The Project Infinite Podcast

117 - X-Men 97 Episode 5 "Remember It" Recap & Discussion

Project Infinite Episode 125

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“The name’s Gambit mon ami, Remember it.”  Remember it we will Gambit. This week, we unpack and review what can only be described as a monumental piece of television as Marvel’s X-Men 97 continues to astound us and audiences alike. We unravel the latest on "X-Men '97," particularly the monumental fifth episode that has us reeling from its storytelling prowess. We recap an emotional and action-packed episode of the certified animated classic and discuss the shocking and incredibly tragic final 11 minutes culminating in major tearjerking moments. "X-Men '97," has left us stunned with its narrative excellence. The show has not only rekindled the nostalgic flames for fans of the original animated series but also set a new standard for storytelling within the superhero genre. The depth of character development and the emotional weight of the plotlines are reflective of the series' maturity, something that the fandom has embraced wholeheartedly. We also take time to discuss all the news we’ve missed out on over the past couple of weeks. Timecodes are provided if you want to skip around to your topic of choice! Thank you to everyone who continues to support and don’t forget to subscribe to download new episodes as they become available and don’t be afraid to share a rating!

0:00 Intro
 02:04 Chance Perdomo Dies at 27
 04:17 Joker 2 Trailer & Superman Things
 13:40 Hailee Steinfeld Joins Ryan Coogler’s Vampire Film
 15:52 Cinemacon: Paramount & Assorted Things 
 29:40 Disney/Marvel: Deadpool, Captain America 4, Fantastic 4
 38:23 Daredevil Update!
 46:23 X-Men 97 Episodes 3 & 4
 56:29 X-Men 97 Episode 5: “Remember It”
 01:46:21 Signing Off & What We’ve Been Up To: Fallout Episode 1 Recap!

Topic for Next Week: Invincible Season 2

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Speaker 1:

It's the Infinite.

Speaker 2:

Podcast. Go tell your friends, it's the Infinite Podcast. My journey never ends. It's the Infinite Podcast with Robin Kork, the Cube. Yeah, hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Project Infinite podcast, the podcast covering the infinite and ever-expanding multiverse of fandom For movies, comics, tv shows, video games. We've got you covered. I'm Rob. I'm here, as always with Court Court. We took a couple weeks off, but we're not lacking in the content department, because we got tons of content over the last couple weeks and it was a lot of good stuff. So we were going to definitely talk about Invincible this week, but then Marvel decided to drop one of the best episodes of television in the last five to ten years. It was so good and that's honestly not an exaggeration. I wish I was exaggerating, but I really don't think I am.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to talk about X-Men again. Oh, you're not talking about Iron Fist.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, no, I'm not. Yeah, we're going to talk about X-Men 97 again this week, specifically episode 5. We are going to do a little bit of a recap on episodes 3 and 4, also just to round out our X-Men conversation, because we talked about the first two in pretty deep detail. So I figure we'll touch upon three and four and then really dive into episode five, because it was a really special episode of television. So we're going to do that. Cinemacon is ongoing. We have some news and notes from CinemaCon Trailers well, trailer descriptions more and more apt. We have some casting news, especially as it relates to the Fantastic Four, which is exciting. Some DC stuff, some Joker Joker's back. We finally got the Joker 2 trailer. So we're going to talk about that and a bunch of other stuff before we talk about X-Men. But first and foremost, we obviously took the last couple weeks off, but a couple weeks ago some really horrific news emerged that Chance Perdomo from Gen V fame as of right now obviously an up-and-coming actor tragically lost his life a couple weeks ago in a motorcycle accident at the age of 27. Just saying that just chills me, man. Just horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible circumstance to lose such a promising young actor at such a young age to just a tragic, tragic incident, you know, car crashes, anything like that, it's just, you know, it makes your heart skip a beat because it can literally happen to any one of us at any given time. And just like that, like it's just a promising young career just ended and it's just sucks. Um, so obviously Amazon put out a statement uh, production on Gen V season two is put on indefinite hold. Obviously we wouldn't expect that to resume anytime soon. And man, just terrible. We talked about Gen V a little bit on here. He was really really good. Yeah, he was, yes, he was. You know that character went a lot of directions. I wasn't expecting Much like a lot of those characters in that first season of Gen V. You know, you think they're going to fit into some type of archetype and then they surprise you with the depth of those characters. And his character was, was one of those, being the, the son of one of the former members of the seven, and he was being bred as like the next up, essentially like the, you know, the Nepo baby of the superhero universe. Um, and just, man, just terrible, terrible, um, you know just, there's really nothing else to say, it's just a horrible situation, um, that you just wouldn't think to even wrap your head around, you know, occurring like. You know it's a young man that just lost his life, um, and his parents. You know you should never have to deal with that as a parent, you know, losing your, losing your child, like that, and it's just terrible, terrible circumstance unfolding there, um, yeah, so we just wanted to mention that up top because obviously we were gone when that whole thing unfolded and just bad, bad circumstance, man, um, but no easy way to transition from that type of stuff, so we will move on. So we got the Joker 2 trailer has finally been unleashed.

Speaker 2:

Todd Phillips' sequel to the critically acclaimed comic book movie. I know it's controversial to call it a comic book movie, but it is. It's based on a character from DC Comics and we got a new. Arthur Fleck is back. He's back in the what the Fleck?

Speaker 2:

He's back in the zeitgeist for the first time since 2019. Honestly, it feels a lot longer than that.

Speaker 1:

It does, it really does. And you know, the big sell of this movie, or the big change for this movie, is that it was going to be approached as, I wouldn't say, a musical, but it's going to be approached as having a heavy musical sense, says Todd Phillips. And you know, I think the most important thing that this trailer needed to do was find a way to make people okay with that, the people that were on the fence. And I mean I will just start by saying this trailer looks very good. I mean, just, this movie looks visually striking out of the gate. I think that was a huge grabber. You know, in my opinion, cinema is a two-pronged venture between auditory and visual kind of realms that have to mesh together. So you know, if you can get that attention visually right out of the gate, people are automatically going to be a little bit more, you know, digestive of the fact that this could be a musical, um, and you know the approach is interesting too, because you're living in this realm where la la land exists, like this absolute titanus classic exists. And you know, obviously this is a, like you said, it is a comic book, it's a movie based off comic book characters. I'll say so. It's like walking on eggshells a bit for this movie.

Speaker 1:

This movie seems like it has one of the biggest uphill battles of any movie in the last couple of years and you know, I'm very I I feel very tense trying to talk about this trailer because I feel like, you know, talking about this will upset certain types of people and then talking about it a different way will upset different type of people. Yeah, sure, this is a. This is a very difficult one to kind of digest, but I mean, whenever that's the case, you just talk what this is about. So, from what this appears, a lot of this seems like this is in Joker's mind. I do think you know one of the things that people are talking about is that it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

It seems like, you know, possibly that is Harley real. I think Harley actually is real in this universe. She seems like a patient at Arkham, yeah, which is very, very, very interesting. I wonder if they're going to approach this in the fact that she was, you know, she was a psychiatrist, but then she went insane. I was hoping a little bit that Joker would kind of, you know, bring her over to that. But you know, todd Phillips is a good. He's a good filmmaker. I'm not, you know, I'm not. I'm not as nervous as most people are, I guess, and maybe it's my love for La La Land, maybe it's my love for Joaquin Phoenix as an actor. I do quite like Lady Gaga as well too, so you know, I am looking forward to this.

Speaker 2:

I'm also looking forward to it. I think you know this movie the first movie in particular was able to really successfully stave off the purists. Sure, like they kept kind of like they kept trying to knock the door down, but this movie was just relentless and basically telling us no, we're going to make a movie, you know, we're going to focus it around this character, but we're going to do a bunch of different stuff and we're going to present this character in a totally different way from how he's been presented. And this movie the second one that appears it's going to take that premise even further. And movie the second one appears it's going to take that premise even further.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's really, really cool. Like, if you're going to subvert the genre, subvert the characters of the genre. Um, come with a solid premise, come with a unique idea and and let it fly. And I think joaquin phoenix is the perfect avatar for that, much like he was in the first movie. Um, he's experimental, he's, he gives his all to every performance. Um, we've seen him do a musical film before. Um, he did walk the line in which he did all the voice work and performances.

Speaker 2:

Like it wasn't um, it wasn't a typical biopic where they do, like you know, much like you know Bohemian Rhapsody, where they just do the the vocal dubbing over the songs, like Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon really performed for Walk the Line, and I'm assuming that's going to be the same case here with he and Lady Gaga, whatever music they performed together. So yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Man, we got the steps, we got another wacky stairs dance Recreated with the two of them and I'm just looking forward to seeing what comes from the minds of Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix and the rest of this crew, because the first movie was really unsettling and it was very weird and creepy and really well done so I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

I guess what I'll leave with is I do need I do hope this movie does one thing I do think they need to start presenting joker as more of a villain itself. Yeah, or yeah, I think I think that's the step this needs to take is let him succumb to, you know, let him leave arthur fleck and let him succumb to being the joker. I think that's the most important thing about this movie. Yeah, in my opinion, I think that would be a glorious turn and you know, I hope people aren't confused that he is the villain. We didn't forget about that in the first movie, right?

Speaker 2:

Stick with the DC stuff. So Superman, a little bit of Superman stuff. So the logo we know what the logo is for sure. It's that the Kingdom Come-inspired kind of S, but it's a yellow and red palette, obviously, instead of the black and red palette from Kingdom Come. And for Supergirl, I Tonya's Craig Gillespie is apparently going to direct the Supergirl movie.

Speaker 1:

Yep, I'm in. I'm in. I mean addressing Superman first. I mean the more addressing Superman first. I mean the more and more time passes and you know they keep kind of giving us a little bit more. You know, james, james Gunn's a very active person on social media. So I just again, all all signs point positively for me and I just there's just this feeling that I'm going to get that this movie is going to be so important for the time. This movie is going to come out in July 2025. And whatever the source material may be, I mean this cast looks really good. I mean James Gunn. Guardians 3 visually looked very good. I knew that crew kind of had to operate at another level and he's bringing over most of those people as well too. Down to your composer, down to your, your cinematographer. You're bringing everybody over. And you know again, I always said it the fact that he was maybe able to make me feel emotion from a raccoon and a tree and from john cena so that's a, that's a three-headed monster, I mean.

Speaker 1:

I just I'm just not nervous about this. I just feel like, whatever the and you know you're still gonna get your weird james gun gun isms, for lack of a better term. But there's just something about this movie that I've, just once we get that first, look, I just feel like it's just gonna be like. This movie's gonna be more than just the source material that it is. It's gonna be like again, it's just gonna be the modern age of what's you know the core main superhero storytelling will be, and you know we're going to talk about more of that when we talk about the fantastic four on the Marvel side of things, and then X-Men obviously too. So I don't know if you're getting this feeling, but I feel like we're at like, uh, you know how comics changed. So it's uh, what does it go? The, the, the silver age into the golden Age, whatever it went, I feel like we're at the precipice where it's going to turn into the. I think the Silver Age was second. I think that's what we're going to try to turn into. So that's right around.

Speaker 1:

When Jack Kirby left DC I keep making this comparison for James Gunn. It's right. When Jack Kirby left Marvel to go to DC and then, just funny enough, james Gunn leaves Marvel to go to DC and takes an elevated role. It's the same thing that Jack Kirby did. So I just have a feeling that this universe is going to work, as long as you let the creators cook. I'm a big proponent of that. We're going to talk about Fallout as well, too. That's something where we see it. We see, when you let the people do the thing X-Men 97, it's very apparent that when you let somebody, when there's no studio oversight, saying you need to do this to sell something, it's usually a win.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm excited for it. The cast obviously we spoke about them when they all got casted, but now that you know, thinking about it and letting it really sink in it lets you know, kind of reminds you of how impressive the cast is. Corn Sweat looks yoked. He looks like he's ready for this. Nicholas Holt, obviously Lex Luthor.

Speaker 1:

It's funny that might be my favorite casting out of all this so far.

Speaker 2:

Rachel Brosnahan, lois Lane, millie Alcock Supergirl, I mean, you and I both praised, sung her praises, we talked about house the dragon and so excited for her getting this opportunity to super girl. So, um, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm sharing in your, in your optimism, um, as this draws, draws more, more near Um, so, yeah, I'm looking forward to that for sure. Um, we can talk about just a couple of random news, news and notes from cinema con. Um, this isn't necessarily cinema con, but worth noting. So, ryan coogler, michael b jordan, working on this vampire period piece, um, and now has hayley steinfeld, right, um, good, yeah, good, um, I mean, we, you know, we spoke about ryan coogler's track record at this point and it's flawless. Um, for lack of a better word.

Speaker 1:

So anything that guy touches, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm there, I'm in off of four features for Hollywood features and look what you've done in four and four movies. And we, we always say that fact that he's only made four movies so far. He's only made four movies in his or four big not big Cause, fruitvale station wasn't a big movie, but he's made four movies. And you know, I listened to him on the team dickens podcast a couple months ago. Um, I just love him, love hearing him talk about film. Um, there's a couple people where I just I can listen to greg frazier's one of them, um, that I could just listen to you talk about films for hours and never get bored of it.

Speaker 1:

He's just, he's such a lover of the craft but he's such an innovative you know, he's an innovative conduit to the craft as well too, and he's just he's so, he's so smart about it. So, and there's this level of you know, there's this level of human nature which you know, on paper seems like, hey, it's a movie. Well, you probably should do that, but it's just, it's fully realized for him too. And I mean, you know, you dive back into scenes that he puts in movies. You know what scene I think about. A lot that he did.

Speaker 1:

It's the Creed 1 scene where Donnie hits the canvas and he's thinking about every piece of his life, and it's not until he sees Apollo where he's standing. It's just music cuts, just little stuff like that, and I mean I just want to see what they're doing with this movie. I want to see what they're doing with this movie. I want to see how big of a role that michael b jordan takes you know, behind the scenes as well too. Obviously, coming off of creed 3, you got to think there's going to be a level of trust there too, yeah, um, so I'm really excited. I know delroy lindo is also going to be in this movie too, um, which is a huge ad. So there's this movie again. It's all sides point north. I think this movie's got a lot going for it and we'll see. You know, once we get that first look, I'm actually going to be very, very excited about this.

Speaker 2:

Me too. Yep, 100%, I'm 100% in. So yeah, cinemacon man Just bouncing around because you know it's hard to, it's honestly hard to corral the CinemaCon news, especially in this moment, because Disney did their thing and I feel like that's all kind of what everybody what everyone's talking about right now.

Speaker 2:

So we'll save. We'll save the disney stuff for for the end, um, but um, I guess the other kind of company that broke through was paramount. Yeah, paramount kind of broke through this. Um. So some paramount things. Uh, we got apparently a first look at transformers, one which is a live, or the anime new animated, a new animated movie. That it's kind of past the torch. In terms of the voice acting, chris Hemsworth will be Optimus Prime and Brian Tyree will be Megatron. So I'm curious to see how that goes. I'm curious to see how especially Chris Hemsworth goes about it, because I feel like there's very few voice roles in animation. That kind of are these legacy roles and how do you go about differentiating yourself from the standard bearer? We saw this a lot with Batman, with Kevin Conroy. Anyone who stepped into the Batman animated role kind of had to put their own spins on it. A lot of them have been really successful. Jensen Ackles has been successful as Batman, roger Craig Smith obviously.

Speaker 1:

That was the one that I was going to think about, troy Baker took his crack at Batman.

Speaker 2:

How could you not for Troy Baker? They all managed to differentiate themselves from the iconic Kevin Conroy voice, so I'm curious to see how Chris Hemsworth goes about, because, different from Batman, optimus Prime has always been Peter Cullen. Since the 80's, peter Cullen, the legendary Peter Cullen, has voiced Optimus Prime, whether it's live action, whether it's video games, animated TV shows, commercials.

Speaker 1:

Peter Cullen has always been Optimus Prime.

Speaker 2:

Not that I don't think Chris Hemsworth is not up to the task. I think he absolutely is. I'm just curious to hear how that Optimus voice sounds. Man Keegan-Michael Key is Bumblebee, which I think is a great choice. We'll see man. I'm pretty excited for it. Speaking of Transformers, though, if you were here for our Rise of the Beasts spoiler cast, which is a handful of months years ago now I can't even remember at this point it was September, I believe. You know. If you stuck around for that end credits stinger, you would see that Anthony Ramos' character was ingratiated into the program known as GI Joe, and everyone went, oh boy, is this actually going to happen? And it is. Paramount is going to officially make a Transformers GI Joe live action crossover movie. Sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess the only question I have is I know the director of rise of the beast is getting his own trilogy. I wonder if this movie a is in the trilogy b, is it going to be separate from the trilogy and they're going to give it to somebody else, or if this is going to be the culmination film of this trilogy?

Speaker 2:

that's that's kind of my questions I imagine just because rise of the beast was the one that introduced this stinger. I imagine this has to be involved in it in some form or fashion. I imagine Anthony Ramos must come back. Yeah, yeah, sure Anthony Ramos will return and yeah, we'll see how this goes. I mean, everyone's got to take a crack at a shared universe thing at some point, so Hasbro might as well do that. We'll see how it goes. It might be diminishing returns, but who knows? The Monsterverse is being expanded, so, monarch.

Speaker 2:

Legacy of Monsters which I have not seen personally.

Speaker 1:

I've heard it's very good. I've heard it's. Apple TV is really producing a lot of good stuff. The two studios that should be very proud of themselves over the last couple of years should be Amazon and Apple TV. They've produced a lot of good stuff. I mean, severance is an Emmy winner on the Apple TV side of things. And then obviously, amazon TV has just been full of hits over what it seems over the last couple of years.

Speaker 2:

Sure, yeah, so that's super cool. The thing that I'm most interested in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action movie based on the Last Ronin Look look, I'm going to say the thing that you told me not to say, but I'm going to say it.

Speaker 1:

Do the Bayverse, cowards, and have that be the last Ronin movie where it exists and let Michael Bay do the movie. Whoa, no, I'm kidding, let Roland Emmerich do the movie.

Speaker 2:

It's too small a scale for him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, can I blow up a planet?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't want it. I'm not in. He's the anti-Gareth Edwards. He really is, I want $100 million for the budget.

Speaker 1:

Gareth Edwards said give me $48.

Speaker 2:

But this is super cool, man. I mean I'm Okay, so I'm of two minds of this One. I think it's really cool, Just base concept. This story if you have not read it, is really, really great. The premise is a surviving member of the Ninja Turtles is the last one remaining after the Shredder. The Foot Clan essentially wiped out the rest of the Turtles Master Shredder, casey Jones, all that stuff. So there's one surviving Turtle that Should we spoil. Who the Turtle?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Spoiler yeah, spoilers for the story. If you don't know the twist, a lot of people do, but it's Michelangelo which makes the absolute most sense.

Speaker 1:

You leave the little brother to be the one that has to avenge his family. That makes just the most sense.

Speaker 2:

And it's exactly what it sounds like. He's the last of the turtles and he goes on. He's consumed by vengeance and he wants, he's going. It's Shredder's son, son, grandson, I can't remember that he goes after and you know he eventually the rage, the vengeance, consumes him and it's really really good. Um, I do. I am worried about this falling into gritty reboot trap syndrome.

Speaker 1:

I'll even go further with that fear. It's gritty reboot trap with the studio oversight on top of it. That's what I'm truthfully afraid of.

Speaker 2:

Exactly that's where my concerns are. I'm worried that they're going to get the wrong point from this and be like no, it's going to be dark and edgy. It is that, but it's more emotional than that. It's more emotional than just the lone gunslinger vengeance I'm an angel, lord now thing. It's beyond that. Like they really have to explore the psychology of michelangelo and how he you know how the loss of each of those brothers takes its toll, because they don't all get wiped out at the same time it's like different things.

Speaker 2:

Like raf gets taken out going after shredder, after shredder takes out splinter. Like raf goes on a on a mission to kill shredder and that's how raf dies and then donatello and leonardo get wrapped, get caught up in a like an explosion that kills the both of them. So like it's, it's sequential, it's not like they all get wiped out michelangelo's and then michelangelo like is at his lowest, like he literally goes to commit suicide the samurai version of suicide and he survives, um he's discovered by a surviving, april o'neill, who finds him, and she kind of like you know come on get back out there, man, and that's when he takes up the mantle of the last ronin and embarks on his mission.

Speaker 2:

So there's a lot of ways they can go about this. I just hope they they lean into it. You know, as difficult as you feel it might be as a studio to get some emotional resonance out of a turtle like you can do it. You can do it um and you can make it really good. So we'll see how that goes um.

Speaker 1:

Any more paramount stuff uh, I mean damien chazelle's finally getting another movie. That was the thing that excited me. Um, you know, I just listened to the Talking Pictures podcast a few days ago. That's been running pretty well from Max, which is awesome.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that Damien talked about is or not Damien, but it's kind of been said that he it's feeling like he's been in director jail, which is crazy because he made one of the absolute modern classics, which is La La Land. I of the absolute modern classics, which is la la land. I mean, you have whiplash, la la land first man under your belt in babylon and nobody wants to make your movie is absurd. So I'm I'm super glad that he's getting to make a movie again. I mean, he is, he is truthfully one of the modern age auteurs that we have as a filmmaker and he's just um, apparently this film is set in a prison and it's written, directed by him. So To me, he's one of those filmmakers where he makes something. You're there, he earned it after Whiplash, but it was cemented after La La Land.

Speaker 2:

The other Paramount stuff. Glenn Powell is going to be starring in an Edgar Wright-driven remake of the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic.

Speaker 1:

The Running man, glenn Powell, is a movie star.

Speaker 2:

All of those words that I just said.

Speaker 1:

I'm in yep um, and I believe this is edgar wright's first movie since baby driver I don't think he's made a movie since, and I think this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's gonna be like eight years in between him having a movie in theaters which is nuts for edgar wright, but I'm super glad that he's back with. I mean, and you want to talk about Glenn Powell? I mean, apparently, what I'm hearing too is that Twisters isn't just some stupid dumb tornado movie. I'm hearing that Twisters has actually got a bit of cinema in it, which is awesome. Yeah, so you know, obviously led by Glenn Powell and Daisy, edgar Jones and Anthony Ramos.

Speaker 1:

But you know, glenn Powell is getting critical acclaim for Hitman with Richard Linklater, their second movie together. So you know, I keep banging the drum for Glenn Powell, but that is a movie star that we're witnessing right now. Like he is the way that you know we've been talking about, like Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya and Austin Butler. Glenn Powell is also there. Like, what did I say? He kind of reminds me. I mean, obviously this is going to sound convenient because of Top Gun, but he feels like a mix between Kevin Bacon and Val Kilmer. To me he's a great high energy. You can put him in a funny setting, you can put him in a serious setting, you can put him in a period setting and he'll play. So I think that's somebody that studios are going to be, an actor that studios are going to be chomping at the bits to get.

Speaker 1:

The next studio I do think he will work for is Warner Brothers for DC. I do think that they are going to make sure they get him something. Hopefully that thing will make him Hal Jordan. I just think that's a good choice to lock him down for years to come. I just think him being adjacent to David Cornswet, obviously, who plays Batman in the DCU, has been the hot ticket item. If it is Gyllenhaal, I think that's a great choice. If it's Alan Richen, that's a good choice. Glenn Powell is him.

Speaker 2:

I can't say much more.

Speaker 1:

I'm super excited for that, Super excited for Edgar Wright to make another movie too.

Speaker 2:

Gladiator 2.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about that. That's what I've been waiting to talk about. Heard some.

Speaker 2:

Gladiator 2 buzz coming off of CinemaCon.

Speaker 1:

Basically kind of a your artsy girlfriend's celebrity crush, paul Mescal's, there.

Speaker 2:

Yep, kind of what his deal is. He's a noble who has renounced his status and is following the steps of Maximus from the first Gladiator movie, which is. This movie will take place 20 years after the first one first gladiator movie, which is, uh, this movie will take place 20 years after the first one.

Speaker 1:

um, yeah, I think this movie's gonna be super good, right, well, he's the. He's the kid, right, he's, uh, he's, uh, he's the kid from from gladiator, one which I wish they would have just got the actor, because he was in agents of shield like, he's actually still an actor. So, right, you know, a little piece of me wishes they still would have kept him, but obviously, you know, this movie is just it's got everything going for. I mean, denzel, did denzel drop out? Denzel's still in this movie. He dropped out, right, he's still still in this movie, right, so I mean, you got paul mescal, denzel washington.

Speaker 1:

Pedro pascal, pedro pascal, like, and pedro pascal is, it's confirmed, he is the main villain of this movie, which, good, good, I, I want to see him as a conniving little piece of crap. I can't wait for that. Yeah, um, what I wonder? I, I do have a feeling that denzel is going to probably play sort of like a mentor figure. I just feel like that's. That's where this is pointing, in my opinion. Um, but I, I'm just looking forward to this. I, I like, I kind of like the way ridley scott's career is going, because he's in his mid-90s and he's just like, yeah, people are just like, well, napoleon wasn't accurate.

Speaker 1:

He's like I don't care, shut up, nerds shut up nerds um, yeah, yeah, I agree with that um, but you know, even even funny aside, I mean, ridley Scott is, you know, he is one of the greatest filmmakers to ever walk this planet, yes, and this is a property that he holds near and dear. I mean that that first gladiator movie is just, it's one of the best films that's ever been made. So we'll do, we'll do a thing on that. Yeah, I think that would be. That'd be a fun little us talking about some straight cinema. We don't do that a lot, talk about just straight cinema here, um, but that would be a fun one to do. Um, and just kind of talking about, you know, ridley scott's career as a whole. I I mean dipping into any genre he can do. He's proved himself to be somebody that you just trust and that a studio can be like. Redo the sequel almost 30 years later and nobody's going to say anything about it.

Speaker 2:

Do what you gotta do. And then, before we get to the Disney stuff, sonic 3 was shown off, a little bit of Sonic footage. So we got Shadow versus Sonic, knuckles and Tails. We got Shadow versus Sonic in New York and, interestingly enough, we did not get a confirmation of who Shadow's voice actor is, because it's Hayden Christensen and they won't tell us. I think it might be. That was a hot rumor, that kind of came out of nowhere, and I think that would be super cool. I think that might be. That was a hot rumor, that kind of came out of nowhere and I think that would be super cool. I think that would be amazing. I quite like the second Sonic movie. I thought it was really really good. Yeah, it's fun. It's fun. Historically, jim Carrey doesn't do sequels, but he has now done two Sonic sequels.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I just think he's kind of locked in at this point.

Speaker 2:

So I think that's super cool. And then, yeah, we'll, we'll just hit the disney mostly marvel stuff, um, because I don't know, I mean we got some kingdom of the planet of the ape stuff. We got some inside out stuff, we got some moana 2 stuff, um yeah, I mean we got some alien stuff. Speaking of really scott, we get some alien stuff, um yeah people apparently are liking that, yeah, which is awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yep, aliens back. One of the big things was Mickey 7. I would be remiss if I didn't get to talk about Bong Joon-ho for a second. So the first details about Mickey 7, robert Pattinson was there, which everybody liked that. Everyone liked that, yep. So it's described as like a weird sci-fi dramedy, essentially, and he's the same person that keeps he's like a hitman also almost that gets killed over and over again, but accidentally two of them exist at the same time.

Speaker 1:

They gotta do the spider-man meme. And then they say one clone is like an evil brother and I mean, look, I'm gonna to keep this very simple. You just say the name, bong Joon Ho. I'm in at this point. He made one of the best movies of the 21st century. I'm in. There's no if and or but about it yeah, marvel, star Wars the little studio that's Disney.

Speaker 2:

Star Wars first just real quick. Mandal, the little studio that's Disney Star Wars, first Just real quick. Star Wars Mandalorian's coming out May 25th of next year.

Speaker 1:

Mandalorian and Grogu. What a title.

Speaker 2:

They had to say Pedro Pascal is returning, as Din Djarin we know, is he going to be in the suit, who knows? Probably not Mail it in, pedro.

Speaker 1:

You're busy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, mail it in, pedro, you're busy. Yeah, you're real busy, my friend. So that was pretty much it for Star Wars, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel. So Thunderbolts with an asterisk is coming out.

Speaker 1:

The asterisk is important says Kevin Feige, because those are going to be the Avengers that they keep saying did. I spoil us talking about Captain America. Brave New World. Oh sorry, what is it?

Speaker 2:

Brave New World. Brave New World. Yeah. So Kevin Feige said you will know the meaning of the asterisk after Thunderbolts comes out Interesting the man's building intrigue for an asterisk. Now that's where we're at. But yeah, we did get some Captain America 4 stuff. Got a scene, got a teaser Harrison Ford and Anthony Mackie squaring off, shut up and dribble Anthony Mackie says Harrison Ford, that was nuts. We got a real weird picture of Anthony Mackie looking bamboozled.

Speaker 1:

Holding the shield. He was beside himself in that picture.

Speaker 2:

We got kind of a couple descriptions of things where they kind of get into a spat. Thunderbolt Ross is like why don't you do the Avengers again? And Anthony Mackie is like don't tell me what to do.

Speaker 1:

I got my friend Joaquin.

Speaker 2:

And then Isaiah Bradley, apparently, is going to show up in this. And try to kill politicians.

Speaker 1:

Good, Good is what I say. So he tries to kill the politicians and then he jumps out of a window.

Speaker 2:

Is he supposed to be the villain?

Speaker 1:

Probably not, but apparently he probably has the Winter Soldier brainwashing Winter Soldier-dom. Dang it. Now he has to go to Wakanda to figure it out what do you mean by that? They figured it out for Bucky.

Speaker 2:

I didn't mean anything. That was really it for Captain America, Deadpool, Wolverine. We got some. They showed off, I guess, the first nine minutes and it's quippy and it's fun and there's curse words, that's.

Speaker 1:

Deadpool to a T. You just figured it out, nailed it. Anybody can make a Deadpool movie.

Speaker 2:

Look man, they're super excited about this movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think they got to. I think all the punches they held in Multiverse of Madness they're going to swing on in this movie.

Speaker 2:

They seem to be super happy with this movie, so much so that Kevin Feige is super excited about it, sean.

Speaker 1:

Levy's apparently been fielding calls about future Marvel things. Yeah, I think they did. I think all the things that you think they might have done, I think they probably did it.

Speaker 2:

So so it feels like this movie is is going to be a thing, it's going to be something um beyond just. I mean, look, strip away all the buffoonering in the deadpool movies. They're just good.

Speaker 1:

They're just good movies if you're nothing without the quippy natures and the the cameos, then youos, then you shouldn't have it. Whatever Tony Stark was yapping about in Homecoming.

Speaker 2:

That second one is still really funny. What is going on here?

Speaker 1:

Too bad, Wolvie, I die in this one too.

Speaker 2:

This is my girlfriend. You intolerant shit, chill out Fox and Friends.

Speaker 1:

Everything except for the TJ Miller stuff, all good, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we got the look at that, and then Fantastic Four yeah, yeah, it's going to be shot in IMAX.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be shot in IMAX. Yep. It's in an alternate New York in the 1960s. Yep A retrofuturism. And Silver Surfer is in the movie A retrofuturism. And Silver Surfer is in the movie. It's a lady, silver Surfer.

Speaker 2:

Which shouldn't upset anybody because it's not a real person that exists in real life. So Julia Garner of Ozark fame is going to be the Silver Surfer. Shalom Ball, yeah, different Silver.

Speaker 1:

Surfer Different Silver Surfer.

Speaker 2:

Lady Silver.

Speaker 1:

Surfer. All right, all right, I think there's what? What? Three things to address. Number one it's it's okay, you guys will live, it'll be, it's okay, it's all right. Because my second point, it's an alternate universe. They're not in the main, so that that was the confirmation, that kind of gave us the confirmation. This is not the main. Mcu galactus is going to be the villain of this movie, to the point where Marvel put out the statement that says you're going to want to read these comics before you watch this I thought that was super cool.

Speaker 1:

The coming of Galactus was one of them. I forget which Fantastic Four, what is that? 50-something, I think, or 40-something. They did that. They did a Fantastic Four life story, which was very, very interesting. And, if you know, I'm not as surprised as I guess some other people were. But you put Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards. You didn't think he was going to be a dad. Franklin Richards and Valeria Richards are going to be in this movie. I didn't know that was going to cause any, you know, confusion or like surprise. I'm just not surprised. I thought they, I thought that was gonna kind of be common knowledge that they were gonna be in this movie. But you know, more power to us. That's gonna be awesome. I can't wait for that. So, um, I'm, you know, obviously I'm looking forward to this movie. The fantastic four, some of some of the most famous comic book characters that you can ask for. They are, you know, earth shakers when it comes to comic books and you know what you can pull from this movie is you can pull a bit of cinema.

Speaker 2:

I kept telling you this there's a proper like gravitas to what's going on with this movie.

Speaker 1:

I feel like You're shooting it in IMAX, which you know. That might become a standard for big, big budget Hollywood movies going forward. I have a feeling this might be like the new thing, the new 3D. The new 3D is just shoot the thing in IMAX and then say you shot the thing in IMAX and everybody's going to be like, ooh, we've got to see this. But you know, cast is great. Julia Gardner, like we're acting like. Julia Gardner's not a good actress, she's phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, what we could really get out of this movie is just some some grand, some grandeur, um, some stakes, hopefully, obviously with the coming of Galactus. Um, I do think this movie is going to end with them coming into the main 616. That's probably going to be coming into the modern age and then they're going to be the ones that bought stark tower. You know, we don't, we don't want your alternate future money. Keep it. Yeah, um, but yeah, this movie.

Speaker 1:

I just, I'm still fenced about this. I'm still fenced about where marvel's at right now. I'm still, you know, I still got to see it to believe it. Yeah, um, that we're at some assemblance. But you know, these are the days that are good days for Marvel, these are the days you need. You do need days like this where it's just like all right, it's not as bad as everybody thinks, right, maybe this will help us get some main character syndrome back. Yeah, because I keep ringing the bell about this. We need some people to follow. It's like storytelling 101. Who are we following? Yeah, who's this about? That's the.

Speaker 2:

It's like storytelling the 101. Who are we following? Yeah, and you know who all the compelling ones are right now.

Speaker 1:

They're all two dimensional they are all two dimensional, so maybe, maybe give them some stuff to do um.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, you thought we were gonna escape this Marvel stuff without talking about Daredevil. Nope, um. So some Daredevil things happened over the last couple weeks. Jon Bernthal just doesn't give a crap anymore about anything he's like. Here's all the photos.

Speaker 1:

Here's all the photos I'm on set. I'm in it. I'm the Punisher. I'm the Punisher.

Speaker 2:

Russo, russo. He's been just taking photos willy-nilly with Charlie Cox and Debra Ann Wall. He's like look at all my friends, look at all my friends. Yeah, all my friends are back. I like the Daredevil suit man, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's good, it's red, it's real red, real red.

Speaker 2:

They kept the for people, idiots, who were upset or worried that they were going to change the Punisher logo to be like the new no, the new Punisher logo. No, no the new, weird looking one. It's not the regular one from the TV show with the big skull, and then and then. So Islet Zur is returning as Vanessa Mm-hmm, after we were told a different person was going to be playing Vanessa.

Speaker 1:

I know Vincent D'Onofrio walked into Kevin Feige's office.

Speaker 2:

Come in, come in. Picked him up. Ah, vincent D'Onofrio.

Speaker 1:

You seem upset, Vincent. I don't have Vanessa. Are you doing Fisk right now? Why are you not Vincent D'Onofrio? This is weird. That's exactly in my mind how this conversation went.

Speaker 2:

You embarrassed me in front of new Vanessa.

Speaker 1:

I need old Vanessa, I need old Vanessa. So she's back, she is back, it's back, she's back.

Speaker 2:

It's awesome. We have officially, marvel has officially. If you thought they backtracked before they've super duper backtracked. Now they fired the new person. They did, and we're like we're just going to do the old person. Yeah, you know the thing from the thing that everyone likes, we're just going to do that. Yeah, do more of that.

Speaker 1:

Now you know what's funny. I'm getting more and more interested what the first version of this daredevil show was like, the more that they keep for like wait, maybe we should just probably make daredevil season four because everybody's back now yeah completed it. Yeah, maybe they should have done in the first place yeah, they said daredevil wasn't gonna suit up for five episodes or six episodes documentary on the original set they.

Speaker 2:

They fired everybody.

Speaker 1:

Everybody, everyone, from the top down. Yeah, do you think they were watching? They were like wait a minute, why don't?

Speaker 2:

we have all these people here. They fired everyone from top down and were like quick, get John.

Speaker 1:

Byrne Quick, what's the biggest fix? And the intern stood up and said, did you guys watch Daredevil season one, two and three? And they were like, oh, Make that kid the new CEO of Marvel.

Speaker 2:

They backtracked so far. They were like we're going to put a Punisher arc in our thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I mean it seems like what they're going to pull from heavily is the Chip Zdarsky run of Daredevil. It seems like they're going to do an amalgamation of Markarsky stuff. I mean, the chips of darsky stuff is just very accessible, yeah, um, I do think that daredevil is going to end up in jail too. I do think that's going to be a thing his natural place, yeah do you bring electro back?

Speaker 1:

that's like the one that I'm thinking about is I and I do think you just should, if you're all in on everybody coming and I uh, what's it called? What's her name, too? Was on set, um, jessica. Jessica Jones also was on set. Kristen Ritter also was on set as Jessica Jones. They're just doing the. This is just Daredevil, season 4.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's exactly what it should have been.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree. Look, we have our Punisher arc ourselves and it's going to be the Punisher versus the police.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's the police that it's basically like the Sons of Batman or whatever. Yeah, it's the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Look, we can do Punisher skulls and Punisher's like whoa, Whoa.

Speaker 1:

I'm back. I'm going to shoot people now. One batch, two batch Okay, penny and Denim People are dead.

Speaker 2:

Whatever I said, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Is he going to say it? Of course he's going to say it right. And Jon Bernthal is such a menacing human being that Kevin Feige couldn't even yell at him.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you something.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you, hey brother, let me tell you something.

Speaker 2:

Bro's always trying to tell us something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. What's bro yapping about? What is that? Oh, you better say that when he sees one of the cops wearing the punisher, what is that?

Speaker 2:

What is that? What is?

Speaker 1:

that when.

Speaker 2:

Where's your accent from Jon Bernthal? Your accent's the same in every show.

Speaker 1:

But it's like what is it like? Gritty America, Gritty inner-city America, With a dash of Italian, Like what's the accent?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but it's the same.

Speaker 1:

It's just when he's Shane, there's just a little southern twang that he puts on, and then when he's Punisher, it's like New Jersey, like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Rick, let me tell you something, rick. Why is he still coming? Why is he still coming? He can't see, right. Why is he still coming? What is that he yells at Karen? Why is he still coming? He can't see as he's shooting Luke Cage. Why is he still coming?

Speaker 1:

Iron Fist's coming back probably.

Speaker 2:

Finn Jones tweeted a thing he put an Iron Fist comic in a duffel bag and was like huh yeah thing.

Speaker 1:

He put a iron fist comic in a duffel bag and he's like huh yeah kristen ritter was on set.

Speaker 2:

Like they're gonna, oh, they're all coming back. They're all coming back for little things. Fin jones is probably just gonna be in shang chi, though, right I mean, if they were smart, you like.

Speaker 1:

I keep saying it's just, it's such a simple way to give him credibility back and make him cool. Obviously, um, daniel dustin creighton really understands how to make a movie. Um, really understands how to make an action movie. He's been, he was. He did a great. I re-watched shang chi the other day. Every time I watch that movie I'm like do more of this. Like this is like. This was one of the things when everybody's like phase four is bad, this was one of the things that was actually very good. So do more of that. Put finn jones back in there and and we've been saying this for a while People act like Finn Jones is a bad actor. We saw him in Game of Thrones. He is not a bad actor at all. Put him back. Guess what you do? Put him in the goddang suit. Put him in the suit. Give him the head scarf. Give him the head scarf. Give him the white suit.

Speaker 1:

Ooh the white suit and you do the War of the Seven Cities and then you just have Talo be one of the cities, and then you know, and then all the movie has to be is they punch for a bit, then they're mates, that's all the movie is. It's very simple.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm. I think using this Daredevil show as like a launch point for all these different characters and re-ingratiating them into the greater MCU is a really smart idea.

Speaker 1:

But don't make daredevil get lost in the whole thing, because I have well, obviously it's spoilers for echo, but fisk is gonna be that they're gonna do. The obviously the the big thing that I think they're gonna try to do out of all this right? Well it's, they're gonna do devil's reign. That's gonna be like they're gonna try to outlaw vigilantism, which should lead into spider man, which daredevil obviously is gonna be in that movie.

Speaker 2:

They're making Street.

Speaker 1:

Thanos. They are making Street Thanos. Thanos for the streets. Remember when Fisk looked at his memories and then he got in his car and Echo just drove away and that's how the show ended.

Speaker 2:

That was crazy, bring me back to that place. What did you do?

Speaker 1:

He just left. He just left, that was it. He just got in his Escalade and left. That just left. He just left. That was it. He just got in his escalating left, like that was the whole villain battle at the end and he didn't learn a lesson no, he did. I kept saying that, that, what happened? This? The show just ends. He was like I knew I was the monster, like that's not an arc. You killed your father.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we talked about this multiple times and you feel bad about it.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, like I don't know man did you see?

Speaker 2:

did you see? I mean she was kidding, but did you see she wants echo to fight green goblin?

Speaker 1:

that would be kind of funny. That would be kind of funny. I'd be on board for that. See, this is why I love comics and how stupid they are. Just in like the movies need to do more of this stuff have weird characters fight weird characters that don't mean anything to each other coward um, oh man, none of his, none of his tactics would work on her.

Speaker 1:

He can't yap at her yeah, can't yap at her because you. I love the way that echo looks at people that are just yapping. It's always like are you for real?

Speaker 2:

he can throw a bomb at her. I guess that's his opening move usually. Throw one bomb, throw a goblin bomb's usually, and then he cackles and flies away. Godspeed Spider-Man.

Speaker 1:

And then he starts yapping.

Speaker 2:

He's only got a witty one-liner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Godspeed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Misery, misery, misery. That's what you've chosen.

Speaker 2:

Was he wrong? Nope. Speaking of misery X-Men? Yeah, whoa man. Nope. Speaking of misery x-men? Yeah, whoa man, boy howdy. Um. So this show's just been cooking since it came out. Uh, we talked about episodes one and two. We talked about how good those were. We talked about ray chase. We talked about magneto being him. He cut his sleeves off and put a big M on his chest and the M stands for my, my. Am I not him? Because he is him. So we left. Where did we leave? Episode two, big plot twist. There's another Jean Grey, there is another Jean Grey, and then episode three just wraps that up, doesn't it?

Speaker 1:

It. Does you want to talk about Saturday? They said we're going to mix these big adult themes with Saturday morning cartoons. Let's figure this out. You know who did that the best? Power Rangers did that the best. Yeah, let's wrap this up.

Speaker 2:

Episode 3, big Cliffhanger, episode 2, there's two Jean Grays. Episode 3 comes up and Beast is like she ain't real.

Speaker 1:

She ain't real Beast time and place Beast Time and place Shut up Hank. That's our whole thing about Hank in this show is shut up, hank. You nerd.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he outs her. He's like this Jean Grey that showed up at the door she's the real Jean. She has a ponytail. She's the real Jean Grey. This other one is a fraud. You're a fraud, spider-man. And then she has an existential crisis. She's like wait, I'm a fraud, I can't be a fraud. And then Mr Sinister shows up and he's like you are a fraud, actually.

Speaker 1:

Can I have your kid please? And Madeline yeah. He said can I have your kid? And Madeline's like no. And he said please. And she's like ugh.

Speaker 2:

What if I turned you into the Goblin?

Speaker 1:

Queen. She's like ah, you can fast. Yeah, it was lightning levels of becoming. Not even Anakin Skywalker became that evil, that fast.

Speaker 2:

And it was good stuff. I enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

I love what this show is doing. So each episode this show picks a character. There's a dartboard in the office and they throw it at the character and they said you're gonna cook in one of these scenes. Correct. In episode three it got to be Bishop which was the coolest thing. Yeah, hit me, hit me, Cyclops. It was boom, what this show. I'm going to ask you one word to sum up this show after we talk about episode five, episode three. It's well balanced. This is like a horror episode which is cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a huge horror episode. They're in the expansion and then all of a sudden, whoa, spooky time's, mr sinister, mr sinister's, tormenting the x-men, and you know what? Guess who's not down with it?

Speaker 1:

magneto yeah, and I love magneto's whole approach like we're ending this. Yeah, can we just kill this man, like why? Why do you guys still have to deal with this guy? He's not even like. He's like a fake mutant, almost. He he's not even like, he's not even cool, guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah like Magneto's, like we're just gonna kill him, aren't we?

Speaker 1:

No, you can't do that. And he said why? How many people, how many mutants has he murdered?

Speaker 2:

Charles left me to be a problem solver. I'm solving this problem.

Speaker 1:

All I'm saying is Charles, let a lot of things go for a long time. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

And now, well, well, if this is the consequences of my own actions, because now, guess what? There's two Jean Grays running around.

Speaker 1:

And one of them's mad evil, and the other one can't remember anything, so she's useless. Well, she finds it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, third act resolution she finds it. They go to rescue the child. This clone arc takes a turn In a good way. Yeah, yeah, Because Madeline Pryor, she still kind of cares about Scott.

Speaker 1:

Well, Jean goes back into her memories and, you know, kind of removes the Sinister stuff from there, which is great. You don't want Mr Sinister running amok in your mind.

Speaker 2:

No, and they kind of I wouldn't say they bond, but they kind of they bond a little bit, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

They bond over trauma. Essentially, they bond over shared traumas that they both experienced.

Speaker 2:

None of us asked for this. Yeah, none of us.

Speaker 1:

We're going to get big time for that in a little bit.

Speaker 2:

So Sinister infects Nathan with a techno-organic virus. Whoa, you're the techno-organic virus from Marvel Comics, aren't you? That baby is going to become Cable. No, he's going to become Cable. No, he's going to become what? So, yeah, sinister escapes, the baby's dying, and Beast's, like I can't fix this. My only job is science, but I can't fix this. What good are you Beast? Yeah, shut up, nerd. But Bishop's, like I can take the child. We're going to the future. We're going to the future. We're going to the future mother. He didn't say that, rose.

Speaker 1:

We're going. We don't need Rose Somewhere. Rhodey's like no.

Speaker 2:

We're going. We don't need Rose. I got a magic bracelet that takes me to the future.

Speaker 1:

It looks like a 70s disco wheel.

Speaker 2:

And Cyclops is like I can't abandon my son.

Speaker 1:

I've abandoned my boy. Daniel Day-Lewis should play Cyclops in the MCU.

Speaker 2:

Cyclops is like. I can't abandon my son.

Speaker 1:

And then he's like Immediately abandons his son.

Speaker 2:

Bishop's like you don't have a choice. So Bishop absconds to the future with baby Nathan. And then this was kind of I did kind of enjoy this. They kind of did our bit with Madeline Pryor. When she goes to say goodbye to the X-Men and she comes across Gene Gene's like well, what do I call you? And she's like you can call me Madeline Pryor.

Speaker 1:

You're Madeline Pryor from the X-Men comics.

Speaker 2:

So I was like, okay, that's kind of funny that she just lays it on her. She's like I'm Madeline Pryor, Alright, and then we go back to Storm BT-Dubs. Storm is still sad about her powers.

Speaker 1:

She's having a little drink in Dallas.

Speaker 2:

Texas, yeah, Dallas, Texas. And then a mysterious man shows up with a flat top and a mustache.

Speaker 1:

Wait, flat top and a mustache. You must be Forge from Marvel Comics. And he literally says as much this is the best show to do this bit. It's actually the best show we've ever had to do this bit on. He literally says as much yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm Forge from the X.

Speaker 2:

No, he doesn't say the comics but that would have been funny, Xavier. And how would you like to get your storm powers back? And she's like I'm in, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like thanks, obviously yes.

Speaker 2:

And then we go to episode four. It's Jubilee's birthday. Yes, the Jubilee episode. Good, the Jubilee slash Life, death, part One, episode which, if this was not the show that it was, you probably split this into two different episodes?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep, yep. I do think they had to keep this moving because of the Tom Fleury we got in episode five. They had to keep this story pushing. So, yeah, how many episodes is this?

Speaker 2:

show Ten, ten, yeah. So it's Jubilee's birthday and the X-Men want to celebrate and Magneto is like absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

No, we're training. Me and Rogue are going to train at a different time than you guys, but we're training.

Speaker 2:

We're going to the Danger Room, everyone's going to the Danger Room and Jubilee's like absolutely not. I'm going to celebrate my birthday.

Speaker 1:

I want to go to the mall.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to celebrate with my friend Roberto, my friend Roberto, yeah, yeah, yeah, my will-they-won't-they. Roberto, they will, they did they. Then they get sucked into a video game. Yeah, you're Mojo from Marvel Comics.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm telling you this bit is great for this show. I don't know. I quite like this. I like this.

Speaker 2:

It was fun. I had a lot of fun with this episode.

Speaker 1:

I think we needed some fun. You find out that in this episode that there's a virus in the game that keeps glitching out everything that Mojo's trying to do, and out everything that Mojo's trying to do. And it's future, not future Jubilee, it's just past Jubilee. It's the Jubilee that kept breaking the game over and over and over again.

Speaker 2:

It's a meta thing, because Alison Court returns as Jubilee the older Jubilee. So Alison Court, for those of you who don't know, was the original voice actress for Jubilee in the 90s animated series.

Speaker 1:

They brought her back to play this older version of jubilee, which was just tremendous and then the action's just so good, she does some wicked things and jubilee's like I can yeah, yeah, that's what I really liked about this too is like 18th birthday, you know, coming of it is a great coming of age bit in this show, like for jubilee and for roberto right so you know, one of the things that this show does so well is every character feels like it's on some sort of path.

Speaker 1:

They mean something to something. It's not just people existing in the world, they're influencing the world or being influenced by the world. So it's really well done. Spiral's there, spiral's there, why not?

Speaker 2:

You're Spiral from Marvel Comics Right Jubilee, and Roberto and older Jubilee. Defeat Mojo. All's well, that ends okay. They're turned to the real world, they're renewed. They're like we learned a thing and I learned that. I love you. Jubilee. Roberto's going to eventually go full sunspot in one of these episodes. And then we get to the storm portion of the episode, the life-death part, where Storm and Forge are bonding, and Forge is like I can get your powers back and he's real determined to do this yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Suspicious, Suspicious, that don't seem suspicious. They hang out for a bit. They ride horses. Storm grows fond of this owl. Then she's like I've seen this owl Like he's stuck, Like I'm owl that.

Speaker 1:

She's like I've seen this owl like he's stuck, like I'm stuck and forge is like I can fix this. Maybe the most beautiful episode, like visually beautiful episode yeah, it's, it's gorgeous, it's nice to look at um, and then we find out.

Speaker 2:

Forge's dark secret is that he was brought in by the defense department to build the mutant inhibitors that we've seen since the first episode and that were partially responsible for taking storms powers, and she's like you never wanted to actually fix me. You wanted me to be like your reclamation project and your, your redemption piece and Forge, is like I love you.

Speaker 1:

Where did that come from? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe that's the biggest sin that this show has committed so far.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they kind of rushed this a little bit Right, and then the owl brings her back, and then the adversary manifests.

Speaker 1:

You're the adversary from Marvel Comics. I love this show. Not looking good for Storm right now.

Speaker 2:

No, but it's gonna. You know, it's gonna manifest in Storm's powers returning. It's gonna be good. It's going to be good. It's going to be real good, because all this leads to episode five. Oh boy, so back at the ranch. Episode five titled Remember it? So the X-Men are looking On the up and up I wouldn't say they're up and up, but, like humans are, we're doing a news well, yeah, yeah, it's essentially like you know people.

Speaker 1:

You know these mutants aren't half bad. You know they protect us all the time. The X-Men protect us, you know they help out as long as they're not hurting anybody.

Speaker 1:

We're not hurting anybody. We're not hurting them, right? Some of them are cool. Some of them have ruby court glasses. Yeah, some of them are Beast. Who's the Riz Lord? It's good stuff. So Genosha is becoming a UN-certified country nation, and who should be the? What did they say? The chancellor? Yeah, as soon as they said chancellor, I said ooh, I am the Senate Beside the point. Magneto is going to be their choice to be the Chancellor and to lead Genosha. Good choice, yeah, solid choice. He's done some good work, yeah, so far. Who shall be his queen on Genosha? Shall be Rogue. It shall be Rogue, or Shallot, or Shallot, much to the dismay of Gambit.

Speaker 2:

Which has been a running kind of through line the whole season. Right Gambit's, he wants to, he just wants to love Rogue. So bad Right. And you know this is and Magneto stepped in.

Speaker 1:

This whole episode is the macrocosm of why this whole show is running so well. It's because it's and you know I'm going to spoil my word that I'm going to talk about this show and my one word to summarize it it's balance. This show balances everything so incredibly well. It balances drama, comedy, action. You know stakes, like everything that you need to be. You know a credible television or just story in general, this show is balancing just exquisitely. So you know they go to genosha, all all as well. Um, now I'm gonna I'm gonna get super nerdy at the end of this, but you know there's a there's a council on genosha. Yeah, um, there's a couple, there's one person at that council that really just flicked my brain. That was the one where I was like Moira McTaggart is at this council, who she seems just to be a human mutant advocate. I'll save that for one second court will remember this. Basically, janosha looks cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's very you know peace, love and happiness. Basically, Court will remember this. Genosha looks cool. Yeah, it's very you know peace, love and happiness.

Speaker 1:

One of the best overlays of the show is Charles' dream. You get that from the first second of the first episode. All the way through it's just Charles' dream Keeps on, keeping on. So yeah, they're on Genosha, we meet Nightcrawler. We see Banshee. The cameos are just cameoing, dazzler, dazzler's there Back at the ranch. You see Wolverine is talking to Jean. Jean's trying to again, she's trying to put her memories back together and Jean kisses Wolverine. Yeah, you SOB, how dare you? And I love Wolverine in this bit, I love it, wolverine in this bit, I love it I love it.

Speaker 1:

He's like nope, you're Jean Grey, that overgrown boy scout is Scott Summers. That's how this is going to work. That's how this works. This is the end of that. Wolverine will not be having that. I love it. I love the way they play Wolverine in the show too. Yeah, Because they know how powerful of a force Wolverine can be because of Hugh Jackman. So they said we don't need to flow any of this story through him.

Speaker 2:

That's not the point, Because they could have easily done that and I know and it's coming Based on these episodes Wolverine's going to get his shine Because I mean, I'm not going to step on it too soon. But Gambit's been kind of flying around in the background of these first four episodes and man, does Gambit get some things in this episode that just elevate that character beyond comprehension.

Speaker 1:

But going back to Scott, he is conflicted, yeah he is conflicted and again there's two major dialogue pieces that happen in this episode before the third act of this episode. So it's the Jean and Scott. One is a very important one where they're kind of going back and forth, where you know it's almost like you know the compatibility matchmakers not meshing, like it's just not, it's not form fitting to each other.

Speaker 2:

Yet Cause he had a baby with a different.

Speaker 1:

Jean gray Right, and you know, in Jean's defense, it's a simple fact of like what do you like? I'm the only reason I didn't go. Stay as the Phoenix, you're the only reason. So, because Scott asked do you love me? That line was woof Do you love me or do you love the memory of me? Which one Like which one is it? And she said I'm the only reason why I'm still standing here and not perusing the cosmos as the Phoenix is because of you. So don't ask me if I love you.

Speaker 2:

Also, have you been talking to Madeline Pryor in telepathic dreamland?

Speaker 1:

That was our thing, Scott. Scott said it wasn't my fault.

Speaker 2:

That was a tough look for Scott. Yeah, not great he got caught, he got bagged. Yep, great he got caught, he got bagged. And she man, it's such like a because it's such a normal thing, and the fact that it's like telepathy, when she was like how long has this been happening? He's like not that long, Ever since she left. I just wanted to check up on her.

Speaker 1:

However, you know we keep chopping at the bits for Scott. You know his character arc this whole season and that you know we keep chomping at the bits for Scott and you know his, his character arc this whole season and that you know. I keep saying it when the MCUs does the X-Men, scott needs to be the main cake. Shouldn't be. Don't put, don't even put, wolverine in the first movie. In my opinion, it needs to be Scott.

Speaker 1:

It has to, it has to run through him to get to that astonishing X-Men and then beyond sort of phase of his existence where you know the post Phoenix Force Scott, where you know he's more again, it's the teachers that you have and the forms that you take. He was, you know he was on one end of the spectrum, it was the Charles Xavier way and he was the surrogate son of Charles Xavier and of his vision. Now you know the death happens. Magneto's tactics seem to be working because look what they've gotten under Magneto. They've gotten a nation under Magneto. They've gotten, you know, peace and stability for a moment under Magneto Acceptance.

Speaker 2:

A little bit of acceptance, A little just a teeny bit of acceptance.

Speaker 1:

But you know the question gets asked from Scottott, you know, oh, it's such a good, uh good, moment. Um, the reporter asked scott, you know what about your son? And scott's like what son? I don't have a son.

Speaker 1:

And she's like you know, these reports from a hospital said, and then he snaps and he goes that that whatever wouldn't deliver my baby, and and then he just, and then he loses it. And she says so it is true. And he said you know why didn't you? You know? And then she, like tells him to turn off the camera. He's like you know, we're gonna do this, you have to be truthful. And he said you know why didn't you tell me about your son? Because you know he's different, we are different from you. This man wouldn't deliver a child because he's a mutant. That's the simplicity of this. Like, I can't have him growing up in this world. Obviously it was for different things, but you know, normally he's right, he, that child, would face hate from the second he was born to the second that he dies from somebody or something. That's. That's a very horrible and scary world to live in. Yep, and you see the meter starting to tick a little bit towards magneto side, a little bit and a little bit and a little bit.

Speaker 2:

It keeps starting to get there a little bit I love what they're doing with cyclops, because what happens at the end of this episode you feel is gonna totally tip his, tip his scales to that other, that other place, that dark place, um, and yeah, so we're on genosha and magneto is basically saying his giving his spiel to rogue essentially like about why we need to be king and queen of Genosha and this, that and the other thing. And rogue is kind of conflicted about it because, you know, magneto had told her once upon a time, like you know, this is not going to be a thing, like we can't have that, I can't have this be a thing, I can't let you distract me from my mission. And Rogue was like, okay, that's that she finally tells all this to Gambit.

Speaker 1:

And Gambit.

Speaker 2:

just I feel so bad for him, man, I feel so bad for him too, but he handles it in the best possible way and he tells her it's okay, we'll be friends.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can be friends that moment it's so good, it's so well done. You know the bit where she's just like you know they're talking. She's just like you said I knew you were never going to make things official, but you know, I still stuck by your side and she said you know, at the end of the day, like as much as we like each other, like I can't touch you, like I can't touch you, remy, with you, and that's important. Is it important? And we're gonna find that out the hard way at the end of this episode is it truthfully important? So, yeah, big met gala. Yeah, big gen gala. Yeah, big gen gala. Lots of fun lots of fun.

Speaker 2:

People are having a good time. Magneto rocks up in the tux. Is he the coolest guy ever? Yeah, man, the hair. The hair is doing a lot. The hair's doing a lot. The hair's doing a lot of work. Man, the hair and the gravitas. Bro, you can't be in charge of Genosha, you're a terrorist. Magneto's like yeah, tell that to every other nation whose leaders become terrorists.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he said. I guess we're letting terrorists become. What did he say? Terrorists become politicians. He said well many countries' politicians get to be terrorists without any oversight.

Speaker 2:

Another bar for Magneto.

Speaker 1:

He just refuses to miss in this whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Rogue shows up and her and Magneto have a little fly dance.

Speaker 1:

It's basically their proclamation that they are together. But but Madeline's outside, madeline Pryor walks outside. And then, but Madeline's outside, madeline Pryor walks outside and your Cable from Marvel Comics just comes running through and says Shut the music off, get everybody off the island. You're like, oh, what's?

Speaker 2:

going on and.

Speaker 1:

Jean also feels this Right right. Jean feels something's coming and Madeline knows who Cable is obviously from the regular show, um, because they they knew cable was a person, but it's not until she looked into his eyes that she figured out. It's nathan. You're nathan summers from marvel comics. So obviously their son, who turns in the cable time slips, doesn't get there enough in time to stop this. The mutant you're the mutant massacre for marvel comics man. So so this happens at the 11 minute and 48 second mark in this episode.

Speaker 2:

It's a mutant massacre alright.

Speaker 1:

What ensues after this is, as Martin Scorsese would say, peak cinema just ensues after this.

Speaker 2:

It's horrifying.

Speaker 1:

It is. It's absolutely horrifying. I mean, you could talk about what Brian DeMaio said about this too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Bo DeMaio. Oh, my bad so Bo funny.

Speaker 1:

I mean you could talk about what brian de mayo said about this too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so bogue de mayo. So bogue de mayo, um, has broken his twitter social media silence since being let go. We still don't know the details of his departure or what transpired, but he, um, is clearly passionate still about this show that he helped create. Um, I just kind of want to read his statement in full because it um, it's really poignant and really important, especially within the confines of this episode. So he has broken his social media silence basically to address episode 5 of X-Men 97. And I'll just read kind of what he put out. So Bo DeMaio, on Twitter, said X-Men 97 spoilers ahead, lot of questions, and so I'll momentarily break silence to answer.

Speaker 2:

Episode five was the centerpiece of my pitch to Marvel in November 2020. The idea being to have the X-Men mirror the journey that any of us who grew up on the original show of experience since being kids. In the nineties, the world was a seemingly safer place for us, where a character like storm would comment on how skin-based racism was quaint in one man's worth. For the most part, to our young minds, the world was a simple place of right and wrong, where questions about identity and social justice had relatively clear-cut answers. Then 9-11 happened and the world turned against itself. Things weren't so safe anymore. Grassroots populist movements began to rise around the world. As a whole nation struggled to deal with collective trauma and fracture at the seams of every diverse demographic. Parallel see I'm I'm inserting, but parallel this attack on genosha. Keep in mind what transpires in the episode while I'm reading this um, the effects we still feel today and have only been exacerbated by more collective trauma, like COVID or several recessions. For me personally, 9-11 was also when I came out of the closet to my family and realized not everyone would accept me. It's when I entered college and noticed that certain groups avoided me or that a super cuts in Tallahassee refused service to me because they didn't do ethnic haircuts.

Speaker 2:

Reality as Jubilee found out in episode 4, got very real and very scary. This happened to many people. We had kids and got jobs with high stakes. Suddenly, it wasn't enough for us to survive. We had responsibilities and people whose survival depended upon us meeting those responsibilities. We were growing up. If you were like me, you would actually watch old episodes of the OG cartoon to comfort myself and take yourself back. God knows, I did during COVID. But just like Roberto warned Jubilee, there's a danger of living in the past and clinging to nostalgia. There's a danger to not letting go of who we think we are. As Cyclops and Jean are learning, it leaves us stagnant and dangerously unaware of a future we didn't anticipate.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it looked like Gambit's story was going a specific direction. The crop top was chosen to make you love him. Him pulling off his shirt was intentional. There's a reason, he told Rogue. Any fool would suffer her hand in a dance, even if it ended up not being him suffering.

Speaker 2:

But if events like 9-11, tulsa, charlottesville or the Pulse nightclub teach us anything, it's that too many stories are often cut far too short. I partied at Pulse. It was my club I have. Many stories are often cut far too short. I partied at pulse. It was my club. I have so many great memories of its awesome white lounge. It was like genosha a safe space for me and everyone like me to dance and laugh and be free.

Speaker 2:

I thought about this a lot when crafting the season and this episode, and how the gay community, orlando, rose to heal from that event. Like many of us who grew up on the og cartoon, the x-men have now been hit hard by the realities of an adult and unsafe world. Life's happened to them and they, like we did, will have to decide which parts of themselves they will cling to and which parts they'll let go of, in order to do what they've been telling humanity to do Facing an uncertain future they never saw coming. As Trask told Cyclops in the premiere, you have no idea what it's like to be left behind by the future. Now the X-Men do, and, like each of us, they'll have to weigh whether this is a time for social justice or, as Magneto preached at his trial, is it a time for social healing? And that is Bojo Maio, the showrunner of X-Men 97, commenting on episode 5.

Speaker 1:

I mean the you know summation of what you just said. Ever-present, essentially once the bomb goes off and it's a shock drop too.

Speaker 2:

The explosion goes off and we see it from Rogue's point of view, where she gets hit and she blacks out and she wakes up to just terror, Carnage, which is, you know, he invokes the pulse nightclub. That's what? That kind of situation? Obviously neither of us have been in that situation, but that's what? That feeling of anarchy and chaos, and you don't know what's happening.

Speaker 1:

you don't know what's going on and it's the juxtaposition, to put it behind something you know, a safe space. I mean, this is a. This is a mutant gallop to show the beauty of what these, of what mutants, are. And you know that they are just people, just different. And for such an evil force to be presented to just their whole inception and their whole purpose is to destroy that piece of people that just want to be accepted, is just it's horrific and something that nobody should ever have to deal with. And you know this is going to come up when the mcu takes the x-men on.

Speaker 1:

The whole idea that you know the x-men are, you know, a political venture, um, I don't know if you've noticed, but they always, they always have been a social commentary. It's been since the inception, um, from many of your lord and savior stanley's mouth, that they have been the inception of this. This is the whole purpose of the X-Men and what they are and what they will be. And you know what Bo DeMaio is doing in this show is just, it's ever-present. And what we get out of the last 12 minutes of this show is just, you know it's high stakes, high action. It's the you know it's tough for me to even talk about, like it feels wrong for me to talk about how cool this is because of what the backdrop is. This isn't supposed to be cool. This is reactionary to what's going on.

Speaker 2:

This is the X-Men and Quim of a mass shooting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is just it's horrifying to have to look at this and it's so sad, but you know Magneto, you know, stands up and stands firm, and you know even the Morlocks who are underneath the ground. He said I just love how efficient Magneto operates in his mind and it shows for him how long he's been doing this for Like as soon as this happened, magneto just took that deep breath and he said this is, you know, this is exactly what we're gonna do. Uh, you know, gambit, you're gonna go underground. You're gonna get the morlocks out of there. We gotta get everybody. We gotta get everybody to the gardens. This is how we're gonna handle this even one more life is too many.

Speaker 2:

he tells gambit like we're not losing anyone else, like we're saving all of them, like no ifs, ands or buts about it.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and then, like you know, your cool stuff happens. Like you know, the Morlocks are underground and you know, you hear, you hear the Sentinel coming and then, but it's just Gambit throwing the Sentinel through the window.

Speaker 2:

And Leech makes that call back to episode two when he's you know Magneto said like we'll all be safe, we don't have to be a fan. Yeah, uh-huh. But yeah, you're right. Gambit rocks up, x-men theme blaring behind him. Name's Gambit, you know he rescues the Morlocks. For every what this episode does and it's equal parts cool and also tragic is for every cool heroic moment there's four or five just absolutely throat, you know, rip your heart out moments.

Speaker 1:

And there's just simple stuff of like you just, and you know what's a perfect way they did it. It wasn't having some of your heroes die, it was some of the villains, but it was like sebastian shaw, like you know, dead, like you just see him laid on on the ground dead and what that does in my mind it shows, like this is where I think they're. I I'm gonna talk about the house of x, the revamp of the x-men in 2019, but I, you see him dead and it's just like I'm not thinking about villain sebastian shaw, I'm just thinking about mutant Sebastian Shaw. That was just murdered in cold blood for being a mutant. That's the. That was his in that moment. That was his only, that was his only you know, problem that he was a mutant. That was his only death sentences, that he was just born a mutant. That was it. Um, and you know that's just a. It's a other. You know, worldly, call out that Bo DeMaio makes about. You know, the Pulse nightclub. Like that was the only thing that people were murdered for was just being, you know, for just being different. That's what they were killed for. That's horrifying.

Speaker 1:

So you know, obviously, magneto is just magnificent. He just is just doing anything and everything to protect, to protect the Morlocks, protect everybody in Genosha. You know the, the master mold is coming down and it's just killing everything inside and they said, like nothing's penetrating this thing. Magneto steps up and just takes the whole train system of genosha and just uses it as a weapon, just starts doing everything in its power and not even that's enough to um. And then, god man, man, oh man, yep, um, he uses, you know, his electromagnetic piece of his powers. He kind of puts a protective shield about around him and the Morlocks and you know, omega level threat detected and you know, unleashes all the power. And then you know he's looking at rogue trying to come save him and like he holds rogue and gambit back Like I know what's about to happen, like I, I know it's even the that little bit where they're doing the flashes for magneto, and then the last frame is that piece from auschwitz.

Speaker 2:

In that last piece it's just like man. And that's when you see, when leach looks up at him and he says in german, which is not as on purpose, him speaking in german, don't be afraid. Because it invokes, you know, the holocaust and invokes that, that you know, fear in the face of inevitable death, um, that so many millions of people faced in the holocaust and magneto. I'm sure it's a line that was echoed to him by his, by his parents, you know, during the throes of the holocaust, like don't be afraid, um, and then that the sentinel just presumably vaporizes them, um and ro and Rogue's reaction is so raw.

Speaker 1:

Immediately, full power just breaks from the little metal housing that Magneto is trying to protect them in. Immediately, full sprint at the Sentinel. And who comes? And what's the episode title? Remember it? Who comes to be the absolute hero of this episode, no other than Gambit, becomes the most important character in this episode. Gambit takes the motorcycle he was riding before, runs it right at Rogue, gets her out of the way before she's killed. Gambit rolls right up to the Sentinel and he's just like, all right, I'm going to try to deal with this best I can. And is stabbed right in the side Pretty unceremoniously to the Sentinel. And you know, he's just like, alright, I'm gonna try to deal with this best I can. And he's stabbed right in the side Pretty unceremoniously. Yeah, it was just, it was so abrupt too. And that's the thing, everything is abrupt out of this thing.

Speaker 2:

Um, he's stabbed in the side, um, and then, Because the Sentinel, it's um, in the comics it's called the Wild Sentinel, which is it's a sentinel that just keeps essentially building itself. I'm going to get there in a second. I'm going to get there Out of other pieces, Right?

Speaker 1:

It's this monstrous thing. Yeah, it's like. You see the size of the sentinels, like themselves. Gambit calls it a Godzilla-sized sentinel. Right, and he's right, because, like the normal sentinels that are like ten times the size of a person, just start descending out of the Sentinel, just to start destroying stuff.

Speaker 2:

And it's this just horrific amalgamation. It's got three heads. It looks like a kaiju, yeah, and it hits Gambit with this piece of I guess it's a piece of rebar wire, Hits Gambit in the side and Gambit, and then the Sentinel says mutant threat neutralized. And then Gambit and what's going to go down is one of the most iconic lines that Marvel Studios has ever put to script, in my opinion. You know the name's Gambit, Mon ami. And then he ignites the piece of rebar and the sound design on this scene is incredible, dude.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you know it's a simple trick and like that's why I said filmmaking's half visual, half auditory Drowned any music out, any score music, we'll let it be the sound of Gambit's powers igniting that, lighting up the different pieces of the Sentinel, and then it closes back in on Gambit and he kind of smirks and he goes remember it, and then big explosion. Um just destroys the sentinel. Um, and then we cut back to the x mansion. Cyclops is beside himself. Um, he's going. How many, how many?

Speaker 2:

Um, and again invoking that like mass shooting, terrorist attack, imagery of, like the news you know people watching at home, news broadcasters saying you know, the images we're about to show you are disturbing. Um, you know no matter where, no matter where, uh, what side you fall on, um, on the political spectrum. Like the images you're about to see are disturbing. Um, tragedy, janosha, like it, just it sinks your heart because it's so, as the x-men often do. It's such such a mirror to reality and, like you know, I've how many times I've been in that situation, watching a tragedy like that unfold and, and you know, sitting with the senselessness of it.

Speaker 2:

And that's what this is. It's a senseless massacre of, of a certain group of people. Like you're seeing the through line here. Like, um, it's a targeted massacre of a group of people. Like this happens in real life. So I think that's you know why it was so subconsciously affecting to me. Like just I sat there watching the end of this episode, just almost like I was watching another one of those things happen, even though like it's fiction, but like it's so it was so well replicated. It's because it's so abrupt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's no, there's no, you know cinematic sense of, you know of, of music in the background and like, once the last, like six minutes hit and it's just it. Once the last six minutes hit, it's just on. You have to see these people rushing in to protect and knowing that they're going to risk their lives, much as Magneto just did and gave his life to have one child feel safe in his arms one last time before they inevitably leave this world. Gambit's sacrifice All these things are true, things that happen. Just an absolutely devastating piece where Rogue finds out that, a she did love Remy and B Remy was right. This isn't about physical touch. Some things are beyond that. Like I told you, I loved you, regardless of if I can touch you or not. That never mattered to me, and it's just, I can't feel you. And then the episode just ends and just the, the saddest version of the x-men theme plays and you're like, oh, that this one hurt this one hurt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, it's.

Speaker 2:

It's one of the most powerful episodes of tv I can remember man it's, it's so poignant, it's so relevant, it's so real and it's just, you know, once that bomb drops, that literal and metaphorical bomb drops, like your mind is transported away from the fiction and immediately, like you just recognize all these scenes you know from real life and it makes everything just feel that much more weighty and real because you're you're seeing things play out in this animated superhero show that you've seen play out in real life time and time and time and time again too often, and it's just, it hurts. It hurts because these are superheroes and they're, they're supposed to be, immune to this type of stuff.

Speaker 1:

You know like they're not always find a way to save the day, and but not for the, not, unfortunately, not for the x-men. That's usually not how it goes. How many times in the comics of the mets, the you know, once you get into claremont's run, that's where it really starts to hit the head. I mean, the biggest one in claremont's run is god loves, man kills. Where you know, you have william striker literally going in front of a un panel saying look at nightcrawler. Like this is you can't call this thing a human, you can't, you cannot call this thing something and like unfortunately, that's, that's real, like that's real things that have happened, yep, um. So I mean, just what an episode of television period. I don't care the way it's packaged in an animated show, quote unquote for kids, like it does not matter this. This is just an exceptional, um and heartbreaking episode of television.

Speaker 2:

Um and Bo DeMaio um also said like hey, if you thought episode five was crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, apparently, the last three episodes are just off the rails, bonkers.

Speaker 2:

And just looking at the episode titles, episode eight, nine and 10 all come with the same title. Um, so it'll be a three part, essentially finale. Tolerances, extinction is the is the three episode finale arc, um, and we're getting. Episode six will be life death part two is the three-episode finale arc, and we're getting. Episode 6 will be Life-Death Part 2, which will be the conclusion of Storm's arc. Episode 7 is called Bright Eyes. Which literary brain makes me think of Cyclops?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sure, maybe some Sunspot as well.

Speaker 2:

Maybe yep, and then 8, 9, and 10,. Tolerance is Extinction, which promises to probably be pretty weighty. I would say, man, this show is exceptional. So good it's, I don't know. I struggle to just think of other things to say about it other than how exceptional it is. Just if you can push through the fact that it's animated and give it a chance, you're going to be blown away Truly, truly, like from minute one of episode one.

Speaker 1:

You kind of knew that something special was afoot and it hasn't ceased to be great this whole time of episode one. Like you kind of knew that something special was afoot and it's just. It hasn't ceased to be to be great this whole time. It's just it's. It's mature when it needs to be, it's funny when it needs to be. Like I said, the word I used to describe this show is balanced. This show is perfectly balanced. Yeah, yeah, wow, what a show it.

Speaker 2:

it's just beyond you know, at a time when, not a time, but like you truly just wonder sometimes, when it comes to like Marvel Studios, like this is the type of thing that you've been, you've had in your back pocket this whole time. Like this is the type of quality like not just technical quality but literary quality, like writing quality, you know character design and execution. Like this is the type of stuff you've had this whole time and you've been hiding it behind just you know occasional nonsense and you've been hiding stuff like this.

Speaker 1:

I mean I told you so and you've been hiding stuff like this. I mean I told you and this is my thing for you know, because I still think what's the best project that we got out of Phase 4 Beyond? I still think it's Guardians. It's either Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 and an argument can maybe be made for Black Panther 2. Those two things feel the most actual and it's funny to say that for a guardians of the galaxy movie, that feels actual.

Speaker 1:

But I just look, I look at you know, some movies, like you know. You take logan, for example, and like I'm not saying I need that out of those, um, but I'm not saying in the terms of I need movies that are dark and gritty, like that for the superhero genre. I'm saying I don't know how some of these movies have these budgets and then this is what we're getting. But then you get into this realm and this is what. Like you know, I hate to keep using this as the example, but obviously the most recent movie that we saw in theaters was dune 2. That was the most recent movie we saw and that movie's operating with 100 what is it?

Speaker 2:

what was it?

Speaker 1:

190 million, 80 to 190 million in budget and that's what you're getting Like. That movie is just absolutely gorgeous times a thousand Um. And then storytelling wise, you're getting something like X-Men 97. I just at this point, I don't think that the live action MCU has an excuse to be like lacking visually or story. They just there's just no excuse anymore. And I told you, the kids, that we were growing up watching these things. We're now adults. You can't just put something out anymore. You can't just put something out and just let the namesake be the thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think people are responding to this. People are like oh well, you can't just expect this at everything, because it's an animated thing, like, like I said, I'm not even talking about the technical stuff, no, I'm just talking about the writing. The writing, compared to like some of the other stuff they've done, is just beyond.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, we just joked about, you know, the way that the Echo finale ended. Like that's that's just not good character development for for somebody. Like that's just not good character development for somebody Like you know we know that he killed his father. Like we know that, yeah, and he just walked back into the Escalade. Like that's not good finale story. There's no stakes. Like all the stakes go away, like there's no feeling of threat or anything at that point.

Speaker 2:

Like this is the halfway point of this show and this is how we're operating through halfway of this show yeah, and the fact that they built, you know and we were just talking about the layers of what they did in what culminated in episode five. Like I said up top, like all those gambit, rogue stuff was kind of built in the background of all these other episodes. And then episode five, when they were like, okay, we, we cook this kind of subplot in the background of these first four episodes, and now episode 5, whoosh, we're pushing it to the forefront. Next week's gonna do the same thing for Storm.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, this, this, this, it's just, it's so good. This season had Storm at her highest, high, and her lowest low, like it had both of them. So once we get what this new version of storm is going to look like, like there's not going to be, like this, well, I wish that. Like no, we got everything we needed. Like we saw storm the most powerful and we saw storm at her lowest yeah, her lowest was human, unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

Like that was her lowest because you know the thing, one of the things that triggers her. I'd go back to that. Like, that episode is when forge says like powers be damned. And like you see her eyes, like she's like what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

like powers be damned, yeah, and it's man, that and it's the look the show operates in these smaller conversations, from points to points for pieces. And then that goes back to that episode two conversation that she has with well, what we thought was Jean at that point, but that she has with Madeline like man. But that she has with Madeline Like man, like being a mutant. It's me, it's not the power that it comes with, it's just. This is Aurora Monroe. This is who I am. Like, I am a person. Because of this, I wouldn't have met any of you without this. Like don't tell me, my powers don't matter. Like you took away a part of. Like you took away my identity.

Speaker 2:

You stripped it, and in Forge's case you were somewhat complicit and responsible, and responsible for this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, and this is a. This is a kid's show. Quote, unquote.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean the kid's show thing it's, it's gone at this point, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's gone and it really went out the window with that. The Magneto UN scene is when you realize. No, they're operating on a bit of a higher plateau than just. This is a fun kids thing like. This is adult and this is mature and it deserves to be discussed as such. Because, you know, in this episode, like I said, just the last 20 minutes or the last 15 minutes or so, just invoked a bunch of different things that I wasn't prepared for into a new invoke, um, and you know, we'll see how the rest of the season pans out, but I'm not expecting this to be the last time. This show makes me feel something. Um, I'm really not like I'm, I'm in, I'm all the way in, like I'm in. There's really no other thing I need to say about it and I just hope I just hope they look at this and look at the reception it's getting specifically on from a writing lens and just realize like, no, like our audience is is asking for a little bit more than maybe what we've been giving them. Yeah, lately.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I hate to keep using this movie as the one, but, like the days where you we get told that a movie like quantum mania costs 300 million, my next question is going to be why, like why does this movie cost so much? Gareth Edwards is making these high budget movies that look just. He's using visual. It's not like he's not using any visual effects. He's using visual effects too. Denis is using visual effects. Gareth obviously made a big budget Star Wars movie, but it looks gorgeous. Those movies look absolutely gorgeous.

Speaker 1:

So why are we getting that out of that, where you have people that can make this and this is not just the standard of what you're getting? Obviously, tones will change. Deadpool's tone should be very different from something as For sure. It's not a fact of tone, it's a fact of quality. That's all that I think we're asking for. I think we're asking for a little bit of continuity and a little bit of quality, because, you know, let's just look around the realm, the way that the boys is operating, like the storytelling is just, it's just better at this point.

Speaker 1:

You know, you go to the DC side of things. You look at peacemaker, the storytelling is just better at this point, like but what are all those shows have in common? There's one through line they all have in common their characters are all flushed out and they're all complex and there's no simplicities that they're taking character wise. It just there's no. There's no tonal confusion. There's no. We don't know what we're doing. They know exactly what they're making. I feel like some of these Marvel projects and these DC. We're going in and they don't know what they're doing. It's corporatized. They don't know what they're going in to make.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I totally agree. So we'll see. We'll see if they hear what's being put out there about this X-Men show.

Speaker 1:

Wasn't I supposed to start talking comic stuff? Yeah, cassandra Nova's coming. Professor X's evil sister, the mutant massacre was from that new X-Men run. You got that. It's probably her. He's definitely coming back this season. There's no shot that they don't bring Professor x. He's gonna come back from space and be like the heck happened. Um, captain america yeah, captain america, apparently, is gonna be in this season, which is gonna be awesome. He was in the original show too, so that's gonna be fun. Um what?

Speaker 2:

the heck is going on here, he's gonna say yep yep, yep and all right.

Speaker 1:

So this is, this is what I think they're doing. So, 2019 I hadn't read comics for a little bit. I finally picked it and I was like I needed a through line to go to the comic book store and pick something up. Luckily enough, the x-men said we're starting again. We're starting over new, brand new x-men number one with one of the greatest comic writers of all time, jonathan hickman, leading the charge. I'm'm in, I'm immediately in. Remember court will remember. This Button has just been pushed. Moira McTaggart's in that room on the council. So the big thing that happens in the 2019 House of X story is you find out that Moira McTaggart's actually a mutant this whole time and nobody knew about it. The reason nobody knows about it is because every time she dies, the universe resets every single time. So what she does is the first time that she dies, she's like oh, this is why am I alive as a baby?

Speaker 1:

this is weird, she just thought it was more deja vu. The second time she happens like oh, no, no, no, something's, something's up, I have to be a mutant. I'm'm going to go find Charles Xavier and then you get the 60s X-Men, essentially Second time through, or this would be the third time through. I'm going to go a different route. I'm going to go seek out Magneto Not going to work Fourth time through. I'm going to go get Professor X and Magneto Uh-oh, there's other villains afoot Can't do it. And then she kind of comes to the conclusion that we need it's not an x-men versus brotherhoods, versus sinister, versus morlocks, versus the, versus anybody else. It needs to be one united mutant front. That's the only way that this whole thing is going to work.

Speaker 1:

I do think this is where this show is going and I I was a little fenced about it and then magneto died and I was just like, oh, I feel like it's coming. They're gonna do the, they're gonna do the whole krakowa thing and they're gonna. They're gonna read she's gonna reset everything back and they're gonna do, because that run was just the biggest deal for marvel comics at the point. Um, obviously they spoiled it a bit because you know too much of a good thing is a bad thing. So they just ran, ran the whole run into the ground, unfortunately. But when that run was good, it was great.

Speaker 1:

And I mean, what you can do essentially is like the X-Men won't die. Essentially, that's what they kind of did. They made Krakoa and when they send the episode, genosha's going to be a new nation, and then Genosha is essentially destroyed. Krakoa can come out of that ruin and become the new nation and then again, like I said, there's no Apocalypse vs the X-Men, there's no Sinister vs it's just. It's just a mutiny nation. This is all we're doing. All we want is sovereignty and that's it. So I have a weird feeling that they're going to try to do the more, we're going to reset everything for them and then they're going to get another crack at this, another krakow at this yeah, I think that's a great call.

Speaker 2:

I think they're, you know, much like the original animated series did. They're just picking, yeah, little bits and pieces of these major comic arcs and and then eventually boom.

Speaker 1:

And what did we just get in this one? We got one from the new x-men, so came out after the show was over. So the 2000 is when the new X-Men Grant Morris, the new X-Men came out. Obviously, you're going to get some Phoenix stuff from the comics, like the actual Avengers vs X-Men things. This show wouldn't do that. Avengers vs X-Men.

Speaker 2:

Ooh, unless they want to tease a little bit with whatever Captain America does in this and do a little bit of that. I could see that happening. That would be interesting, because I mean that would be a natural point of contention, like if Cap shows up and the rest of the X-Men are like what is what? What's going on, like what you guys are supposed to be, the good guys? Right, where were you guys when our people were getting massacred?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's no response time for the X-Men or for us, just because we're so like, if you guys had something, go on, guess who's probably showing up Us? We're probably going to show up, and it's something Scott says in the episode. He's like how many times do we keep having to protect you to prove that we care?

Speaker 2:

We to protect you, to prove that we get like, that we care, like we're not these monsters. So I think captain america's insertion into this is going to be a little more than just a cameo. I think it could be a really nice point of contention where and it could also be a really nice meta commentary too on like the state of marvel studios as well like you know where the x-men are, like you might be the avengers, but we're like the heart and soul of this whole damn universe. Like you know, you guys can't just show up and save the day and be the Avengers. Like you're not with us in the trenches. You know what I mean. So I think that could be. I think the show has earned enough gravitas where, if they're going to bring in a Captain America, it's going to be very intentional and very purposeful. So I think that could be definitely something they roundabout explore for sure.

Speaker 1:

Sure man, what a show, yeah, what a show Just some quality.

Speaker 2:

That's all we're asking for. I mean, it's beyond my wildest imagination of what it, even when they first announced it. I'm like oh sick.

Speaker 1:

It was like alright sick, that's the. It was like all right cool. Yeah, we don't know what this is gonna be. And then the first episode happened. Just give me the theme song, yeah. Then the first two episodes happened. Just give them the forecast. And we were like wait a second, are like oh wait, this is like. This is like emotional.

Speaker 2:

There's something happening here like this is like truthfully remarkable, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then it just kept going and going and I'm literally watching reactions of people watching episode five and like crying at the end of this episode like I want to say it's culminating in this, but it's not.

Speaker 2:

It's not culminating in whatever episode five was. No, there's way more coming. Like this was, you know, bo de mayo's to be believed. This is kind of just the beginning. Like, do you?

Speaker 1:

I just I don't know why he was fired, particularly and I don't know, unless he did something, and there nobody's saying anything about if he did something. Obviously if he did something he nobody's saying anything about if he did something, obviously if he did something he needs to be held accountable. But if he didn't outright do something, I better make that call, because not only do you make the call, you maybe. Obviously I don't know if he directs the. I don't know if he's directing Prowess, if he's done it before. Obviously I don't know if he directs the. I don't know if he's directing Prowess, if he's done it before. But you might be needed to ask some questions. Live action not just for the X-Men, just in storytelling, because this guy's got a gift.

Speaker 2:

He at least understands the X-Men.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry that's such an important piece to understand. He's understanding why it's not the what the X-Men he's understanding, why it's not the what the x-men. He's understanding the why the x-men. He's literally understanding the core fundamentals that stanley put this thing on and claremont really revolutionized.

Speaker 2:

He's understanding all those things and it does feel like um, I mean after this episode not that I've ever been the type of person to be, like you need to explain your decisions, but like Marvel's gonna start hearing from fans and being like what's going on with this guy? Why did you fire?

Speaker 1:

him Not only. Why did you fire him? Maybe he needs to be one of the people that's calling some shots around here.

Speaker 2:

We gotta clear up that confusion. We just have to at this point, because people are gonna keep clamoring for it if this quality keeps accelerating and Marvel's going to have to make a move. Yeah, because Because people are going to, you know, unless they, you know, come out and say, look, this is what he did, this is why we let him go, and that's a reason. And so people can be like, okay, look, we really love his work, but he had to go. We understand that. But if they're just going to keep up this secret, like he's gone, but also he's going to put out statements about the show and be proud of it Really impactful statements as well, and people are going to resonate with that. So people are going to keep asking questions. So I feel like we're going to get to the point with this guy where Marvel's going to have to explain themselves, or he's going to have to explain what happened. Someone's got to say something here, unless there's some type of weird non-disclosure, something happening.

Speaker 2:

That could be a thing when no one can talk about it until maybe they haven't litigated some type of severance for him yet, like in terms of monetary, like maybe until maybe they haven't litigated some type of severance for him yet, like in terms of monetary. Maybe they haven't agreed to anything yet, which is possible.

Speaker 1:

Oh boy, does he understand the X-Men? The?

Speaker 2:

more this quality enhances, the more people are going to ask questions, and I'm also starting to ask those questions because clearly, this is a really brilliant, at least as far as the X-Men are.

Speaker 1:

This is a really brilliant, at least as far as the X-Men are concerned, a really brilliant mind it was to the point where it was during episode two, during that Magneto monologue from episode two, and I was just like, well, now you have your writer for the X-Men movies. Like there's no if and or, but who should be writing these X-Men? Writing these x-men? Like don't overthink this when you go to find who's going to write the. It's bo de mayo needs to write the x-men movie. Like there's nobody else, like he's understanding it this well, there's just no if and or, but he's got to write these movies so his credits um are pretty short.

Speaker 2:

list of credits. Um, he's written for after the storm, which is a short film. He was the executive story editor and writer on the originals. He was a writer on a couple of League of Legends shorts. He was a writer of two episodes of the Witcher. He wrote one episode of Moon Knight. He wrote episode three of Moon Knight, season one of episode three of Moon Knight. He wrote two episodes of Moon Knight, season 1 of episode 3 of Moon Knight. He wrote 2 episodes of Star Trek Brave New World and obviously he is the head writer for X-Men 97. I'd have to revisit that Moon Knight episode.

Speaker 1:

That's the episode where they go to get something Cool. That's not descriptive, that's just Indiana Jones. They go to get something. It's where him and Maya I'm saying her real name it was. It's the one the actor that passed away sadly.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this is when Mark and Layla go to Cairo.

Speaker 1:

Right right, right, right right.

Speaker 2:

Good episode.

Speaker 1:

I did enjoy that. Oh, isn't that where they do the time reset at the end this episode?

Speaker 2:

has a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to need to re-watch Moon Knight because I, again, I feel like Moon Knight had something in there where Moon Knight was battling between the studio versus the thing, and you know how I have the weirdest way to tell you know how I can tell the fact that Ethan Hawke even remotely said yes to a project like this. There's something in Moon Knight that was like this is going to be different from everything else. So yeah, x-men, we'll continue to monitor this.

Speaker 2:

There's something in Moon Knight that was like this is going to be different from everything else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, x-men, watch it We'll continue to monitor this.

Speaker 2:

We'll see what happens and maybe next week we'll touch upon it. Unless it floors us again, which it could Next week we fully plan on talking about it, about Invincible. That's our plan, we're going to recap. Good season Lost, a little momentum, a little big bow. That'll be definitely part of our discussion. The ill-timed break that it took in season 2 led to a really great finale.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were stronger.

Speaker 2:

They did it they did the thing I figured for our what we've been doing segment. We just talk a little bit about Fallout.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we both just watched Fallout Episode one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like a couple hours ago Full season's out, so after recording this, I'm going to jump in and watch as much of this season as I can and then probably finish it tomorrow. Really good man. Oh, oh, my gosh, it's so good, it is exactly what I thought we were going to get when I saw the trailers. It is this weird, off-putting, unhinged retro-futuristic retro-futuristic black comedy, comedic type um of delivery. Something isn't quite right, but you can't quite put your finger on what isn't quite right the backdrop of the 50s music behind it.

Speaker 1:

It's just, it's, it's so, so weird. I love it. I love it's like a weird little guy.

Speaker 2:

I love it it is a weird little guy, um, and I am a. I love this first episode so much. Um it is. They do a really nice job of, I mean, the framing. From what I can gather, I haven't seen this whole season. It appears we're going to be following three main characters here, so, in order of appearance, walton Goggins is the first of these main characters. He is playing the ghoul, but he's also playing Cooper Howard, who was a once highly famous Hollywood actor and was caught up in the original dropping of the bombs in 2077 and morphed into this gunslinger known as the ghoul and we don't know a whole ton about the ghoul at this point of episode one other than he's.

Speaker 1:

He's foul mouth and he's quick on the trigger put walter goggins in the in the red Redemption movie as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he looks good in a hat, even though he's a little deformed. So not a lot is known about the ghoul, definitely the least amount of screen time and character development. We have Maximus, another main character who is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, ingratiated himself into Maximus, another main character who is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, ingratiated himself into very Mandalorian upbringing. The Brotherhood of Steel, very religious. They admire, not admire. They're fanatics for the technology. He who controls the technology in the W wasteland is rule supreme. Um, not a lot of known about maximus.

Speaker 1:

He's going on a journey to hunt some guy I think an important thing that a first episode should do is you have to give enough, but you still have to be ominous enough and I think this, this perfectly teeters that line. You know, the ominous nature can come from the world and you know what that can kind of, you know, propagate is the hero's journey and I think this, this episode, is a perfect example of what a hero's journey can do. And you know, I'm most intrigued maybe by maximus. Um, I just love how you know, I love how like disgusting that part of the world feels, but like also so you, there's a you know what I'll say. There's like this sense of uniformity around anything.

Speaker 1:

But you made a good point. It's like you there's something wrong with everything and they show you. They show you what's wrong. I mean you you know spoilers ahead, I guess, but made a joke about the Red Wedding Like they do it. They do it in this episode, like this perfect 1950s-esque wedding. Obviously it's in a nuclear bunker, but it's seemingly perfect. It's acquitted to their world. That's what I'll say. It's perfectly ingratiated in their world. Everything's going good.

Speaker 2:

That's our third main character is Pernell's.

Speaker 1:

Lucy Yep, yeah, going good. That's our third main character, pernell's Lucy. Yep, she's really good, she's quite great.

Speaker 2:

She's perfect as the point of view character the vault dweller, the lone wanderer who is going to embark on this hero's journey outside the confines of Vault 33.

Speaker 1:

And this is where you know the show's just going off the hinges. Wedding ensues and just anarchy follows.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because she wants to. She can't find a suitable mate in her vault, which I have a weird theory about why that is, and it's kind of alluded to the fact that they're all potentially somewhat inbred.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 33. Yep.

Speaker 2:

Besides her and her father, right, um, because she there's this hilarious sequence where she gets approved for marriage, uh, to vault 32, which so, in the fallout universe, all the vaults are revealed to be social experiments by vault tech. I have a theory regarding 32 and 33, that there are these neighbor vaults that are a social experiment and kind of trade and commerce Cause it seems like they can move freely between 32 and 33, but they neither of them can get to the outside world. Just a theory. It's one episode, episode I don't know, um, so I just have a theory about that.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, so she applies for a marriage, uh, to a vault 32, uh, resident, and it's approved. We get to the wedding. She finds her husband he's really handsome and they get to her place and they have sex and she's like, oh, we're going right to this, like okay, and then she awakes to screaming and then she pulls out her pit boy and Points at her husband and it starts the Geiger counter starts clicking and that's when it hits her. You're not from vault 32. You're from the outside world, you're raiders, and then Massacre ensues of Vault 33.

Speaker 1:

It's jarring, lord, it's jarring.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this colorful kind of wacky world. And then a massacre unfolds and you're like, ooh, she gets stabbed.

Speaker 1:

He gets his face cut open. It's pretty brutal. Her pregnant friend gets stabbed in the eye Like it's just. It's just anarchy.

Speaker 2:

Guy gets cut in half. Guy gets cut in half With the vault door.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, it's just ugh, but it never loses that wacky. It's a touch. It's like a touch of something that just holds it together. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's like that. And then her father is kidnapped by the residents, the former residents of Vault 32. And that embarks her on her hero's journey outside Vault 33. Her cousin and her brother are like you can't go outside the vault. It's crazy, we'll help you. And she's like you can't, I've got to do this alone.

Speaker 2:

I'm the Lone Wanderer from Fallout. I'm Lucy Lone Wanderer. I'm Lucy Fallout. I'm Lucy Fallout fallout. I'm lucy lone wanderer. I'm lucy fallout. I'm lucy fallout. Um, and she, presumably these three characters are gonna some. I mean, we they. The clip they released a couple weeks ago is, I believe, these three characters literally coming across one another. Uh, lucy runs afoul the ghoul in one of the, the towns where she's kind of mocked, luc, lucy's kind of mocked for her plucky go-get-em-vault-dweller attitude, because she hasn't been hardened yet by the wasteland. I'm in, I'm in, I'm chomping at the bit to go check out the rest of these episodes. I think it's smart to do this whole thing at once because you don't know. You don't know if people are going to stick around for this type of thing.

Speaker 1:

Um, it's tough when you know it's a, a video game that's very, you know, open to the point of you know there's not a definitive you know, for let's just take, like the last of us like the last of us is a definitive story Fallout. You can do a whole bunch and I think the show uses that to the advantage, because you can kind of have a little bit of fun. Now, you can kind of do what you need to do and what you want to do.

Speaker 2:

Yep and Lucy's kind of as the vault dweller, the protagonist. She's kind of Blank's lady and the story will shape her as it sees fit, which I think is really cool, and I'm really excited to see the rest of it looks like a main character in a story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, she's got big main character energy, but like the good kind yeah, yeah, I can't, I can't wait to see how I can't wait to see. You know, that's the cool part about the fallout story is how this isolated kind of person upbrought in this you know, this vault, this sheltered life, literally sheltered life is now exposed to the horrors of the whatever wasteland they are exposed to be it. You know, fallout 3's vault dweller with the capital wasteland. Fallout 4's vault dweller with the diamond wasteland, the New England wastes or, in Lucy's case, the California wastes. I'm really keen to see what happens and I feel like, if I think they already said there's going to be a season two, that's already happening Would not be surprised to see that become weekly, yeah, after this.

Speaker 2:

I could see them letting this, a second season of this, breathe after. They kind of took a chance and and put all of season one out there for the world to consume. And this is a release date that kept getting moved up.

Speaker 1:

They had to have been proud of it. They had to have been like this show is a hit, so they had to have known.

Speaker 2:

Jonathan Nolan, of Chris Nolan fame and of Westworld fame directed.

Speaker 1:

This is a perfect Westworld surrogate show that Jonathan Nolan can kind of do some fun with and I know he's the producer of the entire season.

Speaker 2:

I think he directed the first three episodes.

Speaker 2:

First three episodes I think he directed, and he did direct this pilot Super cool. So, yeah, that's going to do it for us this week. You can follow us on Twitter at ProjectIMF underscore pod. You can follow us on Facebook. You can follow us on Twitter at Project INF underscore pod. You can follow us on Facebook. You can follow us on Instagram At the Project Infinite pod. And next week we're going to talk about Invincible Unless X-Men 97 blows our doors off again, which it could Life-Death Part 2. So the conclusion of Storm's arc that we'll most likely see her get her powers back and her hair back Her old hair I hope so. Old storm hair Maybe Looks like it's coming back and we'll obviously, apparently we'll get the fallout for the Genosha stuff too.

Speaker 1:

I see what you did there.

Speaker 2:

Fallout and we'll see, most likely, the X-Men, probably mourn Gambit, which will be a tough watch, I'm sure. So for me. From the Careful man Careful, tough watch. I'm sure um, so for me from the careful man careful, a lot to choose from this week, man um we'll say from the ominous main character of the fallout universe the lone wanderer of the podcast.

Speaker 2:

I'll take it, yeah, and then, uh, yeah, probably after the week after invincible the podcast. I'll take it, yeah, and then, yeah, probably after the week after Invincible, we'll probably just do Fallout Sure the whole season. I'm down.

Speaker 1:

I'll be here, I'll be here.

Speaker 2:

I'll be here. We will be seated. I'm not kissing you.

Speaker 1:

You know we're actually not going to just talk about Captain America versus Avenger. We're just going to specifically talk about Tommy Lee Jones' performance. Tommy Lee Jones' new whiteboard inductee specifically in Captain America the first Avenger he's underrated in that what did he tell him when he was talking about Bucky? He was just like James Buchanan. He said I can spell. I can spell me and you are going to have a conversation that you will not like.

Speaker 2:

Me and you are going to have a conversation later that you won't enjoy. Tommy Lee Jones, man, he's the best, he's the good. All right, guys, we'll see you next week for Invisible. Until then, goodbye.

Speaker 1:

I did not kill you. You put that gun down now.

Speaker 2:

Harrison Ford brought back Captain America. Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones are both in Captain America movies now.

Speaker 1:

It's the fugitive reunion that I always wanted.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Now get Wesley Snipes back as Blade in a multiversal setting, and then we're good.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, alright, goodbye, peace.

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