The Project Infinite Podcast

114 - Unraveling the Epic Saga of 'Dune: Part Two': A Film Review and Deep Dive Analysis

Rob & Court Episode 122

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We’re back talking Dune Part Two in our full spoiler review of the sci-fi epic. We discuss the plot in detail, what worked, and why we think this could go down as one of the best movies in recent memory. Before that, we mourn the loss of famed Japanese Manga creator Akira Toriyama, talk the new Fallout trailer and the rebrand and logo reveal of James Gunn’s Superman. 

We unwrap the visual and narrative layers of Denis Villeneuve's epic, from Zendaya's standout performance to the Atreides family saga. This week's discussion takes us from the Oscar-worthy performances in 'Dune: Part Two' to the high stakes of Paul Atreides' prophetic journey. We conclude our deep dive with an analysis that's as riveting as the sandworms themselves.  From the chilling silence of a duel to the explosive potential of atomic warfare, we dissect the elements that make 'Dune: Part Two' a masterclass in storytelling. So, come join the conversation, where Court and I ensure every fan leaves with a newfound appreciation for the epic odyssey that is 'Dune'.

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0:00 Intro
 01:48 Akira Toriyama dies at 68
 03:48 New Trailer for Amazon’s “Fallout”
 08:04 Superman Logo Reveal & Title Change
 14:17 Dune: Part Two Box Office & Reception
 22:08 Dune: Part Two FULL SPOILER Discussion
 01:55:49 Giving Our Awards For Moments, Characters & Performances
 02:29:30 Court Predicts The Oscars
 02:36:56 Rob Talks Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth
 02:41:03 Signing Off!

Topic for Next Week: The Oscars 2024

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Speaker 1:

It's the Infinite Podcast. Go tell your friends. It's the Infinite Podcast, my God, he never ends. It's the Infinite Podcast with Robin Corp the Cube.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Project Infinite Podcast, the podcast covering the infinite and ever-expanding multiverse of fandom for movies, comics, tv shows, video games. We got you covered. I'm Rob. I'm here, as always, with Kourt Kourt. We're back to talk about Dune. Oh, I thought we were talking about Wonka.

Speaker 1:

Nope Wrong Timmy movie my bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wrong, timothy Shalame movie we're going to talk about the king Nope.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful boy Nope. Interstellar Nope. I'm going to take the other one off the top of my head, lady.

Speaker 2:

Bird no, unfortunately Not this time, not this time, Next time, baby. But yeah, we're back. This is kind of well, it's our actual weekly episode, but also a companion to our Dune review that we did last week, because we're here to talk about an info. Finally, we've been chomping at the bit to do this and it's finally here. So we're going to dive into that.

Speaker 2:

And everything surrounding this movie has just been remarkable, from reception to box office to everything. Like this movie genuinely feels like it has like a buzz around it. You know what I mean that the first movie didn't necessarily have, but that's probably a product of when it came out compared to this one, which now, like everyone's kind of just ready to talk about it. Yeah, and so are we. So we'll do that. But first we do have some news, starting with some unfortunate news up top. So the notable Japanese manga creator, akira Toriyama, unexpectedly passed away last night at the age of 68. A subdurable hematoma, so it's basically just a brain you know, brain bruise that just went unchecked and he passed away from it, which is a devastating blow to the Japanese you know art community. I mean, he's kind of like the grandfather of Japanese manga in a lot of ways, obviously most notable for Dragon Ball and so many other things. So just a real, real blow to the art community. Losing Akira Toriyama, because I mean, dragon Ball's influence is just insane.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm just mainstream media. I mean we just got a high budget Hollywood movie which was talking Crete 3. That's pulling direct reference from this. It's just, it's, it's absurd, the strangle it has, but well deserved.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, you know there's, there's reasons why, you know, over decades, you know the you know the most famous, I guess, hypothetical battle in history is Goku and Superman. You know, which is crazy considering where Superman comes from and where Goku comes from. It's. It's really insane and really unfortunate because Toriyama had has been working, you know he's, he's had you know the statement that was released said he had several unfinished works that he was, you know, working on, because obviously you know there was nothing wrong. He just just just happened and you know it's unfortunate that we'll never see that.

Speaker 2:

You know we'll never get another continuation of the Dragon Ball saga. Like, all that stuff is just done now and it's just super, super unfortunate. But, like you said, dragon Ball is such a cultural touchstone across so many different generations and so many different, you know, walks of life. Like I feel like everybody kind of attaches to that, to Dragon Ball, which is insane. So, man, just a real bummer, and obviously anytime we do these is never any easy way to transition out of them. But we did get another trailer, a big, much more full trailer for Fallout, the Amazon series, coming out on April 11th and I'm in, I'm also in.

Speaker 1:

I'm also in. We were in on the first trailer, we were in, I mean, and you know we talked about it before we hopped on this. It's just, amazon Prime is in the space where they really can. It's almost it feels like bulletproof, like they're starting to get to the realm, but there's so much attention to detail and there's so much gravitas, but also so much care I think that's the number one word I can use is so much care that's being handled on at Amazon Studios, which you know it's great. I mean, you have the boys, you have invincible Mr and Mrs Smith was pretty good. Just so many shows that are just quality controlled and you know are well done and you know it appears that fallout is just going to be another show in a long line of Amazon Prime wins.

Speaker 2:

It feels that way. Yeah, they nailed the look, they nailed the aesthetic, they nailed that. Like I said to you earlier, they nailed that weird blurring between like the 50s kind of style and like the retro futurism kind of future, which, like the weird, the weird color palettes and everything, everything, just everything, just feels a little bit off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the best way to put it.

Speaker 2:

Like it almost feels. It almost feels like a, like a, you know, like an unsettling version of like Pee Wee, herman's Pee Wee Playhouse, like the kind of like the style that they're going for, especially the scenes that take place within the confines of the vault that you see in the trailer, where it's this really like everything's very vibrant.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's a great anecdote for how life was in the 50s and you had the fear of the Cold War, which that's literally what fallouts about. It's the whole point.

Speaker 2:

It's an unsettling positive Like. It's very vibrant and very colorful but in like an off putting way, but it's supposed to be. And then obviously, once you get outside the vault and into the wasteland, like you really see what a what just a crap world that this actually is. And that's why the fallout story is so good, because you have this. You know it's always an unnamed fault dweller. You know what grows up within the confines of like the perfect, perfect place in the vault. And then they step outside into the wasteland, whatever wasteland that may be. This appears to be California, just based on a couple things the big donut you see the big donut. Hollywood Boulevard you obviously see signs for Hollywood Boulevard. And yeah, I'm just super stoked, super stoked that the first of all the episodes are coming out at once.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like it's a good strategy for a season one, especially for something that that's. This source material is very off the rails and they're very much leaning into it, leaning into it with all the intensive purposes. So I'm actually kind of glad they're doing this so, you know, at least you can get the full shot of the whole thing. So, as least, as least, as long as it's cohesive, makes sense, story wise and it's fun, it's vibrant, it's crazy, it's off the rails, it's stupid at the same, like all the good stuff that makes these shows, then you know they're in for a treat. Yeah, I totally agree.

Speaker 2:

I think it's just I'm kind of floored by it and honestly it's. I'm glad that we're in this space with these video game properties where, like, we're trying to kind of seeing them as more than just adaptations, and I love that. In this particular one, what I'm really happy with is they're not adapting it on any one of the game, previous game stories they're just making I think the director talked about it. He's like, in a way, we're kind of just making Fallout 5. And I think that's a great way to go about it Just make your own thing.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know, I'm super excited for it, definitely excited to check it out, I'm going to clean my hands in here, which makes me happy for for all my weird 80s kids. Yeah, yeah, just, he's the perfect person to have in here.

Speaker 2:

Walter Goggins also. It's just so weird like it didn't.

Speaker 1:

That's it, just it's so. I'm just so glad they didn't try to glamorize it or anything like that. It's just, it's the perfect amalgamation of, like you said, that retro futurism, that just weird. You know hellscape, which is the fall out, you know the outside of the dome and fall out Like it's all. It just seems like a perfect marriage of anything and I just I can't wait to see it in a couple months, yeah a month and a half.

Speaker 2:

I think, yeah, just a little bit, not even not even a month.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a month, yeah basically out of month.

Speaker 2:

And then the last bit of news before we talk about Dune. So we got a Superman update. We got a first look at the logo, which obviously very Kingdom come inspired, or with the logo, and we got a rename. So it's not Superman legacy anymore, it is just going to be.

Speaker 1:

Superman shop the legacy Just do Superman.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just do.

Speaker 1:

Superman said Justin Timberlake in that one movie. I can't remember the name of just kidding social network, which I'm fine, I'm, I'm in, I'm in on that. That's fine. You know they had, we had that cast picture that we talked about the last time as well too. It just, it seems like everything's coming together.

Speaker 1:

We got the first set picture of the set itself, of, obviously it looks like what would be the fortress of solitude there. I know that I can't, I can't remember where they are if they're in. I don't know if it was Greenland or Antarctica where they were shooting. I'd assume it's Greenland, because Antarctica's got to be like an SOB to try to get to. So, yeah, no, I'm, I'm in on the whole idea, I'm in on the concept.

Speaker 1:

I think the number one thing that might is it's losing, not losing its grip. But the number one thing that I'm excited for, that not a lot of people are talking about, is David Cornswet himself. Like I, just I think he, I, I don't people don't forget like how, in my opinion, how great of a get that is too, because he's not go, he doesn't have any priors, he doesn't have anything to you know major things that we can throw a bias against him. It's just. This feels very akin to you know, obviously. Obviously Hugh Jackman had a career before this, but when he stepped in he was just Wolverine at that point. And obviously Superman, you know, has a legacy of being played by all these different actors.

Speaker 1:

Come on, it's gone, but I just feel like David's going to step in here and just do something. I just I can't explain it. I just have a very good feeling about this movie. There's just something about this movie that I'm just just the feel, the aura we talk about all the time. It just, it just seems to have it.

Speaker 1:

I just especially off the back of Guardians 3, you know, this is something we talked about that the DC Universe hasn't had live action as it had in a while. It just, I feel a bit of, I feel the structure that we've been taught like there feels to be a plan in place this time and like everything that they want to happen is going on right now. And you know, we talked about it when we talked about we did our episode about the future of the DC, eu and the future of the DC. You, like, you just need one to hit. You don't need to do this. You know that's, you know, 15 year plan. Obviously they have some plans in place because business is business. But just make sure Superman works, just make sure this first movie works.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think this movie is going to thematically play and then, you know, you know, philosophically play all these things. I think it's going to play that way. It has something that this, the character of Superman, has not seen. You know and it's funny I say that heckling Superman plays that a lot, but I think the dad overlay takes a lot of that, which is really great stuff that they were doing on the CW and on with that character, but this Superman just feels like it can be the one for, you know, the kids these days. I feel like there's been a Superman for each era of kids and I feel like he might be the Superman for this era of kids and it might work. I just I have a good feeling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I think you know, like we've talked about when this whole thing unfolded, like I just feels like that this is in good hands and you know, I think James Gunn knows kind of what people are expecting. Not just what people are expecting, but just you know what kind of. What kind of what they need is this. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

And they talked about it too. It's this idea of like, of what, like this is the whole thing. You know, we talked about the fears too and like, hey, there's a lot of characters like I just imagine this movie ends with like all of them being like, oh, like we finally found the person that you know can lead us. And then, you know, then you go further. Then you look at Batman, you look at the antithesis to this, like you know, here's this guy that you know you talk about all this hope. Like all my hope was lost, so I have to instill fear onto this, onto the city, like then you can start to dive into these characters. You just got to get the first one right.

Speaker 1:

Also, getting Nicholas Holt as Lex Luthor might have been an absolute revelation. You know to your point about. You know, last week we talked about Tom Hiddleston was with audition for Thor and he was so good they kept him killing. Murphy audition for Batman it's he's so good they kept him. Like that. It's a pretty dang good track record. So if this is the third big one I can think of, it's just such great. Bald looks real good. I'm, I'm just, I'm in man, I'm really in on this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got. What a year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got a year, about a year and three months, because you know, april, may, june, year and four months ish.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I'm looking forward to it, for sure.

Speaker 1:

That first suit reveals going to break the internet. To that, yeah, be a big day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and just James Gunn knows at this point, like he knows, how to market.

Speaker 1:

That's my thing, dude, and you know I don't want to spend too much time on this, but again, for any of like the nice, like we were in that theater last what last May, crying at a talking raccoon, like you know, and these absurd like again, I just think he's going to do suit. Like I just think Superman is not like I think this is what he's been working towards his whole life. Like I think this is the thing. Like I think he's going to have fun. It's going to be a little weird, which I hope I don't be dozen straight away from who he is.

Speaker 1:

Like he made me care about peacemaker, he made me care about rocket, like all these, like look at who he's getting me to care about. Like I think suit. Like he's been working for this to get Superman right and it's just this feels like this. Just like you know, you know you got your lowest lane, you got Lex, you got this. You know JSA, almost type of team, jla, this first iteration JLA team. Like I just I think they're going to pull a lot from Grant Morrison to like that, that era of where DC was in the late 90s, to like the mid 2000s. They're going to pull a lot from there. I hope they dip into some Kirby stuff from the 70s as well too. You know, obviously there's just so much room to grow. With this, like I think this was the best decision they could have made just after everything and just start fresh, start new.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yeah, I totally agree. Sometimes you just got to make that hard, that hard cut, and just start over, and I think that's smart move. Short of that, though, we're going to talk about Dune now Interesting.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. I just thought we were going to talk about Wonka, but it's all right.

Speaker 2:

Interesting. So we did do a lot of our non-spoilery bits in the last episode, but we do have the. We do have some numbers now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, get the numbers out of the way Since when we saw it, the movie wasn't even out properly yet, so we did have a, we did have a weekend and so far this movie is tracking pretty, pretty freaking well. It opened at 81 million over the Thursday through Sunday period. It's up to 211 million worldwide, 111 million domestically. It definitely feels like it has legs. Yeah, I know we, you know we don't talk about it, but the industry talks about it. You know, movie having legs. I mean, this was the thing that gave Avatar. What it got was the fact that the movie had historical, historical legs.

Speaker 1:

that you know, and a historical second week, and this is going to be the question this we're doing this on Friday, so by the time Monday hits, we're probably going to know what this movie is going to truthfully be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I don't think any movie will ever be Avatar. I think that was just. That was just a unique thing, Moment in time where this movie just had this unreal run.

Speaker 1:

I don't you know, obviously you're talking money, but the way this movie is being received, and played is just you know. Yeah, that's it, we'll save that for a second, but just just money wise you're right, like Avatar was just the definition of lightning in a bottle, for cinematic sense was Avatar.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, because no one could explain it. No one could explain. We talked about it when we did the episode on the first Avatar. With this, that theater run was just unlike anything anyone has ever seen, like it just kept getting like months after the fact, just kept getting more and more people to see it. So nothing will ever touch Avatar in terms of that. This one has something totally different going for it, which is the reception. Not that obviously Avatar was received.

Speaker 2:

Well, we know that it won you know how many Academy Awards and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

Here's the comparison I'm going to make. So when the creator first came out, it was September, right, and the first, I remember the first premiere was overwhelmingly positive. They were like this is one of the best science fiction movies, and then the audience gets it. So this is where the trick happens when the audience gets the movie. That's when you'll kind of know, because usually what will happen. It'll dip a little bit or it'll be vice versa. You'll get the fans of the thing that are diehard fans of the thing, and then it'll be the reverse. It'll be, you know, 50s to 70s, but the fan reception is in the 80s, 90s.

Speaker 1:

This movie started off of this is one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time and I was like understandable. And then there were people saying this might just be one of the flat out best movies ever. Okay, wow, one of the greatest sequels of all time. And I was like, oh, this is like, this is a lot. And then, obviously, like I said, once it hits the actual audience, that's when you're going to tell it seems like it's had no drop off in that time, which is just unfathomable. It's like it's unheard of. It's like you can count the movies on your hands. You know that have that fan and critic reception of just this is this is truthfully incredible, and you know we talked about it already. But this, this movie, is just truthfully incredible. I mean, you know the one quote that Jessica had in the movie, like the beauty in the horror, that that pretty much sums up this movie. It is the beauty in the horror. This movie is absolutely breathtaking. I mean breathtaking is an understatement to talk about this movie, but you know it is. There's like this movie is also horrifying thematically, like there are some very, very scary ideas that they're playing within this movie. You know. However, you know let's just talk, let's let's just start.

Speaker 1:

You know what I always say of you know, who do you have on the movie? That's a super important thing. This is the best Denise been in his career and that's saying. That's saying something, that's truthfully saying something. I mean I said he went from what was it he did? What was it Sicario first, or was he did enemy to sec or prisoners to enemy to Sicario, to arrival to Blade Runner, to Dune one, to Dune two, like that's just, that's your run of movies that you have. Like that's the blank check type of guy where you go, do it. Like that's James Cameron, chris Knowles, do whatever you want, we don't care. We know you're going to give us returns and he just proved it, but it's the level of which this operates just does not feel real.

Speaker 1:

There's a shot in the beginning of this movie where it's this Eclipse sequence, essentially, and Jessica kills one of the Harkinons and she's standing. It's like you know, it's draped in orange, you know I that's when I knew I was, oh OK, this is, this is going to. This is one of the pictures they talk about Like this is going to be, this is going to be something, and like this movie is just riddled with shots like that. Like this movie feels like a painting at some times, like a truthful, like you know, I I got it the second, so I've seen this movie four times, judge me, but it was the second time I saw it. I was like, oh, like I'm witnessing, like my you know, my brother said it to me, so this is the one you tell your kids about. Like this is one of the movies where, like I saw this in theaters when this came out Like this is one of those movies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's a great point, I think it just. We talked about it last week, it just, it's just. This movie just grabs you from from like the opening, the opening moment, like and you're just, you're just, you're in you're in instantly. There's no kind of just adjusting to anything like. It just grabs you immediately and that's a testament to the visuals and a testament to how the movie shot, because that's how movies are supposed to grab you is with that sort of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Usually you know and you know it's something that Roger Deakins talked about before like the best work I can ever do is when they don't know that I shot the movie. In my opinion, it's better than me being like oh, roger Deakins shot this. This is incredible. Like the level that and Greg Fraser said in an interview he said you know, this is the best movie I've shot. Like this is the one where, like I talked about it last time, like when an athlete's performing well and you know it, like that's what this movie feels like to me. Like this is like an athlete going for like a 60 point basketball game, like everything's working, like I did nothing's, like I have everything, like I'm like anything. I can get any shot I want. I feel good, like this is what this movie epitomizes and it's just. I just again, I can't believe that this is real. That's like the first time I watched it I was like there's, there's just no way. That was like a real movie. I just watched like it's just, it's awesome, it's incredible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I mean you know you mentioned that it just felt like everything was clicking and that comes down to not just the visuals but the performances. Well, like every, everyone, everyone is so good down down the line and everyone plays.

Speaker 1:

everyone plays their role perfectly you know, and I think you know we kind of talked about it, but I think this is probably the best time in the show has been oh yeah, oh yeah, I mean, they were going to talk about it later, but there's, there's a scene in this movie where you know I'm just going to address the young Leo allegations in the room where, like, what is he? 27 Zendaya's 27, austin butler's 29, I think, or 30 Florence Pugh's 27 or 28. Like, and you know, denny and Greg were like we're witnessing, like remember how we just talked about it, how, like the idea the movie star was going away, I don't think you're going to see Timothy Shiloh make popping up in a Netflix like TV show anytime soon, like they are, like we actually might be in a new run. It's like, you know, can we spoil the editor? Should we save it? Um, no, we can't spoil some things I think we've kind of said we kind of said our piece.

Speaker 2:

We had a half an hour last week when we talked about it.

Speaker 1:

Right Spoiler warning on your Taylor joy added on to that too. Like, obviously she did Queens Gambit on Netflix, but like now it just feels like you know she's doing Furiosa. Like it just feels like we're in a like we're about to get a new wave of movie stars too, and this is the power that they hold. I mean, you know, the big ploy after the actor or during the actor strike was, you know, we're going to delay doing and I think the studio did understand like they really can sell this movie. Like on these all these press junkets, like they can sell the heck out of this movie and you know, just having them is just been a revelation for them. And I mean you know, going back to the point for Timothy Shiloh, I mean this, this is the best he's been like. This is the one where like, yeah, he's, like we've seen it. Like we've seen it. Like, let him do it. Like, obviously, calling me by your name, he was nominated for an Oscar, beautiful boy Like he's. He has like the nominations to back him up.

Speaker 2:

But this is the one where it was just like I'm, you know, I'm, I'm for, I don't I hate to even say it, but like I'm for real now, like now I'm like actually I think I think kind of the point is like there's a difference, like, like you said, he got Oscar nominated for certain things, but that's like you know, you get Oscar nominated for acting like because like you're good at acting, but this, like he has a presence.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Like there's a delineation between like good acting and then like having a presence. And he has a real presence in this movie, especially in the second half of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the second half. He just he turns it on in the second half like foot on the gas, like I'm becoming something you know, I'm becoming something else. I'm becoming the green arrow.

Speaker 2:

Um, but yeah, I think, I think this. There's just these moments for these characters and these actors. Kind of a lot of them take a, not a lot of them, but like a handful of them, take a leap.

Speaker 1:

And you know let's just get into it, because you know we're going to give out the world famous project Infinite Awards at the end of this. But Zendaya is just. You know, whatever Sometimes we talk about, it's easy, like sometimes, like we oversimplify. This is probably one of the most complicated ones we are going to have to do, because Zendaya is just remarkable in this movie. She is so otherworldly great. Her performance is.

Speaker 1:

It's like this. It's like, you know, it's like a juxtaposed like it's. It's like oxymoronic, like she's so subtle but she's not at all, like she's giving everything and she's holding so much and like that's why it feels real to me, like every emotion that she gives you can feel. And you know what I knew it was one after. You know Jessica drinks the water of life and she's like it's that little flip she makes when they're all laughing and he says you don't believe in any of this. And she's like we believe in Fremen and she said you want to control people. And it's that little flip she makes in moment where I'm like oh, she's got the. She's got those acting chops, like the hashtag acting. We be talking like she has it yeah, rebecca Ferguson does.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Again yeah because, I mean, we talked. We talked about this two years ago. We said the one like because you know. So one of the big arguments for doing one was you know, is this movie actually you know? Is it just, does it just look good or is it actually good? It's actually great, by the way, but I you know, I'll always defend this. I still think Rebecca Ferguson should have got that best supporting for doing one.

Speaker 1:

I don't think there's going to be an argument this time around and I'm going to think that for the by the time that the 2025 Oscars roll around, it's going to be a four. It's going to be the four that should be. It should be. I mean, timmy's going to get a best, best actors and days that obviously off the top of my head. I'm trying to think of the landscape of movies and obviously Indies hit throughout the year too. At this point we're in early March. Zenday is the best actress out of 2023 or 2024. So far. They're gonna definitely give it to Austin Butler for best supporting and I can't wait to talk about him as well and you know, Rebecca Ferguson's gonna get best supporting actress, like that's the four right there for you. You can get Javier Bartem in there if you want to Like you. You have avenues this time, which is just awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, you can absolutely get Javier Bartem in this.

Speaker 1:

He is the. I really want to talk about him too.

Speaker 2:

I really do Religious anchor of this movie essentially, you know we talked about in the non-spoiler review. There's a character with unexpected comedic chops and it's him it's still Gar and you know.

Speaker 1:

So one of the you know, obviously this movie's being critically acclaimed Like one of the most exceptional movies ever made. One of the it's not one of like the critiques of this movie, it's just a joking point. Is that still? Gar's just like a funny guy in this movie. It's this point when Paul rides the sandworm for the first time and it's that drop in his face and you're like, oh shoot.

Speaker 1:

Like this is the horror that I was talking about. Like your friend just turned into a fanatical person for you. Like you're just a person to him. Like you. Just he taught you stuff. Like he was teaching you how to do things and now he's ready to worship, kill anything you need. Like that's the true horror of what Frank Herbert was trying to tell us. Like you know he, I think what was the quote he said? He said, you know he talked about Kennedy and Reagan. He said Reagan was the one that made it work the most and Kennedy should have been the most feared out of all of them.

Speaker 1:

And you know this is what he's talking about. Like he saw this, this kid. Like obviously he's a little older, but he saw this kid that he had been walking throughout the desert been holding, you know, as one of the his own people, and an immediate flip from a prophecy from how long ago has turned you into this person that would let you do anything for him. It was. That's what the acting for Javier Bardem, it's just those moments where he just it's the moment where the comedy fades out for like, oh shoot, like he's really ready to do anything for him. It's the demon.

Speaker 2:

You remember in Dune 1, when Duncan Idaho talks about the Fremen fight like demons, the person he's talking about is Stogar Cause. Stogar is the one that leads, you know, leads that group at Siege Taub and like that's when you remember, like Stogar is.

Speaker 1:

you know when he, when he turns it on, like I mean he did in the end of the movie, like he's leading all these like again, and you know it goes back to the scene with, like we're going to isolate that scene cause that scene. It's probably one of the best monologue slash dialogue scenes that I've seen in some time. Like that's what a movie, truthfully, like you know, we talked about this with Top Gun where, like where the, where the roller coaster ride comes down, Like that's exactly what that scene was Like. I got that from the first time I was like the heck am I? Like I'm about to see something truthfully incredible? You know we look at. You know let's just go to the new character, austin Butler. We could talk about as well. Poof.

Speaker 2:

It's one of the best introductions to a villain in recent memory.

Speaker 1:

It's just, I got it when he was. He was still wet in black and he was walking out of the stadium in the in the you know his Harkin' in music started playing and I was just oh, I was just like ooh, I got that feeling of like when a villain makes a presence right away, because you know, this movie is loaded, this movie has a lot of stuff in it, so you have to get the villain reveal right, and you know we talk about it all the time when you're doing a villain reveal, you have to make them credible out of the gate, hand to hand. He was immediately credible and he's kind of again, he's the opposite of what. Like there's no logic, and I love, you know, that little bit where Chani talks about like Paul is like you know who cares about this guy? He's like, he's genuine, like fades, the opposite of that. Like he's there's no, he has no conscience. Like he's just again, like they say it in the, he's psychotic, like he doesn't under, he's psychotic and driven by honor, honor, yep, and they play at those things too.

Speaker 1:

And it's just, it's the perfect person to put against Paul, because what's he even trying? Obviously, before he takes the water of like what's he trying to do with the front? He's trying to fit in, he's trying to be the like fate is this, you know, glorified? Like he's like a. He's like a, not a religious. He's like a royal son, like that's actually what he is. He's like a royal son. That's like propped up in the media, that's just like a great, like that's exactly who he is on Gator Prime. But he can back it up. Yeah, he, and that's what's so smart, because his presence alone is one thing, but he walked into the arena and that's why it's so smart.

Speaker 1:

They talked about the, about the, the Atreides being such strong fighters, and then you know, they don't drug one of them when fate goes to fight at Landville from the first movie, and he just he takes care of him, he takes the shield off and he, like he tells the weird. This movie's weird too. I hope everybody knows this movie. This is weird. This movie's a little freaky and weird.

Speaker 2:

It was weird, weird little reptile people. I don't know what they were, Me neither.

Speaker 1:

Glad they had masks on because it took the mask off. This might scare me a little.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't like it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he tells like, get back, like I'm doing, like, and he said that. And again, plans within plans. Like show me who you like, show me that you're better than than Rob on. Like, show me right now. And he did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And even he confronts his uncle afterwards. He said I got a drowning in that tub, like you tried to kill me, and he's like did he? He did the, he did the Kenjong, did you die?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, did you. Did you die? Nope, didn't think so.

Speaker 2:

It's a great yeah, it's a great introduction. Everything about it, too, is perfect. Just obviously the color palatine is brilliant.

Speaker 1:

Can I get nerdy for a sec? Ooh, I've been waiting for this, so I I've been listening to. You know any interview that Greg Fraser can has talked about this movie he talked about. You know, greg Fraser. You know he studied photography itself and you know he was talking about how he's he was messing around with infrareds. I forget what project he was talking about, but he was messing around with infrared. So they said the original plan was to shoot it in black and white. But they said let's take this a step further. What if the son of Gady and this is why, having somebody like Denny there who understands but can change the lore and we're going to talk about what they changed it's so smart. Because then you know let's make this a narrative piece as well as a visual piece, and that's what the visual storytelling is. Let's turn the son of Gady Prime into this place that it sucks up all. Any type of saturation goes away when the sun's out too. It makes Gady Prime feel like this just horrible, just weird, disgusting place to be on.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's bald, everybody's bald. And you know Stogar says that he, like when they kill the Harkins and the and the Eclipse sequence which way to start a movie with that Eclipse sequence. But you know he said there there's too, there's too many toxins in their like you feel you understand what Gady like. I mean, they're Nazis, that's essentially what they are and they don't shy away from it. But it's just, it's just such a visually smart way to do it and it just, everything about it is just it screams Artor but grandiose, like it's just it's so genius?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a perfect juxtaposition. You know, it's an expansion of the two characters, it's an expansion of Fade, and then, obviously, the color of Arrakis is an extension of Paul. That's why they're, that's why everything about that works, because it immediately established them as two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways. And you know, it's just. It's like I said, the introduction to Fade Roth is incredible.

Speaker 1:

It's just, it's so good man. I it's like etched in my brain when he's walking out in the slow-mo and it's silhouetteed, and he's walking out and I'm just like wow. I'm sitting there like wow, wow, wow.

Speaker 2:

That's incredible and the crowd is chanting like Fade Ratha.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fade Ratha.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's great and it, you know it also beats the, it also beats the.

Speaker 1:

are the Harkins actually formidable allegations, or are they just sneaky, no, no, no, they, they are formidable, right, and you know I love the way they play Fade in this. You know we could talk Florence Pugh really quick and you know she was told like you're not going to be in this movie for long. And you know we, before we have time, we were talking about the budget of this movie cost $190 million. Yep, insane, insane Jones, dial of destiny cost $340 million, something like 330, 340, 350, whatever it was Above three. So you're talking 140 million more for that, for that movie.

Speaker 1:

Where's, you know, where's all this budget going to? Like, where's all this money going to? You have, I'm talking, you know you look in five years from now. Like if they're not A-list now, they will be A-list for the older one or for the younger ones, and the older ones are, you know, are A-list or had been A-list at some point in their career. Like you're talking about 12 to 15 A-to-B-list actors in this movie and all. And who got paid the most? Timmy, which is fine. 3 million, 3 million dollars that Timothy Chalamet was paid. That tells me that everybody came on this movie. They're like, oh, we're making this movie because it needs to be made. We're not making this movie for money. We're not making this movie. We're making this movie for the art, that's all we're making this movie for.

Speaker 2:

And for the vision. Yeah, I mean Florence Pugh, more or less, is the. You know, she's kind of like the exposition character Sure, where she kind of she's almost like she is almost like the audience surrogate in a lot of ways, where she's just kind of commenting on a lot of things that are happening.

Speaker 1:

Paula Trady's is alive.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, she's like, well, this is happening and this is happening. But that I mean to be fair, the book's. That is kind of AeroLond's kind of stick yeah yeah, yep, at least for a lot of the books where you know the audience is receiving a lot of information through AeroLond's journals and we get a little bit of AeroLond journaling. Yeah, it's good. I like the way that it's just a little.

Speaker 1:

I haven't incorporated it, it's just a little subtle updates, like she talks into the reporter and it etches Like it's just a little stuff, because you have to make it feel real. Like this movie, my brain is telling me it's not real. Like it's telling me this is a fake alien world that we're on. But it's just, it's little stuff like that, like just etching it in that little cylinder recorder, like it looks so good, like that I'm just OK. It feels real to me.

Speaker 2:

I guess we should just talk about the prophecy now, because it's obviously a big part of this movie, right?

Speaker 1:

So Willy Wonka is supposed to get this chocolate back at some point. I'm kidding.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean this whole Dune. Part one sets this whole bit up, and part two is essentially Paul fighting fate. Essentially, hey, he doesn't believe in it because he confronts his mom a couple of times.

Speaker 1:

Well, he's still on the chat before he drinks the water. So is this like BC and AD, like before the water of life and after the water of life, For not just him?

Speaker 2:

but for his mother as well.

Speaker 1:

So you could take the water of life and turn into him. You could take the water of life and turn into a little weird witch, which Jessica takes that route. She's terrifying in this movie Terrifying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean, that's basically what this movie is about. Is Paul fighting his visions and fighting? He wants to free the Fremen people, but he wants to do it.

Speaker 1:

You do it the right way. The quote unquote right way. The quote unquote right way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he wants to do it as kind of like a member of this community, not as the Messiah, yeah no Messiah.

Speaker 1:

And so essentially what happens is they take Jamos back to, they take him back to Siege Taber, which they talk about on the end of the first movie, and he says or still, gartel's Jessica, either you're going to be the Reverend Mother or we're just going to kill you. We don't have any use for you.

Speaker 1:

Right, because the prophecy Prophecy is, and still, gartel is a. And that Siege Taber scene is also great, because some of them are crying over Jamos, some of them are like angry, angry. Some of them think they're spies what a gr. They think you're harkens. Remember that Chekhov's gun they talk about?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hold, that Hold on to it, and yet yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then you know as soon as. And then that one older man looks at him. He says they don't know what they're saying, and then the other half goes like that's the Liz and Al-Ga'ib like you need to. Everybody needs to show some respect Paul's like I'm not, paul's like I'm not.

Speaker 2:

You guys are absurd, Like I'm just, I'm just Still Gartel's, like that's exactly what the Liz and Al-Ga'ib would say that funniest scene in the whole movie Good stuff he doesn't believe he is. That makes that means that he is Right.

Speaker 1:

So, you know it's. I keep saying this. But like, this is how the movie's so great. Like obviously, the Eclipse scene happens. I'm like, oh, this is a movie. The water of life for Just-Cassine happens. I'm like, oh, this is a movie that we're getting and it's just aura. I mean, we could talk about this score real quick, which is just woof is right. Like I guess that's what we'll leave it At. Woof is the score. This is one of the best of Hans Zimmer's career and that's that's just that's saying everything I need to say yeah, I mean, yeah, they.

Speaker 2:

I like the little bit of exposition between Sogarr and Jessica, where she's she feels the weight of all the death that's. That's in that, in that room.

Speaker 1:

And where'd that death come from? From her people. Yeah, and you know, you know, retroactively speaking, that's why I love her performance in Dune 1. Because and that's why it's so good, like this Dune 2 performance Cause Dune 1, you can tell she's like I, I really messed up, like I really like I did mess, like I shouldn't have.

Speaker 1:

I should have just had this kid to have this kid. Like I shouldn't. I put the weight of the universe on this kid's shoulders for because some you know, lady, that I've never seen her full face cause she wears veils all day told me to like that's kind of. And then I, yeah, and then I lied, and then I did the opposite of what they needed at the end of the day, because I loved and that's a good through line that they use in this movie. Oh, you know, I know you're going to have some thoughts on Christopher Walken that I hope you share, but I do love that little bit he has. At the end he said do you know why I killed your father? Because he ruled by the. He said he went by the rules of the heart, and the rules of the heart aren't meant to lead Like that's a, that's a bar right there, that's a bar.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know she didn't just heat the heat, the weight of the universe on Paul, but like she also was complicit in the manipulation of millions of fremen Through the.

Speaker 1:

You know this, this fake prophecy, essentially, you know what's even more insane this prophecy that she knows that they faked. I don't know if you got this. Do you believe? She also started to believe the fit, the lie that she started to tell.

Speaker 2:

As most, as most people has most pathological why we do they they believe the lie, cause they get. And this is not a lie that's just been told over her lifetime. This is a lie that's been told for centuries, for 90 generations of a tradies.

Speaker 1:

This lie has been, you know, manipulated and propagated.

Speaker 2:

Especially once she drinks the water of life and gets all the memories passed on to her Like yeah, she eventually comes to fully believe it herself.

Speaker 1:

And then that's why she's like why are you running away from your destiny, like? He's like cause you're making it, I'm not making it Cause it's not my destiny.

Speaker 2:

It's not my destiny.

Speaker 1:

This is fake news. This is fake news. You're a fraud.

Speaker 2:

Like you're a fraud star man yeah essentially. I mean, that's what you know. And they have that little spat, the little passive, aggressive spat that she has through her daughter. Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Let's get it out of the way. So I know which all you do and nerds are thinking about Where's Aliyah? Where's Aliyah? Is Aliyah gonna be in the movie? Is she gonna be a little two year old running around with a knife? No, they did it. They did it well. They did it really well.

Speaker 2:

They did it the most normal way that they could yeah yeah, so Aliyah is not A lot of interior shots.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, aliyah is not not in the movie, they do the weird B roll from Oppenheimer and they have just like the fetus of Aliyah kind of you know, just in, you know obviously around. And the movie starts with Paul talking, talking to Aliyah, saying like hey, my father's dead, you should go, you should join him. I don't know if I'm going to be ready for your arrival. And then we get to the water of life scene for Jessica. And then you know, the Reverend mother from Siege Tabard is like oh shoot, nobody checked if she was pregnant before we did this. I told you guys from the last one to check. So oh no. So you know, obviously from the books Aliyah is pre-born and but she's still inside of Jessica. But abomination, she's an abomination. And yeah, and Aliyah is in the movie and she can, she's just wait.

Speaker 2:

Your sister talks to me and I said oh, oh boy, Uh oh yeah, when she's walking down the hallway dog, and she's just something just talking and I'm like uh, oh, it's happening.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, she's getting weird again she's getting weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's, she's gone full. Benny Jesser, at this point.

Speaker 1:

Not even the Benny Jesser, like you're kind of weird, but that's a bit weird honestly. Um, yeah, and she's the horror on everybody's face in the scene too, when they're in that little cave and they're just like she was pregnant. No, we goofed, we goofed Guys.

Speaker 2:

And then, oh man, I love the follow up to that scene too, when everyone was like she is it is.

Speaker 1:

Look, yeah, it's the prophecy. And then the, the Fadaiqan are like you, idiot, the prophecy. And then Paul, paul Graeke, it feels like she was trained to do that. Like that Idiots, yeah, she like she's like this isn't the prophecy, she was trained to do that. What a great line he pulled off. That otherwise sounds really, really stupid. What did he say? Uh, trans poison mutation is a Benny Jesser. Whatever he said Any other way that in a different movie with a different director, a different actor, he literally did the like.

Speaker 2:

You know what he did. He did the, he did the Joe Kinnerman from the Suicide Squad. Oh yeah, this is Katana. This is Katana, she, her soul, she chaps the souls of her victims.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like poison. Transmutation is a, is a is a is a trick that Benny Jesser and no, and I was just like that line should not work at all. And it's good, good job. Good job, timmy.

Speaker 2:

And still guards like even so.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, it's just like this cutting. He's just like I just just let me fight with you and then he's you know he speaks the Fremont language, and then it's just like immediate cut to still guard. And he's just like guys, you know who, you know you know who would say that they're not the losing all guy. He the losing all guy. He would say they're not the losing all guy. Pretty good, pretty good, yeah, he's pretty good, he's got to be him at the end of the day.

Speaker 2:

Um then I do a little rate, mm, hmm, mm, which I liked, mm.

Speaker 1:

Gosh. So you know, you know, the promise from dude one to dude two was more. We're going to hear nerds, here's more action. Fine, yeah, the action is so tight, it's so tight, it's so well done. And those for the haters that said Denis Villeneuve can't do action here, here you go. This is it.

Speaker 2:

Well, they do Well, at least, what they did with the first, the first action bit. Well, I guess, technically, the second action bit um, with this raid on the spice harvester is, you know, remember the episode of, uh main Lorian, season one, when they built the whole episode around the walker? Oh yeah, yo, the AT-AT-AT-AT. They did the same thing with this, with the Ornithopper, where they build this whole action sequence around Chania and Paul. I almost called them Tim, but Chania and Paul trying to take down this Ornithopter.

Speaker 1:

It's like the same concept, like we saw a bunch of Ornithopters in the first one just doing things, but like this one yeah, the spice harvester is like, but the way that it's all about execution and this execution is so the way the Fremen fight, they come out of the set, like again to your point, duncan was like they do fight like demons, like they come out of the sand.

Speaker 1:

Well, we get that too, with Raban too, and it's such a smart way to set up the third act big battle of this movie Of like it keeps getting told, like we were told it all the time in the first movie. Like the Fremen are like if you can get all the Fremen together, like this is the mode, like I don't care about the Emperor's Sardarcar, like nobody can. And Duncan said I've crossed swords with the Sardarcar and I've crossed. Like there's nobody in the Imperium like the Fremen like they. There's nobody that can fight like them. And it's just a way they keep going at it. Like each time they do it and then you, and then again for the horror.

Speaker 1:

My theme of this is the beauty in the horror. The horror piece is like, oh, shoot. Like if they start to go to these other planets and do this, like there's, if they, if the Sardarcar keep, we keep getting told the Sardarcar so formidable. And like by the end of this movie, paul's just like, just kill all these Sardarcar in the room and, like you know, like there's no fight, like Well the analog to it is, you know, game of Thrones.

Speaker 2:

The Dothraki is the same. It's the same concept where you know.

Speaker 1:

Because they're supposed to be the savages like not you know no structure.

Speaker 2:

Season one of Game of Thrones, ned Stark and Robert Rathien have this back and forth because Robert obviously has the spies over over the over the ocean, where he hears that Daenerys Targaryen is kind of in the care of the Dothraki and Ned is like, ah, who cares? They're savages like they. And Robert's like no, you don't understand. Like you can't defeat the Dothraki in an open field, like they fight like lunatics, like we can't. If they get over here, they can't, we can't win. And that comes to pass in season seven when the Dothraki make it to Westeros and they go up against the Lannister army and decimate them. And Jaime Lannister goes back to his sister and he's like I've never seen warriors like that ever.

Speaker 1:

This is Jaime.

Speaker 2:

Lannister talking Right, and this is the Kingslayer. Yeah, he's saying this, it's the same and this is the same thing where, like the Harkinen and the Sardaukar, you know, supposed, and we see it with Robon, he, he loses it.

Speaker 1:

He loses his cool and he's like because he keep, I get it. Robon has been told his whole life like the Fremen are just these savage beasts that you know live in the sands that only like a couple of them, we don't have to worry about their rats, their rats Like we don't have to worry about them. And he's like. And then the one guy that is brutally murdered. There's just heaps of Harkinins that just get brutally murdered.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's great visual story telling of how that society operates, right, but yeah, and Robon is, once they lose this spice harvester, robon's like that's it, because this is where Paul gets. This is where Paul gets the. After this raid on the spice harvester, paul gets the, the Mladivni.

Speaker 1:

There's such a good bit in this where you know they're all laughing, they're all joking, it's not, it's like it's the good leader. When they start talking, people just start listening. Because Paul is just like. They're all joking, they're all laughing and he's just like you know. You know my family was he said. Because she asks she says who taught you how to fight? Like that, my old masters. And he's just like but they were massacred. And then like everybody just quiet down. And that's where the blizzard, all guy. He starts to rise and rise the Mardi starts to. He's just like they said, but all you know, still guard. The leader of this whole group says what would you have have us do?

Speaker 2:

And get my look back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he said we're going to go north. He said well, if we go north we're going to die, Then we'll go even more north, how about that? And then he gets bestowed the name the Moa D. He said what's the little, what's the little desert rat? They're a desert mouse that runs around, Moa D, and everybody's laughing Still there's like stupid names, so I was like no, no, no. He said. What do we call the, the hand of God on? You call that Moa D.

Speaker 1:

It's the North Star, yeah, the one that points the way is what they call it. Yeah, and he makes his own water. He said he points the, makes his own way. And you know now he's any. And you need a, you need a fremen name. So you're going to be Usul the, the pillar, usul strength strength.

Speaker 2:

He gets, he becomes. You know, fadiken, basically he becomes, which is what he wanted. That's all he ever wanted out of this deal man.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the love story in this movie, because what?

Speaker 2:

Which one?

Speaker 1:

You know, which one I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

Fade Rafa and that one Ben and Jizzard Fade Rafa and his and his and his darlings.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's when the Elvis came out, I knew it was. My darlings haven't eaten anything, uh-huh. But so Zendaya, like I said, she's just incredible in this movie. So Zendaya has this look at Paul all the time and is it the best acting Zendaya does is just her face acting in this movie? It's just, it's second to none. It's some of the best I've ever seen like on screen. It's just, she speaks with her, with her eyes. She speaks with her. Her movements, her subtleties, she speaks. She speaks like volume. It's like she uses the voice without using the voice in the way that she acts. It's just, it's awesome. But you know, we get to one of the most beautiful points in the movie, and you know how like. This is why I love movies, because movies are the only media that carries all other forms of media into itself. So music, art, like you know, paintings, like every, like a whole adage, every frame of painting, like it carries everything. So you know, paul, you're going to go Sandwalk If you want to be fremen, you're going to go into the desert.

Speaker 2:

And you know he looks up, he thinks it's Jammus at first, and then you, you Sandwalk like a drunk lizard and you're like, oh OK, I love that scene too, especially when he's like, well, my book's back on the calendar and told me, and she's like really looks at him and he's like, all right, yeah, my bad, my bad. Sorry, don't. She's like don't mansplain, saying walking to me, so they start Sandwalking and somebody made a great point.

Speaker 1:

It's like their like first dance. Yeah, it's like the first dance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's exactly what they were going for, I would imagine, and it's, and then it's Zimmer's score.

Speaker 1:

It's like. That's the, it's the score piece that like the Johnny Paul incidental that I think he's using. It's just, it's so beautiful. Stop looking at me like that. Yeah, it's just like. Oh my God, wolf, it's just, it's immediately believable. Yeah, immediately believable, immediately believable. You said Johnny keeps like he's. You could just see the way that Johnny looks at him and like what's the whole. I think there was a thing where, like that blue scarf that she has, like that's when a fremen woman loves a loves a man, like that's what they use and like that's not going to work. Well, at the end of this movie, is it?

Speaker 2:

No, it's definitely not. And yeah, I mean, they have that moment basically after, after everything, after everything. And she's like you know, because he asked after he gets his name, and he's like what was your friend's name? And she's like whatever she says and she goes, it means desert, spring, and she's like I hate it. And he's like well then, I also hate it, I also hate it.

Speaker 1:

I was like oh no, oh no, he's a sim, he is simping for her. You know, nobody thinks you're going to make it past summer. This love's going to make it past summer, ain't it?

Speaker 2:

And obviously they, they consummate their discussion with a kiss and it's really, really cool See Hina, or see Hina or something like that.

Speaker 1:

See Hia, yeah, See Hia. And he's like ah, yeah, he's like I love it. She's like I hate it, he's like I hate it. I love Charlie the first time I love it, Perfect.

Speaker 2:

You want to talk about Paul riding a big worm? Also complaint from Dune 1 when they were like where are the worms?

Speaker 1:

And he's like yeah, I actually saved all of them for Dune 2. We just had the one worm, ted, just in the first one, the whole squad's in the second one.

Speaker 2:

So here, we go, we're doing a big worm ride, big worm rodeo.

Speaker 1:

This is where you know. When you talk about a relationship between a director and a cinematographer, this is exactly what you talk about.

Speaker 2:

So everyone gets the blankets out, right.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's chilling. You got to find that character's name, the one that Chani's with the other, Fadaiken, because she's great in this movie yeah, she's the naysayer. Yeah, he's like this is done, but until she's not. Until she's not, Because even she's like, because when she dots in this movie she's also fully in, she's in and that's the danger, because obviously in the books of Fadaiken are like the elite death squad of Moa Di.

Speaker 2:

That's who they are. So everyone gets their big blankets out and so far is like all right.

Speaker 1:

Here we go, here, we go, here we go.

Speaker 2:

Time to ride the big worm, so hey yo.

Speaker 1:

So Danie talked about it. He said we have to do this as if somebody had done this before, like, if we can go, like. And then this is where the relationship comes. Greg was talking about how, like, they were watching snowboarding videos and skating video, like. And they were like we have to do this in a way where, like, we had seen this person already do this thing, we couldn't like. Obviously they could have, but you know. And then, camera wise, they said like we had to shoot this, as if, like, we were shooting a car scene and something like we're going to mount. The way they were talking was great. He's like we're going to mount the camera on another sand worm and have the other sand worm follow this sand worm.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like that's genius, like that's why I never thought of getting the word. Greg Frasier, the.

Speaker 1:

Liz and Al-Gaib for me. Actually, why no one thought of getting the worm on set. Like even all the interviews he does, he keeps saying he's just like, yeah, it's like you know the last guy that wrote a sand worm. It's been a while since he did it, but like he had to do it again and then we had to learn from him how to do it. Like the way they think is what's making them so great. Like that's it sounds absurd but it makes sense for them. Like we have to shoot this in the most practical way and that scene is like a revelation and that's and you know, obviously that scene was released prior Seeing that in the IMAX. We saw it in the 70 millimeter IMAX. Oh, oh boy, oh boy.

Speaker 2:

So I was like I tuned it myself just for you have fun.

Speaker 1:

Don't die, don't die, don't embarrass me if you die.

Speaker 2:

Don't embarrass me in front of my friends. Also, I love you. What, what? Don't embarrass me in front of my friend. And come on, man, that was a cheap one. Paul's like. I got a worm for you. All right, it's the biggest freaking worm you've ever seen.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not, it actually was a smaller worm. Not to Lady Jessica, though she said it was the biggest worm they'd ever seen. Stop lying mom God.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that scene when it's like intercut, when she's like we have to turn the nonbelievers and we start with the weak ones, yeah, like what is she about to do?

Speaker 1:

Oh no, and then she gets the tattoos. Yep, that's when she really becomes scary when she gets tattoos.

Speaker 2:

So he rides the big one. Good job, Paul.

Speaker 1:

Good job, Paul Trades doubled up. Yeah, you're now a fremen. You're from in level one now Good job. It's like in Gohsu Sushima, where you go through the progressions and like you keep getting like your new names. Like yeah, he got Moa Deeb and now he's now he's a fremen. Like now he's for dyke in, like he keeps going and then he turns. He's going to keep going. He does keep going.

Speaker 2:

Um, apparently, and also this this was never explained in the books how they did this, so this was totally. They came up with this idea with the big grappling hooks and the basically riding in like a big horse, which I liked.

Speaker 1:

And you know again, all jokes aside, like oh, it's mesmerizing. And then you know when Jessica gets back or when the you know the one, the one. They're not Reverend mothers, they're essentially like these are your devs, sisters, they're your missionaries.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So she comes back. She's like he did it. Yeah, he wrote the big one. Other. She said he said it was a grandfather worm, the biggest worm they'd ever seen. So I said it wasn't, wasn't that Sorry?

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't say that. And Jessica was like no, no, no, here out, yeah here out and just like I told, See.

Speaker 1:

I see she said I told you, you know, shahlu, the bow to the boy from the outer world was like and it happened, it did happen. And she's like all right, our work here in the north is done, like we've done everything, like they believe in Paul now. Now we have to go south and Paul's like no, the south is like, you know, we're still. We're through a lot to have one of the themes, be the south, arise again in this movie.

Speaker 2:

That's not on paper, great, you know it's all right, and they're like yeah, we, we're going to go south, we're going to do this.

Speaker 1:

Paul's like no no you are going. Yeah, you're going to go south. I'm going to say in the north. You can go see Robert E Lee if you want to. I'm saying in the north, so I'm going to say that I'm going to take.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to take his base. His goal is to take Ericine back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I'm going to keep fighting. He said you know, why won't you come with us? And like it's for the point where, like everybody starts to realize he's lying about something. Like why, like there's no point, like the whole point, we're going to go to the south, we're going to get all the fighters from the south, we're going to come back north. And Gurney says it later, he's like why don't you just go down there, get everybody come back and take back Ericine? You don't even need the million from me, you just need 2000. And you've got the whole, the whole planet. Like what's the problem? Two million scrolls, two million from him. You know where to find me, gurney.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, this is when him and Jessica get to a little passive aggressive spat or more.

Speaker 1:

Paul and Ali get into a fight where she's like your sister says you're a coward.

Speaker 2:

And Paul is like well, you tell my sister that she's a bitch, stupid, unborn little child. And my sister I mean mom, yeah, and Jessica is like well, your sister wants to know what your, what your attitude is all about. Yeah, paul was like you tell my sister that the prophecy is not said. Yeah, and he says it again.

Speaker 1:

He said look like, look what they're doing for you. Like this is, these are lies.

Speaker 2:

Like and Jessica is like we wanted to give them hope. And that's when he gets his, does his great bit, His first great bit of acting in this movie. It's like that's not hope.

Speaker 1:

Well, whoa, don't yell at your mom like that it's disgusting what your people have done to this world, like look what they've done. Like they've turned them into fanatics for enough. Like she's like well, well, it's working. And this is again the dichotomy between one and two for Jessica and why she might have the best put together performance in these two movies. Because now it's like that, that, like sadness that I felt in the second, in the first movie, is now replaced with like fear is fear. Now it's like she's well, and that's one of the most dangerous types of fear you can have is believing a lot.

Speaker 2:

She's not protecting him anymore.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no. Now she's again. She's just now. She's getting to the, still like I'm believe, I'm telling you everything Like now I'm starting to believe, to the point where she kills him.

Speaker 2:

Because she's bought in at this point. Yep, and that's, how does this, how does the worm bus work exactly?

Speaker 1:

The worm bus is hilarious, by the way. That's good, the worm bus is.

Speaker 2:

Because I get how you get on the worm, but how do you get subsequently 50 other people on the one?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's once, you get on it.

Speaker 2:

I think it's like stop it.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I get everyone else on. See, I'm not concerned because I know because I was already concerned with how you get on the worm in the first place from the first movie. Then they did in the second movie and then I think Dene did say we're going to learn how they get off the worm and Messiah. So I'm cool, I'm cool.

Speaker 2:

You know what? Some things like one guy gets on and then the worm does a lap, and then like the next guy, oh, it's like a bus stop. How do you get the carriage on the worm? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, it goes under, and then it just picks everybody up.

Speaker 2:

Ah, so you just got to wait. And then?

Speaker 1:

Well, the first guy probably gets on, like the, like the bus driver probably gets on, and then he picks everybody else, because then you can kind of control the work, like Paul controls the one worm to like turn.

Speaker 2:

Why he banks it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like all right, Johnny, I'm going to go poison myself and die. I know one was let out at some point Like it's kind of cool, Like that's going 300 miles per hour. They were going like they were booking it. Like you think Japanese bullet trains are fast, those worms are moving.

Speaker 2:

Meanwhile. Meanwhile, meanwhile, back on the ranch, the parkinins are just. They're at their wit's end with this, especially the barons.

Speaker 1:

The barons at his wit's end. Oh yeah, the barons at his wit's end. I'm going to go kill this moa. I'm going to go kill this moa. And now the voice of the, the or the, the presence of the moa, either. The legend is starting to rise. Like all they know is that there's this fremen fanatic that's just decimating every single carrier they have. He's starting to take the north and they're like, oh, like, I thought, like we have to go deal with bear Harkin.

Speaker 2:

It says, like I tasked you with, with liberating. They're not liberating but subduing the planet.

Speaker 1:

Why is this whole? We did we did the hard part, we took the atreides out. What's the issue? What's going on here? Rebon's like a. Yeah, there's a psycho dip path down there, but I'm gonna deal with it.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna deal with it, don't worry. Don't worry. So he gets in there he loses it.

Speaker 1:

I love the flyover is Dave Patista at his best. Why do I have to do everything? He just kills him. That guy's throwing up on there like they're not a good look for the arcs and they land. He yells.

Speaker 1:

What Show yourself and then the what, and then the one fremen just Kills them and then they just keep and I'm like this is what Duncan keeps talking about, like they're not to be messed with. And Rebon's like actually, I think y'all take it easy, I'm out, he runs, and then they do this shot three times in this movie and it's the shot of Paul, where he keeps getting silhouetted and it's just and he's got the hood up and I'm like this is the walk that Anakin had and this is this is this isn't good, and then we get our.

Speaker 2:

We talk, we talked about this. We get our introduction to fade Ratha, and Baron Harkin is like all right, I'm sending in the lunatic.

Speaker 1:

Well before that, the Reverend mother is what Gellis Moheim is with your alum and she says like you don't think, you don't think Paul of tradies is alive, right, she's like I Could be. I personally don't know. Like me personally.

Speaker 2:

I mean we've wiped out the atreides but.

Speaker 1:

But we did say yeah, we drop them off. We didn't say we killed the mom and the son. Yeah, what do you call the mom and the son? The Liz and al-gai? We didn't say we'd kill him per se, but I don't know for sure.

Speaker 2:

But to be fair, to be fair, fade Ratha could also be the liaison I and then everybody's like who's fade Ratha?

Speaker 1:

and then scene cut to Gady Prime Would you like any fresh meats, my darlings? He's cut throat. He's cutting people's these. He gets his not. Here's your knives. And all this. This is where Dune gets weird. I love it. Like I comes in with, like the cut-off shirt. Yeah, just shows his old bodies. Like here's your knives.

Speaker 2:

Nubarren and Irlein's like fade Ratha psychotic, and the Reverend mother's like okay and he can be controlled yeah send in the Riz Lloyd, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then we get our introduction to one of the best villains of the of the modern era.

Speaker 2:

So good so good, can we control fade Ratha? Oh, we can control them All. Right, yep, send in the Riz Lord. Yep Q fade Q fade Ratha walking down a hallway and he gets snuck up on by Leah Siddo and he's like then he sneaks up on her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how did he do that? We don't know, man, maybe he's got Benny just for powers and he's like maybe he is the one when he's like hello, I'm a creep, wait, he can't be the one. He doesn't have a mom.

Speaker 2:

He murdered her and he's like creepy little, I'm a creepy little weirdo.

Speaker 1:

And she's like I know yeah, I know I'm just lost, but are you lost? He said no, this is my house. I've never been lost in my life, ever. That's it for this moment cuz, where am I?

Speaker 2:

your Benny? Just her tricks won't work.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's where the Elvis came out. He said you, benny, just for tricks, you, benny, just for.

Speaker 2:

I said that's all, and she's like well, we are outside my chamber and he's like how did we?

Speaker 1:

get here, this is it, this is in my room. And then she's like Come inside and he's like I don't want to, but I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna. I'm gonna do it cuz it's my job smash.

Speaker 2:

Cut back to the Riz Lord Talking to talking about what she learned, and she's like well, he's a lunatic, yeah, he's crazy he's, but yeah, he is blinded by his sex drive, mm-hmm. And the Reverend was like yes, I.

Speaker 1:

Just as I calculated. Not, we got him, we got him. He impregnates Margot Fenring. The package is secured. Packages secured. And Irlein's like why didn't?

Speaker 2:

you just do this and the Reverend mother's like, because Motherly figuring and Irlein's like what does that mean?

Speaker 1:

and then Margot was just like well, he murdered his mom, so he runs like ooh, ooh makes sense, makes up.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she doesn't do the box bit, I forgot about that. Oh, yeah, yeah and fate Roth is into it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, Well, I mean, put your hand in the box. And everybody did is like you mean by that he's gonna put his hand in what? And he does. Oh, we had a, we had a theory outside the theater. We were just like I know. He was like, oh, he was into it. Yeah, he's just like he's. You know, he loves pain. Like he put his hand in the box, he's like this is supposed to hurt or something. This is kind of awesome, I'm gonna lie, can I? Have one of these, can I?

Speaker 2:

just. He passed the test with flying colors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, actually that was the easiest test pass They've ever had in the history of the river. Mother's like see, maybe he is the one he might be.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't have a mom, he can't be the one so then, baron Harkin is like you're in charge of Arrakis.

Speaker 1:

Now he's just like okay, I'm still upset about you almost burning me, but and the bonds, like what is?

Speaker 2:

the meaning of this and then they're off is like bang bang bang you're on the ground.

Speaker 1:

Kiss my feet. You embarrass me in front of you embarrass me in front of Vanessa.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, fade Rafa takes over the Arrakis thing and immediately gets busy. I'm not gonna lie.

Speaker 1:

Not a bad plan. He said why don't we just fire, bomb them so it melts the rock, because we know where they are, so we can murder all of them and the parents like this kid's good, this kid's got. This kid's got some, use all the weapons we're bomb was probably like that's a stupid idea. He's just like have you tried it? Yet why does we're bond not have the same accent?

Speaker 2:

Because he sucks, as a nephew tried using the bombs for bond and he's like no, he's like well, he said did you try using the old-school bombs were gone.

Speaker 1:

He said I thought they were old, didn't want to use them.

Speaker 2:

Before the bombing, though we do get a reunion, we do another, we do another. Spice harvester right, I still soup is Philip piss Shadow girl.

Speaker 1:

Josh Rowan said he's playing the ball set in this movie and he gets to play it. This is why we love the movies.

Speaker 2:

So Josh Rowan's back, gernie Halig's back you thought he was gone, he's not. And then we obviously get the call back to the first one and recognize your footsteps, old man.

Speaker 1:

Why did I feel emotional at that point? You young pop, you young pop, I'm back and I have a mullet. I have a mullet now in a sardic arsute. That's old.

Speaker 2:

I'm back and I have a mullet and gurney, how it's like what?

Speaker 1:

how did none of the the fremen kill any of gurney's man and the time? That he told us yeah, it's just been like, oh, they were just practicing because they knew they were in harkinins. They were just all right, guys, get our reps in for the day. Yeah, let's get our reps in a slap box. Don't murder until I say so. He's like don't murder them. That. These are my friends. A little bit of slap boxing going on. You know you think some of the fremen were like Wonder murder people today.

Speaker 2:

So Paul and gurney do a little bit of catch-up and Gurney's like. So. You've been hearing tales of the maw ade that he's not pretty.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like. Well, he said a lot of fear. He's a fears all we got right now. He said looky for you. I saw Oppenheimer, I know where the nukes are.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, the gurney. Gurney's the fish out of water. And the fremen, like he's gonna Die.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the fremen's like either he's gonna die or he's gonna kill us all like he's like just help him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's uncle gurney, that's my silly uncle gurney.

Speaker 1:

It's uncle buck, but the fremen he plays a silly instrument.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he sings, yeah, but he's also a lunatic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he is a lunatic. Oh again, the lunatic, the fanatic is such a good through line in this movie.

Speaker 2:

So they're getting back and they're walking back to see each time and gurney's like you did this with how many men 200 and shawty's like can you shut up?

Speaker 1:

Will you shut up, man?

Speaker 2:

And gurney's like you know what you could do with two million of these guys, and Chinese like one million fremen. And then Paul's like I can't do that, like you don't, you don't get it.

Speaker 1:

I will be. I love this bit too from Paul, because everybody's like dude, what are you talking? What are you talking? Oh, it's like the scene from money ball. Dude, what are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

Paul's like. I can't go because bad things are gonna happen. We'll be a holy war started in my name.

Speaker 1:

Can't see the full vision, but he knows he's following somebody south. And if he follows somebody south, the holy word, susan, billy and star, and then we get the.

Speaker 2:

The trailer line is because you lose control and he goes no, it's because I gain it and you're like oh, that's how the first movie should end gurney's like and and Chinese like shut up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we gotta be silent and secret. That's how we operate.

Speaker 2:

It's a year. God, josh Rowland, stop being so loud.

Speaker 1:

You think anybody said that Tim on set as well at the same time, god Josh, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That was actually. That was actually Zendaya talking to Josh Rowland. The actix shut up.

Speaker 1:

So you shut up. We're trying to roll the scene, trying to act here.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, they talk and gurney's like all I could think about my whole life is revenge on the Harkinons. He's like, well, guess what, I know where the new?

Speaker 1:

yeah, we got 38 nukes. Yeah, it's 38.

Speaker 2:

I Know where they hit the family atomics and a hush.

Speaker 1:

Chris Rino and ascended out of the Descendant of the ceiling. Paul's like wait.

Speaker 1:

Tomics, yeah, he said every, every great house. It possesses an atomic arsenal, could change everything. China's like you're starting to act a little weird. It, ours, is on a rackets. Well, I mean, they moved it. They moved it. You saw the big ships that wrote up rose out of the ocean on Caledon in the first movie. Of course they moved the new. She just thought they left the nukes on Caledon. That's like if America went to like mercury and we're like let's just leave the nukes and no, we're gonna take the nukes with us.

Speaker 2:

They get to the big new, big nuke warehouse.

Speaker 1:

And coated with you. This movie has lines that should not work, and coated with like these are lines out of the flash TV show that Work and coated with your genetic DNA. Shut up, gurney.

Speaker 2:

He puts a big, turns it on a big futuristic flashlight.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the futuristic flashlights in this universe are the greatest things ever. Yep scans the room. Oh, the family. Oh, I can't see. Can we turn the? Oh, there's the family. Atomics for 90 gen, 92 generations.

Speaker 2:

Paul's like this just might be enough. Yeah, this, this might do it.

Speaker 1:

Wish I had more but better scanty choosers.

Speaker 2:

Meanwhile, jessica visits the.

Speaker 1:

the woman, the woman in the in the thing, yeah, they go so the south is scorched lands, so apparently it's hidden by a giant sandstorm. Yep, but shy, shy, halloo is strong. Yeah they walk right through they walk right through.

Speaker 2:

Jessica gets there and she visits the little priestess, I guess, and she's like how do you, how do you make that water?

Speaker 1:

What movie am I thinking about? Where remember they? Like, instead of telling us about the thing, they show us the thing I can't remember what I'm thinking of. This is a perfect example of it. Like they easily could have told us we get, we, we drown the samward. We get to say one once the baby, we drown the samward. We take that little tool which was tough to watch, I don't like it, and we drain it of the blue Gatorade and then we give it to women and then, and then it just gives them future visions. Yeah, don't give it to a man, or else and Jessica's like funny, you should say that my son's kind of a big. Oh, no, no, she doesn't even say that much. No, paul's like a, paul's like a D1 recruit with an overbearing mom. My son's gonna play quarterback at Alabama. You know he's gonna be the point guard at Duke next season. So Duke.

Speaker 2:

So she goes look a person, a man is gonna come here and he's gonna ask to drink it and you're gonna let him and she's like, no, no, that's not how I let him try any move the vote.

Speaker 1:

It worked on me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you should, I. I Personally would that works on me and I wasn't even in the movie. As soon as I saw her funky headdress I would have been like all right, I don't, I don't want no problem.

Speaker 2:

So we're just gonna hang that bit there, hang that bit and we wait. And then fate Roth is like I'm actually cleaning up now. World record time conquering a rack is set by me. I want to go on the ground. He's like boom, boom, boom, kaboom, bombs, mm-hmm and cuz. This is when Paul has the vision of the explosions and he sees Chani and she's like, oh, it's the scene from Oppenheimer again, yeah. And then he wakes up to explosions and he's like, oh God, what the hell, gernie, what happened?

Speaker 1:

I don't know man. That's cool. I don't know man.

Speaker 2:

They bombed the from. I like, I like Ernie how he's very relatable. He's like I don't know what's going on, I just want my look back.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'll do it. Can I kill Harkinans? Probably he kills heaps of Harkinans after the one third act happens.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm in, I mean so, yeah, favor off. A bomb Seached out the very sad scene, very sad scene. He buries the. You know, you know all the water, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

When Javier Bardem earlier is like this is where there's a great shot in that opening, sir, in that scene too, where they do that flip and that focus rack onto the water, and that's that reflection of the two of them. But besides this, movie is incredible.

Speaker 2:

He's like this is like we're all the dead from and like we would never drink out of this.

Speaker 1:

And look how the Harkinans like they don't eat, they just spit on, they spit on their grave. That's exactly what they did.

Speaker 2:

And then fate gets down there. He's like they gave him the cape.

Speaker 1:

They didn't give me hold on to that cape for a second because you thought the the cape is evil. We thought the cape was reserved for the villains. I guess it is give us a second. So, we get to the cut, to the Fedekin that well, there in the dirt in Siege Tabern, they're like all right, every all right. Now we don't have a choice. They said they hit the entirety of the north. We have to go south now and Paul's like all stay behind, everybody go. And they're like what are you?

Speaker 2:

talking about and Gurney's like I'm also gonna stay here. Go south, gurney, how it. Protect my mother.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that was the Paul, that was his team. That was the last bit of his team angst, that right there left. That was the last bit of it. He got it out oh, south Gurney, how that's an order. Protect my mother. Hey, gurney's like my lord, but I just want my leg back. Yeah, the other friend was just like, you have to go with us. He said please don't make me go there. And then another beautiful scene with Paul. He said you know, you know I'll go down this, I'll go down south, because my hot girlfriend told me to I'll go, don't worry, I'll go, but I'll do what has to be done. And China's like what do you mean by that?

Speaker 2:

And then fate gets down there and he comes across Chani's friend. She's like they're like, she's not talking.

Speaker 1:

Well, they did the spy inverse from the moop I love, tenant. They did the spy inverse from the first movie. It was just like they left the one spy and she's like he's not. I already know what I need to know, dude, it's time to have some fun.

Speaker 2:

He's a psycho. He would have loved.

Speaker 1:

It picks up the flamethrower and you're like he should have been in a Joe Schumacher movie.

Speaker 2:

Because he picks up that flamethrower and the flamethrower like, oh no, glad they didn't show that.

Speaker 1:

Because that would have been rough because they were showing I. There was parts of this movie where I was surprised they didn't get the R rating.

Speaker 2:

They were genuinely surprised because that flamethrower was up and I'm like, but they cut away or we can, we can assume what happened to her. We're gonna have try outs.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, she's a harkening now.

Speaker 2:

So Paul goes south and he's like I'm here.

Speaker 1:

They're all like the entirety of the South go. How many people you think they can fit on a sand worm? A lot Maybe, like hunt, like a couple hundred on one worm. Yeah, at least, and there was like 20 worms flying down there. So he gets there and the big.

Speaker 2:

He banks a left. He's like the big worm explodes behind him. No well, the worm doesn't. Yeah, not yet.

Speaker 1:

So he gets to the, he gets to the place with the, with the woman.

Speaker 2:

He's like.

Speaker 1:

I love the way they structure that scene where she's sitting down and she's like draped and like the thing she's like he shouldn't be there straight. She does the Danny LaRusse a liver dye man Like I should be on her. She's like you're him from your head, from your mother's talking.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's who she was talking about.

Speaker 1:

No, why didn't you say so? He's like water life Give, give it, give it, give you the, give you the Mountain Duba ha blast right now.

Speaker 2:

She's like this is probably gonna kill you, and Paul's like I know.

Speaker 1:

I was like too late. My girlfriend told me to do it. Oh, john is told. Oh, I Got it both. From both movies. Those Jaman sequences are always great. Talk to me John, talk to me goose. That first movies one is incredible. The mystery of life is not a reality. It's not a mystery to solve, but a reality to experience. Me was go with the flow of the spice. What a bar that freaking is. Talk to me, jemez and Jemez is like Jemez, like you need to.

Speaker 1:

You said the greatest Hunters get to the top of the peak to see their prey. You need to get, you need to see like I'm just like. I don't know, though Personally I'm just a vision. I'm not dead. I'm dead, I'm not even real. This is all you, to be honest. We don't know for sure.

Speaker 2:

So Paul drinks the water of life.

Speaker 1:

He dies yeah, he does die, and you remember when Charlie was, he was just like I'll love you for as long as I breathe. He did stop breathing technically.

Speaker 2:

So she runs in because she hears she hears when that that this happened. She's like he's been down here for five minutes and he's dead. How did this happen? And she looks at Jessica and she's like you did this dude, I hate my guy, hate my boyfriend's mom.

Speaker 1:

She stinks. You did this to your own son and Jessica's all that little like you like she looked at her like stop being so naive. You know it has to happen. You know you what's. What's your friend name? See, hi, you know what you need to do. Jessica's like.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

yeah, and I like she's like you do it and then just just like, do it with the voice. I'm like I'll do it if she doesn't.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, she, she, something about the tear, tear, the desert spring ring will bring the will bring, the will bring the We'll bring the ma die back to life.

Speaker 1:

And then it does, and it does, and everybody's like Happens, everybody's like oh, shoot, when Paul wakes up.

Speaker 2:

He is Well. I mean, while he's asleep is when he talks to his sister all right, so he dies.

Speaker 1:

And then all the other, the Benny Jester. It are like the quiz I. I love the way they do it. They do those little. I wonder if they did like LED panels that those little flashes of all the Benny just must die some of the Finally the quiz.

Speaker 2:

I had.

Speaker 1:

Iraq is here, he's here, so he's just him, he's him. And he said now you get to see, now you get to see, and I, now you get to see you get the spoilers now you get the spoilers.

Speaker 1:

So we see this person who we think is Paul walking on the dune and then they get down and we see waves crack come on. So we see them walking on and then they walk down and then we hear a voice. Paul, my brother, you're cool. I Know that baby ain't talking. Yeah, I know that baby ain't talking. And who is it? Spoiler alert it's Anya Taylor joy from the, from the pictures You're on, your Taylor joy from the last night in. So how are you completing?

Speaker 2:

the, the quad, the quadruple of the best-looking family in the history.

Speaker 1:

Well, what did we say in 2021? Who should play Princess earl on this? This is for us, this was for us. We couldn't get her in as Princess earl on, so she's gonna be a Leah and also a great get for the way that Messiah probably will turn out and then children of dune subsequently after that.

Speaker 2:

We're never doing children, to do sure we are.

Speaker 1:

It's not Denise. Not doing it, michael Bay will do children of dune.

Speaker 2:

So she tells him like hey, you're alright bro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love you. I know you don't know me yet. I know this is probably really confusing because you're dead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you're having visions, but guess what? No, I am dead. Guess what?

Speaker 1:

We're arkinids, what you won't see me for another couple months. How long has Jessica been pregnant for? Who knows? Pregnant for like for like 20 years. Like she's been pregnant for like a solid two years.

Speaker 2:

Guess what we're arkinids.

Speaker 1:

Paul wakes up and he thinks are different. Remember when I talked about the villain Kate, they gave Paul the black villain Kate and I was like uh-oh, he wakes up and is immediately different. He's like, well, obviously, like just got the same thing. Like his face was like flushed out of like any saturation, like he was just like sitting there.

Speaker 2:

There's a little bit of Paul there. Yeah, he wakes up and she's like you. You're back and he's like because of you because of the water of life.

Speaker 1:

I am the way.

Speaker 2:

I'm still. I am still Paul Atreides, human person and Chinese. Like what does that mean? Kind of not not as much, as I cut to like the empty chamber and Paul's just sitting there like the he's sitting there in front of the water pondering yeah, he's just like Mm-hmm, his mom walks in.

Speaker 1:

he's like you, you but he's all calm, he's like very, very scary. He's scary calm, he's just sitting there. He's like huh, huh, that's that piece. At the very end, when Chani walks out, when he like rises up in the frame, I'm like I saw it. But and I looked at my brother I was like oh, oh it's happening.

Speaker 2:

So he's sitting there. She walks in, he goes huh Huh, huh, huh and Jessica says double huh, double huh. I. See possible futures and he's doing this, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the hand movement very slowly is like I see away a very narrow way through which in the trailer is a bit cumbersome of a line. But here you, now I get it and I'm like, oh, this guy's doing the crazy person thing.

Speaker 2:

They're all crazy people do with their hands right when they can see the future.

Speaker 1:

He's like bending time, he's just looking through, he's just like I saw our bloodline scattered across time, which is a bar, by the way. That's a bar, I think you know. You see this baby sitting there, you see this baby laying in like black robes, and then Don't, don't, don't, baron Harkin, and just floats over like oh no, that's Jessica, isn't it? And you find out the big secret that Paul's the grandson of Vladimir Harkin and we're Harkin and small. Now I gotta talk like this, for the rest.

Speaker 2:

And he's like how long did you know? And she's like I didn't know until I drank the water.

Speaker 1:

I don't the worms poison the worms poison a. Benny Jezero. Transportation is something they can do.

Speaker 1:

And then we get into Bum bum, bum, bum. We said that's how we win this war is by being Harkin ends, and then, and then this movie turns in, starts as a movie, and then it turns into a film, and then it turns into the pictures. And this is when the movie turns into the pictures. So shift in the turbo egg. Exactly this movie kicks it into, like you know, don Toretto on, like the last 60 of the hundred, like Really kicks that sucker in the gear.

Speaker 1:

So, paul, what is Greg Fraser cooking? They do that wide when Paul's walking through all them and this is where that those I max cameras really play. Well, it's those closest on all their faces as he's walking through, and I'm like whoo, whoo, whoo. So all of them are weak because obviously, oh like, even for the non-believers, like I hate to say it, but the prophecy did come true the only man that look, all I'm saying about the water of life. It's two for two in this movie. I get getting told that it's impossible and that you can die if you do it there, two for two, and and a man did it. I don't know how lethal it is. I might try it out.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how bad it is. Besides the point, paul's walking he walks with the best time. Sandworm in the background.

Speaker 2:

That's where that same worm has impact.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's the greatest cinematic timing I've ever seen, sam. I was like, is that the losing? Oh yeah, you down there make them look cool real quick. That's my boy the losing, all guy. You one second, one moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he walks in big explosion behind him black black cape, hood up Just like a rapper. Basically going to a concert was awesome and all the freemen are like oh shoot.

Speaker 1:

That's why he said not bad.

Speaker 2:

He walks in and they're having a meeting and Johnny's not having it one bit.

Speaker 1:

Johnny's like still guard. Can you again you know who Johnny is? Johnny is Obi-Wan to Anakin when everything started happening and he's just like what are you guys doing? He said you know, I, you know, I've seen through the lies that it's like you sound like a Psychopath right now. What are you talking?

Speaker 2:

about having a team meeting for a team meeting, because the Harkinons attacked that, the north, and they're like what are we gonna do, guys? What are we gonna do? And Chinese like still guard, you have one chance to stop this before Everything goes off the rails. And so, guys, everyone's like.

Speaker 1:

And then Johnny does the trailer line, like this prophecy is how they enslave us. And then she's about to talk and then, you know, gurney pulls her down. Gurney's like, will you shut up? Man Like I'm trying to watch my boy cook. He's like, do you mind? So Paul walks in. Well, first of the Benny jesserit, the Reverend mother and her disciples walk in yeah, they all walk in they always bring her a chair to sit down and please Everyone's like pretty good Okay.

Speaker 1:

Nice. And then Paul walks in and the great Drisky I'm the type of guy to stand on business. One man army, one against 50. Paul walks in all right. So Timothy, shall I may walks into this scene and no one trade, he's walks out. Is this the best NPC to spoil it? Where the guys like he said please, ma die. He said, he said you must not speak. If you want to Speak, you must kill you. So there's like, it is what it is. My boy is what it is and Paul's like.

Speaker 1:

So goers like hey this is a pretty good shot. Yeah, yeah, I, even if I was full strength. You're pretty good now You're not bad man. The first line he said you think I'm stupid enough to deprive myself of the best of us? And then he starts speaking the Fresno language. I'm like Wait a second, what's about to happen? And he tells him and then still, you're just like please, it's the only way I'm pointing the way. And I was like all right, this is, this is the cinema that's about to ensure.

Speaker 2:

I was in my chair and I got up oh yeah, another chair and sat in it.

Speaker 1:

The guy sitting in front of us the second time we see. He like sat up when I was like I like visually saw people like in, like engaged, when he said I'm pointing the way and I was like, oh god, this is, this is happening.

Speaker 2:

And then he basically gives the speech equivalent of what?

Speaker 1:

I am him, I'm him. I've always been him. Who's gonna stand against man? He says I'm pointing the way, and then he walks into the middle. He said there's not one person in this room that can hold me.

Speaker 2:

He's the fremen were like. How about us and all of our sore he?

Speaker 1:

said look at, I got a shy hulu tooth. I got a shy hulu tooth, what you fina do. And then we are millions of fremen. And then Paul goes your grandma right, I remember that one time she got in the face of the Rock. He's like, yeah, he did the one, the one guy he's just like bro, how you know that bro?

Speaker 2:

He's due to police. When he said that, the one friend was like is he looking at me? Everyone else behind them, just kind of like.

Speaker 1:

Who said this movie wasn't funny? This movie's hilarious. Everyone slid out of the way and they were like Hold on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah he said wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

Oh he said remember he got in trouble he said you remember, you remember when they talked about this world I remember what, when they talked about this world, when I had a fremen name dude, that's the name of the movie.

Speaker 1:

And then, dude, I wish I can recite what he was saying in fremen, because it sounds so bad. Hey, it sounds so cool. But the, when he walks back to the other, to the other place, and he's just like you wait and your dreams, you give water to the dying and it brings you joy. He's like, oh, shoot, okay, my fault, my bad. He's like I'm tired of being humble. Even Jessica's like slowed down. He's just like there's not one person in this rule that can room, that can check me. That must have felt like when, like when, like when Jordan was at his best. I'm tired of being humble. I'm tired of being humble. I'm him. I'm sick and tired of not believing. On the glissando guy. Yeah, I am. I am actually man that bar he gave, or he's just like your reverent you said your reverent mother's told you about my coming and I guess what? I'm here. I'm here, I am the dude. I am the dude, messiah, whoa, whoa, Whoa, whoa. And then Janine's like slow down.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, paul is like you know what.

Speaker 1:

That, that face that Stilgarr gives when he's like I'm pointing the way. So I was like, oh, what fault.

Speaker 2:

And Paul's like actually what if we did kill everybody? Mm-hmm, and I was like, yeah, I like that plan and Chani's like no my boyfriend's evil.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a fan. Gernie's like oh, yeah, yeah. Gernie's like I don't. I don't know about all this from in business, but I'm gonna get my wig back for my family. I personally like that. I'm in.

Speaker 2:

And then yeah, we're. Paul sends a message to the emperor.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm With his. This is my father's do cool signet. He said it just like that. Actually I am Paul Muadiba, tradies, duke of Arrakis. He said, and I will. He said you know he talked about the hand of God and you know how the Lizenal guy will point the way. He said well, what would you do? What you gonna do? He said what are you gonna give us Green paradise, my boy? He said, ah, shoot, I'm in, I'm in. Lizenal guy, this is not guy. Good stuff, really good. It's deep. It's crazy to say that that's the best scene in the movie, but it is the, it's the. It's the biggest gripper scene of the movie. It just it's, it's truthfully incredible. That's, it is the best scene that Timothy Chalamet has ever had and his illustrious career at being 28.

Speaker 2:

He just turned, whatever the hand of God, be my witness. I am the voice from the outer world. I will lead you to paradise.

Speaker 1:

Now listen, that's called bars, y'all don't know nothing about that.

Speaker 2:

What he says what he says earlier when you were talking about what he says in Preman is there is no one in this room who can stand against me. Your mother's warned you about my coming. Fear the moment. But you think you could have a chance. But you are afraid. What if I could be the one? This is, this could be the moment you've been praying for all your life. Oh Boy, yeah, I would. You got it. You got a big bro, you got it. And then Paul sends a message to the emperor. He's like come on, come on down to Iraq, let's have a chat.

Speaker 1:

My friend and then, and then Errol on, goes to the river mother, she's just like Paula tradies is alive, and she's like, yeah, yeah, we know, yeah, dummy, of course he's alive. God, you're telling me he could have been the quiz at Tadarak. We're gonna murder him. No, he said, however, that do glado was kind of acting up a little bit, so See the emperor comes out on this big flying silver ball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the emperor's like.

Speaker 1:

I'm going Bring my side of my son of Khan, my daughter. I gotta go down there, christopher walking. I Disagree with your point. Actually, I actually disagree. But go ahead, he's great.

Speaker 2:

He's just. I feel like they could have he. He was just. He was just Christopher walking in this.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I disagree. Oh, I actually love him as the emperor, especially to the one who's like Baron. Can you tell me a little something about this fremen demon? You called more deep. He's just like he's, he's, he's a fanatic. He doesn't know anything. He's more, more. I give me more. I need more.

Speaker 2:

Came from space, brooklyn. He did give me more information, I mean but yeah, he and fate sees the embership coming like.

Speaker 1:

What's that walk? What is he doing here? And Robin just woke up. He's like oh god, what time is it, robin? It's three in the afternoon.

Speaker 2:

We're in rated Robin gets like thrown on the ground again. Yeah, for some reason, robin just, and Baron Argan is like don't disappoint me again.

Speaker 1:

This is you know from the books, like the genius of of bear, of the bear, and he's just like what do we do? He said go tell all the other great houses that the sardar car are attacking us and they're attacking us on, on Arrakis, like we're all. The spice that everybody needs is like they're all gonna come and this is gonna start the war.

Speaker 1:

So the pants someone, someone's gonna need to sit in the big chair, mm-hmm, huh, yeah huh, you thought it was gonna be you, fade, I got these floaty machines behind you that are actually gonna send me in the throne.

Speaker 2:

Little bro. So there's a big, big talk, big discussion, baron, Baron, what is?

Speaker 1:

going on. Yeah, exactly, he's like Baron. Can you please explain to me by this fremen demon is disrupting the?

Speaker 2:

spice. He sent me this message here and Baron's like it's the, it's fine, yeah, don't worry.

Speaker 1:

He's not sorry cars, just like sir the winds, we should go into orbit. He's like we'll protect us. I did that one speech and endure.

Speaker 2:

He said it sounds car girls like he's dead. He's dead. Moa Dib is dead, all right, what's not.

Speaker 1:

Um Fade says he's just like he's he's dead or he's you know he's dead or he's hiding in the south, and they're just like, well, it's uninhabitable, we don't gotta worry about the south. He's like Baron. I don't know if you check your radars in the last 500 years, but there's fremen down there, froliken and stuff, and said, bear Harkin is like yeah, there's what. Oh, one million fremen.

Speaker 2:

We had no idea and the Reverend was like, yeah, that he actually didn't know what she's lying. Sorry, he didn't, he didn't know. Meanwhile, back and back in the south, paul's like all right, big, big, we'll make it back to the north, yeah. And then he's like bar, right, here we go. Big plan time. This is what we're gonna do, still go.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna take all these crazies and you're gonna go over here and you're just gonna attack you're gonna attack head-on Chani.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna take your foot, I can. You guys are gonna hide in the sand, as you guys do, well, and then, once they their shell shock, you're gonna go behind them. And you're gonna do that. Still, guard, take your people, go straight with the sandworms. You're gonna bank right right on. You're gonna write an HP dive from Madden right in front. And then, gernie, guess what you're gonna do? Am I gonna nuke something? He's like? You're gonna nuke something like yes and you're gonna kill harkin, you're gonna kill hard, he said.

Speaker 2:

Then he put on a stanos voice and he's like that's destiny fulfilled.

Speaker 1:

No, not yet, Not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet. He doesn't do that yet he does do that in this movie, just not yet.

Speaker 2:

Paul's like all right, see, I got my big, my big little model of Eric heen and this is where we're gonna. I'm drawing lines in the sand if you will Not subtle. And then the emperor is like all right, where is he?

Speaker 1:

Yeah where is he? Where is he?

Speaker 2:

Paul's like you looking for this. Paul's like gurney, gurney fire.

Speaker 1:

Fire, three nuclear weapons just go out into the sandstorm and they're just like. And then again he said there's a, there's a, there's a sandstorm that's gonna come in. You know, it's crazy. They did the same bit in the king with timothy shallow me where, um, what's his name? Um, joe egger tins like my knee hurts. He's like what does that mean? It means it's gonna rain and the french don't know how to fight in the rain. And it's the same bit. He's like I have prescient visions. There's gonna be a pretty big sandstorm. It's gonna help us out. The sardar car, all there, they're all dressed for show. If the sardar car like british soldiers, then the harkinins are like german soldiers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because the, the bombs go off and that's just. That's just these horrific images of these sardar car getting up and like what the God were those nuclear weapons.

Speaker 1:

That's a low blow, man. It's a low blow.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, well, at least that's over.

Speaker 1:

That's the worst that this day can get. I know that ain't what. I think it is up there. Why don't I hear I?

Speaker 2:

don't hear. Is that hissing? Why don't I hear the dunescore part?

Speaker 1:

You see, hans Zimmer just up on something, just just directing a full, like a full band, the sardar car, like what what is happening?

Speaker 2:

Is this a dream?

Speaker 1:

They look and oh boy, remember how you guys said there was another enough worms in the first movie. Here's every single worm in the second movie. The worm just sits there, just like it does the flinch thing. I love how like all the sort like. There's that one sardar car that's staying there and it's like this sword shaking and he's just like Dude, just run, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

All the sardar car run, except for that one guy who's like I can take him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can take him. I'm like buddy, just son just does the drags from guardians. I can take it, I can take her, you can. You cannot take him. You're right, he can. Kaboom, kaboom, big war, big war. Dan, the, the it gets into the sand worms plant themselves in the stands, they start going and then the score just starts blaring and I'm like this is like I started floating in the theater.

Speaker 2:

I'm like this this is what it's all about, and I know people were like eager for this scene and they were like this is gonna be like the two towers fight. What I like about this bit is it's not the two towers fight, because it's not close.

Speaker 1:

I love it. It's so smart because it's not some. It's a massive battle. But again, it's the whole point it keep. The fremen are so dangerous. This is they again. I keep getting told from these movies that the sardar cars have to be these elites. Sardar car like 0 for 5.

Speaker 1:

I did watch duck and Idaho kill like 20 of them, the only time I saw the sardar car being elite was when they had a little help, all I'm saying. And they were sneaking up on people. Kevin Durant joined the warriors. That's a little help. Oh, I'm saying they needed a little help. They got some help, had harkinon's helping them. They attacked him in the dark, hand to hand. I think the sardar car kind of weak, I'm not gonna lie, and then.

Speaker 2:

So Baron harkinon's like All right, well, this isn't going, well, yeah, and then he gets. Then he gets, he gets his machine cut from behind him and the emperor is like I've had enough of this.

Speaker 1:

I must find him, I must find this small idea. And he's like I'm right here, and then Somebody knock on the front door. Oh no, it's the fremen divas. So the fremen waltz in, yeah, the sardar car, like, all right, we got this immediately packed up. Immediately packed up. Well, nobody, they don't even fight, no, they just get exploded. They just, they just, they keep doing that in every movie and it never works. They keep doing the overhead, like, and then they yell it sardar car.

Speaker 2:

And while all this is happening, baron harkin is looking at the it's the best bit in this movie.

Speaker 1:

He's looking at the throne. He's like, technically speaking, if I sit on the throne, on the emperor, right, right guys. I love fade too, because fade looks at baron, all right, he looks at, uh, he looks at robon, and then robon just runs out. He's like go take care of whatever's outside, I don't care about you. And if fate looks at the, I just like pacing back and forth like who am I gonna have?

Speaker 2:

to fight, just want to kill, so I kill like the joys.

Speaker 1:

I just, I just like what a person? And then Walks in him, walks in dog, he's got the full mask on, the full hood on. He's just he and I'm talking like stand on business, walk in. He walked right in front of the blades of the sardar car and there he and you could tell the sardar car like oh shoot, dude, that's him. He just walks in, he looks, he goes up to the baron, kills the baron. All right, you gotta find me that line. Then he tells the bear, whatever line. He tells you died like you, died like an animal grandfather. He's like, oh shoot, he knows, kills him, looks at the emperor. He's like this was for oscar isaac, this is for oscar isaac. How dare you kill oscar isaac?

Speaker 2:

And then he walks up to the emperor and he was, and paul was like, oh no wait, oh wait, no Wait, you're paul tradies.

Speaker 1:

You're, paul tradies. You're my grandson, paul tradies, you've been paul tradies, this whole time. That's kind of weak, isn't it guys? You're like I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. And then the merminus. I told you, earl on, shut up, earl on. I told you who it was. Would you please god?

Speaker 2:

I knew it. I knew that was paul tradies. The whole time, you can't fool me. And paul was like what if? What if I was the emperor? And christopher walkins like you? You, you don't know what it takes to be the emperor.

Speaker 1:

You can't be the emperor, you can't, and paul's like, take them.

Speaker 2:

Take them to the to the place, wherever that place is that we don't prisoner, take them to the bridge.

Speaker 1:

Take them to that well-lit, sunset place that we're gonna fight out, and take them to the rig, meanwhile, gurney howlix, like I haven't killed enough harkin and whoa before that.

Speaker 1:

We got to talk about the. We got to talk about the mirror scene from the first movie wasn't a stands on business, the, the, you know, the foot die can just raise out of the sand and just like Jesus, like, yeah, the definition of long live the fighters. They just that that one take. Oh my gosh, it's just, it's glorious. This movie is glorious. Yeah, I can't say enough about it. So they get, they get there, everything's all settled. Oh, that's sun rays On iraqis. After everything happens, everything settles and like that little score piece plays and I'm just like, wow, we did it, but at what cost?

Speaker 2:

then gurney howlix stands on, stands on his own business.

Speaker 1:

And then it's again. It's such a great mirror from the foot, like that horror, that, yeah, you guys, just what you guys are doing, this, obviously it's. And again, where, where does the justification stop and start? Because now you guys are, you become the very thing you swore to destroy, like now you guys are just bowing down these. It's just your great line from x-men first class. Like you know, I would just set the mercy of men following orders, not anymore, like I'm done with that. So Gurney sees rob on, rob on, look who's back from the dead. Very, very fast fight. Yeah, he gets his whip out, yeah, blocks the whip. That's like his ultimate and he blocked the ultimate. He's like, uh-oh, this is for my duke, for my friends, for my duke, and that was pretty good and mark friends.

Speaker 2:

Rob on's dead Robins dead. Yeah, it had it coming. He did have it coming.

Speaker 1:

It had it coming. Rob on, you won't be missed by any of your family because they're all dead personally, but they don't care anymore. So now we're. Now we're debriefing. Now we're debriefing and paul's, like Everybody's celebrating in the room Whoo.

Speaker 2:

We did it, guys. And then the great houses up here arrive. They look in the sky.

Speaker 1:

They do the grandma. When you leave the house they're like oh, Great houses are here and paul's like gurney, it's time, it's time bringing the prisoners.

Speaker 2:

He's like yes, my lord.

Speaker 1:

And then the emperor walk christopher walken walks in with the christopher walken shuffles in, yeah, more deep. You're not gonna stand on this. You think the great houses are gonna care. They don't care. And he's like you think the great houses are here for me. Maybe, not maybe not paul's like. I think they'd be quite interested in my side of the story If I am looking correctly out this window, I see a couple sardar car out there. It's supposed to be here.

Speaker 2:

Remember the time the sardar car killed my entire family. I think the great houses might be interested in hearing that, don't you think?

Speaker 1:

Your daughter, though. He's like what? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa? I didn't see you with your headdress on before. Who might you be? Who might this be? And paul's like all right, here's what's gonna happen. I was gonna murder you, but still on the table. Your daughter, though, not that I love how Just he doesn't muck around.

Speaker 2:

He's like I'll take your daughter's hand in marriage and you can go. Yeah, you can, you can live, go wherever you might be, and I get to be the emperor.

Speaker 1:

I get to be the emperor, and then the great houses follow me, everything. We all live happy ever after. He's just like good deal, your father was weak. He's like well, now I'm gonna have to murder you. You can't say that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because the emperor basically lays all the cards on the table. He's like do you know why I killed duke leto, Even though he was like a son to?

Speaker 1:

me stop saying that. He was like a. He's like. I love this whole thing that's going around the internet that leto was the most normal one on the whole of tradie's house. He's just the like. That's why he's dead. He's just the most.

Speaker 1:

He just wanted to be a duke. He just wanted to be a pilot. At the end of the day, he just wanted to be a guy that flies planes. He just so happened to be the duke because he led with his heart, idiot idiot Stupid way and Paul's like well, good thing I'm not my father then. Choose your champion. Stand or choose your champion. I'm right here at tradie's.

Speaker 2:

Faint Rob is like finally I get to kill somebody. Jesus, I've been waiting to kill somebody since I was in that gladiator thing. I didn't that. The girl with the flamethrower doesn't count, she didn't put up a fight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've been waiting for 80s.

Speaker 2:

And then, gurney, how it's like actually, yeah, let me do it, let me go down this animal.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not gonna lie, gurney, we love you, buddy, we love you. You would have been promptly packed out. I'm sorry, gurney, we love you, you, you're, you're get, you're getting a little old in your old age, you're staying your hands with the blood of this animal, he tells him stop using your dental slides on this buddy. You're getting older, it's all right.

Speaker 1:

Paul walks over to chani, who gives her little little link in a nod chani can't even stand the side of him at this point, like he lost his way. He said as long as you don't lose your way, he lost, he lost his way.

Speaker 2:

He's like I got this, I got this, don't worry. Wink and a smile, and then we get the. He does the, the bit, the dunk and iho bit. May thy knife chip and chatter and then fate is like that was get a look.

Speaker 1:

He looked at like the imperial court behind them and he's like get a loan of this guy. Wait, how many mocks. Anyway, man, I knife, chip and chatter, whatever that means. Whatever that means, stupid cousin god.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right. That's what paul says.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like he's happy to finally meet you cousin. Is that right, cousin? Neat, I've killed a couple cousins before. Almost killed robin last week.

Speaker 1:

You saw that Killed my mom I don't care, and then we just get a brilliant, brilliant fight in a movie that not is reliant on the score but that uses the score so infinitely, and so you know freely the restraint you need to have to not let han zimmer, of all people, not score. This fight is just, and it makes the kiss the ring seem even sweeter when it gets there as a score piece. So, yeah, drains all the music, hands, hands. This fight is just, it's brilliant, it's really good. You could tell it's choreograph so well. It's brutal. Again, it actually is brutal. Like a lot of times the fear you can get is it feels choreographed like that little. They do the double like headbutt and then, like fade, does it back to him and I'm like, oh Jesus, like this is this?

Speaker 2:

is real and you know, also goes back to, like, you know, the benny jesser to there and the reverend mother says earlier to earl on, like Our earlines, like what if paul, like does die? And benny jesser like, well, we have fave rafa, like that's the point.

Speaker 1:

Like they were supposed to be lovers, but they're actually. But they're actually got to fight to the death.

Speaker 2:

We have other candidates like it doesn't matter who wins here until it does matter, and the reverend mother finds that out the hard way after this fight consider what you're about to do, paul tradie. Silence so we fight, they fight.

Speaker 1:

Paul gets paul look look, paul get, I'm not gonna die. Fave was cooking a little bit. Fave had a little. Is this your pet? Any special attention for the pets? And then paul did the the gaming guy sitting up meme literally had a knife in his, in his side.

Speaker 2:

He's just like, but paul gets stabbed and everyone in the room is like oh no, even jessica's like wait a whoa.

Speaker 1:

That's not supposed to happen. Yeah, that's a listen, I like I even. He's supposed to be like knife proof, or something even still guys like this guy liar or something. Wait, did he just? Did he just get stabbed?

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. Then paul looks down.

Speaker 1:

He's like no big deal, I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm good round two fight, so they keep going, and then he's gotten doing the yep fave pushes the knife and paul's Unpauls like shoulder get stabbed again. And then oh, what a callback to the first movie, when paul and gurney are having their little sparring match and he's just like it's the slow blade that gets to you. And then paul you paying down and paul's got the knife that just came out of his side writing writing faged chest and that's it, fade's like you fought well, atreides, you think fade was just fine, he was like yeah fade was like ah, it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, emperor, seemed like a lot, anyway, I'll die now I guess yeah, I'll die, that's all right, good job, good job, cousin, it's still going like I do it, I knew it, I knew it, he could, he can't die.

Speaker 1:

He had me in the first half.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got a lie.

Speaker 1:

I thought you, I thought you were a fraud.

Speaker 2:

Well, I do, but paul pulls the other knife out and he's like Okay, it's on the emperor now right, right, oh, he doesn't even say anything.

Speaker 1:

He walks. So dog walks over to the emperor, takes his glow off and just puts the ring out. And Chris well, I'm not kissing that dang ring and paul stomps on the ground.

Speaker 2:

He's like Ah, and then the reverend mother, like you said, and she's, like me, careful about what? About the zoo?

Speaker 1:

apologies, silence knocks her over. Yeah, and both times we saw it, the people in the theater like, oh, shoot she does the the when yoda pushes palpatea episode three and she goes up over the? Chair. Ah, she's gassing it a bit. She gassed it, she flopped, she did flopped. That's a foot finer, finer, 10k tighter. Whatever the salar is that you in the universe, finer, finer, immediately. And then earlines like save, spare my dad.

Speaker 2:

Okay, spare my father, because he was gonna kill him because don't talk crap about my dad. And then you want to save your dad unless we get married, I'm good, and paul's like you can come home with me, and chinese like that's it. That's it, I'm out. Yeah, I'll take it easy.

Speaker 1:

I'm out because they all bowed they all kneel before paul, and then all the main characters stay standing though, and then chinese like actually I'm out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, I'm actually not, which is one of the that's just one of the through lines for chani, the whole movie. Anytime Chani's not feeling it, she's just out and then, uh, see you and then we get, we get reply from the grand houses and gurney's, like they don't recognize your ascendancy. They, they, they're basically telling you to uh, go kick rocks, I believe. I believe the term from one of the great houses was get bent yeah.

Speaker 1:

Which house? Who said it? We're going to their planet first.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna murder all of them. And so far I was like, what would you have us do? And then paul's like, bring them paradise.

Speaker 1:

So guys like, and there were some people that were like, oh, wow, I love this hero origin story. And then there was the, the, the people that know. They're like, ah, this is, this is not good. So guys like, still guard did a back flip. He's like, yeah, yeah, paradise, paradise, let's go. This is the first time any of them have been off-planet. They're like, where we going, caled in, he's not caled in, we like caled in, road trip, road trip. And then On you, taylor joys back. She's just like mom, mom, what's going on? I? I personally can't see, because I'm not born yet, but I can still talk to you. What's going on? It's like your brother said the great houses are mid and then Jessica and the reverend mother share a look. I love it. They do their ben and jester, we can talk without talking. Jessica's like you chose the wrong side.

Speaker 1:

And then again, at the end of the day and it's one of the best parts about the benny jester's like side there's no sides. If it's paul Edie is what it is, what it is is what it is, we'll figure it out. We'll murder him and do messiah. That's the plan. We'll have ear along chat to murder him. It's all right Sorry spoilers for to do the side, but we'll have our ear. We'll have multiple people try to murder him. It's all right. That's uh, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Bring them paradise the movie ends with zendaya Just because it was in her contract. I need to be the last person in both movies sitting on the sitting on the dune.

Speaker 2:

She calls the wire. She's Little d small d dude. I'm not big d dude.

Speaker 1:

She's sitting on the dune. She's called she calls the same worm. She's like I'm, I'm out. My boyfriend made me upset. I'm going. I think she's listening to taylor swift. On the way back I was getting this same song. I was gonna say the same thing. I knew it. I knew you were going there. You think that I know when doing messiah, they the whole thing is like chani can't have kids. You think that they you know when they had that scene After you wrote the same word you think that she's pregnant, I think. I think that's what happened. I think that she, she's having the twins and that's why she's well not. That's not why she's gone. I don't think she knows yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if paul's like can somebody go get my girlfriend? I'm please. I had a vision that I got twins and one of them is james mackaboy and uh, curtain, curtain falls on.

Speaker 2:

Just Just a masterpiece of a movie. What?

Speaker 1:

a. What a picture. What a picture, god, god in heaven, miss gurney, how, like once said, I can't even say any more. It's just. It's just one of those. It's one of those pictures where yeah, it's one of those all timers Unfortunately, like those people that don't like to say those things when things come out like you know when you see something, and I knew when I saw it- I was like yeah, same I was like speechless, walking out of the theater like you were trying to talk.

Speaker 1:

I was like nope, nope, nope, not yet, not yet. And that's dune part two. Part two, part two. I can't wait for dune messiah, because, yeah, it gets weird. Guild navigator or no guild navigator, that's the question.

Speaker 2:

I mean, why not Might as well throw it?

Speaker 1:

in. Who plays them? Barry Keegan. Oh yeah, mm-hmm, paul Dayno. Paul Dayno is the guild navigator.

Speaker 2:

Call, call Paul Dayno if you need a creepy little weirdo, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Who else could you have in there? What's the delay? Lax you, who do you have player? Hmm, I mean you use. Who do you have play her? I know that's actually a good one. Maybe we do, steven, you just kidding, we're just keeping the through line from last week. Steven you just put them in the universe.

Speaker 2:

Find a way, find a way I know I get them in the universe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's, uh, let's let's give out some awards. That's my favorite part of the show. I we haven't done this in a while.

Speaker 2:

I know I don't have them up.

Speaker 1:

I always have them you have to throw them at me, don't, don't worry, I always have it ready that we were the dunes of us. Maybe I don't have it ready here, it is All right. Um, wow, best cinema moment. I have a lot, we have a lot to give out. Oh man, in a movie that's just loaded with cinema moments.

Speaker 2:

Probably, for me it's Probably. I think it's Paul walking into the whatever you would call that sanctuary, temple, whatever that is, with the big, the big sandworm behind him. Cuz like that's, like that's the transformational moment. You're like oh, oh, no, he's the villain actually.

Speaker 1:

Actually he's gonna murder. Keeps the people.

Speaker 2:

It's the better version of Anakin walking to the temple of Coruscant. Mm-hmm, it's the same it's the same type of imagery, but just done better correct?

Speaker 1:

Um best character that doesn't need to be in this movie. Don't say the emperor.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't need to be in this movie. Huh, probably the second. A trade, he's soldier that fade kills. Why not the first?

Speaker 1:

one because the first one. You need him to Establish dominance of the second one was just overkill second one.

Speaker 2:

You didn't need that guy. You could have gotten rid of the good, got a written in that guy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'll allow it. I'm not happy about it, but I guess I'll allow it. That's not a fun. What was your cinema moon? Oh, yeah, my bad, I don't know why I keep sticking to my head. But that slow-mo fade walking out of the arena when he's just Silhouetted back and like the black and white and then the doors close and then like the the Harkin and theme plays, it's just, it's just, it's absolutely Like. I thought about it when I was watching. I was like these, this is like one of those villain reveals that like I don't. I'm just gonna say I don't. I'm not comparing it to the Joker's debut. It's it that probably is the greatest villain debut of all time. But it was the feeling that I got of seeing him walk out of the stadium like, oh, they did it right, like that's what I got it. Like they did it right. Yeah, totally Best character that doesn't need to be in this movie. What's Johnny's friend the other, fadai can?

Speaker 2:

oh, come on I.

Speaker 1:

Mean. Let's be honest, does the movie change if she's not in the movie? But I love her like she's awesome in this movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, the movie doesn't change, because you could have swapped out that scene with fade, with literally any other character or Jams. Jams is being like.

Speaker 1:

Two for two. In the movies, though, the, the visions, yeah, the third one's like don't, don't you dare go blind. And then he goes blind. It's a shoot. You didn't take my advice this time, paul. This is what you get. This is what you get for not listening to me, didn't listen to Jams. I'm best actor to join the franchise. I didn't tell the joy. That's a good one, because she's gonna be very important. Ooh, it's tough because I'm gonna. I guess the conceit for this one is somebody that's still alive, so I'm. I'm just gonna go with ear long for what?

Speaker 2:

Florence Pugh's probably that counts bring in the second movie, yeah unless, unless, unless they do the, unless they do the stuff with Duncan Idaho and they bring Jason Momoa back, which I think it's I.

Speaker 1:

I think that was always the stipulation for Jason Momoa. It's just do you do the other thing because like it gets weird and like this is the part of it being pre-born is because she grows so fast. Like, is it like justifiable because he's like, he's long?

Speaker 2:

He's not, I mean he's grown from himself.

Speaker 1:

Because they take the body from Eric. He Dude is weird, dude. It's so weird, it's so freaking weird. I don't know that's. This is a tough one. Hmm, I like the boys people, though, I guess yeah just it's like I know what she's gonna bring to the table. Obviously it's she gets like she.

Speaker 2:

She doesn't this what Zendaya did in the first one. Like they're just like here. They put her there, yeah, and then in the next one, she's gonna flourish right, and I think that was the point.

Speaker 1:

I think that's probably why she she probably did some research. If she didn't read the book already, she's probably like alright, I know, if they get Messiah, like, I'm gonna be one of the central characters. Yeah, I'm gonna try to kill my husband and then I'm gonna take care of his kids. What a good step. She actually turns from the worst step mom to the greatest step mom of all time. If we really want to get into it, yeah, that's where that's for next week. I'm doing Messiah, though. Um, I Said best carpet, we're gonna replace the car with the best warm bed.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna say I Like the, I like the three, the three sandworms riding up on the starter car. It's so good.

Speaker 1:

It's good stuff. Good stuff, I mean the first ride. I mean I'm gonna keep it simple that the first ride that Paul has it's seeing that in IMAX, seeing that, oh it's incredible, it's just one of the best movie scenes that you'll see. It's it's top, it's the tops, it's best, it's best. Yeah, I have best family member, because I'm assuming this had to have been from when we did fast X. So I'm gonna replace best family member with best the best. Best member of the atreides.

Speaker 2:

Can I still say Duke, let, oh, even though he's dead, sure he?

Speaker 1:

propagated this whole thing fanatical legions worshiping at the shrine of my father's school. A War in my name, paul, all names. Specifically, I would have also stuck with Usel if that was my other choice, but you want me to follow a brother named Paul. Oh, celtics legend Paul Pierce, am I gonna say a Leah for this one? Ali have kind of propagated most of the stuff that she was doing.

Speaker 2:

Yo sister talks to me you said what, what was that? I'm actually gonna go with that guy that fought fate in the college. Oh, uh landville.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, landville stood on business. Landville got yelled at by Duncan in the first movie and like off-screen and then he just had to die in the second one. But he stood on business. I will tell you Again the atreides you know. Some people think the atreides fighters are as good as the sardic are fighters. They might have been right, I'm not gonna lie, he was. He was old in his own Favorite planet.

Speaker 2:

Probably still arachis.

Speaker 1:

It's good stuff. Arachis is beautiful when the sun is low. They did the line in the second movie and it wasn't cheesy Good stuff. Gady Prime, just cuz you know, I mean you could have taken the imperial planet to Imperial planet is kind of just like. Is it like the country's? Come on, man, I was gonna say the countryside of London, but I guess it could be in the boo. It's giving that move. I was giving that boo. Yeah, just the filmmaking guys. What they do is. Gady Prime is awesome. Oh, it's unbelievable. There's no side missions in this movie. It's like Top Gun Maverick. This movie doesn't waste any time with subplots. Is the subplot Jessica spreading dangerous lies about her son?

Speaker 2:

It's either that or it's the like the machinations of the Benny Jester. It.

Speaker 1:

That is a subplot ish, yep, yep, where they're just like walking on different planets.

Speaker 2:

It's a little walk-and-talk. Yeah, talking about their plans, they walk fast.

Speaker 1:

You'd notice that like they move, they don't. Walk slow like they're. Like we got there against the stereotype.

Speaker 2:

They are like we got it, we got to go like those types of characters always like have like the slow walk and talk, but like they're like they kind of they got a move, they're brisk yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how old behind this, but she moves. Pretty surprised she's. She's swift, best side character.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna go with Leia. Sado's character, mm-hmm Margo.

Speaker 1:

She rinsed up fade and left the Riz Lord. The Riz Lord, she rins fade up. She just showed some shoulder and left the Riz Lord. Talk about understanding the assignment. When you walk in, um, who's yours?

Speaker 2:

I can't say still gar nice to to to prom yeah um, is it Javas?

Speaker 1:

I love Javas man. He's so freakin good he gives. He just shoots bars and leaves like he just gives, like some all-time bars and leaves and leaves. I Know I'm. He murdered his best friend. It was crazy. And then he just uses him for insight, like the first time they weren't even best friends?

Speaker 1:

No, I mean in his visions they were. That doesn't count, does it not? He started a G-Hod based on his vision and now it doesn't count. That that's ridiculous. I'm assuming you know it's the best part about the second half of our, of our project, infinite awards. It's all just stuff that we've kept adding and adding. So here I have best stance, which was definitely from ghost of sushi va. I'm gonna replace best stance with who has the best fighting style? The sardar car.

Speaker 2:

No, they don't, they're mid.

Speaker 1:

They're weak. Oh, that's easy, this one's easy. It's the Fremen are just. Lord, you're just chilling on like one little like plane of Arrakis, and then just 50 just friend demons raise up quite partial to fades Controlled menace.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, finding the style like yelling at himself.

Speaker 1:

It's just, he's a psycho. It's good stuff.

Speaker 2:

Just hands-low, just coming at you with just psychotic aggression, but also precision, precision.

Speaker 1:

Yep, it's a good fighter man. He's good, it's good stuff. Best boss fight Fade Rafa. That is a boss fight technically. What are like? I guess not boss fights, but what's like the big, like fights in the movie, like it's like the big what.

Speaker 2:

I guess if you had to like, if you had to segment.

Speaker 1:

It's like boss fights, the ornithopter the first, like the first spice harvester, the Fade fade, I guess. Fade like it's like a perspective shit, it's like when you turn the Abbey in the last of us, like you know, like you the venom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, right come venom. Fade versus the three atreides, it's good stuff. And then fade himself as the final boss, right?

Speaker 1:

I guess the fade fight keep it simple. The fade fight, um best send off Zendaya, yeah, yeah. Or is it the Fremen going off into the sunset to commit To do a jihad? Raban, raban, yeah, raban goes out.

Speaker 2:

That's actually no best end of his for Baron Harkiden.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm glad he's dead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm glad he's dead and I'm glad they did the shot of him, of his carcass in the desert. I love they shot that on. I maxed.

Speaker 1:

I love that. That was just make sure you do the I max shot for that. We eaten by bugs.

Speaker 2:

Good, good, I'm glad he's dead. Good job. Saddest moment um Saddest moment. Probably like the realization that like Paul is like he, he lost the plot, like and, but he doesn't realize he lost the plot. But like if Paul from the beginning of the movie could see Paul at the end of the movie. Like he did see Paul at the end of the movie, I know, but if he could, if he could actually see it, he did see it. No, these are the prescient visions.

Speaker 1:

He did see it. He literally did the thing he said he was not gonna do because his dead best friend Told him to do it. They're not best friends?

Speaker 1:

Yes, they are that's his best guy. You think if Johnny and Paul get married he's gonna have still guards his best man? No, he's gonna have go to job. It says his best man, and then jobs is gonna say a cool line and leave, he's gonna. He's like a force ghost at this point. That's what Star Wars steals from Dune. We're cultists of. People like the Betty Jester are just the Dathomir witches. There's fanatics that worship the force. There's capes like it's the same thing, like what is, uh?

Speaker 2:

what was yours? Oh, my bad.

Speaker 1:

It's the end when Johnny rolls off and she's crying in the desert and she's like, wow, like he told me, like as long as he breathed it, like he, as long as you don't lose it, he lost his way and I guess that doubles down to your point and just To singularize it onto a character like that's just, it's heartbreaking, like that love story is one of the most potent love stories I've seen on screen in a while, because it ended in such heartbreak. I Wonder how they're gonna deal that, because I hope they don't lose that just to get Johnny and him back together. Obviously and you know, maybe they play that as us, like you know, compromise of kids and that's what leads into children of Dune that Michael Bay's gonna direct or Roman Polanski no, roman Polanski.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no we can't.

Speaker 1:

Roman Polanski should do. God Emperor. No, all. Right now we're getting to our main rewards best relationship Nope, nope, it's Paul, and still gar don't care.

Speaker 2:

Actually don't care, not Paul, and Chani is just you know, uh Lee and Lee and Jessica.

Speaker 1:

I mean a Lee and Jessica.

Speaker 2:

No, I Don't like it. I don't like that at all most underrated character um Most underrated character. Huh, I'm gonna say Errol on mm-hmm, he's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I mean floor excuse comes in there. It's immediate effect as soon as she's there. I'm gonna go with the og. Reverend mother is my most underrated because again, she stands on. She stands on the whole thing. She said at the very she's dead to rights at the end. You know she's still. She gets stunned a little bit by by Jessica. He's like you know she has the crown, her Reverend mother. It must have been like when LeBron came into the league from Jordan Just alright, all right, yeah. But at the same time she's just like Sides, like there's no sides. I love that response by her. We'll figure this out. I ain't worried about nothing. Most heroic moment. I Wish we can go on the streets and ask people have never read the book or understand. And then we asked them it's gotta be one. Paul. Defeats the defeats, defeats, fade. Rathen, they go out into the stars most heroic.

Speaker 2:

That's tough, I think, honestly probably the most heroic moment, even though it it falters as Paul confronting Jessica about all the nonsense. Obviously, even it falls by the wayside later, but for the moment, for the moment, it was quite heroic of him to like actually kind of stand up to her a little bit. Mm-hmm, being like you, you've manipulated these people in my name for no reason. For no reason.

Speaker 1:

Look what we're doing, look what we're about to do. So I would say that Like.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait to look at the different planets actually know the most heroic moment is Bernie Howlick in his look back. He did get his look back. I'm gonna agree with that one.

Speaker 1:

I'm very out man, not bad for my Duke and my my friends. Best bit. Look, not bad now, but you saw him on that worm. Not bad, not bad, pretty good. That looks like the losing all guy. You to me. I don't know about you guys, but if I were the losing all guy, that's what I would look like personally. I'd have a mom personally Favorite cameo. I mean, that's easy. There's one cameo in this movie. It's on you, taylor joy. So that's pretty easy. A best set, oh.

Speaker 2:

The Gady Prime Marina yeah, it's good stuff.

Speaker 1:

It's good stuff. I can't I quite like Siege Taber as well too. That's a pretty good set as well. It's a pretty. It's so naturalistic. But I love the. I love the little injections of technology onto something that feels so ancient. I think that's a really good touch right there. Best one V1 faders faders Paul. Faders Paul. Best heat check performance. I'm going landfill, actually because Landville didn't immediately die. Yeah, that's a good.

Speaker 2:

That's a good choice.

Speaker 1:

He was hitting them with those little like blocks. When it was like that little wide shot he's, I was like, all right, hold on, hold on, wait a second he might be able to survive this. Best heat check, best heat check the worm, the worms not bad, that's a good one. That's good one, I mean it again might be simple, but just fate Ratha himself, austin Butler just came in there.

Speaker 2:

He's not in it as much as they're like halfway through the movie.

Speaker 1:

He's not in this movie for long and he's. You know what does he get? Maybe 15 minutes? A screw, like he's not.

Speaker 2:

This is a 245 most of his 20 Time is in the final fight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, final fight. He's just walking around man. He's standing there menacingly. So Austin Butler, for that one funniest moment, oh the Liz and I'll guy you would say they're not the Liz and I'll guy you, so personally it has to be him right. Best exposition dump, just whatever, princess Irle on every year on talks. Yep best source material callback.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, the baby, the baby.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I thought they implemented the baby really well because it could have got weird. And it was weird.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna could have been weirder, that's, it could have been way weirder, way tougher to handle. I'm gonna go the the inception of the water of life and like visually seeing that is. It was really well represented, it's really well done. But with my favorite one, best NPC, the bearded debuted Fremen y'all there's this one guy that's always with steel guard, still guard, and he's got that. It's like that older guy with that re, like the really white beard, and he's always. He's like, he's always staring at Paul, he's like that's him. That has to be him also.

Speaker 1:

I was like that one approving uncle you have. That's just always there. It's just like you're gonna be great one day.

Speaker 2:

Like that's exactly who he is also honorable mentioned to the one starter car. We thought he could fight this hand worm.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that was, that was funny. It was shaking up there too. It's like I can take it. I could know, you can Know you cannot. Best action sequence I.

Speaker 2:

Mean, it's easy to say the last fight, but I I'm gonna go with the Dispace the spice harvester raid. The first one is just immaculate.

Speaker 1:

That's what the order doctor one it feels so raw to like that, that shot where they had that, that, that hand-held shot when they're crawling under the or the, the, the spice harvester was so good it's. It's so good, it's tense. You know, you feel every punch, every blow, every stab, like Paul. Paul gets there and like again this is just how tight this action is in this movie. It's, it's really great. Best song.

Speaker 2:

Man, I love this. I mean, I love the score that plays that's best song.

Speaker 1:

There's only one song that they play in this movie. My still suit is the only song they play and it's the best song.

Speaker 2:

Now I'll give you best musical moment when he, when he rises to power fully, fully rises the power.

Speaker 1:

I'll specifically give you the kiss. The ring score piece from Hans Zimmer. It's just, it's that or it's the. I'm actually gonna find you the name because it's one Chani and Chani and Paul start to fall in love. Um, specifically incredible attack. A time of quiet between the storms. Man, stop looking at me like that. I was in, I was in. They started walking on sand together. Now that's funny because the anthropologist in the in the books back home said you're, you're wrong. Actually, you must be crazy. Best fight Fade and ball. I don't think it's close, I'm gonna go the. The fadai can raising out of the sand versus this. That one's shot and it's the mirror from. You know Paul's vision in the first movie to China. She literally finishes the same way like she finishes with that one knife cut right into the right, into the camera line, which is really good, best line.

Speaker 2:

The monologue, specifically the end of the monologue that he says in freman, which I think is you know, I mean the, the blind, the line. The sentence is your mother's warned of you about my coming, that's, that's the one.

Speaker 1:

I mean, man, it's simple for me. It's just I'm pointing, he says that, you know, he said usal. This is the only way I'm pointing, the way that that's for me. When that movie Switched into overdrive, like the truthfully, like every last bit of, like the turbo jets that got into it got into it With that one line, yeah, it solidified. Timothy Chalamet is one of the best actors that's here right now, one of the best young movie stars. It's like that was the beginning of the start to the beauty and the horror that lady Jessica was talking about Best war, world building or lore moment.

Speaker 2:

Um, the water, the water of life, don't anything about that, mm-hmm, even though they they say it's dangerous. But two for two, two for two, two for two, not bad.

Speaker 1:

Not bad.

Speaker 1:

I guess it's the great houses themselves being being present because that's gonna be obviously Pressing in the in the next movie and I told you I there's an opening to this because obviously you, this third piece is gonna be a lot more of a talkie. In my opinion, it's probably it's gonna have to be. That's how it Plays out, because the second half like the true grandiose nature of doing, plays itself in the second half of the of the book. That's when it really starts to like pop off. Messiah is much more of this, like I Hate to even say psychological thriller, but it's more of like a. It's like a political thriller Essentially, especially with like. It's like I mean it essentially turns into like Game of Thrones a bit, where it's like everybody's At this point is plotting against Paul. Some of them are actually successful in these plots.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, I like I said it's just the you know, the Pronouncing of the great houses are now here. I said you know it would be a great start to Messiah. If they really just want to, if they want to do Messiah the same way they start the Dark Knight Rises, they do this huge action set piece. Imagine this pick one of the planets, one of the great houses oh, thank God, the sardic are in here. The sardic are. Ships drop down and these Fremen demons just start running out and just start murdering everybody on the planet and they're like, oh, shoot, like we gotta go. That would be. That would be such a sick start of like you know, you just see, like again, like All these people, like you know, whatever house you picked, like we just got word like the atreides are back, like they didn't die, that night.

Speaker 1:

He's a tradies are back. Oh, we're so back the emperor. The emperor just succumbed to. He just succumbed to the atreides like polish. He's Paul a tree. You mean that kid, that little snot nose kid that was running around the one party the one time. He's the emperor now and he's just, and they're just like okay, and they're like the sardic are dropping, like thank God the sardic are back, it must be lies. And then the Fremen just run out of all these ships and they're just like this isn't good. Favorite shot maybe. This is probably the toughest favorite shot we've ever had.

Speaker 2:

And I think I'm with you, like the. The beginning with the eclipses For some reason just sticks in my brain. What and it's like you know did the same thing for me that when we saw away the water, when you that first shot of the coast and you're like we're back, oh boy.

Speaker 1:

We're back.

Speaker 2:

That's the eclipses did for me. It's the same type of you know same type of thing.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, this is so this is just so hard, otherworldly tough. I love that wide. That's also in the trailer of Paul and the tribal council, where all the lights shining through Through the seal or through the, through the top, and it's just like that. Oh, what am I saying? It's that unbelievable wide of Him just moving throughout all the Fremen and they're just at that point. They're like I'm not, they're like all right, he survived the water, that's a man and he survived the water of life. He might be him. I can't deny it at this point. Just that, leading up into the, into the whole scene, just that, that shot really just dictated his power. At this point, like I said, he's like a god to them. They just walking through them. Yeah, and our favorite, or our last two favorite character Don't say Paul tradies, he's the villain. I'm sorry everybody, I didn't realize he could still be a good character though he's gonna murder everybody.

Speaker 2:

Favorite character in this particular movie. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say Chani.

Speaker 1:

She's so good, she's so freakin good. Like I said, the beauty of her characters, it's the, it's the subtlety with the unsubtle tea. Like she'll say what she's feeling. But all Zendaya's best work in this movie is when she's she's acting with her face and with Her reactions and with her emotions. It's just, it's, it's unreal.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna say I'm, this is a tough one. I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go with fade for this one. I just, you want to talk about immediate presence. You get on a screen and you're just like I I'm here, like I'm here, I'm here to stay. And you know, thinking bigger picture outside of this movie. Like awesome butler is just like I'm Not even 30 yet. Look what I'm doing. Like, and he's done this in the last three. Obviously he had done, you know, once upon a time he had done in Hollywood, like he'd done these other things, but look what he's done in the last five years of his life. Yeah, like he's, he's gonna be here for, like I don't know if it was you or somebody else that, like we're literally witnessing. Like, like I'm not talking like a normal, like a high, like I'm one of the highest touted movie stars. Like, as we're not gonna go far. You got a shot in majors before. I ain't gonna go far, but we're witnessing something, something great and that's what the four of them them.

Speaker 1:

And then, yeah, four of them plus On you, taylor joy on top of that. So the five of them Timothy Chalamet, zendaya, austin Butler, florence Pugh. On you, taylor joy, like you feel, yeah, they're like, this new yep, this new movie star wave is coming great and the the most important one, the your favorite moment or scene.

Speaker 2:

It's so hard not to say that monologue man, it's so good, it's just like your mother's warned you about. Oh my god, you want to talk about like just a character and an actor just strangling a scene.

Speaker 1:

It's when he starts speaking in the fremen language I'm like, oh, shoot, and it's the like, just the. Does he sound better with the fremen Language than he?

Speaker 2:

does. It's the venom and the vitriol with which he speaks that just tells you. Like he's gone, dude, Mm-hmm. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like he's just and it's a lead-up to in the other scene as well, where he's just sitting there and he's just like, oh he's. Paul of tradies has gone. The Mahdi is here now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think I think that's honestly like the bit, mm-hmm, like from when he's sitting there talking to Jessica, to the monologue, mm-hmm, it's like my favorite moment, it's so.

Speaker 1:

I mean I like I can't not agree. And I told you it's the first time I we saw it. I told you I'm like you believe that scene where he was in there and he was, just he started going, I I got like chills. Each time I see this, I've seen this movie four times. Each time I've seen this movie, I I get it like I can't not get chills at that scene. It just it's so dang good and that's doing this is this is one I mean I do performance.

Speaker 1:

We did. We did nope, we did. Oh. We did character. We didn't do performance.

Speaker 2:


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Speaker 2:

I, I I.

Speaker 1:

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.

Speaker 2:

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.

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Speaker 2:

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I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I.

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