The Project Infinite Podcast

124 - Inside 'The Boys' Season 4 First 3 Episodes: Power Struggles, New Heroes & Future Speculation

Rob and Court Episode 130

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A slow news week means we get to spend more time on the main thing we wanted to talk about. We briefly discuss Blade & Superman before we dive head first into discussing and reviewing the first 3 episodes of “The Boys” season 4 and our theory as to why this season more than the others has been so divisive among viewers so far! Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to the series, this episode promises insights and theories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Timecodes are provided if you want to skip around to your topic of choice! Thank you to everyone who continues to support and don’t forget to subscribe to download new episodes as they become available and don’t be afraid to share a rating!

0:00 Intro
 01:30 Blade Update
 04:30 The Boys Season 4 Episodes 1-3. Why Are The Reviews so Mixed?
 11:03 Episode 1
 31:19 Episode 2
 54:52 Episode 3
 01:18:00 Forecasting the rest of the Season
 01:36:00 House of the Dragon Season 2 Premiere Quick Thoughts
 01:50:10 Signing off for the Week

Topic for Next Week: ??? 

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Speaker 1:

It's the Infinite.

Speaker 2:

Podcast Go tell your friends, it's the.

Speaker 1:

Infinite Podcast. My God, it never ends. It's the Infinite Podcast with Robin Korn for Q.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Project Infinite Podcast, the podcast covering the infinite and ever-expanding multiverse of fandom, from movies, comics, tv shows, video games. We've got you covered. I'm Rob. I'm here, as always, with Court, court, we're in the summer season. We are in the summer season.

Speaker 1:

We've been talking about this for months now that June, in terms of television, was going to be elite Magnanimous. If I may, I'm ready to talk about the boys yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we got, uh, uh, first three episodes of the boys, which I kind of I do like that model, like here we'll give you, we'll give you three off rip and then we'll do a weekly bit. I kind of like I like it, I like the pacing of that, to be honest, um kind of, because you know, especially with the boys, it's like these first three episodes feel like they're like set the stage for like the rest of the season. So it makes sense that they did what they did. Um, so yeah, I mean we're gonna have. I mean this will probably be a shorter episode this week because there's no news to talk about. Really there is no news nothing really happened.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we covered a lot of the blade stuff last week, right? Um? The only update on that is that, masha'allah, all these lawyers like this is the craziest thing I've ever seen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean they, the the lawyer said the deal was signed in 20 2019 and in their professional career they've never seen anything like this that this movie hasn't even shot anything. And it's been five years. Man, yeah, that's, that is kind of crazy. And it's even crazier because do you remember the panel in 2019 where he walked out and everybody collectively lost their minds? Because I remember first the kevin fight goes, two-time oscar winner and everybody's like, okay, this is awesome because he's going to be in a movie, who's he playing? And then he put the blade hat on and everybody's like no way. And everybody collectively lost it. And everybody had the blade hats on. It was great. And then he gets one line at the end of Eternals where he doesn't show his face and that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's it, that's yeah. I mean, if this thing falls apart, it's like one of the biggest kind of. I mean, it's easily marvel's biggest failure. I just don't know what's wrong. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what it is. Um, they're marvel spinning. It is like. No, this is actually a good thing, like we're taking our time to like do this no, you're not top gun, maverick.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't work that way so I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I mean this. The blade, the blade thing continues to be curiouser and curiouser, but yeah, there's no direction right now. Literally there's no direction. We don't have a director again.

Speaker 1:

If I work hard enough, I might direct this movie at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they might just put out an open call Like do you want to direct a Marvel movie?

Speaker 1:

That would be the greatest thing to ever happen in my life.

Speaker 2:

Then they'll make a movie about that Instead of making the Blade movie no no, but yeah, I mean that's it for the news. Really, I mean that was pretty much. It Also best wishes to Sir Ian McKellen had a fall at a theater performance that really dinged him up. He's hospitalized but he's okay now. Keep Ian McKellen safe, yes, please.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to him, though you see all the interviews, not the interviews like the master classes he's been doing at like universities and stuff um. Those get me going like those get me out of bed and just want to create something. It's awesome every time I listen to him talk about craft and artistic craft.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 85 years old, still out there on the stage doing, doing stage acting, which is awesome, hopefully we see him in a month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, we could, we might. I think that would be cool if he came back as Magneto. But yeah, I mean Deadpool over $200 million projection on pace to be the highest earning R-rated movie of all time, which I think. Deadpool 1 is right, I thought Joker was. Oh, joker, yeah, joker took it over, that's right. But yeah, I mean, that's not surprising. So that's fast approaching. We got about a month until Deadpool, so that's exciting.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, like I said, this will be a shorter episode this week because five minutes in and that's the news, we're done. And yeah, so we launch into season four of the boys. Um, there was a lot of uh, kind of like cut moving, um, surrounding the potential. I mean, eric kripke has always said this was going to be a five season run for the show and then, before this came out, he was like, actually I don't know if this. And then it was kind of like gotcha, idiots, it is five seasons. Um, he posted the the photo of the season five uh script beginning, um, and yeah, so the boys is gonna end after season five. But before we do season five, we have to do season four. So season four has come out. Um to um, you know, it seems to be a little bit mixed mixed compared to past seasons.

Speaker 1:

It's the lowest rated out of any of the seasons of the boys and we believe we know why there's yeah, there's partial reasons.

Speaker 2:

I also think, um, I mean from a critical lens, I guess the only thing I could see to that point is like people just not being too attached to the gimmick anymore. Whereas, like season one, season two was like this like shock drop, like whoa this thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, to your point, there was nothing like it when that came out now it's. Now. It's kind of the opposite, where more shows are starting to lean kind of in that direction, or more more content itself is starting to become, you know, a little bit more rouchy for lack of a better term a little bit more crazy, a little bit more off the rails yeah, and then.

Speaker 2:

So I think that that is part of it, because, like even myself, like me myself, watching these first three episodes like there are a couple of like shock not shock things, but like things that happen. That like I feel like if I was watching season one or two I'd be like whoa, but then I'm, but then it happens in the season. I'm like okay, like that makes sense, like that for that thing to happen. And we'll probably talk about a couple of those things as we as we go these first three episodes. But yeah, I mean, also there is the, the political, social commentary bit, which you know has always been there since the first couple, since the first episode yeah, I mean it's always the, the joke, like wait, is this play about us?

Speaker 2:

um, it is. I mean the boys has. I mean from the, the tv show lens. I mean the comics are obviously a different monster. Um, the tv show draws heavily from modern, you know modern events and um, the season's no different. And you know, I mean maybe it, maybe it does lean into it a little bit more than past seasons, but I mean it's always, it's always been there yeah, there was a show to do it.

Speaker 1:

It's the boys. If there was a show to take a crack at any real world events, it would be this one yeah, and I mean it's never been.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's ever really been particularly subtle. Not not to my knowledge.

Speaker 1:

It's just where the perspective was, it was laid. And then these events that happened in the real world didn't happen by the time the show was coming out as well, too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so I mean I think I think that's the, I think is it does feel very relevant, um, and it does feel very, you know, kind of funny enough. It's kind of like how law and order operates where, like, headline, you know, headline to screen basically is kind of what the season of the boys has been so far in terms of, you know, homelander being on a trial and there being two divisive factions like for said trial and you know the, the outbursting and the rioting, like it's all very topical. And I think it's because that stuff is covered so heavily that people, you know, go to stuff like this to kind of not turn their brains off. Funny enough, we'll get to that as well. But also, just, you know, I think it can be kind of uncomfortable for people sometimes when they, you know they are part of one faction or the other and they go to watch this show and their faction is depicted in a certain manner and they don't like that. They don't like being confronted with the perceived reality of their side.

Speaker 1:

Like you said, is this play about us. It always has been.

Speaker 2:

It always has been about us this show has never, ever even indicated that it wasn't at any given moment yeah, I think a lot of people took um, especially from the early seasons, with with madeline, stillwell and and um, you know, kind of like the vault side of things. They kind of took it as like the boys being this like anti-capitalist kind of thing, and there's elements of that of course. But I mean, you know, most of what is targeted in this show is kind of like the, the hyper right leaning stuff, right. Um, that's always been the target. That is the I.

Speaker 1:

I will say too, I think the earlier seasons were very left leaning to that same point. I think they were very, you know, left against. Not, I can't even say against. It doesn't make sense, because this is supposed to be a hyper realistic, hyper realized version of everything. It's supposed to be microcosmic on almost. So I'm just not buying into. This is the season where people are just now mad, even though this has been going on for when? Whenever the show came out, was it 2018, 2017? When the show out? This has always been a thing.

Speaker 2:

This is new and it's not so much. It's weird. I feel like what happened is the reality of real life caught up to the satire, Like the real life version of these people became almost like the version in the show.

Speaker 1:

Sure, sure, that's actually a solid point.

Speaker 2:

Whereas, like when the show first, sure, sure, like it's a solid point. Whereas, like in you know, when the show first came out, it was like wow, wouldn't it be crazy if this became?

Speaker 2:

this and then it did actually become this. So now it's almost like the show is trying to keep up with the reality, right, which is like it's insane to say, but it's kind of the reality we live in, which is why, you know, things like what homelander is doing in the beginning of the season feels so kind of in your face because the writing of that character has now caught up to the reality, instead of it being the other way around. So I think that, like I said, I think it just makes people uncomfortable and it makes people subconsciously uncomfortable and consciously angry about it. So they want to obviously be like like, oh, the show is woke or whatever that's.

Speaker 1:

First of all, that's not a thing, yeah that's never existed um, and second of all is the tagline when people are too uncomfortable to look in a mirror, that's. That's when, exactly?

Speaker 2:

like you're being. You're being confronted with your own biases and your own problems and it's being satirized and you don't like that because you have a particular view of a particular thing and you feel like you're being made fun of and that's not fun, but at the same time you kind of deserve it. Yeah, I mean, we can just jump right into this first episode, and what I really like about this first episode is like it doesn't mess around, in the sense that, like all right, we're killing Victoria Newman.

Speaker 1:

Not only that, I love thinking outside world too, like we're just starting. We've already done. These are the boys. They're working for the CIA. These are the Supes. Supes are bad All those things.

Speaker 2:

They're getting back together.

Speaker 1:

We already yeah, we don't need any of that these. They're just here ready to rock. We're on a mission which I love, especially this late into the show, and, like you said, the mission is to kill victoria newman a little tougher than everybody expected I'll tell you that much a little tougher than I expected.

Speaker 2:

Say yeah, I was not, I was not expecting that at all. Um, and then you know, hijinks ensue. Mm's got a new look. Everyone, leave Lazlanzo alone. He looks great. It did take me a little bit to get used to not having the beard through me. I was like whoa, but yeah, I mean everyone. Quickly you kind of already quickly see what this new version of the boys is, both with and without Butcher.

Speaker 1:

Or not even with and without, because he's there for the mission but, taking him out of the driver's seat. That leadership position you can tell, you know there was you know Method 2 is madness.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you learn that a lot throughout these first three episodes, All the things that he'd been through and all the things that he had put this team through, it worked. Any way you want to slice it, it's perfect to put that in this universe, too. Any way you want to talk about it, it worked. His methods were. They might have been cruel, they might have been borderline insane, but they got results. And now that MM has this microscope on him as well, too, no, results are not going to cut it anymore, has this?

Speaker 2:

microscope on him as well too. Results are no. Results are not going to cut it anymore and record record time in a boy's season for a butcher homelander face off. Yeah, yeah, we get right to it again. I. I really like this that like they don't shy away from the fact that these two have crossed swords already multiple times, so we're just doing it again.

Speaker 2:

And it is kind of both between Butcher and Homelander and Huey and Newman. Both have this relationship where it's like, ah, here we are again, we're doing this again. Like, really, and Homelander, he can sense that Butcher is sick, he can see it, literally see it, because Butcher is trying to basically win Ryan back over. Butcher is conflicted, um, from last the end of last season, with, you know, soldier boy and ryan almost dying, and you know it. It's where people's criticisms of the show come up in the sense that, like, how many times are we gonna do this? We're like we almost got him and then he, something, some circumstance happens and he gets away. And you know, homelander actually kind of plays on that. Yeah, he does.

Speaker 1:

I mean well, homer just kind of focusing on? Is you know you, ryan, needs to start treating the world as they're. Less than that's yeah, that's.

Speaker 2:

Homelander's next evolution is the. You know he's getting a little, not a little, a little a lot of magneto-isms in terms of genetic superiority, but not from the lens of. We're oppressed, but the flip side of that, we should be the oppressors. Yeah, we're smarter we're better.

Speaker 1:

I love it, I don't love him. The arc, I think, is a very interesting path to take from and it's such a natural progression. It's that thing in screenwriting where they talk about you like the only thing you're truthfully doing is putting your pen on something or putting your hands on a keyboard, Like your story should be guiding you.

Speaker 1:

You just need to get things into place to fit them. That's what Homelander's arc feels to a T of that. This makes so much sense of where he's going, this idea that he is now at this point where everybody is. There's nobody like him in this world, and Ryan's the only one. So even the other Supes, I think he knows as well too.

Speaker 2:

There's nobody like us at this point. Soldier Boy's off the board Right, so you know he's gone up against his biggest physical threat Yep and Butcher as well. He swung his shot with the 10th B and it didn't work. And now Butcher's on the decline, so Homelander's like there's nobody left to challenge me, and it's such.

Speaker 1:

And he's bored. Yeah, and that's it. It is lonely at the top, it is extremely lonely, and that's where he is Now. He's better. He's physically the strongest person on the planet, um, and he's also, you know, he's died. He's smart, he is. That's just the fact of the matter. He's, he's, you know, let the schemer scheme. So at this point he's just and ryan's not taking to what he thinks ryan should at this point too. So it's kind of like he's got to push ryan along with him the whole time.

Speaker 2:

So he's like this is this is this is boring yeah, and he basically just tells butcher like get lost, essentially, like we're not homelander, doesn't even see us, like we're not rivals, yeah, anymore, like you're dying and your tempe didn't work and I have your son, for all intents and purposes, right, and he's my son, but he's your son and it's all these real world implications that you're talking about as well too, like I already, I killed a man on national television and nobody seems to you know what my head.

Speaker 2:

Right now I'm on trial, but that's yeah, like I'm on trial but I'm still allowed to go to these meetings and these dinners. It's like I'm still running free, yeah, dinners it's like I'm still running free, like yeah, and the results have foregone conclusion, like I'm not gonna, I'm not going to prison, right? So?

Speaker 2:

I don't have anything to worry about yeah, but newman, on the other hand, does have something to worry about in the, in the face of acid to the face, yeah, which, again, like I did, like her dynamic with huey, and she's like, ah, like we're doing this, and he was like surprised acid in the face and she's like what?

Speaker 1:

the like this is a new suit. How dare you? And then, too, I also had the same like shock as everybody was like what do you mean? She's invulnerable.

Speaker 2:

Like that's not just a vulnerable, because that butcher follows it up with like plan B gun shots.

Speaker 1:

And then I was just like I remember I was sitting in my room and I was like, oh, shoot, they did it. Wow, we took Newman out like this. And then she gets right back and she's like I gotta go, we just won Arkansas, I gotta go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's this thing like oh, she was already a massive threat and now she's an even bigger threat, right right and it's smart.

Speaker 1:

It's a smart way to present her too. Because it's not only you know. It's funny that I don't think about a lot, that I haven't thought a lot too. She might actually be the biggest threat to Homelander, not only physically, but you know, also the other side of the coin to that too is Homelander's getting to this place, where he doesn't care, like none of that actually matters. At this point too, I guess his arc is it's a purpose.

Speaker 2:

Arc like what's what's my purpose, truthfully like what am I? What am I doing?

Speaker 1:

and we find out later that he wants to leave a leave a kingdom for ryan, because he is sort of coming to grips with a little bit of mortality.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep the hairs are coming out as much, for you know it's, it's surface level mortality, in the sense that like he's getting older, like he's experiencing, like aging, yeah like he's not like dying, you know it's a, it's a it actually you know that I'm speaking in and out.

Speaker 2:

Like it is kind of a great contrast to butcher in a way, like butcher is actually dying, like he actually has a six months to live and homelander feels like he's dying because he has a gray hair or two and his skin isn't as perfect as it was, like it's really like a nice dichotomy of what mortality looks like to humans versus the soup, in the sense that like homeland is panicking, um, but yes, he is also very bored and he's just like they have a meeting, a seven, a seven meeting. But it's like the three this is the three black noirs back. Yeah, the four black noir noirs back.

Speaker 2:

And and and I do, I do just like this Noir bit of like they just grab some schmuck and just put him in the costume because they got to keep somebody that wants a godalkin for performing arts. They got to keep up appearances essentially in this, this noir.

Speaker 1:

He's funny, yeah spoiler alert the whole theory from the boys comics which I thought was gonna happen. I thought they took soldier boy's dna and finally cloned homelander and that, and then I thought it was to be more of a shock of Homelander's like what I just murdered this guy and he's just back. That doesn't make any sense. No, he's a stooge. Yeah, he's just a guy. He's just a guy that wants to cadulke in performing arts. I need purpose, I need reason. Is he the funniest character on this season so far? And he is.

Speaker 2:

That's my favorite bit so far. And guess what? It is the the same actor just being allowed to speak. Yeah, which I, which I quite liked. I was curious about that too. I was like is that, is that just noir's actor and he's actually being allowed to speak? And it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's nathan mitchell who actually is in the noir suit has been, has been in the noir suit for three seasons, and they brought him back, and they're just letting him be a character now. I'm interested to see, though, if that manifests in something other than him being comic relief.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm assuming, because that noir is just probably like a recent college kid that just got out. I gotta assume that at some point that noir dies. And then they actually enact a plan, like the boys actually insert clone of Homelander into the noir suit and then Homelander's like what, how many noirs could there be? Or is he just this not naive? But is he this just much numb when he's like I don't care, you can throw me any noir, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Well, you get a little bit of that in this scene where he tells the Deep to pleasure A-Train. I love challengers and the Deep is about to do it and Homelander's like. Sexuality is a spectrum, right bro, I like the Deep. In this season so far, he's coming into his own as a character and Homelander's like Jesus get up. This is the problem.

Speaker 1:

Why didn't anybody try to tell me not to do this? Because you guys are all scared and below me.

Speaker 2:

And they're like yeah, because every time this has ever happened, ever, you just murder people who don't listen to you. So you're giving us mixed messages here, homelander, my bad, sorry, guys, because they're trying to recruit. Obviously they're trying to fill out new members of the Seven, and one particular member of these prospects catches Homelander's attention, and that is Sister Sage, one of the new characters on the scene.

Speaker 1:

The smartest woman alive, sister Sage Smartest person alive. Smart, smartest woman alive Sister. Sage Smartest person alive. Smartest person alive Sister. Sage Let me do my Baron Mordo impression of peace next time.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, Homelander and civilian outfit. Yeah, he pulls the Clark Kent. I don't like it. What's?

Speaker 1:

his name Joe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't like Homelander in civilian gear. It's unsett, unsettling. Does it bother you? It does bother me. I don't like it. I think that's the point it's very unsafe.

Speaker 1:

He's just a guy, but he's not and he doesn't look, he doesn't look normal he looks like when, like the president, like wears a hat and jeans.

Speaker 2:

That's what this looks like um, put a suit on and he visits sister sage and he's like all right, smart person all right, no, no, he says what's up, sister? He does say that she's like no, no, um, and the homelander's like all right, did mr mrs, mrs, clever girl? All right, clever girl, show us how clever you are. And she basically psychologically deconstructs him. Yeah, she said you're, you know?

Speaker 1:

you're getting old. Yeah, you suck. You're getting old. Um, you know, your prostate's enlarged. He's like no, it would never, it would never um, but yeah, he basically is like well, he asked her what would you do? Like, what would you do in my spot? Like how do I, how do I rule the earth? Basically, for lack of a better term like how do I, how do I get everything that I want? And she said don't, truthfully, do much, just get out of the way and let the people do it for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because not a bad plan. They're the ones that are going to build you up into being the God, and then you just have to be the God, um, and you kind of have the perfect setup here, um, and you kind of have the perfect setup here, pal, like you got like a perfect mark in the form of starlight, like she's the perfect mark for exactly what you're trying to do.

Speaker 1:

She invokes like, she invokes like caesar. She invokes caesar, she invokes the nazi regime. She said you know you need to build this up, but you know you don't have to do anything everybody else will do it for you. You just need to get them to that point.

Speaker 2:

That's all you need so he kind of he, he hires her. Essentially he's like a consultant, a home lender consultant didn't think that was coming um, but I mean he kind of not gets one over on her, but he does kind of get her where he wants her.

Speaker 1:

Um, in the sense, just a little too smart for that yeah, but she also, as we find out in episode three, she, she drastically underestimates homelander's uh mental instability, yeah, I mean, she underestimates his humanness, in my opinion yeah, that's how I took it then you know how human of homelander to do all these, how emotional of him to do all these things yeah, he reacts irrationally and it's funny because she calls it out to him too Like, are you this petty enough? And then we're going to find in a later episode when Homelander does something irrational. You know, you might have been right. I am petty enough for all this and it rattles her, as we'll see later on.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, we get to the riots. Well, the riot, the trial. The trial verdict is about to be read, and this is where Sister Sage enacts her plan Todd's back.

Speaker 1:

Todd's back With the best Twitter page ever.

Speaker 2:

She basically absconds with three of Homeland's most staunch supporters, including Todd.

Speaker 1:

Including Todd who is Monica right, His wife. Todd's gone missing yeah, yeah, todd's gone missing. Todd just left. So she enacts MM. No, no, no, todd. Well, yes, she kicked Todd out, but she's just like. I want to talk to Todd.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so she enacts MM who works for the CIA. The boys are kind of a CIA black operation, for lack of a better word. Butcher's not involved, but he is, he's not. He is, but he's not right. Nobody wants him involved. Yeah, but he's just kind of kicking around like a stray dog. Now I get lost, butcher.

Speaker 2:

He's like I won't, boy um, that might have been the best impression yet, thanks, um and yeah, so they get these supporters in there and homelander again has a train, deep and noir there and he's like you three. Well, he's talking to the, to the fans this is such a great play on the.

Speaker 1:

Did you get this? It's such a great play on the dark knight scene. Oh yeah, have tryouts. Yeah no, we're gonna have a three murders. That's what we're gonna do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he, he tells them like you're my, you do anything for me, my three loyal supporters. He's like, today you're gonna do, yeah he, he tells them like you're my, you'd do anything for me, my three loyal supporters. He's like today you're gonna go beyond that, you're gonna become martyrs. And that's when you're like wait, do you have to do? I have to die to be a martyr, right, isn't that how martyrdom works? So he turns, said a train and deep and noir, and he's like beat these three men to death with these bats, please. And deep is like great, great joke, homelander. Like you're doing that thing again where you are, you know you don't really want us to do that he's like no, no, no, kill them now kill them.

Speaker 1:

Kill them now, and they do not. The jedi it's not the sevens way. It is, though um. They've killed hips of people uh, however, there's one of the three of them that didn't spill any blood in that room, and that was A-Train. We're going to flip A-Train Again, again. How many times has A-Train flipped?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like how this is a big plot point. We're going to flip A-Train. He's not a swing state, he's tried to before. Well, every time he's about to flip he regresses back to the seven. He did it with Starlight's friend Right. When we're going to get A-Train to flip on Homeland and then he's like nah, you idiot.

Speaker 1:

Then he snitched.

Speaker 2:

It was crazy. Nah, you idiot, I'm the worst character, remember. Remember when I killed Huey's girlfriend on the pilot Right, I suck, I'm the. Then I got my girlfriend killed. Yeah, he sucked. Well, he killed his girlfriend. Yeah, yeah, he does suck he's the worst.

Speaker 1:

He killed that racist though yeah blue hawk. Yeah, remember that line blue hawk gave. He said guys now, so what happens if they are black neighborhoods? That I'm policing a little bit more. It's not.

Speaker 2:

It's not, it's just a statistic but this is the season that the show got woke.

Speaker 1:

sure, Sure Right right, because you were happy that Soulja Boy was running around yelling obscenities.

Speaker 2:

But now you guys are upset. So yeah, there's a riot because Homelander's not guilty. And then Sister Sage is there, disguised as a Starlight supporter, hits one of the Homelander guys with something, riot ensues and A-Train drops the bodies into the square there and they're like oh my god, look what these Starlight supporters did. They killed these three men.

Speaker 1:

Starlight shows up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so she Her grappling with her persona.

Speaker 1:

Arc. Yeah well, she's trying to leave this whole because all Supes are bad. That's kind of like. So I need to get far away from the Starlight and I need to be Annie.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to tell her how to live her life, but just be Starlight.

Speaker 1:

Well, huey basically tells her that in the next episode anyway, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know that's probably Fight fire with fire, sister, Sister, you, you know that's probably fight fire with fire, sister, like sister, you, just you just gotta kind of just do like that was your most, that was, your biggest weapon against homelander was when you were starlight and you were exposing him like, just do that, just keep doing that.

Speaker 2:

So she's grappling with that right, her friend gets beaten yeah savagely an inch of her life and she's like all right, that's it, the gloves are coming off, yeah meanwhile, ryan, the homelander's mad at ryan because ryan has a conscious. Sorry, sorry that ryan cares about people yeah, he's the homelander's like listen, isn't this great. Yeah, drink your milk this is awesome it's father-son hangout time. Look at us, the milk thing, it's just I don't like it.

Speaker 1:

You saw him on Hot Ones and they gave him a couple different milks. Listen, there's a lot of people that play roles. If I see Anthony Starr on the street, I'm crossing the street, that's all I'll say on that.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you, the civilian outfit really rattled me. I didn't like it.

Speaker 1:

Because I see him in the interviews. I'm like waiting for him to like Snap Snap. I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

But like in, an Australian way.

Speaker 1:

Oh they gotta put him in Mad Max.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he would be so good in Mad Max. Are you kidding me An?

Speaker 1:

unhinged Australian Anthony Starr in the wasteland.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that could work. That could work, man, that would be tremendous. Huey has a subplot in these first three episodes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Simon Pegg's back, but unfortunately he's not really back yet.

Speaker 2:

Simon Pegg. What a gig for these first three episodes. He just got paid to just be in a coma, yeah. Yeah, Huey gets a call from his dad. He doesn't answer it because he's a bad son.

Speaker 1:

He's one of the boys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no time for dads. When you're in the boys, that's true. He comes to find out that his dad has actually suffered a stroke and is in a coma, and then he gets there and he's like Mom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, big drop.

Speaker 2:

He has a mom. Yeah, everybody's got a mom, everybody's got a mom. Kiwi and his mom don't get along, though, cause she sucks, cause she left, yeah, but as always with these things, there's more. There's always a reason. Butcher's like oh man, I'm dying, ryan hates me, homelander's still alive. Mm sucks at leading this team he's visited by a hallucination of becca and she's like get it together, butcher, save ryan. He's like, oi, I will save ryan, I'm gonna do it, I'm in, that's pretty legit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is that's episode well, oh, he makes the devil deal with the with newman?

Speaker 2:

yeah, then he locks in and reneges on it at the end.

Speaker 1:

Then he locks in and then he's just like you know what here. Here's my butt let's go.

Speaker 2:

They were basically to come to terms with like hey, you know.

Speaker 1:

I won't murder everybody in a in a feat of rage and pop everybody's head if you just delete those Red River files yeah, that, yeah, that Huey has.

Speaker 2:

Butch is about to do it? Yeah, he does.

Speaker 1:

He gets it from Huey. He's like boy Boy.

Speaker 2:

I love my little bro, so he sends Newman Deals off Newman. This is, oh, and it should be noted that Newman's running mate, the president, is actively the one who's actively trying to kill her. That's not going to backfire at all on him at any point Well, she doesn't know that, he knows Right.

Speaker 1:

That's the.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's how I think it goes. She's going to find out, Right?

Speaker 2:

right and she's going to kill him Because she's too good at this. The president's going to end up a dead man by the end of this season. I'm almost certain that's how that's going to go.

Speaker 1:

We get to episode two, best opening of this entire show oh, my God. I'm going to dub this as the Project Infinite metal storm. In the room they pull a metal storm. They do pull a metal storm we get easily when character actor Will Ferrell steps out of the car. Oh my God, I let out the biggest laugh.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't believe it. I had no clue.

Speaker 1:

Did we know he was in this? No, absolutely not.

Speaker 2:

Okay, good, because I thought I missed something where he was cast or they announced it like he was going to be in the show, because I was just like I was floored, right.

Speaker 1:

Well, the whole thing. I think they even said this is supposed to be a blindside parody and they even joke about it in the episode. They were like was I too bull? He said you guys smell that I smell.

Speaker 2:

Oscar. He was the best. He was his best. Will Ferrell in this little bit. It's one of those things that reminds me of how good of a comedy actor he is.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I laughed at anything harder in these first three episodes. It was so unexpected I'm like why is that?

Speaker 2:

will flys. Will ferrell here, then the will ferrell thing.

Speaker 1:

It's like it was just I couldn't believe it, and I mean one of the funniest things too. Not funniest, but it's gonna play. But you know just how over it that a train is at this point like a train's like like biblically over it by this point. Yep, how many more of these movies do I have to do where I have to sell drugs, or you know? I never did this. This is not a thing that I did.

Speaker 2:

And I mean more off, moreover, like the, the personification of his brother in these things that he just doesn't like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because his brother is just a drug dealer in this, in this show, but in reality, like his brother was, the actual was Will Ferrell. Will Ferrell.

Speaker 2:

He's the trainer that made sure he was good yeah, so a train keeps getting pushed further and further. You know he's becoming disillusioned with his superhero life finally right, um, noir's there. Noir's like hey man, that was. That was pretty crazy what we had to do back there. And a train's like shut up noir. Um, I do like that running gag of like everyone just saying like noir's big thing is he doesn't talk. Like like shut up Noir. I do like that running gag of everyone just saying Noir's big thing is he doesn't talk.

Speaker 1:

But shut up, shut up, noir. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, huey's mom sucks.

Speaker 2:

Or does she? It's not that simple. It's not that simple, but also it is pretty simple Just don't leave. Just don't leave or reach out. Yeah, she was like I was compartmentalized in my own depression. That's your baby, though. Yeah, you're rattling, you're ruining your son, potentially for life.

Speaker 1:

And she said literally I was going to reach out, but I just you could have. You could have said something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh man, it's, yeah, it's. Jack Quaid gets to do a little acting too. He does get to do a little acting, which I appreciate. How do these subplots work for you, just overall on this show, I mean looking big picture.

Speaker 1:

I mean we're talking, I just think, this early into the season. You're obviously laying groundwork because you have Frenchies with Colin. That's a bigger one because it's kind of the love triangle between him, colin and chemico. You have huey and is dealing with his dad, um, but what's the third one that we have noir's performance? I'm kidding, but yeah, uh, I don't know if you put too much effort into this frenchie one. But also you know thinking like I mean the show's structured differently than a show like the Bear, because when I think about the Bear they take episodes to do the thing, but it's one episode that digs deep into the thing. So I probably would have preferred that than we try to itch these things in, because this season is a big boom of a season Like this. Like this season, you're gonna have to take one of the heavier swings, especially of what you did in season three and how popular this, this show's already popular. Season three like really kicked the absolute door down.

Speaker 2:

So to worry about stuff like this at this point, I don't know yeah, I agree, and I just think historically in the show like the, the more subplotty elements often aren't as interesting and I don't know if that's due to the just not giving enough time for the stories to cook as much. Because, like frenchie had like a little subplot last season and I didn't find it like particularly like effective or like moving for like the character right, like he just shows up, has like his like drug addled subplot and then with his like offshoot group and then he like returns to the mean and like nothing gets accomplished and like I'm worried that that's gonna happen again with him, right, because that's where it seems like it's going. Like he has the deep, dark secret that he murdered colin's family but like I don't know what the result of that is going to be. Like the overarching plot, because like none of those subplots, particularly for his character, have like come to roost for the main plot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, right, and I thought season three was going to be the one to do it I thought that was the one where something was going to happen in the grand scheme, because I in the comics I know it does with um. I think frenchies whoever the woman that frenchie's talking to has to do with the whole White House sequence. No, no, no, it's the um. Don't they kill all the Russian soups or something like that, whatever happens. But it has a big implication on the overall thing. So I just don't know at this point if this is you know, if we should be truthfully focused on that at this point. It's cool for chemical and and frenchie's relationship.

Speaker 2:

That's what I appreciate yeah, yeah, I just yeah. I just at what point, like, is it like kind of like driving the car up the hill and then just it falls back down and then you drive it back up the hill, like it almost feels like that they can't keep them all together at all times, so they have to like, do these little subplots and that ultimately, like, don't have any overall effect on the narrative. And you know, maybe maybe this season's different, maybe this, this will tie in a little bit more. It seems to be, at least from kimiko's perspective, seems to be tying in a little bit more, especially with, like the child, like the child slavery thing, and you know how she grew up, and she confronts that a little bit um, which I liked. So hopefully, um, that comes to pass, um, but yeah, so they had their, their subplot going on.

Speaker 1:

We just got to be careful because there's only two seasons of the show left yeah, yeah, that's true too, and we don't really know. I mean, it feels like the butcher stuff has to get resolved this season, because they literally gave him a clock well, I think they're gonna figure it out, I think they're gonna find a way to keep him alive, because I don't think you kill, you don't kill carl irvin before the season's over, before the series is over, in my opinion no, I don't see how you could.

Speaker 2:

Um, speaking of that, he does tell them in this episode that he's dying, and they're just like boy.

Speaker 1:

Then they kick him out yeah, they're like we all got. We all got our subplots to do, so we gotta go man.

Speaker 2:

They kick him out of the boys after he tells them he's dying. A little cruel of the boys to do. That was kind of messed up and he's just like alright, this is what you want.

Speaker 1:

This show needs a Robin, so Brian's gonna be the Homelander's Robin.

Speaker 2:

My two favorite characters return in this episode the pitch guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're like an SNL skit. Come to the boys.

Speaker 2:

It's awesome. The uncannily not quite Dave Chappelle character when I see one of the boys going is that.

Speaker 1:

Dave Chappelle. I personally knew it wasn't Dave Chappelle for everybody listening, because I don't want to get canceled.

Speaker 2:

I was like wait a second, but yeah, I love these two guys. They're like look at this Ryan, look at him.

Speaker 1:

Not. Oh what'd? They call him Homeboy, homeboy.

Speaker 2:

Name needs a little work in my opinion and they're everyone's. Like this is great, great, it's awesome. And sister sage is there. Like this sucks, what are you doing? Like anytime. Like you gotta have the chosen one character like be isolated from everything in his life, right. Like he has to like come from nothing and become someone. Like he can't just be homelander jr, whatever, and they're like but, but we like homelander jr and she's like no, no, you don't, no, you don't want that.

Speaker 2:

And homelander's like don't tell me what to do, jr. And she's like no, no, you don't, no, you don't want that. And Homelander's like don't tell me what to do, sister Sage. And she's like that's exactly what you brought me here for. Like do you want this plan to happen or not? Anyways, I gotta go keep furthering the plot. Yeah, my favorite bit from this episode was the know how in like recent years the uptick in, like us watching behind the scenes fight choreography.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I freaking love that so much. Yeah, at ryan's little his training session. Yeah, ryan's like so this isn't a real safe. No, idiot, it's not. It's never. It's never been.

Speaker 2:

Has all the saves been fake always work and also but I mean to be honest, like I really like that, that, like that look behind the camera. Because when you get to A-Train's scene later with his brother and the nephews, that is directly confronted the fact that it's all staged and it's all fake. So the Ryan scene set up now, sets up for the A-Train scene later and sets up for the Ryan scene later later Also, which I really like. I do like the stunt coordinator guy.

Speaker 1:

He was cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, shout out to him, Shout out to him Grand opening, grand closing for that character Promptly murdered. We'll get there. So we are. Who are we tracking?

Speaker 1:

Oh well, now we get to the boys, we get to the incel place, we get to the Sorry those of the show that didn't know this was real.

Speaker 2:

We get to the CPAC conference Right, for lack of a better word. Because the boys are tracking Sister Sage. Butcher is also tracking Sister Sage age by himself. Because they own, they zone in on her, because they isolate her from the camera footage with todd and they're like she used to be, you know pretty well, known like as a soup, but um, she had a falling out with vought and just kind of like became a hermit, essentially right. But now she's back. Hmm, why is she back and why is she at this place?

Speaker 1:

nobody looks like her in this place. What are you doing here?

Speaker 2:

So yeah, we get to Conspiracy Central. All your favorite conspiracies are there.

Speaker 1:

Really Truthfully.

Speaker 2:

The Flat Earthers are there, mm-hmm the.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Never Happeners were there, yep. The Holocaust Deniers are there.

Speaker 1:

The Hollywood is a big pedophile cabal. Right conspiracies are there. They pull off a lot of them in there, tom hanks gets name dropped.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't like oprah, tom hanks and oprah. You can name job oprah, don't name tom hanks let him play.

Speaker 1:

Let him play what's her name's dad in the last fuss, abby. Yeah, let her play abby's dad but we do this.

Speaker 2:

I'll just set up our second main character, new main character of the season, firecracker, everyone's favorite, for reasons there are a lot of. I can.

Speaker 1:

Fixers on the internet, yeah it's not good, it's not great. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. You can't fix her. Yeah, you can't. She's too far gone.

Speaker 2:

Both of these characters are our original characters, right, sister sage, and I believe so. Yes, good inserts, I like both. I like both the actors too.

Speaker 1:

Um, I couldn't recognize where I recognized firecrackers actor from and then I was like wait, she was in detroit becoming you.

Speaker 2:

She was the android cara um.

Speaker 1:

So I was like wait, she, I mean she's, I think she's fabulous she might be one of the I think she might be the best insert into this show and they give her an actual backstory that I actually was like, I was really surprised by that, yeah, and I was like obviously you're still a horrible person, but bullying is bad, Starlight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I really like that.

Speaker 1:

You don't remember me, do you? Is that one of the best tropes that always works? Yeah, I really like that. You don't remember me, do you? Is that one of the best tropes that always works? It always hits every time.

Speaker 2:

So yeah her powers. She's essentially Jubilee.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, she's still super strong, super fast, but you gonna kill me with the Fourth of July. Not bad Jubilee's like not bad not bad.

Speaker 2:

So she's doing a big speech. Um, not a big speech, but she's like a. Uh, we're not. She's alex jones. Yeah right, she's alex jones with a skin tight outfit, right? Um, talking about these? Boots were made for walking. Yep, talk, you know, talking about all those. You know, you know the conspiracies, the conspiracies that are out there. Yeah, she's, she's she, and you know you come to find out she doesn't much like these kind of like all right grifters. Yeah, she doesn't necessarily believe it.

Speaker 1:

Well, sister sage, gives her the quickest job interview in history. She says what do you do? What's your power? And she does it the fireworks. She's just like that's it. She's like I'm I'm strong. She's like that's it. And she's just like what are you selling? And she's just like I'm selling the truth. She said no, no, no. What are you actually?

Speaker 2:

selling. I like this scene and this is where she lets the veil down a little bit.

Speaker 1:

She said I'm selling purpose. These people are nothing like they are. They're, they think they're, they don't, they have nothing. They're coming from these, you know, backwater towns, out of these places like I'm giving them reason to be and that's and that's one of the most dangerous things and sister sage the schemers are scheming, you know?

Speaker 2:

yeah, she's like exactly this is this, this is exactly what I was looking for. Yeah, like she needs a. She needs a, a way to mobilize these maniacs right, I forget who says it.

Speaker 1:

That says when she gets, when firecracker gets into the seven.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, is this not too much and sister stage like no this is exactly what you need.

Speaker 1:

This is too much. That's the point.

Speaker 2:

She is too much well, yeah, I mean, from vought's perspective it's too much. But sister stage's machinations go beyond vought. And how? How can we become gods right? And it's literally by giving this person a platform to mobilize maniacs, which comes to fruition later.

Speaker 1:

this episode, I believe, or it's the next episode.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Well, because this episode we get the this really uncomfortable. There it is.

Speaker 1:

You got one. If they did this in season two, I would have been not been able to function, so Firecracker has a manager. I wouldn't even say manager.

Speaker 2:

A guy that's around Guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's multiple, he's multiple man, multiple freak, if I may.

Speaker 2:

Brought in, obviously, eric Kroenke, showrunner of Supernatural, well familiar with his actor. He plays God in Supernatural. He's collecting the Supernatural Infinity Stones. Right, because we haven't even talked about Jeffrey D Morgan yet as the mysterious CIA guy I think they're going to do something with him, crazy.

Speaker 1:

I think they're going to pull something off for him. You have a theory or no? Not anything I can legitimize at this point, but you don't throw jeffrey dean morgan in here at this point like this late into the show and just have him be somebody. You know what I mean yeah, no 100.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but yeah he's.

Speaker 1:

We're collecting the supernatural infinity stones should I say what amazon prime put, uh, during the grossest scene in this whole show. Yes, actor ben rob benedict wants us to, wants to remind us, everybody, wants to remind everybody that he studied shakespeare at northwestern university. There is no contractual obligation for us to carry out this request. This merely is a kind gesture, which I think is the funniest thing in the world that is doing something very unholy um.

Speaker 2:

It's a human centipede situation with himself with himself. Gross looking at a picture of firecracker. Not great, no, I didn't like it. I didn't like it, not even in a way of like oh, this unsettles me. I don't like it in a way of just like, ah, I just didn't, I just didn't need it. I just didn't need it, I just didn't need it. We already know he's skeevy. We could feel that coming off of him. And then we get the naked fight scene that lasted way too long it lasted way too long.

Speaker 2:

And Firecracker is, you know she's.

Speaker 1:

We find out that she's basically she's moderately strong, but like she's not, like yeah, well she kind of gets sunned as well too, and like chemical deals with her promptly, and she like runs away you, she's a coward, that's who she is.

Speaker 2:

Well, they kill. Uh, they kill splinter prime yeah no, not the prime firecrackeracker.

Speaker 1:

I want you to.

Speaker 2:

They all die. It's the battle droids, Battle droid syndrome. You kill the mothership. They all die. Rip Splinter. I'm glad he's dead. Skeevy little weirdo. Get him out. Yeah, you're right, though Firecracker please. Before that A-Train You're not doing a good thing. Are you a train that?

Speaker 2:

that doesn't seem like you yeah, well, he's first of all. So huey and starlight are like we're going after a train, like there's only one way those bodies could have gotten downtown, and that was really quickly. Who do we know who's real quick a train or that other guy that he raced?

Speaker 1:

against. But then a train shows up. He's just like here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make sure that they find the guys that they said did it.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna confirm that they're well, I mean to hit, you know, a train's, you know whole his whole kind of. The redeeming part of adrian's character is is kind of like his, his blackness, you know, for lack of a better word like you know, he's very like he took that stuff with blue hawk really yeah, really hard. Um, that's kind of always been his tether and anytime like vaught ever tried to confront him with that stuff, like he's always kind of he hasn't outright refused it but he's resisted it to some extent. And I mean his brother confronts him about that too, like he's talking to his nephews and then about, you know, this big heroic save I did, you know, preventing a theater shooting and his nephews are like oh, you're so cool, uncle, a train.

Speaker 2:

And then his brother pops up and he's like you, although a train is not cool, yeah, you took my nephews like behind my back to like sell them lies, like let me tell you about, like, what your uncle actually does. Like he, it's all smoke and mirrors, essentially. And a train's like oh man, I just wanted to have one nice moment with my nephews. And he's like nope, you can't have that. Remember that time you were complicit in getting me crippled. I'm never gonna let you live that down.

Speaker 2:

Um, and then starlight wants to go get him. He's like all right, we got, we got him. Look, he's vulnerable, let's get him because starlight's fired up Yep, fired up. She's like this A-Train was complicit in like getting my one of my best friends almost killed. He killed your girlfriend. Remember that, huey? And Huey's like yeah, but just let him, let him simmer, let him have this. Like we don't need to like ambush him right now. And it comes back to roost like a train knew that they were following him and he was like look, thank you for not ambushing me in front of my family. Um, so here's the footage. That'll clear and you know back. Coming back to the point, I was thinking about a train. The two people that they pin this on were are black. They're two black guys that are they pin these murders on, and a train, you know, probably felt some responsibility to that also. So he gives them the footage and he's like here, here you go. And he was like why are you?

Speaker 1:

doing this. I have an art this season. Speaking of fake heroic saves. Ryan, my name is what my name is homeboy, not a good name. No, it's not great. Um, so ryan gets his first save. Obviously it's all fake. They have everything dealt with. Um, obviously, how it's played. It's supposed to be played as there's a bank robbery. Coy, who's this random guy that I saw an hour ago? Coy takes a little girl hostage. No more in the. The deep are like he gets.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, they got, oh no.

Speaker 1:

However, are we going to get to him first, even though Black Noir has super speed? However, are we going to get over there before he shoots this little girl? And then Ryan shows up. Ryan's like I got this and Homeowner's like no, I got this, son, throw him. Son, throw him, you can handle it. Murders coy the one against the wall, rip coy, cue the song in the arms forgotten homeland is like this is great. Ryan's like did I just do a murder? Is that, is that what that feels like?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and homeland is like who. Why do you?

Speaker 1:

care so much. They're beneath you. Koi died doing what he loved Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

I forgot. He said that.

Speaker 1:

He takes Ryan's milkshake away. Yeah, you're evil.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the worst kind of person.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, we're still dealing with this Frenchie subplot. This is where we find out that Frenchie killed Colin. Kill Colin's parents, parents. Maybe he'll kill Colin too, since he's such a psychopathic murderer.

Speaker 2:

Who's hopped up on drugs? Yep, consistently Um, butcher and MM come to terms during this firecracker bit.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's a great end to the episode too. Um, firecracker bit. Well, it's a great end to the episode too. Um, you know, did we get that little bit right there too? The boys are back in town. Yep, the boys are back in town. Um, and then I love the ending of this episode where butcher's like all cards on the table. He said mm listen, you're not tough enough for this.

Speaker 1:

You're not him you're not him, I'm the I'm they don't. They didn't. He didn't name the boys, I named the boys, um. But now, seriously, he tells them he said listen, on an emotional level, I need Ryan back like I need your help to get him back because you're good at what you do. But, dude, you can't lead. You can't lead them. You're too, you're too soft, you're it's funny like for MM because he's physically the biggest one out of all of them. But like you're too soft, Like you can't.

Speaker 2:

Well, the firecracker situation is really what made Butcher realize this Right. Because Butcher Right, yep, he's like you led them into a trap, yep. Because you didn't want to do what needed to be done, right First of all, yep, second of all you had.

Speaker 1:

I was the only sacrifice that needed to be made to take out somebody. And you Right, like dude, you need to be tough to do this, like this is the job. And MM said Oi, oi, no, mm didn't say that.

Speaker 2:

MM was brother, so Butcher's back.

Speaker 1:

He's back in town, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love what.

Speaker 1:

MM's like no, I am the leader of this team now. Sorry that you're dying, I'll see you later. You had your chance, you had your chance. You had your chance. We've been through this and I followed you all these times for nothing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, where are we? Homeland is still alive. Yeah, guy, which sets up, essentially sets up episode three, basically. And here they are the seven, they're back, the six.

Speaker 1:

Because he's saving that last seat. Warm for Ryan, I'm just.

Speaker 2:

Ryan. Anyway. So Sage at Firecracker formally introduces a member of the Seven. Sage is like what the hell?

Speaker 1:

I didn't ask for this.

Speaker 2:

And it's kind of who is it? Ashley says it to her right, like Homelander, like he did this to get back at you. You didn't think. Like he was going to be petty, like this is his version of being petty. So she kind of calls Homelander out on that and he's like look, if you're going to do this, it's better for you to do it in, like the public light, right.

Speaker 1:

You know what's funny? It's almost like you need a secret identity. Yes, exactly.

Speaker 2:

It's exactly what it is. Her superheroing is her secret identity for her actual things? Good stuff, yeah, good stuff. So we're going to get Ryan back, right?

Speaker 1:

We're going to drug him Because Jeffrey Dean Morgan's in this show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah because nothing says we need to earn the trust of Ryan, drugging him and kidnapping him Right A super strong individual like Ryan. Yeah, I'm sure that's really not gonna.

Speaker 1:

It's really not gonna drive him away from you, butcher, right um, luckily butcher does kind of learn this as the episode goes on, we get a chick off's gun because you know, a question is asked in the beginning of the show where you know butcher asked joe like dude are you?

Speaker 1:

would you send your boys into war to die? Because now what's going on is. You know there's two options for ryan. We take ryan a, murder him or be, you know, lobotomized him to the point where he's no longer a threat. Or you want to take homelander out. Newman's not going to help newman's. You know, working with home ryan's our best chance to take homelander out. And you know I think there's a line that gets thrown out that ryan's the first natural born soup. Like he might end up being stronger than Homelander ever was because he's natural, he's not an artificially made soup. So you know Jeffrey Dean Morgan's like, unfortunately, Butcher, like he's got two options. So you pick which one you want.

Speaker 2:

Like you want, like he didn't put your ass, like would you train your sons up, and the question doesn't get answered until the end of the episode. Yep, yeah, um, a train, we're back. A trains I haven't arced this season. Um, mm confronts a train and he's like hey man. And a train's like yeah, what have we ever shared screen time together? This is weird, isn't it? Um, and mm's like I know, I know a man who's about to crack and you're about to crack, and atrian's like you don't know nothing.

Speaker 1:

Mm, this is a better movie than the than the will farrell movie that was at the beginning of it he's like I do, though. I do though, and atrian accepts well he said he tells him he's like I. You don't know anything about me. He said you know how I know everything about you. You're still standing in front of me. You could have been gone a while ago.

Speaker 2:

You're still standing here I watched the first three seasons. Right, you have reservations uh? We get a really cool the suicide squad fight sequence where frenchie's tripping balls and chemicals, murdering heaps of people yeah, yeah, again the weird frenchie chemical subplot, um, where they're like working out, she's like basically encouraging him to like have sex with Colin and he's like I can't, I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it, I killed his family. He didn't say that yet. He didn't say that.

Speaker 1:

But he's thinking it. Well, he's basically telling Kimiko can you like get out of my face like we're never, we're nothing, we are, we are not anything yeah, that wasn't nice yeah, and chemical was like I still love you um.

Speaker 2:

Ashley gets replaced. Yeah, see you later.

Speaker 1:

Ashley, I got, I got a sister.

Speaker 2:

Now look in a vacuum. In a vacuum all the stuff that's happening at bot. I'm kind of okay with the stuff that they're doing at work. I can't say I haven't wanted to do these things. I'm just saying when Homelander was like I gotta carry this whole company on my back, I was like you know what Everything outside of work we're down on, we're not in on that. What happens?

Speaker 1:

is basically after the whole new members of the Seven reveal. Remember that one tech lady from the earlier seasons of the Boys, that new starlight? Yeah Well, basically they know there's a mole because obviously Sister Sage is the smartest person on the planet.

Speaker 2:

So she knew there was a mole.

Speaker 1:

She knew somebody leaked the location of those two individuals and the Deep was in charge of the why the Deep is in charge of the IT department. Who knows? I love that. This is the way they branch their company. They don't have actual executives and the Supes are just the faces.

Speaker 2:

Well, that was when Homelander quasi took over Vought, and he just put all of the members of the Seven in charge of different stuff. It's the funniest thing on paper.

Speaker 1:

It's absolutely hilarious. So they question her and then, right when it's the most Homelander thing to do, they get the first piece of the answer. But she's actually about to reveal that you know it was Atrien that came down there and did it, and Homelander murders her.

Speaker 2:

And that was the bit where, like that, like I said, season one or two like would have totally shocked me, but like season four, I was like, oh yeah, like of course he did that.

Speaker 1:

And then then, like you know, sister sage is like you don't think there was any useful information, that she was about to tell us who did it, and he's like maybe I am that petty and he just walks out because it's all beneath him now he doesn't care, he literally does not care, I love. Ashley's about to quit and then ashley's just like she just shreds the letter. She's like I'm I'm never leaving yeah, so she's just gonna stay.

Speaker 2:

disney gave her a very lucrative offer. She becomes Bob Iger, but yeah, so she's going to presume. But I mean that could be another chess piece that they could use.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if the boys get to Ashley, that's a big piece.

Speaker 2:

Because then they would have A-Train and Ashley.

Speaker 1:

We have the Firecracker origin story, which I was not expecting to be one of the best parts of the season so far.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what was that about?

Speaker 1:

That came out of nowhere and it works. It plays.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Like so, starlight. You don't remember me, do you?

Speaker 1:

You knew me when I was sparkler. You remember when you were me, anyway? Um, so, she is from one of these no name backwater towns, and you'll? You remember sparkler? She is from one of these no-name backwater towns, and you remember Sparkler, don't you?

Speaker 1:

And she's like eh, maybe she said oh yeah, you were that hick, right. And she was like and Starlight's like I was so immature and stupid and she's like you said the meanest things about me and now you want to be nice to me. She's like well, starlight basically me does, that's what she's like. Well, star like basically she breaks in because she's in her old room the name's firecracker bone to me, remember it. So she breaks in and she's just like what's why? Why do you like actually hate me like? You got to have a reason, right and she's like boy, do I?

Speaker 1:

do I remember when you bullied me to near suicide when I was like a 13?

Speaker 2:

year old girl and you said that the only reason I got where I was is because I was blowing off the judges. Right, Remember that. So I was like I did do that.

Speaker 1:

She said my mom made me do that. Your mom didn't make you do anything and in January you just suck.

Speaker 2:

So she's like that's why, anyway, if you must know. And so it's like people change. And Firecracker's like people don't change, they are who they are. And it's a really nice kind of introspection. It's like both characters Firecracker's basically like you are who you are, and I'm sure there's an element of her that she sees herself that way. She feels like maybe she can't change and she is who she is. Yeah, and there's that you know in hindsight, because I think the scene with her and homelander happens before this right, yes, it does, yep.

Speaker 2:

So in hindsight it makes that scene a little bit sadder in a way, where she's like throwing herself at homelander and he's just like another, another one of these, and he's just not, he's you can tell he's just not. You can tell he's just not into it Again because he's kind of over it Like. He's kind of over like human emotions, right Other than anger Right. Like he. You know, he had the thing with what's her name Madison Stilwell. Well, yeah, the other one, Stormfront.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, stormfront, stormfront. Like that's his true love.

Speaker 2:

he might still love her yeah, he had the thing with stormfront, but now he's just kind of like over it. You know, like this, you know, beautiful woman is like literally throwing herself. But it goes back to the episode one, like the sycophantic thing where like he doesn't want that, yeah, he doesn't want. Yes, people around somebody confront challenge me please, and she's not going to, yeah. So like I said that that the scene with annie kind of makes that scene a little bit sadder in hindsight, because that's kind of just how firecracker sees herself and you're like, ah, you can, you can do better, or can she?

Speaker 1:

fought on ice, the seven on ice. Uh, this is gonna be some nice. Like queen mave is back. It's not her, it's not her and she's queen mave on ice. She's going to come back, though, yes, um, however, this is one of the boys' plans. What are they trying to do here? What do they want?

Speaker 2:

Well, they're expecting Newman to be there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so they can take another shot at Newman Guys. I don't think it's going to. After you, shoot her, point Blake in the head and throw acid on her.

Speaker 2:

I think they just want info at this point, right, because they know Newman's going gonna be there with homelander and and they want to plant a bug yeah, yeah, just so they can plant incriminating evidence so they send the tallest person in the world into the vents jack wayne, yep to do the spy bit.

Speaker 1:

He even makes a joke in in this season that he's six three so I don't know if and any.

Speaker 2:

I think it's like training him in boxing and she says, like you're 80 limbs yeah, he's just like sorry, sorry, you picked a 6'3 person to do this. So he's crawling around in the vents. He's got the bug. Homeland is there. All your favorites are there. Homeland is there. Sister Sage is there, newman's there.

Speaker 1:

Why can't we say hit Merry Christmas anymore? I was not expecting that one bit. I thought this, what's the song called? The song's actually called Put the Christ Back in Holidays, or something like that. Yeah, this is how you know, vox. They're far gone.

Speaker 2:

This is so we're planning? They're planning to assassinate President Singer Because they want. What they're trying to do now, at this point, is convince Newman to embrace her soup nature.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well you know, sister Sage tells her, like you know, what we're going to do is we're going to assassinate the president.

Speaker 2:

We're going to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Speaker 1:

We're going to make you the president and then you're going to make sure that any soup that goes into the town has jurisdiction over any police department.

Speaker 2:

You're going to make sure they're back in the military. You're going to put them as a soup and Newman's like are you nuts? You want to get nuts. Actually, that's Homelander's bit.

Speaker 1:

Remove all bugs to teachers that teach critical soup theory.

Speaker 2:

And Newman's like no, like, no, I can't, I can't do that. And Homelander's like why Are you ashamed of who you really are?

Speaker 1:

He said look at daddy stan, still taking, still taking the reins on you that was a good, that was a good bit there from him.

Speaker 2:

That's a good jab out of him. You are bad product. Um, and then they turn around on her again and they're like what about zoe?

Speaker 1:

like zoe's a freak like zoe's a soup.

Speaker 2:

Like yeah, you're gonna make her hide, hurt your nature.

Speaker 1:

So and then the fear hits. And then the fear of this actual show hits, because he's in the, he's in the fence. Well, the first time.

Speaker 2:

This is the first time you really see newman on the back foot about anything.

Speaker 1:

Well, again, this is having having sage in the show changes the entire dynamic. We've never had a character like this before, because everything, and it's such a dichotomy to season three because of how physical of like not a villain, but physical, an antagonist, that soldier boy was to sort of get somebody that's.

Speaker 2:

I don't need any physicality to challenge, not even not just newman, but homelander himself, because that that's going to come at some point because all of these characters are so used to their scheming and their plotting working that they come across this character that sees through it all and can out scheme them and it makes them kind of nervous. So, like I think newman for the first time is seeing sister sage is like, oh, like she can actually match me intellectually but she's never had to deal with, yet she hasn't had to come into, that she doesn't have to come across this problem and you know the best piece about sister sage it's like.

Speaker 1:

It's like putting like a joker card down like this is something that nobody is like.

Speaker 2:

Nobody was prepared for this but unfortunately nobody's also prepared for homelander's psychotic tendencies. Yeah, because uh huey can't help, he can't, he's sweating. He's sweating bullets up there. He drips down on homelander's little shoulder pad. Homelander smells, it can sense uh huey campbell, yeah, you campbell. Homelander smells, it can sense Huey Campbell Laser beams. This is a terrifying sequence.

Speaker 1:

It's horrible Murders, queen Maeve on ice.

Speaker 2:

The whole crew, the whole seven crew gets.

Speaker 1:

MM technically murders her because he Throws the lights around and then he Misses and then hits her. Mm, the murderer Homelander's a bad shot. The first one is on MM, that's his fault. He misses and then hits her. Yeah, and then the murderer Homelander's a bad shot. No, no, no. The first one is on MMM. On MMM, that's his fault, I'm not bad on that. That's the only one that Homelander kills because everybody's trying to run away from each other and some guy skates.

Speaker 2:

Homelander's still a bad shot. You've had those laser eyes for your whole life. I guess you can hit huey in a vent, homelander. Yeah, and he was close to.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't like he was like world's greatest superhero, right um. And then this surprised me. It's like did you get the same thought like that? Jesus was the one that killed all the people on accident on ice?

Speaker 2:

anyway. Um, this bit surprised me. A train rescues huey, yeah, yep. I was like whoa, that was like like one of the first like legit surprising moments of these first three episodes. I was like whoa, that was like like one of the first like legit surprising moments of these first three episodes. I was like he is actually like maybe he is actually flipping, maybe. Why'd you save me? What'd you say that name? A train runs away.

Speaker 1:

That's actually his best bit running away when confronted with any type of adversity no, not even like physical adversity, like just adversity of self, yeah, self-reflection. He's like anytime he's confronted with the idea that he's doing a good thing just goes off like the train sound the idea that he's confronted, like, with being a good person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, are you being a good person right now? A train, I'm a I'm a head out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyway, jack quaid's mom tries to not meg ryan jack quaid's in universe. Mom tries to give reason why she's not the worst person in the world um, I know he hated jack or I didn't know he hated dennis quaid. Do you saw what?

Speaker 2:

he did for father's day. Yeah, because dennis quaid's a bright-leaning lunatic and that's exactly what the show is against.

Speaker 1:

It's almost like it's also what jack quaid's is against. It's almost like it's also what jack quaid's against. Yeah, it's almost like poetry. You know he's not against victoria newman in real life. Good job, jack quaid yeah, great job, good job victoria newman, actress too, because jack quaid's a catch, he is um. That's that for his mom, because his mom. I'm sorry, that was too easy.

Speaker 2:

Butcher, butcher and Ryan. So Butcher hops on Mortal Kombat to talk to Ryan and he's like oi, it's not Mortal Kombat.

Speaker 1:

It's the Seven Kombat.

Speaker 2:

It's Mortal Kombat. Ryan's like my dad says I shouldn't talk to you on the internet or at all, and Butcher's like just come.

Speaker 1:

We're in an Xbox 360 chat.

Speaker 2:

You can talk to anybody you want, come to my place and we'll, we'll talk, I promise they're dad I'm going out to meet that guy I met on the internet.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, that would have been the perfect time to have it in the universe. What's the guy's name? Yeah, which is just what's his name from gen v, um, yeah what's his name?

Speaker 2:

the, yeah, the investigative reporter, right, I can't remember his name, jeez tech night.

Speaker 1:

Tech night, who they were considering to be in the seven. Yes, yeah, tech night shows up. Why don't you have a seat? Have a seat. Why don't you put that robe on and have a?

Speaker 2:

seat. Ryan goes. Butcher shows him how to play foosball. Oi, he's going to give him the drug-laced cookies, but then it's the one your mom made. Oi, Ryan's like I don't want it, it's a great bit. Butcher just decides, butcher figures out that maybe appealing to ryan's humanity is better than jogging and kidnapping him. Hear me out, hear me out, better plane. Yeah, right, um, and they're getting along. Right, they're getting along, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then jeffrey dean morgan shows up after ryan leaves and he's like you know, I would sacrifice my son if it came down to it, like I would go to his funeral and I would be, but that's the best thing my son can do. I thought about what you said all episode, yeah, and now you know you got one choice. Now you give us Ryan. Ryan's going to defeat Homelander. Thanks, thanks, boss. Appreciate it. The plot thickens.

Speaker 2:

Which is why I think it's just a great idea for these three episodes to be released like this, because now, after this third episode, it really feels like the plot is getting going. So now this is where you want to make it week to week, right?

Speaker 1:

Because now I'm invested, now I can wait a week and be once the episode drops. I'm like, oh, I need to see this, I need to see this, yeah I need to see it.

Speaker 2:

Um, then the end. We get back to sage's room. The deep shows up. The deep's like yo thanks for the advice, bro, oh yeah, because the whole thing was like sage, convincing the deep, that like you're a superior being, so don't let ashley talk to you any way that she wants, and he's like ashley you can't talk to me like that. And she's like get lost, and he's like no, I actually will get lost, yeah, I'll get right here I'm the lord of the seven seas, or he gets real serious.

Speaker 2:

I was like serious, deep, interesting, interesting character arc for him.

Speaker 1:

Um, but yeah, sage is not herself she's watching like a reality tv show, which I think was the most beneath thing for something like Stages. That was the first immediate red flag.

Speaker 2:

Eating a blooming onion yeah.

Speaker 1:

At first I thought it was more of a situation where she just was lying the whole time about being. I just thought it was more of a situation where she's just regular really smart, not superhuman really smart, and I was just like she's been lying to everybody.

Speaker 2:

No, but she's as the smartest person in the world. It is very difficult to shut your brain off. So she has to physically shut her brain off in the form of a temporary lobotomy, which is super sad. So this is the way that she shuts off access to her frontal cortex, which is her reasoning and everything that makes her who she is. She shuts that off to decompress, after kind of realizing, like Homelander is a maniac, maybe not realizing the depths to which, how much of a maniac he is and how impulsive he is. Like the opposite of kind of like the opposite of what she is as, like this hyper reasonable, you know, always thought out, always calm, cool and collected. The opposite of that is the irrationality of homelander, and she's been directly confronted with that. Like she can drop as many plans as she wants it's almost like the joker batman thing where it's like all this, they were on the same side.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, order.

Speaker 2:

Reason like no, like she can drop as many plans as she wants but she can never account for his unpredictability. And I think she realized that in that meeting. Like he just flew off the handle, like they were I don't know if they were going to convince newman, but maybe she felt they were going to convince Newman, but maybe she felt they were on the way to, and then Homelander just snapped Because Hubie Campbell was in the vent and he just lost it and people died and Vaught had to cover it up. And it's like two steps forward, five steps back, because now they lost Newman, presumably.

Speaker 1:

Ryan shows back up at the house, Homelander pulls a. Danny Tanner turns the seat around. Where have you been? Where have you been, DJ? We talked about this. You can talk to me, DJ. I hate you Dad, but Homelander's not good old Danny Tanner.

Speaker 2:

He's like where have you been, and Ryan's like you just been out. You smell like William Butcher I like that he calls him.

Speaker 1:

William Butcher.

Speaker 2:

I've always liked that bit, yeah, oh. I've always liked that bit um, yeah, it's oh. And also Sister Sage and the Deep make out, yeah it's a Transformers 2.

Speaker 1:

You wanna watch Transformers 2 and get it on the one with the racist robots? Yeah, they actually call it out. It's like they. It's like they watched the Cosmonaut video before they made this season um, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that happened, um, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

Homelander. He's losing his mind. He's finally losing his actual mind. His mind is splitting. The fake Homelander's come back Right. His mind's splitting into different personalities and they're just like what do you do when you're lost? You go home. And Homelander's home is not some nice little home in Arkansas or Kansas. No, it's a terrible home. Yeah, it's a facility that breeds and like enslaves hoops.

Speaker 2:

And then you know it sets the stage for Episode 4, which Eric Kripke has said that Episode 4 might be Anthony Starr's finest performance as Homelander. What have you done which, if that's true, I can't wait. So I guess we can end this with where are we headed?

Speaker 1:

I mean to kind of counter our points about the subplots. I mean that last 30 minutes, 20 to 30 minutes of this episode really kind of hones it back into everything too, and I mean the show is still the Boys, it's still going to be great. It's still prestige television, in my opinion. And you know, one of the things that we haven't really talked about enough, and it's something that you just mentioned, that eric kirk. He just said it's. These performances are just, they're so dialed, they feel real at this point and I mean that's it's spear, it's spearheaded by anthony star as a homelander yeah, he's continues to be sensational.

Speaker 2:

I like what you said in the beginning of episode one of the arc, how interesting this arc is for this character.

Speaker 2:

I feel like that's the bit that has been missing from the Homelander character where he's just been this out-and-out antagonist this entire time, where this season appears to be giving him at least a little bit of nuance. And for a character as insane as he is, you don't need it, you don't need him to be completely nuanced, you just need a little bit of nuance, you know, I mean a little bit. That just makes you kind of not understand him or like attached to him or anything like that, but just make him a little more dimensional, right, um, and it feels like they are giving him that, um, especially with this next episode, episode four, where he's going to return to his roots. You know, which might be the only situation where you can quote on you would quote unquote root for homelander is when he returns to like that place, because that place obviously is not great for the people that it's bringing up I wonder if they're going to do a little, um, a little.

Speaker 1:

What movie am I thinking of? Um, not miracle and 34th street. What movie am I thinking of that? Um, oh, it's a wonderful life. Maybe they do a little in. I don't know if you could bring what's his name back. If you could bring um, why can't I remember Jensen Ackles name? I wonder if you do a little. It's a wonderful life, situation where it's like you know well, you think.

Speaker 2:

You don't think Jensen Ackles isn't in this season at all, do you?

Speaker 1:

he's gotta be here, right? You don't rock the earth with your like, with that performance, and you know from last season that you just don't put him in this season. And then they literally put him on ice, they physically put him on ice.

Speaker 2:

They physically put him on ice. Yeah, he's still around. Yeah, Like Soulja Boy's still kicking somewhere.

Speaker 1:

I think that would be a good bit. Like you know, a younger version of Homelander, as if it was like everything was supposed to happen that way. Like you know, you find an actress to play his mom and thenson Countess no, maybe.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Just kidding. Whoa, I don't know if I've watched too much Game of Thrones, but I'm in on that. I think that's real interesting. Wasn't that a theory already, that Stormfront was his mom?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, because Soldier Boy tells the story that he just was with a supermodel and he just masturbated into a cup and they used his DNA to create Homelander. But it could be more complicated than that.

Speaker 1:

That would be such a messed up. But only the boys could pull something like that off. And it would further fracture Homelander's mind, probably Right in this wonderful life situation, that Stormfront-oh, that's my mom, that's my freaking father yeah, that'd be crazy, um uh gen v characters next week as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean that's. I would have to go back and revisit, like the trailers, to see how much of these first three episodes were in those trailers. It feels like a fair bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a decent amount, which might be in a good defense of the show as well. The first three that we got to your point, the setup episodes, the real train, which is the actual season. So four through how many episodes are in the season? Four through eight, so five more episodes after this.

Speaker 2:

like it would be kind of cool if all of those episodes were, you know, very much a mystery to everybody as well too yeah, and then you know, like I bring that up just because, um, in the trailer we did see, uh, sam and kate from gen v, so we don't know how those two are gonna, I think they're gonna fill out the seven.

Speaker 1:

That's what I think going to. I think they're going to fill out the seven. That's what I think is going to happen. I think they're going to be the last two, like, imagine, the little brother of Golden Boy, who was supposed to be the new member of the seven, and then Kate, this woman that, despite having her arm blown off, was able to and they're both, to Vought's perspective, two pure faces to put in the seven as well too yeah, especially if I would imagine they would make that call if ryan goes off off the grid.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that's what's gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

Ryan's probably gonna get taken like by the boys and or by jeffrey dean morgan, right, um, and you know they're gonna need new members and it's like hey, homelander, like oh, maybe they do. Like sam's, your secret son, like this is the son you never knew about.

Speaker 2:

Forget about Ryan. Oh, they just make it up like for PR, like a PR thing.

Speaker 1:

Right, sam is your long-lost son. Look at him, he's doing great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's entirely possible. I'm interested to see if Marie is going to show up.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't know if I said this on here or if I was talking to you I think Marie's going to be the key to killing Newman. I think that's how they're going to play it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because they already showed them as kind of like the A dyad in the force. Yeah, more or less. Oh, and that's the other thing we had to talk about was Butcher confronting Newman about the virus, Right?

Speaker 1:

right, yep, you got some virus kicking up at Godalkin, uh-oh, and it ain't gonna work. Yeah, well, they're probably saving that whole thing for Well, he says. The most important thing is it's not strong enough yet. Yeah, so it'll get there. We just need they need a little bit more time down there. So Why'd you have to kill all those people on that plane, Homelander?

Speaker 2:

Jerk yeah, he's a real jerk. Um queen mave is bound to show up again.

Speaker 1:

Um, interested to see how she fits into this. You still made a great point about, about jensen ackles. Like I don't think you can't. Like I said, it's more, it's more of it's, even further than the stormfront thing because, like he, his, his performance in the show is, like now, like so popular to the show you would have thought he was in the show for three seasons I could see a world where, because grace works with jeffrey d morgan, right, yeah, yep.

Speaker 2:

So I could see a world in which they kind of do the soldier boy what the russians did to him yeah, which I think would be a kind of neat play on his backstory it's like think about the real world where these characters all come from.

Speaker 1:

Like he would essentially would be captain america and the winter soldier in one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're like now it's the americans that are kind of using him as this weapon because they're like, say, like the thing with ryan falls through, like their plan b could be like a war machine version of soldier boy, like he's not inhibited by his humanity and he's just going out there to either a capture or kill ryan, or capture or kill a homelander right where, like I could see a world where, like jeffrey d morgan like goes to butcher and be like. I warned you that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wanted ryan. You're not gonna give me ryan, so not only is ryan gonna die, I'm I'm breaking soldier boy out of ice and he's gonna.

Speaker 1:

He'll murder everybody. I don't care, collateral damage does not matter at this point there's no collateral damage. It's the threat that Homelander made to start. How about I go to New York, take out all critical infrastructure, all white New York off the freaking map? He could do that. That's the best part about this character. It's the true fear of this show. That's the. That's the. That's the best part about this character. It's the true fear of the show. Like the show. Like. That's the horror of the show.

Speaker 2:

It's like if homelander really wanted to, he can wipe out everybody on the face of the earth if he really truthfully wanted to he was getting ready to do that before sister sage talked him into like another way right of ruling the planet, essentially, instead of burning it all down like just yeah, like if the deep wanted to make one massive tidal wave, like he can kill millions, like if a train wanted to, he can kill the whole planet if he wanted to.

Speaker 1:

Like there's no, there's no stop to what can happen. So you, I warned, you warned you, butcher, you had your shot so I got to imagine somebody is biting it right. 100% that's three seasons plus three episodes of no major death. Who's the biggest Becca? Who's the biggest death?

Speaker 2:

I would say probably the mainest main character is, I mean A-Train, probably is number one right now Is it too easy, though, to do A-Train?

Speaker 1:

No, because I think it's easy in the sense that, like it adds up, because, like this being the season where he maybe kind of finally flips and that's like his comeuppance, like his penance is, he finally flips on Homelander and he's killed he killed Ryan maybe that's what I was thinking and then to go into a final season like Ryan dies, not only it's going to be the poetic justice of he killed his mom, so now his life is gone, it'll probably be in a sacrifice, but Ryan will die, maybe to save Butcher, which is even more of a he's already dying. Why would you save him? He's like because that's my dad, like he might have been your father but he wasn't your daddy. Like that's my dad, Like I'm giving my life to give him one more chance. So Ryan could be an option. Starlight was somebody else. I was thinking too.

Speaker 1:

Oh Like because she's already kind of getting to the end of, like a completion of an arc. So I feel like it's the point where, like, maybe she goes back as Starlight one last time to do it Like one last bit as Starlight killed by Homelander, and then that's where Season 5 is just like remember, and it's going to play off the conversation he had. He's like you know, I'm okay with being, you know, loved, but fear is right, okie, dokie, okay With me. Like this is the true fear, like home, not home later, didn't kill some random starlight, or he killed starlight like on national television. Like there's no going back at this point. That's a great call.

Speaker 2:

I like that, I think that's. I think that would be great. Not great, but I think I think that would be really because Because I feel like they funny enough as much as the show does, it doesn't really have that. It doesn't have the main character, death.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. I think they're waiting for this because, like I said, what you probably want to do for season five is the season five has to be the doomsday clock. Now we have one hour left. This is Code Red Home Lantern is about to destroy everybody on this planet. That's not a soup. Like we don't have time left.

Speaker 2:

And I think it has to be, you know, kind of to the point you made about A-Train Like if they are going to do something major like that, it almost does have to be like a protagonist, like I don't think A think a train would be as effective. It wouldn't, I mean, it wouldn't be nearly as effective as starlight, right, um. So I think it would have to be probably like one of that main cast of characters, right, um. And I don't think it would be butcher, um, I don't think it'll be huey, yeah I think, yeah, jack qu Quaid, and what am I thinking?

Speaker 1:

Carl Urban, carl Urban's name. They have to make it into the final episode of the final season, in my opinion. Like they have to get there, because I think that Butcher's just going to take actual Combound V right to save his life. Like that's the only thing that makes sense to me, because you don't just kick him out after this Because they're going to do the white house thing. I, I don't see this show ending any other way than doing them, doing the, the white house scene from the comics. Like there's no other way the show ends. Like that's one of those staples from like you know how, like you, these movies and shows do the things from the comics and you're like, if they're doing the arc, the thing has to happen. Yeah, like this is one of those things where the thing has to happen, in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Like you have to do the White House thing, you have to end it on the bang yeah, and even if you don't end it the way that it ends in the comics, which it definitely feels like they're departing from they're gonna skew a little bit, but you can, I mean. But again, we've talked about when we talked about the boys last season.

Speaker 1:

Like the comics are mostly nonsense, like, if we're being honest, do you put homelander in season five after you know the death of the president. Do you think they do something where they try to make him the president himself? Like his side I can see that try to make him the president. So it's like if you try to kill homelander, you're killing the president of the united states.

Speaker 1:

So I mean that is one way to up the, up the ante and again like backing up my theory of like, if you're gonna kill somebody, ryan would be a choice. Because, like again to the point we're making, like, if ryan is being propped up as the only person that can be the one to take him out, killing ryan would be like again, put the doomsday clock to 11 and the once it strikes 12, you're dead. There's physically. Who do we have?

Speaker 2:

Or if, somehow, because they did this, the first episode lays this out what if, the end of this season, homelander kills Newman? Yeah, so it's like and you're like whoa.

Speaker 1:

You know how he's got to do it right, you squeeze her head to death.

Speaker 2:

Just like poetry they write when you you're like, oh yeah the first episode of the season like established her as this, like invulnerable force and like homelander, kills her and kind of usurps the us government imagine homelander has marie do it and it's just like because remember because he shows up at the end of gen v.

Speaker 1:

It's just like this is my thank you. This is this is the reason I didn't murder you, because I knew that you could kill her at some point. I could have easily killed you on that campus that day, but we need you. Where are they? Are they in the basement of the Dolkin or are they at Homelander's home?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know, I guess we might find out next week or this week, we might find out this week. Yeah, I mean, I think this season has a lot of interesting threads that can go and I hope, I hope they take a swing. You know, as funny as that is to say about this show they have, they've taken swings, of course, but I don't think they've taken many narrative swings. Yeah, it's been more like you know, commentary shock factor Right, Um, but it hasn't.

Speaker 2:

They haven't taken a lot of narrative swings as far as major character alterations. What's the?

Speaker 1:

biggest swing they've taken that Soulja Boy is Homelander's son. Is that the biggest swing they've taken?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think the culmination of all the Soulja Boy stuff.

Speaker 1:

Homelander has a son, which I don't think narratively is insane.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, I mean it's probably all the Soulja Boy stuff, to be honest.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because again to your point. I was about to say the head pop, but that's a shock factor thing like the Senate hearing or the courtroom, and then heaps of people start dying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, narratively, everything's kind of just been pretty on the rails Like they haven't. You know, obviously they've taken a lot of deviation. I would say honestly, pretty big narrative swing is probably um, homeowner, homeowner killing the war, right, and that was like the last thing that made me go like Whoa, yeah, cause it felt like they were kind of. They were almost like setting nowhere up, to be like kind of like where a train is this season where, like he was either getting ready to leave like everybody or like flip on the seven and homelander just cut him off at the pass. And that was like that made me. I was like whoa, yeah, like holy smokes but not that you take it away.

Speaker 1:

But when the new noir shows up this season, you're like oh, so we don't have to worry about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like that didn't matter. It ended up not like noir's death actually didn't matter because, like to your point, like I guess one of your theories was, they brought Noir back to freak Homelander out. My theory was that it was going to be, sam was going to be the new. Noir.

Speaker 1:

I would have taken Sam, I would have taken Soldier Boy himself and then I would have taken if they put Soldier Boy on ice.

Speaker 2:

When you were saying earlier about killing this new Noir and replacing him, the thing that crossed my mind was like what if they shadow drop Soldier Boy into the noir costume after the new noir? If the new noir dies? What if Vought, in conjunction with Grace, shadow drop Soldier Boy into the noir outfit? Right?

Speaker 1:

And then it's just like Den Holmgren is like I murdered you last week and how are you back? But again, even to go further into my point, I think it's going to play more of like he's so numb to murder at this point where he's like new noir actor we're good, nobody cares, and this noir shuts up, so everybody's cool. This one doesn't talk like the last one, so I'm cool.

Speaker 2:

And then it's actually Soulja Boy. Yep, that'd be interesting.

Speaker 1:

You aren't some weak sniveling. Anyway, that's the boys, buddy you think you look strong.

Speaker 2:

He was so good dude he was.

Speaker 1:

Greatest cameo in any comic book thing is when he showed up in.

Speaker 2:

when he shows up in Gen. V. He was so good on the boys Like that was like the. It's weird we talked about it when we talked about season three, but like he spent so long as Dean Winchester that like I feel like people took him for granted.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as like an actual, you made a good point where you're like somebody that had that stint on TV, like that young you thought at some point was going to make the jump to, like he was going to be one. Like that young you thought at some point was gonna make the jump to, like he was gonna be one of like, even on your level, like your Chris Evans, where it's like, oh, he's gonna start to get like A-list potential out of Jensen Ackles. He's got an A-list name, jensen Ackles. That's an A-list name, that's an A-list name. So it's like the fact too, but he's stuck. He's not, he wasn't stuck, but he's stuck with supernatural all the way through, um, and then he pops up in something like this and you're like, again to your point, that's a great point. It's like you take him for granted. It's like, oh, you're that guy for suiting natural. And then he shows up and he's just like you think you look strong, you're wearing a cape and you're like man, he can act I was like, wait a second, he can act.

Speaker 1:

This is, this is phenomenal. Um, I mean the fact that he shows up and it's like, oh yeah, that guy's got to be Batman, right, like he's got to.

Speaker 2:

I mean, he was always my hopeful pick to play Joel. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The Sadie Sink.

Speaker 2:

Jensen Ackles is great. That was the one I wanted for a long time, isn't there another?

Speaker 1:

one that's really good. Oh, it's the Hugh Jackman. And who was it? She was in. Oh, why am I forgetting the actress that should have played Ellie not should have, because obviously the two picks that they made were absolutely phenomenal, but there's somebody that went along with Hugh Jackman that I thought would that's if the Last of Us had came out the same year. Because they were talking about it. They wanted the movie. In like the mid 2010s that actually happened and that's when Hugh Jackman's name was circling around there. He made Prisoners.

Speaker 2:

I'm still waiting for Jensen Ackles to get the big, big break. Do you think he wants it? I think he wants Batman, to be honest, At this point.

Speaker 1:

I got two picks for Batman that I would be very happy with. At this point, it's Jake picks for batman that I that I would be very happy with it's. At this point it's.

Speaker 2:

It's not alan richard, it's jake gyllenhaal, or it's or it's jensen ackles I still think jake gyllenhaal just turned 40 or something like that yeah, which I thought he was older, but I thought it's the ryan gosling. Yeah, so like they've been around for so long, right?

Speaker 1:

so I think I personally think that he would be a phenomenal Batman. And then Jensen Ackles he's got the voice man and obviously he voiced Batman. He voiced Batman already.

Speaker 2:

James Gunn's got something cooking up Every time, these little set pieces keep coming in about this movie.

Speaker 1:

They keep coming in. Over the last two weeks. I keep getting more and more excited for this movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me too. That's the boys. We'll probably just revisit this at the end of the season, yeah, but we want to talk about the first three, just because they were grouped together and they and they served as a nice little launch point for the rest of the season. So we'll revisit in in a few weeks, um, when the season concludes, and give our give, give our final review and thoughts. Um, so, yeah, I mean, that's, that's it, that's all we got. House of the dragon, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Quick, quick thoughts, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to dive. I don't want to dive too into it, cause I don't want to step on. Anything we might, we'll do at the end of the season, but strong first episode, man, I don't know what else to say. Um, it felt. It felt a lot more game of thrones yeah than last season, not only game of thrones.

Speaker 1:

What first episodes of season sometimes try to do is they try to kind of, they try to acclimate you a bit. There's no acclimation, there's there's war. That's that's what I love. And there's war and I care about these characters as well. Um, and it's something you know. We're gonna probably watch the acolyte in a little bit. But there's something that it's such a simple thing that we always talk about and it's such it's. It's one thing you think would be so easy for people to understand. But I care about these characters. That's why I'm so invested. Like the world is cool Technically, this show, especially this first episode of the second season, like I'm talking like film. Technically, this thing is sound Like this thing looks really good, it's shot really well. All those things are, you know, prominent and they matter.

Speaker 1:

But I care about everybody here whether they be evil, whether they be good, whether they be morally great, I care about everybody at this point. I'm emotionally invested in these characters and for them to do that in one season where you know, for some characters in Game of Thrones it took a little bit to get there for some of these characters I think that's rather impressive.

Speaker 2:

Somebody made a decent point A season and an episode in is this better than a season and episode in to Game of Thrones House? Of the Dragon's good House of the Dragon's pretty good, it's just I think of, I just think about season one, episode nine of Game of Thrones. Like that Baelor episode with the death of Ned Stark is just like unassailable.

Speaker 1:

But then I can shoot back and like kind of remix that back to you and say episode 8 of House of the Dragon. It's right up there not only will I say this too, and this might be our Game of Thrones in that sense it contains one of the best performances from that universe, obviously outside looking in, but the performance that Paddy Constantine puts up in that episode could possibly usurp the whole season as one for that season one of Game of Thrones.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that episode 8 of House of the Dragon. It's special. It blows my mind to this day that Paddy Constantine didn't get any type of Emmy recognition at all, not even a nomination.

Speaker 2:

I was floored because of just the journey that he took Viserys on that whole season you would have thought patty constantine was dying, the way she was acting and you know, it's testament to that performance that, like the season one, the episode one of this show, like I missed, I missed the sarah's being around again and you know now looking inside the box for everything.

Speaker 1:

Tier two they kind of talk about this whole thing that you're talking. We're thinking about an actor, but in universe as well, like viserys is dead. Now look at the world. That viserys is dead like he. It's almost like his being kept, everything like he's like a rubber band, like the second he died, that rubber band snapped and now everything's all over the place. Yeah, I mean, we're still talking about the dang stepstones.

Speaker 2:

And I mean he, in this area, lamented the fact that he wasn't going to be remembered because how quote-unquote, boring his reign was because there was such a long period of peace besides the dang stepstones. So he had always lamented that he didn't have that kind of big claim to fame. And I think it was his. I don't know if he was officially handed the king, because I think Otto was his hand the whole time, or it might have been that brief stint when he fired Otto. And I forget the freaking guy's name, I think it was Lionel Strong's. It was Lionel Strong, it was Larry Strong's brother, Lionel Strong, who said to him your prolonged period of peace is your legacy. Like you don't, I understand, you're a targaryen.

Speaker 2:

Targaryens are known as conquerors and and these leaders of great wars. But like it's also okay to not be in a great war and just have a long, prolonged period of peace. Like he was trying to impart that onto viserys. And you know, unfortunately lionel strong was killed, along with harwin strong as well. Um, so I, you know, I don't think it ever really. Viserys probably died, thinking he was you know a failure of a king.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when the truth is, you were the glue that kept westeros together, for lack of better term.

Speaker 2:

So and episode one obviously the ending of episode one is gonna. It's funny how how the end of season obviously the ending of episode one is going to. It's funny how how the end of season one and the end of episode one of season two kind of marry each other with the death of Lucerys and the death of baby Jiharis and and episode one that's going to.

Speaker 1:

Now both sides are properly motivated and I think you you want to talk about, you know, call to actions, for this might be one of the best examples I've ever seen on not a character scale but an actual like the actual plot needs to get kicking, like. This might be one of the best. Get that plot kicking immediately, because what you can do too is think about it like, well, season one did that. Well, I mean, like you know, people are still people. So like people are like why didn't this thing happen in season? You know there's People are like why didn't this thing happen in season? There's no excuse now. There's no question of we're on the run, we're running now. This is the war season that we talked about. I don't know how this season is going to play out, obviously, but this feels very Dune Part 1, dune Part 2, where Dune Part 1 was like we're going to get you acclimated.

Speaker 1:

These are the Targaryens in their prime. Everything's cool, everything's great. Uh-oh, the Greens. This isn't good. And then Dune, part 2, just like how I believe, house of the Dragons, season 2, and what we've been told is like no, no, this is the war. This is the actual war that's happening now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think Ryan Condles even said like the Dance of the dragons is going to go beyond even season two. Like this is going to be like a multi-season conflict. Um, which game of thrones has never done? Um, they've. Their big battles are always. There's always the one episode that's the big battle. Like you think um the battle of the bastards in season six, you think um the battle of blackwater bay in season two? Um, you had the battle at the Wall in Season 5. Every season kind of has a big battle. But they've said no, we're going to have actual multi-scaled conflicts in this with dragons, which is always great.

Speaker 1:

And you want to talk about performances, emma Darcy, as Rhaenyra might be one of the best TV performances that you can find, she does have weight to your point to carry, because she now has to step into Paddy Constantine's shoes and hold it together. You're always going to get your Matt Smith in here, which is just like he's kind of the cool, mysterious one. It's like a boy band, you're the cool, mysterious one.

Speaker 1:

He's aptly named. George rr martin named him the rogue prince, right, and that's exactly damon's character, like um. But now you know you have to carry this show and she carries it in this first episode with one line of dialogue which is phenomenal like everybody kind of speaks for her but you can't know what she's actually feeling until you're with her. Um's so well done. Her one line is I want Aemon Targaryen and that's it yeah. I was floored by that performance even the scene with her and Jace who's cutting onions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's crazy that they've done this now twice in two seasons. Matt Smith had a similar episode, um in season one, when he doesn't speak right, but his presence yeah, yeah, the, the crab, the crab king episode. Yeah, yeah, the crab feeder, yeah, um, where he doesn't speak a single line of dialogue the whole episode, but his presence carries the performance and evan darcy does something very similar, but in a different way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, whereas like damon's or matt smith's performance in that episode was more like exuding, like look how it's commanding yeah, look how powerful he is, like look how you know badass he is, whereas, like, her performance is more reserved and it's more like, look how you know, look how powerfully powerful she is in spite of her grieving, right, you know, and you know, damon directly confronts her when not directly confronts her, but when he's talking to uh rainice in the beginning of the episode, when she's, when she tells him, like can you, like, can you chill a little bit? Like she's, like, she's a grieving mother, and he says, while the mother grieves, the queen lies stagnant or whatever. It was something like that, basically saying she's a mother, yes, but she's also our queen and she needs to get her ish in gear.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because he's like. Well, he tells Rhaenys he's like she just comes back in from a patrol and he says get back on your dragon, we're going to go kill Vhagar and she's just like. I'm tired. I'm going to take a nap.

Speaker 2:

I've been flying all day and he's just like did you not hear me Like I'm?

Speaker 1:

that was a command he said once you become King.

Speaker 2:

I'll take that command, but bit more sharpness in the dialogue too, that kind of invoked the like, more game of thrones, like like I did enjoy I mean we'll save, we'll save, we'll save, we'll save. Our agon talk for for a grander episode, but uh, he was a real highlight. They got in the boys, yeah, um, all these, you know, I, I I forgot that not just, it wasn't just raniera, andra and Alicent that got actor flipped, it was Aemon and Aegon also got actor flipped during the time jump, and I think both the older actors are incredible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's funny because on paper you want to say that, oh, aemon's so great because he's so mysterious. I mean we keep joking about it off here, but we kept joking about it for the last couple days since this episode came out. They're going to fight. Amon and Daemon have a score to settle. They are supposed to be the two master swordsmen. They will come to blows at some point. This season.

Speaker 2:

Well, for Amon, it's like the Vader-Obi-Wan thing. When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master, Like it's that thing. But Aegon's character's kind of interesting now. Well yeah, especially coming off the end of the episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because before you were just a bumbling horrible human being, but now you're just kind of like what if I just was the king that everybody liked and then Otto Hightower's like?

Speaker 2:

that's not how that works, and Aegon's like I don't care, but now he's been pushed, yeah, now he's been pushed to being, you know to the point about Viserys.

Speaker 1:

You know what I love about that that this episode does. We don't see any sort of reaction from him specifically. I think that's one of the smartest things that that show has done. It's such a weird little thing to make the choice, because we easily because you know what makes that even more interesting At the end of season one, as soon as Luke died, the first reaction shot we see is from Rhaenyra, but we don't see how Aegon's going to react to this at all too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know they build it with the Targaryen lore of you flip a coin and you either get a peaceful ruler or a tyrant ruler, and they play on that. But they also play on the fact that Aegon's father, viserys, was known as this peaceful king who led with his kindness. And now we're going to see we've seen Aegon, at least for one episode, attempt to lead in the vein of Viserys. But now we might see it from the other side.

Speaker 1:

Right, because you do, for all intents and purposes, whatever type of bad person that Aegon was, I mean he's bad, he did a horrible thing to somebody. Yeah, you can get the sense that he really liked his to his babies, like, oh yeah, especially his son. Like he looks like we're like where's my son? Like I let him come in the room. Like he's gonna be here. Much to tylen, yeah, dismay, yeah, yeah, he's gonna be king one day like he needs never too early to start learning right and that's also a reflection of his relationship or non-relationship with viserys.

Speaker 2:

Right, because viserys I said this to somebody off air, like when I was talking like viserys really favored reneara's kids right a hundred percent yep rather than his own actual kids yep, right, um, he didn't really seem to care much for amon and agon. Like there's that scene, obviously, when luke takes amin's eye right and the only thing viserys is really hung up on is when agon calls luke and jake's bastards yeah, and he grabs agon. He's like where did you hear that from right? He's like the queen like yeah, allison said it.

Speaker 2:

Like chill so he said, dad, my eye, dad, my eye, go take a walk yeah, he basically like passes it off as like boys will be boys and allison's like no, like your son, your son has just been maimed. Like I want retribution. He's like chill out yeah, can everybody relax.

Speaker 1:

Let's go get some food, guys, let's go, let's go to burger king. So yeah, I think, I think drones.

Speaker 2:

Agon's an interesting character in all this and I look forward to I mean episode two. We're gonna get his reaction to what happened. So, yeah, super strong, sharp, uh strong. Start to house of the dragon, season two, which we will talk about at length, um, upon its conclusion. Yeah, that's gonna do it for us this week. Kristen cole is still a hoe. He still sucks. I still hate that guy. Um, but that's gonna do it for us this week. You can follow us on Twitter at projects and at underscore pod. You can follow us on Facebook. You can follow us on Instagram at the project infinite pod. Next week, who knows, we'll see, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we might do House of the Dragon season 2 we might do.

Speaker 2:

We might do House of the Dragon, season 1, episode 8. Yeah, we might do House of the Dragon.

Speaker 1:

Season 1, episode 8. Yeah, we might have to One specific scene we might do.

Speaker 2:

That is no true, Valerian.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Vaemon Valarian retrospective. Yeah, our first ever character retrospective.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it's him specifically.

Speaker 1:

Gone for not forgotten, taken out by that absolute psychopathic murderer, daemon Targaryen. Jerk, you killed my glorious king Vaemon Velaryon. His house survived the doom. What if the doom wasn't actually 14 volcanoes?

Speaker 2:

What if it?

Speaker 1:

was like one, like it was just like a really bad thunderstorm, and that's how they play it off, and like everybody got really sick, but they lied, that's what I think happened. I think they gassed up the Doom a little bit oh.

Speaker 2:

You're a Doom truther, huh.

Speaker 1:

You think everybody rolls their eyes at the Doom, like my house survived the Doom. He's like oh my God, that was years ago, man, you weren't even there, you weren't even there. My grandma was there, dude. She said it wasn't even that bad, you guys just suck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know, we'll see. We'll see what next week holds. We don't know yet.

Speaker 1:

So for me, from the Careful man, from the Will Ferrell of the podcast, yes, no, no, it's not good in that it's not good Because I'm like Sandra Bullock from the Blind Side no, not Will Ferrell, not Will Ferrell, the character he's playing in the Boys oh character actor Will Ferrell.

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh, okay, yes.

Speaker 1:

The actual Will Ferrell, because when I show up everybody's like what Best bit from the Boys season so far.

Speaker 2:

It's the Black Noir thing. It's Black. Yeah, it's everyone telling Black Noir to shut up. Yeah, alright, guys, we'll see you next week for a thing. Goodbye Peace.

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