive in the car with the war boys. And he drives in there and it's like huh, there's no one in the bullet farm and then surprise attack. It's demented.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's in the bullet farm. Another, but again this, this movie. Once that, once the first war rigs.

Speaker 2:

The movie does not let up from there, like it refuses to let up. So this is where I like this movie, like not better than fury road, but I liked that. We got like a bit of like a gun bit, whereas like fury road was more like like the war rig scene was really good, but it was also like a discount version of the the raid and fury road like it was like the same samey thing, but fury road didn't really have the big gunfight that. And then this did, so this, this movie had the come on man.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's mad max is out there um, so we get a gun to talk about us. He's like I was a big deal in these movies.

Speaker 2:

We get a we get a gunfight in this. Discount Mad Max, it's the war boys. Oh no, Discount Mad Max shooting his ass off in there. He's killing heaps of people. Furious has got her special shotgun that Mad Max made for her. He's like look, I got you the special shotgun. I also love you. Is that when you leave us? Also, why would you want her to leave you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's easily your most capable person and also will be your wife. This is the best deal you've ever signed.

Speaker 2:

Anya Taylor-Joy just fell into your life.

Speaker 1:

Right. What are we talking about? Fox can say the same thing to the X-Men. I digress.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, yeah, so the gunfight. There's a lot of near misses, fur fight um there's.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of near misses, furiosa channels her mother's inner sniper and just starts oh yeah, she's chris kyle, it's awesome just starts obliterating people dementis is like what is happening, just like give me the rocket launcher. That's the coolest thing we have, and I don't have it give me.

Speaker 2:

I did like how he got it too, yeah there's a lot of neat little action bits of this. He fires the rocket launcher, he buries furiosa, which would have killed any other person, but because this is a mad max universe, she just gets up like the undertaker. She gets up like the undertaker, she's like all right, ow oh, she just does the off the shoulder, like she got hit like point blank with a rocket launcher and she's just fine.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing. Um, so her and her and uh, pretorian jack escape and then dementis is like after them, let's go, I'm in my monster truck.

Speaker 1:

Dementis's crew is really scary because, again, that's why the sound mix in this because when you hear those motorcycles revving you're like oh, and they catch up to people quick yeah, yeah, I don't know what they put in the bikes, like that fuel, and those bikes are moving because he goes up over the mountain and the monster truck and that's how he catches up to them.

Speaker 2:

And then he, just, he man, he traps her arm in the wheel.

Speaker 1:

There's no brakes. Like this movie has no brakes. Like it gives you like a, it gives you like a second to refuel and then you're back at it.

Speaker 2:

He traps her arm in the wheel. Um, and then this is. We get to the bit where we talked about, where he tortures pretorian jack I think he's dead, you seem to think he's alive. You think he survived that somehow. And then furiosa escapes. She's rescued by actual mad max, presumably. Um, then we get the war and then, and then we get to the final, the final bit. The final bit um, they're, they're cleaning up demensis's crew. The guy from Road with the electric guitar is there, he makes an appearance.

Speaker 1:

This movie's all about its cameos.

Speaker 2:

Electric guitar Jimmy, as I like to call him. That's the weird electric guitar guy from Fury Road.

Speaker 1:

Did you get paid for this? He's like, yeah, it's a pretty good gig.

Speaker 2:

Where'd he get the guitar?

Speaker 1:

Who knows?

Speaker 2:

So she shows up in her beat beat up, beat up car and they're like thank god you're here with that beat up car because we need to put a wheel on this, on this car. Wheel dementis, escaped and furios is like good, she's oh the scene where she does the uh, superhero suit up. Yeah, yep, she puts, she gets her her arm.

Speaker 1:

Is it a suit down? Because now she only has a tank top and tank top and half an arm.

Speaker 2:

I mean the arm's pretty cool. Though the arm is cool.

Speaker 1:

The arm comes with a motor. Yeah, it does.

Speaker 2:

I was like is this the coolest movie of this year. She drives into the desert. Dementus is down to him and four other people yeah.

Speaker 1:

Split up.

Speaker 2:

He's like no time for goodbyes. He's like we know each other really well, so goodbye. He literally says like bye, bye, guys. She kills three of them and then one of the other ones is attacked. She sees him through a sniper scope and she thinks it might be Dementus. And it's not. And she's relieved because that guy gets accosted and she's like, oh, I wanted to kill Dementus, I hope that's not Dementus. And it's not. She's relieved because that guy gets accosted and she's like, oh, I wanted to kill Dementus. I hope that's not Dementus down there and it's not Some other guy who gets just violently.

Speaker 1:

He's like the religious zealot that's always with Dementus throughout the whole movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he gets sucked into quicksand. Another guy gets jumped by the war boys About like 30 of them just kind of dog pile on him and then she comes to turn, she gets dementous. Hey, she plays a little mind games with him like she she's driving up real slow in the car. Then he, he comes towards her and she backs up and he throws the gun at her and he's like whatever, just kill me already, will you like?

Speaker 1:

no, no, that's too easy. And then the acting happens. Then the actual acting happens. Yeah, yeah, I like this end bit Because again you could end with the absolute bang. But that's too easy, that's too easy. I want them back. Can't have them back because you know why? Little Red, little D, little D, you're just like me.

Speaker 2:

I think I do also enjoy that like he I mean he didn't actually care about her, but like it goes to show how much he didn't care about her that like it's this pivotal, it's the Thanos thing, like it's like you took everything from me. I don't even know who you are. Like there's bits of that in this where he's like like alright, like you're some like woman, that like I obviously did something to which was it who would I kill?

Speaker 1:

mom, sister, dad, who would I kill?

Speaker 2:

oh, mom, my bad, my bad on that yeah, like whatever, like I do this all the time, I've done this all the time for like 30 years. At this point is that you little d? Well, she takes the bear, yeah, she takes the bear off his belt, and that's when he puts two and two together and he's like ah, I always knew you'd come. I'd always knew you'd come for me.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually proud of you. I can't even be mad at you now.

Speaker 2:

And the line I love that he gives her is you crawled out of a pitiless grave deeper than hell. He says to her. Only one thing is strong enough to motivate you for that, and it's not hope, it's not love, it's hate, like you hate me and he's like I got. I got no choice but to respect that. And she, you know, she's like I'm not, she's like that's not what this is he's like yeah, it is like you're exactly like me like yeah, like you know, we can only get so much of just normal life.

Speaker 1:

All this love, hope he's like I, was like you once yeah, he's like I didn't and guess what happened in this world?

Speaker 2:

it got ripped away from me, got taken away I had, I had things, I had people and whether or not he's telling the truth is irrelevant, to be honest, because you know it doesn't even matter if he's telling the truth about that. Like the truth is like that's what happens to people in this universe, like they become monsters and that's you know. He's like teaching her how to execute him. It's like you gotta turn me around, like because if you want me to really be afraid, like you don't want me to know when you're gonna shoot me, and she's like I'll know when I shoot you. Like you know, and the bullet will go through your brain and like every bit of reservation you've ever had is gonna vanish with you, and he's like cool yeah, all right he's like go ahead like he like reaches for, like the knife to he's like.

Speaker 1:

That wasn't even Because I wanted to, that was just primal, that was just angsting, my bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he knew he was beaten, but at the same time he's like this is how it ends for all of us. This is just for me, whatever. And then I really like this bit at the end where we get the historian voiceover and he's like it's unclear what happened to Dementus that day, like some people believe she shot him there in the desert. Some people believe she subjected him to like the same fate that Jack and his mother or her mother succumbed to, he's like. But only I know the real truth because Furiosa told me the story.

Speaker 2:

So this whole time she's carried with her a seed that her mother gave her um, that will plant a peach tree. Um, she wanted to fear. So to go back to the green place and plant it. Um, you know, because the green place, keep it, keep it going. Um, furiosa, what we find out is gives Dementors a fate truly worse than death. Um, the historian tells us that she took Dementus's body, put him in the deepest recesses of the Citadel, put the tree in him and pinned him there, and he became a human fertilizer for the peach tree.

Speaker 1:

The only reason he's still alive is because there's a little drip of water that just keeps him alive.

Speaker 2:

She is demented. Yeah, she's Dementus. Now she is. And then, before the movie ends, they go oh wait, we have to fury road, we have to, we have to do the fury road. So we get to the bar, the part where she springs free the the broads in the war rig and sets up fury road. Was that shirley star on at the end?

Speaker 1:

no, no I don't think. Uh, I don't think so sure looked like her well. I know they did some CGI with the young actress when she was getting a little older, but she wasn't Anya Taylor-Joy age yet. I know they started to mix their faces a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so maybe that's what happened there at the end. But that's it. That was the movie and, like I said, I really dug it. I thought the action was tight, like you said, that war rig raid happens and then the gun farm battle happens and then there's another war rig kind of escape. It's on.

Speaker 1:

It's just on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really great and, like we said, anja Taylor-Joy especially, she does so much with so little, just in her expressions. It's what gave charlie star on the academy award for furiosa. It was like the same type of this, this quiet rage and this revenge.

Speaker 1:

like you, like you're waiting, you're waiting, right, you're waiting for that switch to flip and then it finally does when she gets back to the citadel this might be one of the best examples of like the trailer lines actually paying off, because a lot of times the trailer line happens in the trailer. Then you watch the movie like I've been waiting for this, but like it's like. You know this might be one of the best like, but do you have in you to make it epic? And I was like, oh, this is, this is the coolest thing that I've seen this year.

Speaker 2:

This is awesome and you, and I mean you just see it like when she gets back to the Citadel and she gets rescued by Morton Joe's men and she's like I'm Imperator Furiosa, take me up. And you're like, oh wait, she cuts the hair, she puts the arm on and you're like here it is. It's like a perfect prequel, called a heroism kind of moment, where sometimes these things don't work, but prequels, um, were like, how did the character become the character that like? Like sometimes it doesn't work and it can feel forced, but in this like it feels very natural.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when she, when she does like the, the furiosa suit up scene, essentially, and I'll even go further in anya taylor joy's favor that you know you can put some other actresses in here and it's not the same, it doesn't land the same. And I think again, it's her quiet, grand nature that really propels her as an actor and I think that's something. She's in Dune, she shows up in Dune and it's just immediate, like oh, I have no choice. Like I said earlier, it's charlize theron thing. It's like some actors just demand you, you be there with them. Like their presence is so demanding. Like you know, daniel day lewis has that like where it's just like they're there. So now you're there, you're just, you don't have any choice but to ignore.

Speaker 1:

Like anya taylor joy might have the best example of that in the modern age. Like we keep talking about these movie stars that have been around and like how the movie star ate. Like we're in a, we're in a brand new movie star renaissance like, and all of them are kind of serving these little different purposes that you know we had in like the 70s, 80s, 90s. Like onion taylor joy's thing is like she keeps showing up in places and like, oh, now I'm in, like I'm just in to whatever she's gonna do and she does not have to talk. She can talk as little as she wants yeah, I'm invested.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she, she, she does kind of have that about you know, about her and anything she's in really, where she does so much with so little, and I think it just comes down to her presence, you know, and she, and you know it also comes down to like her physicality. Like she, she does have this very unique appearance. You know that can't be, you know, I mean, she's beautiful, but like she has such a striking appearance that, like you, you can't help but be like drawn to, like her, anything that she's in, because just like how striking she is and you're like you pay attention, um, it's the best way I can explain it.

Speaker 1:

And then chris hemsworth has the opposite thing, where, like he's so brash and so out there and he just makes these choices with this character that, like you can't help but be drawn to him either, like you know, funny enough, like the person with the least amount of gravitas and this is probably a morton joe, yeah, like but I think and I that's why I love the scene with him and dementa so much because, like, whatever a morton joe's atrocities were didn't like, there there was genuinely a piece of me that was just like oh, I get where Immortan Joe's coming from a little bit, especially when Dementus was there I was like this is the most order that anybody would have in this wasteland. Here's Immortan Joe comparatively to Dementus and his whole ideology.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because Immortan Joe, he has control of these three strongholds, so it makes him not.

Speaker 2:

Everything's fine like I mean, if you're not right, if you're up there, right, but we see when furiosa returns to the citadel, how horrifying it is down there. Um, like underneath the citadel is like a horrible place where people are being eaten, um, and it's you know. You know you can say, like we have enough resources for everybody, like, and that's the promise dementis makes, but like it's easy to make that promise, but when it comes down to actually executing that, like you realize, like no, you don't have nearly enough resources to to provide for all these people, like you know, and uh, it gets him, it consumes him in the end. Um, but yeah, it was really really good. I really enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

We're off to a really great start this year. We're halfway through the year, we're at the June mark and we've had some really incredible movies this year already too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do wish this movie had been able to come out. You know, five, six years ago.

Speaker 1:

It's the Black Widow thing. Where which one are you willing to sacrifice? Are you willing to sacrifice Anya Taylor-Joy or are you willing to sacrifice the time this movie comes?

Speaker 2:

out. I mean, I think, if that's the choice, I would be more open to sacrificing Anya Taylor-Joy, just because, if this movie does come out five, six years ago, you just get Charlize Theron back. Yeah, true, and I think this movie obviously would be just as amazing. Um, you know, but having, I think, having charlie's their own there, as like the tether and her following truly following up that performance, like I think this movie would have done, like amazingly and it's nothing against anya taylor joy, it's just the timing.

Speaker 2:

Timing just was unfortunate for this movie. Um, because I think both her and chris hemsworth do amazing things in this movie. So, um, yeah, man, I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I saw it. Should we? Should we? Should we give out some awards?

Speaker 1:

I think it's only right cool, let's, let's do it.

Speaker 2:

let's do it. Man, man, I don't know, start us off.

Speaker 1:

Most heroic moment Was it the Bobbyknocker kid. It's the best sacrifice in the whole movie.

Speaker 2:

It was kind of sad that he activates that thing and then she looks down and the bullet hole got through it. I'm like, oh no, not my guy. Yeah, no, it's probably Praetorian Jack or no.

Speaker 1:

I mean I want to say it's her mother, but also I'm going to her mom like easily, because you know what more noble thing can you do.

Speaker 2:

But both heroic sacrifices ultimately don't pay off. Yeah, they don't, because Furiosa decides I'm going back in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Because her mom stood right tip-top on business because her mom stood right tip-top on business.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, incredible. She was stood on business so much that when she's killing those guys in the canyon dementis is like we gotta go around. If we keep going through she's just gonna kill everybody most underrated character her mom um most underrated character, I think. Uh, I kind of I did like the historian.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was cool. He was cool. He just added like a. He added a pace to the movie too, and I don't know why that scene stuck with me, like it. Just I thought it was really innovative, like, instead of like showing this war, it's just like this almost news really in, like a place where news doesn't exist anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, that's a great point, a chronicling of of another war. Like you said, like war, like you know, war never changes. Like it doesn't, like this is there will be more after this. There will be more way, way after this. There's always going to be war. This is just another war that took place over 40 days.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, best battle uh, the gun farm. I'm gonna say the gun farm, yeah, I think it's I. It's between that and the the war rig right.

Speaker 1:

It's like you don't get to the gun farm without the war rig.

Speaker 2:

Sure, sure, I just liked the gun fight. I liked there was a little bit it's weird to say like I felt a little bit more tension in the gun farm.

Speaker 1:

Funny enough that we joked about like the love story. But like now I'm actually concerned because I thought for sure that pretorian jack was gonna die in there but because they do the, they do the classic, they do the classic.

Speaker 2:

Like one of them gets trapped in the place and the other one like got out, like filiosa got out behind the gate and then it's just him in there with you don't even know how many of dementis's people, because, like you don't know, you don't know the scope of the, of the sneak attack. Like you don't even know how many of Dementus's people, because, like you don't know the scope of the sneak attack, Like you don't know if it's just a couple of Dementus's guys, Like you don't know if it's like him and like a handful of guys, or if it's like everybody and it turns out it's pretty much everybody and you're like oh, man and getting out of this one, I'm not coming back, chief.

Speaker 2:

And then she goes back in there and it's just like like obviously again, prequel, prequel, itis. You know nothing's gonna happen to her. Like you know, she didn't even lose her arm yet, for christ's sake, like you know. You know she's gonna be fine. But like jack, who's like credit to the actor, like he would. You know he does so much with so little. Like as soon as he comes in, you're like I like this guy, yeah, I like this discount mad max, um, and he also had like that mad max about him. We're like maybe he will be okay.

Speaker 1:

Like he was very vintage, like he was very 80s mel gibson, mad max, looking too like maybe he will get out of this um, and he does until he doesn't um.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I think the guy, I think I like the gun farm bit a little bit more than the war rig bit, just because of the the tension piece favorite cameo. Uh, mad max. Mad max, looking down like wasteland jesus like, ah wait, I'm the main character, I'm the mad max is, he is furiosa, the main character of both movies.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He's like wait, this is a Mad Max saga.

Speaker 1:

We're just using you Best set.

Speaker 2:

The Citadel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's always good.

Speaker 2:

It's real good Either the Citadel or Gastown, specifically Dementus' Gastown I like the gun farm quite a bit.

Speaker 1:

I think the gun farm it's just like, because the gun farm looks like one of the missions in GTA V. Yeah, when you're against the, what do they call it? What's the military force called Merriweather? Yeah, I don't know why. I thought of that, but Gastown.

Speaker 2:

Dementus' version of Gastown is just this just grubby.

Speaker 1:

Like there's hundreds thousands of people just like at each other's throats at all times and then dementis just driving around in his monster everybody you know gone down he's basically running a political ad every time he steps out yes, and he's like.

Speaker 2:

Well, he even says tells jack. He's like everyone thinks this is my fault. It is because you're not running things, you're just there having a good time.

Speaker 1:

Until he's not having a good time.

Speaker 2:

Does he check performance? Praetorian Jack, praetorian Jack. Yeah, I think he qualifies.

Speaker 1:

Because he doesn't talk a lot either. He's just about his business.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's not a business man. He hangs off the side of the war rig blindly steering. Yeah, and I'm like you are Mad Max, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Uh, funniest moment. This movie's funny. This movie is pretty funny.

Speaker 2:

This movie is pretty funny. Um I Dementus anytime he does anything.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm Dementus at the expense of him yapping. That's the funniest moment.

Speaker 2:

Once he, once he goes full Australian.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wasteland. Jesus is gone and he turns into Chris Hemsworth after a couple cold ones. That's the best version of Dementors that you've ever got. Yeah, best exposition dump. The beginning of the movie Talking about this is the most we've ever known about this world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. This movie does a really great job of being like this is the lore of Mad Max. Now We've given you insanity, now we're giving you lore and I'm like, oh lore, five movies in, thanks. Best exposition dump? Uh, probably the. I mean anytime the historian talks it's the next position, exposition dump yeah, a little 40 day war the war, the war bit.

Speaker 2:

I like I. I like the bit at the end where he's like, where he talks about like what happened to dementis, because you're like any of these could have been plausible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah or she could have been, or she didn't even tell him anything and he's just making this up.

Speaker 2:

Right, which I think is what happened. Yeah, that could be. I think it's entirely possible that she.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anybody noticed a green tree in there.

Speaker 2:

I think either she tortured him to death, I don't think she shot him.

Speaker 1:

I think she shot him. I think she shot him. I think she just like, if you're going to end it, then end it. And she did shoot him. Oh no, no, I think she dragged him in the car, yeah, until he died. Best NPC Mad.

Speaker 2:

Max. Mad Max, the freaking, the religious, the zealot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dementus' little zealot guy who's just freaking out next to him.

Speaker 2:

Who's doing like? He's doing like a, like ASL, like translation, and then the one time he does like after Dementus completely snapped and he's doing it, dementus just throws him on the ground.

Speaker 1:

He's like why would you do that to me? He's like enough um favorite action sequence.

Speaker 2:

That's a tough one uh, the war rig sequence is yeah, it's nuts.

Speaker 1:

And again, it's important because that's when this movie's like oh, this is, and you get it from the opening sequence, but this is like, oh, I'm strapped in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the opening sequence is insane. Like I said, it just keeps building.

Speaker 1:

Favorite best song, just kidding. Favorite musical moment.

Speaker 2:

I actually think the best musical moment is when there's no music and they cut it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep the absence of sound is the loudest sound in this movie.

Speaker 2:

I have to agree.

Speaker 1:

But Tom Holbrook's score is tremendous again. It knows when to push, it knows when to hold him, it knows when to fold him Favorite line.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, I like the speech that Dementors gives her at the end, specifically right before they're having this back and forth about go ahead, shoot me, I don't care if you're. She's like I'll know, she's like I'll feel the kickback of the gun in my hand. He's like yeah, he's like good. Then I'll be dead and you'll just be still wallowing in your sorrows.

Speaker 1:

He says you idiot, and then the line that sticks out to him almost is you can never balance the scales of their suffering and I'm like, oh wow, where'd that come from? Wait a minute, is george miller cooking? So that's mine. How old is george?

Speaker 2:

miller he's in his 70s now yeah, which is awesome, he's still making cinema like this yeah, I mean, I don't know what yours is, but that's that's mine.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna have to agree. I mean it's tough to pick something out else out in this movie. I mean can I be simple and be when she's like I'm furioso, um, take me upstairs, and she doesn't say that. But take me upstairs best fight um the war boys versus the writers. Yeah, yeah, that's pretty good, specifically from the from the war rig fight or battle yeah, yeah, like I said that just kept going.

Speaker 2:

And again the war boys.

Speaker 1:

They're always down for the cause.

Speaker 2:

They're down for the cause. But come on, get it together. That one guy in the beginning he was doing good. That one guy was cooking. And then there was the. I was a big fan of the suicide bomb guy who jumped off the top of the Citadel and exploded. Suicide bomb guy who jumped off the top of the citadel and exploded and Dementors is like holy shit.

Speaker 1:

They're not Patorian Jack and the Morton Joe's like. I have 400 of those guys. I wouldn't test it because I got thousands of guys that would do the same thing. What are they huffing and puffing? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But it makes them explode and I was like wait a second.

Speaker 1:

This universe is incredibly just off the rails. Favorite shot.

Speaker 2:

There was one that stuck out in my head and now it happened seven hours ago. I can't remember what it was. Oh, I remember what it was. It was. Uh, I quite like the furious when furious is driving up over the ridge and the um dementis's guys are chasing her on the bike and there's the shot of the sun, the sun setting while she's driving like everything's kind of cast in shadow and she's driving up like kind of slowly and they're like right behind her but they're like falling.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why, but I really like that shot there's a really great shot in the beginning of her mother, um, when she's kind of like she's on the prowl and everything and she like stops and she looks and it's just like that. I know they did a lot of day for night shooting in this movie too, so it was a really good day for night. She's like, it's just like this incredible wide of her, just like hunting and like like her protection is over everything too. It's really well done. Um favorite performance um, I'm going with chris hemsworth.

Speaker 2:

I think he's just I was gonna say chris hemsworth the most fun yeah, yeah, I mean, he's just magnetic. It's the most magnetic he's probably ever been.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, um, yeah, I think it's the most magnetic he's ever been, like, including, including the thor movies, like your point, too, about you, about the idea that are you going to sacrifice Anya Taylor-Joy if this movie did come out in 2017, when it was supposed to? You didn't have to sacrifice Crim Sandsworth either.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he probably could have done the same exact role, the same exact thing, and I think he needed a performance like this in a movie, you know, where he kind of shifts the paradigm a little bit. I think he tried to do it, I think, in Men in Black, and it didn't work. Yeah, it doesn't work in a movie like that, but I think it works in this, where people are like whoa this guy, yeah, favorite character. Furiosa Again, mad Max.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go with pretorian joe. I don't know what. I what? What about this guy? I was just you were.

Speaker 2:

You were captivated by pretorian jack.

Speaker 1:

He was just, he was about his business. There was nothing but the business. And then he just falls in love too and he's like but I'm still about the business.

Speaker 2:

This war rig's not going to drive itself true favorite moment um, favorite moment is probably probably just the, the, the confrontation, the dementia, spurious confrontation, because, like I have to agree, the movie just does such a great job of building to it. I don't know, I really really like that bullet farm.

Speaker 1:

The whole bullet farm sequence is really well done. Again to your point, let's take away any sort of score where it's like you're in this now, like you're just, you're involved, you're enveloped and everything, and you're, you're, you're in there and I think the movie does a really nice job of.

Speaker 2:

There's a couple moments I I talked about the one with jack where he kind of dies in the background.

Speaker 2:

But there's another moment like that too, um, where something happens, like something's going, oh it's uh when they're. I forget what it was, it was something with dementis's crew, when and it just it's just focused on dementis, while there's like chaos happening in the background. And I really like when they do that um, but yeah, I mean they, this is a revenge story. And when furiosa finally gets him, like as you know, as common as it is, like that's a it's a massive moment and it's my favorite moment, especially like, like I said, like the facades, both facades kind of come down and they're both really raw with each other. Like I mean, furiosa is full furiosa at this point and dementis kind of lets his facade fade and kind of like exposes like how he really sees the world and it's really like powerful, because you, you just realize like he's he was kind of putting on like it like deep down, he was just maniac who like was he was a survivor at the end of the day, like, and just used people for his own ill-gotten gains.

Speaker 1:

Right, and that's Furiosa. Yeah, a Mad Max story.

Speaker 2:

A Mad Max, no, a Mad Max saga. Sorry, sorry, George Miller, it's not a story, it's a saga.

Speaker 1:

I had some breaking news for you. Oh, the Blade director's out. No, no, and we have a new writer for blade.

Speaker 1:

No, so this movie, uh, this writer, I believe, is the sixth writer that's been attached to this product project so uh, jan de manche has exited marvel studios blade as the director the second director to depart from the movie and there's a new writer who is the sixth writer on this movie. Wow, I, I just this is like perplexing. I've heard, like I don't have another word. I just I feel like there's been. It can't be this hard, right, that's, that's my point. Like why is this one the one that's having the biggest issues? And I, I genuinely do believe it's because people keep walking into this project, and I think I think people are trying to over complicate this as much as they can. When this a blade movie, it could be very simple. Like I don't think a blade movie needs to be over, like, especially since you have maher shali, like I don't know what complications you get out of something like this like I don't understand why you can't just go back to your early MCU route and make this just a really self-contained origin story.

Speaker 2:

I feel like that would just work.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't even need to be an origin story. This can just be Blade, just being Blade, yeah, and just get a compelling villain and that's it.

Speaker 2:

I feel like, unfortunately, I feel like this ultimately results in this movie just being scrapped and them rolling Blade into the Midnight Suns, or they make this a Disney Plus show.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that could be a thing, but I don't know if Mahershala Ali wants to stick around for another show, especially after what happened in Luke Cage Right.

Speaker 2:

Right, I would agree with that. I think you would probably lose him. I'm surprised.

Speaker 1:

I'd be very interested to see if he stays on now. I just don't know how you get two-time Oscar Award nominee and Oscar winner Mahershala Ali and you're like, yeah, let's make sure this is a project that just can't get off the ground.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they've ever had a problem like this with a movie before.

Speaker 1:

I'm very curious to know what's the problem. I don't know why, Because I know Mia Goth's in this movie as well as of right now.

Speaker 1:

I forget the other guy that's in this movie, that was in the Underground Railroad, but you got a good cast, and isn't Delroy Lindo in this movie as well too? So this cast is already great. This is already a really great cast, an award-winning cast, and this is the one you can't get to because, like I'm, I'm really trying to think about it. What's what's so complicated about this movie that it's not working?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I don't think they've. Like I said, I can't. Can you recall a time they've ever had a problem with a movie like this before?

Speaker 1:

this is like. This is bad like.

Speaker 2:

This is like notoriously infamously bad like I know multiverse of badness had some hiccups um.

Speaker 1:

Obviously scott derrickson left um, but I mean the transition to sam raimi was pretty seamless and then we got what we got and sam and I, we we always say that the best parts are the same.

Speaker 2:

Raimi bits in multiverse um, I know ant-man had hiccups in the beginning. Obviously, edgar Wright's original plan got scrapped and he left, so they've had directors leave. But now this is going to be your third director, your sixth writer. That's not great. So I don't know, I don't know if it's, I don't know, I really don't know. I don't know. If it's, I don't know, I really don't know, I don't know. If it's, it's like a vision thing, I don't know if it's a, if it's a marvel thing, where they're like they want it a certain way and they just can't, they can't fit that into whatever the directors are trying to do and they're just struggling with that and I don't know. And the crazy thing is like the guy that I would have asked to do this movie is already doing a vampire thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the call should have been not should have been, but could have been. I mean, see, if he wasn't in the movie, this would be my next call. It would just be Michael B Jordan would have been my call because he's already been around the superhero genre. For how many years of his life in the superhero genre? For how many years of his life. That would have been an easier call and somebody that really impressed. I actually was checking out some scenes from Creed III two days ago and I'm still impressed, especially that third act of that movie, that last fight that he has. The guy has so much talent behind the camera too. I feel like he could have stepped into something like this.

Speaker 2:

I just got to imagine that at this point, like if they're gonna go to a third director, I do feel like it's gonna be someone that they're familiar with at this point let's let maher shawley direct this thing I don't know, I think, I think they're kind of like if they're gonna be on their third director and they really want this get this movie out, I think they're just gonna go with somebody that they've worked with.

Speaker 1:

I can see, maybe uh, I forget who directed Moon Knight. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody like that takes this, that kind of dips, into that darker aspect of the MCU too.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I know he's busy, probably because he's obviously an award-winning composer, but we saw what Michael Cicchino did with Werewolf by Night?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got the same thing. I don't know if that might be. I don't know if he'd be able to do it. I don't know if he would want to step in, because I do think that Marvel probably has something for him. Maybe it's the Midnight Suns, with some help from Kevin Feige. Like, hey, I'm going to help you through this process, but you're going to direct this movie. I just don't think you want to put somebody like Michael Giacchino into something like that. Something that's this direct is disastrous right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Giacchino into something like that, like something that's this disastrous right now? Yeah so I don't know, I don't know what's going to happen. That's an alarming bit of news. I must say, man, that's rough, man, it really is rough. But thank you for that Breaking news. Blade is a disaster. Yes, Wesley Snipes, let him direct it, oh no, going down a dark, dangerous path.

Speaker 1:

I can't have. The only appearance in the MCU is his voiceover in the Eternals. Come on, are you ready for that, mr Whitman? That's it. Let Chloe Zhao direct the movie. I don't know, she's not busy. Eternals 2 isn't happening.

Speaker 2:

She can do it. I don't know. I don't know. It's gonna be interesting. I'm very interested now in what they're gonna actually try and do with this movie, um, but that's it. We did furiosa, great job. Great job, great job everybody. He has a project. Infinite podcast. Stamp of approval. Um, what was our scale? That we did last week?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I have my scale. We have to throw it in the scale. This is the best edition that we've made to this entire show, which is great. It's the Project Infinite podcast movie tier list.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is you have the picture.

Speaker 1:

We'll start from the bottom Straight to DVD. Um, it's something Yep Uh Project Infinite, cult classics, yep Um movies, yep Films, yep and pictures. I think this is a film. I think this is a film. I would put that in. It's a teeter in between movies and films. I think this is a film.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a film. I think this is a film.

Speaker 1:

If Fury Road is a picture, which objectively it's. I think, listen, pictures is the highest we can. Well, the Project Infinite cult classic is our highest, yeah. But Fast X is there. So for your cinephiles they're going to be upset about this yeah, pictures is like the highest award.

Speaker 2:

I think Fury Road's there, Fury Road's really good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Fury Road it's that movie is magnetic.

Speaker 2:

That movie is. That is a picture.

Speaker 1:

You know what this feels like. If Mission Impossible Fallout is Mad Max Fury Road, furiosa is Dead. Reckoning Part 1. Yes, because Fallout is.

Speaker 2:

I think that's accurate.

Speaker 1:

Fallout is the absolute height, in my opinion, of that mission impossible franchise. It's just, it's that movie, if, if this makes sense as a, as a, like an adjective to put to it that movie or the verb. It's like that movie echoes. Yeah, that movie operates in its echoes. Like that movie doesn't necessarily tell you everything, it lets it. It lets it breathe. Mad max is the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Like that movie has like a breath to it like yeah breathe and breathe out to it and, like I will let this movie exist. Um, where you know, dead reckoning and furiosa have to do a little bit more lifting, yeah, um, because that's this is how franchises work as well too yeah, I think that's, I think that's, I think that's a good call, that's a good comparison, I like that yeah, let's make it, let's put it in the film list. So yeah, furiosa, I'm not putting the full name, it's too much a mad max saga nope mad max is in this one.

Speaker 2:

We got, we got it, we got a mad max, we got a mad max. Um, yeah, all right, so that's gonna do it for us this week. Um, what was I gonna say to you? I was gonna say something. Oh, you wanted to talk about the hitman, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, maybe we'll save that because that movie that movie was pretty good and it's's number one on Netflix right now. That movie is dominating Netflix right now. Glenn Powell Yep, somebody made an incredible point. This movie comes out in the Mr and Mrs Smith era. This movie is being just I'm talking number one at the box office without a second thought, cult, classic type of movie and one of my favorite directors of all time, richard Linklater, that he wrote with Glenn Powell, which I think is awesome. So, yeah, the movie star ascension of Glenn Powell is really. He's like what did I say? He's kind of like our, like the new age. He's like an amalgamation of Kevin Bacon and Harrison Ford. He's like it's like a smorgasbord of the two of them together, don't do anything you're going to regret Glenn Powell.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't do anything, glenn.

Speaker 2:

Powell, don't do it. Don't make me look foolish again.

Speaker 1:

We can never do that again.

Speaker 2:

All right, yeah, so maybe we'll do Hitman, maybe next week.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you like the acolyte, let's not.

Speaker 2:

It's okay. I told you before it's okay. It's. I told you before it's aggressively fine, yeah, which I don't think passes in this day and age, for like people, like people don't like things that are fine. Yeah, I'm just like, if things are fine, they're bad in people's eyes not invested yet.

Speaker 1:

I'm just not. I'm not sold yet.

Speaker 2:

well, this is the problem, not problem, but this is the word. When we talked about when the trailer came out, I was like it looks kind of neat, but are you going to give me anyone character-wise to attach to? Yet I don't have anybody. I'm not there yet. I'm not there yet. The most interesting character so far was Carrie-Anne Moss's character and she died. Spoiler alert she dies. And then in this episode episode she was present through flashback and I think that was only because, like it's carrie ann mox, so we got to get her for another one of these, um, soul as well.

Speaker 1:

Um, the actor from squid games as well. He's been, especially in the last episode I'm, but again like. I don't know if I'm gonna attach to him more than like a like a, not, I hate to say, a cheap knockoff version, but like like somebody that's like in the vein of ben ben kenobi, like. That's as much as I feel of him like that's about as much as maybe I'll extend. Like I I don't have, like that's an incredible point. Like I don't have somebody to like grab yeah, and we're going on episode four, that's.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot of episodes, to not be particularly attached to a character.

Speaker 1:

yet Next week's the halfway point of the show.

Speaker 2:

Whereas I mean the Boys is coming out this week. The Boys did not have that problem.

Speaker 1:

They actually had characters for the characters, for the characters.

Speaker 2:

For me to latch on to Like episode one. It's like boom, Boom, you looking for this, Like you're already invested in Huey and and then butcher shows up and it's. It's running from there Like you don't even really get Homelander yet until like the second episode. But like you need that grabbing, you need that grabbing mechanism and I think the acolyte is kind of struggling with that right now. But, like I said, it's fine, Like I'm enjoying it well enough.

Speaker 1:

It's just not yeah, it looks solid. Like, um, I'm enjoying it well enough, it's just not. Yeah, it looks solid. Like, yeah, um, they've got some like, like I said, uh, you know, they got cinemas coconutta to direct an episode. I wasn't expecting that. I was like that's pretty dang cool.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, and you know, in a cinema, grant cinema and a cinema grand perspective of things like star wars, like the original trilogy, is some of the most classic cinema you can ask for, especially on a sci-fi scale. So I'm not surprised, like, for, like, these directors staying away from, like the marvel television, I'm not surprised that, like the daniels, like bryce dallas, like they're going to star wars to like get their own little take on this universe. That's been so, you know, grand their whole lives and like so around them, their whole lives. It's almost like the force. Oh, let's get out of here, man, let's get out of here. You don't have to be careful this week. Last week you had to be careful about who you gave it to me, but you can follow us on Twitter at Project.

Speaker 2:

I know underscore pod.

Speaker 1:

I took this man's job. You can follow us on Facebook.

Speaker 2:

I was like Vitt can follow us on Facebook, you can follow us on Instagram At the Project Infinite pod. And yeah, next week we might Either A we'll talk about Hitman or B we might just do the three episodes of the Boys, yeah, like as a package. Yeah, because they're doing three episodes at once, so we might just do that, I think we definitely gotta talk about Hitman, though.

Speaker 1:

I think that movie is pretty dang important and special, and the same way, the fall guy is, but for different reasons.

Speaker 2:

But I'll talk about that. Yeah, so we'll probably just do that. Um, yeah, so for me from the, from the patorian jack of the podcast favorite ones.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's got to get added into our character actor. Oh he's there. You think he's there. I like that guy a lot, man, he's cool, he's really cool. Why can't we have cool characters anymore? He's just cool.

Speaker 2:

We had Mad Max. He did Mad Max better than Tom Hardy, weirdly enough.

Speaker 1:

I take, get us out of here, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we'll see you next week for the Hitman and maybe some other things. We'll see how it goes. Until then, goodbye Peace.

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