The Project Infinite Podcast

119- Exploring the Depths of Superhero Sagas: Invincible Season Two & X-Men '97

Rob & Court Episode 127

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It’s a quick turnaround week so we don’t have a ton of news to cover, but it’s also animation week! Embark on a journey into the heart of fandom with Court and me as we unravel the complexities of "Invincible's" second season. We break down the latest episode of X-Men 97 AND talk Season 2 of Invincible. We're peeling back the layers of Mark's evolution. Near the end of the podcast, we reflect on 5 years since Avengers: Endgame changed movies forever. Timecodes are provided if you want to skip around to your topic of choice! Thank you to everyone who continues to support and don’t forget to subscribe to download new episodes as they become available and don’t be afraid to share a rating!

0:00 Intro
 02:11 Scarlett Johansson Marvel Project to be a Disney+ Series
 04:31 X-Men 97 Episode 7: “Bright Eyes”
 28:43 BREAKING NEWS: Kraven Movie Delayed Until December
 34:11 Invincible Season 2 Recap & Review
 01:22:50 5 Years Since Avengers: Endgame and Marvel is Still Chasing the Feeling
 01:53:53 Signing Off

Topic for Next Week: Shogun??? 

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Speaker 1:

It's the.

Speaker 2:

Infinite Podcast. Go tell your friends, it's the Infinite.

Speaker 1:

Podcast. My God, it never ends. It's the Infinite Podcast with Robin Kork the Cube yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody, Welcome to another episode of the Project Infinite podcast, the podcast covering the infinite and ever-expanding multiverse of fandom, from movies, comics, TV shows, video games. This is the other word. We got you covered. I'm Rob. I'm here, as always, with Court and Court, we're delivering on our promise this week and we're going to talk about Invincible.

Speaker 1:

We're going to talk about Jurassic World, dominion no.

Speaker 2:

That was a long time ago. That was a promise made and never kept. We'll talk about it One day. One day. One day soon, not soon One day. This is as good as I can do. But yeah, we were going to talk about Invincible last week and then we were just mesmerized by Fallout when it came out. Right, we had to talk about Fallout, but by fallout when it came out that we had to talk about fallout. But we are going to talk about invincible. Invincible this week, um, good show.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh yeah. I mean season two just kind of picks up right where season one leaves off. Um, you know, not only just narratively wise, but you know theme wise, thematic wise, you know tonally wise, it's, it's, and it just does some things better. The biggest cardinal sin of this season, which many of you may know, is that they took a break. They took a break right when things were starting to heat up.

Speaker 1:

They were on a break. They were on a break. They're not breaking up, they're just on a break. Still, overall, really good season. I'm excited to talk about that. Real, real big setups for Invincible seasons to come. Now Invincible is going to at least get five seasons, which is nuts to get that after two seasons of your show. So the show has a lot of stopping and staying power. So hopefully we get some more of that and we get just some really good crazy outlandish balker stuff. And that's what Invincible is good for.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I mean the good thing about this week. Um, we don't really have a lot of news to talk about either. Um, really the only thing of note is, um, scarlett johansson, disney plus show her that marvel project that she was agreed to and I guess in in her kind of not settlement with marvel. But you know, part of her deal with Marvel as it relates to the release of Black Widow and all that other stuff that happened in 2020, 2021. She was going to executive produce a Marvel project and now we know that it's a Disney Plus series. Probably, I would imagine, it's going to be something Widow-related.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know obviously she's not going to be in it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's. You know you cast Florence Pugh. You make sure you put Florence Pugh in things, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is a Yelena-led show. That would probably make the most sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that makes total sense to me, Unless, like I said, off-camera, there's some character that she has a passion project for that we don't know about. That would really be the only thing that I can think of. But the Widow stuff makes sense. I would like it to be a little more mature, yeah, and kind of lean into that and kind of give us a grittier kind of lean into that and kind of give us a kind of a you know grittier kind of widow thing, Cause they, they flirt with it in the black widow movie in terms of like the lore of that kind of sect of the of the MCU and it does. It is pretty grim.

Speaker 1:

It is really good, especially the opening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, and I just you know, given the constraints of the movie they made at the time, you know they couldn't really dive into that, but I would like to see them dive into it if at all possible. I mean, it's ultimately going to also hinge upon you know how the Thunderbolts shakes out, considering two of the main characters from Black Widow are going to be in the Thunderbolts in the form of Yelena and the form of Taskmaster.

Speaker 1:

And Red.

Speaker 2:

Guardian and Red Guardian. Yeah, we're going to be in the thunderbolts in the form of yelena, in the form of taskmaster and red guardian and red guardian, yeah, so, um, you know, a lot of black widow related parts in the thunderbolts, um, you know. So we'll see how that goes um, and yeah, that's 100 what I would expect from from scarlett johansson and marvel. Um, and that's pretty much the news, unless you have something else to touch upon.

Speaker 1:

We can. We can talk about um. Unfortunately, we are going to talk about X-Men 97 though.

Speaker 2:

We are going to talk about X-Men 97.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Um we just can't help ourselves.

Speaker 2:

It's just still really good.

Speaker 1:

Listen, if the show missed, then we would take a week off. But um show missed, then we would take a week off, but, um, we, we can't, because it's so dang good. This show is just phenomenal, as an understatement to describe this show. It's just everything that you would ever want out of, you know, out of this genre, and then some on top of that too. This is just, overall, great, emotional, impactful, thought-provoking storytelling. It's just the simplicity of the fact. So, um, what they're, what they're able to craft, what bo de mayo is is writing, and you know, what they're bringing to fruition is just, it's special, it's just it's just for the, it's just so special.

Speaker 1:

So, um, episode seven is upon us. Spoilers ahead, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler warning. That was your warning, um, because you've been robed right, rogue is on a rampage. So you know, we start this episode with remy's funeral. Um, beautifully, you know, ordained, I don't know if that's the right word, but um, by kurt, uh, nightcrawler. Um, obviously, the, the one of the religious figures of the x-men. So, um, you know it just, this show balances emotion so well and it uses emotion to it. It uses, like, the most subtle and simple of human emotion to its absolute advantage. So what's the line that he gives about Remy? It's just it hits.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the gambler, every gambler has a tell, and Remy's was his modesty Cause he talks about you know nightcrawler talks about.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you, um yeah, we won't cut that out nightcrawler talks about, um, how gambit never, and it's kind of like a meta commentary on gambit too, like not knowing how powerful he was, um, you know, not knowing the range of his powers, and like background is a street tough in New Orleans, life of petty crime and all this other stuff Just kind of did a nice, as you would expect at a funeral. A nice little summary of Gambit's life, conspicuous by her absence at the funeral, is Rogue.

Speaker 1:

and then we smash, cut to rogue on an absolute rampage yeah, well, I mean, wolverine says that he said people grieve in their own ways. It's not as simple, as you know, because jubilee breaks down and jubilee's just like I can't believe rogue's not here like this is, this is her man and she's not here. And wolverine says, like you know, kid like I, people don't grieve all the same way.

Speaker 2:

But then Nightcrawler kind of counters and is like oh, that's not what this is Like, that's not exactly what Rogue is going through. She's a little more singular minded right now. And then we cut to Rogue just at her wit's end.

Speaker 1:

Essentially, you know she attacks a government base led by by none other than you're, you're the, you're thaddeus thunderbolt ross from the yeah, nice little thunderbolt ross cameo there sounds exactly like yeah, I had to rewind it a couple terms.

Speaker 2:

I was like that sounds just like william hurt, like that was great mustache and all um rogue is basically just looking for for um bolivar trask.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she wants retribution, she wants it bad and I mean she's full. We keep saying it each week like one character gets the like I'm, him, her, them, I just like that. And Rogue gets it this week, where you get a full display of how truthfully dangerous Rogue is with her power combined with Captain Marvel's. A full display of how truthfully dangerous Rogue is with her power combined with Captain Marvel's power, how powerful she truthfully is.

Speaker 2:

If you're just tuning into this show and not understanding how Rogue can do the things she does in the animated series, in one of the seasons she absorbs the powers of Ms Marvel. At the time, before Ms Marvel was Kamala Khan, ms Marvel was kind of like an alternate ego of Captain Marvel, where she had the black getup with the lightning bolt across her chest and Rogue absorbed her powers and that's why she can fly and have super strength and super durability. So in case there was any confusion about like I thought Rogue was just like the touchy girl from the X-Men movies, yeah, but that's how she got Captain Marvel's powers. And, as we were jokingly talking about, we were talking about Secret Invasion off air. If you're just going to have Captain Marvel's powers, it's pretty much all you need.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you got the kill shot on Gravik in the end of Sorry, spoilers for Secret Invasion, but you got the kill shot on Gravik with Captain Marvel's powers, so you basically were doing a lot of nothing that whole time.

Speaker 2:

So Rogue took our advice and she was like you know what? I really don't need to use my touchy powers anymore, because I have Captain Marvel's powers. Let's use the touchy powers later.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you find out that, you know, in this universe, the Hulk does exist in this universe, because you know, ross says, hey, this facility was built to hold the Hulk, I'm not concerned. Then Rogue rips the ceiling off of the building and I'm like, ooh, okay, maybe she is more powerful than the Hulk, sure.

Speaker 2:

Sure, it was Ross.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we jumped to a really good scene and you know this whole Genosha backdrop, you know, as a surrogate for you know 9-11 and for you know 9-11, um, and you know and more tragic events that have happened. It's just it's, it's using your world as putting your characters through the world in such a dynamic way. This does too, because you know we get to see just how this isn't. Just like, it's not like I'm watching, like you know, a random comic book movie and something happens and it's just the thing, like, um, it's funny. At the end of we're probably going to talk about Infinity War and Endgame, their anniversaries that just hit in the last two days. But you know, for something like this, this whole, this situation isn't just a big, you know, big battle that happened. No, no, this was a terrorist attack that happened. Like this is a big thing that, like nobody was ever ready for.

Speaker 1:

Um, we got a really good conversation with president robert kelly, not senator kelly. Um, president kelly and scott and scott's, basically, just like you know, why are we? You know, why are we still? Why are we still looking for survivors? And kelly's, just like, well, you got to be a little careful because you know it's. You know, I can't do certain things because of the political implication. He's like why are we worried about politics at a time like this? There's people.

Speaker 2:

They mirror this, this scene later on with Rogan, another character. We'll get there. But yeah, I mean you're starting to see the gears turn in the more senior X-Men, especially in this episode Cyclops and Beast. Both of them are, I mean Scott Albright says it like Gene goes, you know, nobody could have seen this coming. It's nobody's fault. And Cyclops goes, magneto did. Magneto warned us literally about this exact thing happening and you know, none of us really listened. And then, you know, beast has that terse exchange with Tish later on where you know he was like, you know, because she uses the word tolerance, and Beast is like. Is that? Beast is more or less like, is that all we kind of earned from you is tolerance? Like that's? You know you're still viewing us as lesser Like, if that's, if that's the verbiage you're using. So he's like, you know, excuse me if I'm being, you know, rude here, but, like you know, your tolerance really is worth nothing, but this is everything that your tolerance has wrought upon us, right?

Speaker 1:

so rogue gets her grow, gets her answers, she goes to some some arctic facility. Boom, you're looking for this. Captain america shield hits the snow and other, none other than the star spangled man with a plan. And what is your plan today? Captain America's there. Steve Rogers, josh Keaton Yep, josh Keaton doing a phenomenal job. He was great, a very different Captain America than what you're used to out of Chris Evans, though that's a very important thing to note. This Captain America is not like. Somebody made a good point. Chris Evans' Captain America immediately would have sided with the mutants, like no ifs, ands or buts. He would have just been there. Accords, no accords, 40s, 2010s, doesn't matter, he would have been there. Unfortunately, this Captain America does say to Rogue, like you know, rogue's just like all right, if you're with us, then you're with us.

Speaker 1:

Put your money where your mouth is a guy right away and he's just like I can't go to mexico, this fight this. You know this symbol can't be seen in mexico and rogue is just like. I guess you know. And again, this theme keeps running through these episodes of like, as much as people say that they're with them, they're not truthfully with them, to the end yeah, it's the, you know, it's the old, like you know, put up or shut up like, um, you know, don't.

Speaker 2:

Just, it's that past, it's. It's a real not a real life example, but it's a fictional example of a real life thing, of like this passive activism, right, like you know, posting on instagram or like saying you're with a cause but not actually being down in the trenches, like that's kind of what you know. The show is using captain america for, like he has the powers of the super soldier. He is captain america but when push comes to shove, when confronted like he's, like I, at the end of the day, have to be beholden to this ideal and he's like I gotta do this by the book Rogue and Rogue's like all right, well, you don't need your shield if you do that, chuck's his shield if your hands are tied, then you won't be needing this.

Speaker 1:

Chuck's his shield like a mile away and Captain America's like fuck, I just I love the path that they put Rogue on in this episode. Everybody's reactions to everything is just, it's all justified, there's no thinking of anything. And I mean even going down to Roberto. Roberto gets another piece of his arc added in here. You know, obviously this is all about coming out. This is kind of his whole thing. He has come out to his parents that he's a mutant, which is a very harrowing thing to do, and they handle this very, very well. You know, obviously he has Jubilee with him. But just Scott's reaction I was thinking about that where you know Scott's supposed to be the leader of the X-Men and like even he just can't bear to be at ground.

Speaker 1:

I mean, and like even he, just he can't bear to be at ground. I mean, obviously even the way they frame everything is supposed to look like ground zero from 9-11, that's, that's the whole point. So you know, just seeing all these survivors, um, and they find emma frost and emma frost, you know she gets her diamond form and um from the new x-men, which is which is a pretty interesting little beat to new mutation b says a secondary mutation, um, but it's just, you know, and scott starts crying when she sees her out of the rubble too. It's just like how, how many more, like how many more. How many more times is this gonna have to?

Speaker 2:

happen, yeah, and I mean it's twofold crying one for that. And b because you know, gene senses a telepath and it's gone, immediately thinks it might be madeline, right, and it's not like she's, she's gone. And I, I love that scene too of Jean walking through and she can sense like all the, basically all the echoes of the victims and like she's basically saying like all these lives, all these futures, all these pasts just evaporate. And she says like they're trapped here, like they can't leave, they're almost like you're almost stuck by the tragedy. They're binded here. Now. That puts even more weight on the situation when you realize these people never got to rest.

Speaker 1:

Right, so they go after Gyrick. Rogue goes after Gyrick. And Gyrick's just like I'm not telling you anything. Rogue's, just like I think you're going to tell me everything that I need to know.

Speaker 2:

Your Bene Gesserit tricks won't work on me Immediately works Immediately worked.

Speaker 1:

So Rogue had to have blacked out Ends up back in Louisiana, I believe, back in the bayou. Meanwhile, roberto comes out to his mom and what you think is going to be a nice scene because you know, it's a very it's a very movie tropey thing, where the, where the parent is like I always knew who you were and you're like, oh okay, that's nice. And then she's just like, however, we're going to hide this from the entire world and you're like that's not okay, that's not a good thing to do, um, and it's, it's just, it's unfortunate. This is kind of the reality and this show doesn't shy away from truth. X-men comics have never shied away from truth. They just, they just refuse to and it makes them all the better.

Speaker 1:

Um, we, we cut back to rogue. Like I said, she kind of washes up in louisiana, probably blacked out from the rage, um, and maybe from gyrick's, all of his memories flooding through and you know, maybe her brain losing her powers, yeah, yeah, brain went on autopilot and where did she end up? And then, you know, nightcrawler finds her. There's the half sister and he's just like, you know, it's, it's only natural, like all these things that have happened and then, like that breakdown that rogue has, I'm like what are we?

Speaker 2:

come on, so good, come on what are we doing? We have so good we have to stop this.

Speaker 1:

This it's too good. It's too good. Um, all the x-men are there to kind of back rogue up and like this is the piece where everybody you know everybody grieves in their own way. She needed to be there closer to him. You know, not physically, but she needed to be there closer to him and like where he's from and what he wrote. You know where he's represented from, yeah, um so yeah, um, and then we kind of get to the final act of this episode and, hoo boy, these action sequences just never cease to amaze.

Speaker 2:

First off, Gyrick is killed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Gyrick's murdered. You're immediately murdered. Don't mess with Rogue. Rogue's on a warpath.

Speaker 2:

There's a new villain on the scene who we'll see at the end of the episode as well. But yeah, they confront Bolivar Trask. They find him Trask asks them to come. He's like come see what the government's been working on. They walk through and it's a bunch of humanoid sentinels which are terrifying. We've whittled them down from big, slow, clumsy robots to these humanoid android sentinels, which is not great, not ideal.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and they confront trask trask hits him with the oppenheimer line. You know, now I've become death destroyer.

Speaker 2:

Worlds like look, look what I've done and now I'm going to kill myself and rogues like absolutely not get the satisfaction.

Speaker 1:

and rogue drops him off, the kills, kills him I'll do it myself. And all the X-Men are like. And Morph even says is this who we've become Like? This is it.

Speaker 2:

This is the storytelling that we talk about, and Wolverine's more or less like this is good, as if none of us wanted to do that. But of course, because this is the X-Men, there's a twist. Because this is the x-men, there's a twist trash doesn't just die, he becomes a human sentinel uh-oh, not great, not great, not great.

Speaker 1:

He is powerful, very powerful, but this is an x-men show. That's pretty cool. So the x-men get their lineup piece, morph turns into quicksilver and it's on uh, gene gray's back. That's my big note. Is that gene gray's finally back doing you know, I feel like even in the movies, the movies started to suffer from this where, like Jean always needs to either be like a right, like she always needs to be like an ex-machina type of thing, like Read minds, I feel like we've never like had Jean just be a prime Jean. Like the closest we've gotten is was the first X-Men movie with Famke Jensen.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen her do stuff other than get in people's heads or react to whatever's going on.

Speaker 1:

She's never an initiator of whatever.

Speaker 2:

We didn't see her do anything like she does in this episode.

Speaker 1:

She's zipping around In live action. Heck, no.

Speaker 2:

She fights Bob Vartrask like it's a Dragon Ball fight. They're flying around.

Speaker 1:

He's got a red beam, she's got a blue beam, they're smashing into each other and like, whoa, she's throwing buildings, but trask is, you know, this upgraded version of trask is an issue. Um, you know, and we got we get so many cool things out of this too. Like you said, we got this cool fight between gene um, even like, but they're just no match like the these sentinels. Now you have a sentinel in a more mobile form, um, and you know you think mobile forms of sentinels and more advanced versions of sentinels. Now you have a sentinel in a more mobile form, um, and you know you think mobile forms of sentinels and more advanced versions of sentinels, um, for my, for my comic readers out there, you think nimrod, that's kind of where you're, that's you know if you know you don't, type of thing um however you

Speaker 1:

know emp x, machina who shows up, but, but, but cable. I know those eyes Say the reunion Dad. Oh no, best piece of that too is when Gene breathes his mind. He's just like get out of my head, get out of my head, charles, get out of my head, gene, you're not my mom. And then and then, and then, and then we cut and Sinister's like this is a crackling bad guy, but he's got to report to somebody else, and who else would it be? Then You're Bastion from the X-Men comics, aren't you? Yeah, it's good stuff. And he's kind of. You know he's turning the wheels. He's been turning the wheels on everything that's happened. He knew Professor X was alive.

Speaker 2:

Well, Bo DeMaio has said that Bastion appears in every episode, except for episode three.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so obviously the the cheap way of doing it. I think it was the nimrod piece in the beginning, because technically, bastion is a future version of nimrod that's come back to the past. That's just a humanoid version of nimrod. Um, I know we got the kid version of nimrod with his hands, stuff like that, so it's been really interesting. Um, and you find out, eric's still alive. Yeah, it's Magneto. He said you're him. Of course he's still alive. Yeah, hair's gorgeous, as ever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but yeah, something wicked this way comes, as it relates to Magneto.

Speaker 1:

Yep Shout out. Do James for voicing Bastion Doing a great job. I think that's a great get, and these last three episodes are going to be phenomenal. I mean where I think this is going. They're probably going to combine, you know, they're probably going to combine E is for Extinction and you're probably going to try to tease the Messiah complex a little bit, because I think what's going to come out of it, like I just this is so great because this is such a great example of, like a season storytelling.

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't know why I'm thinking about this, but you know what season of television had a really good season storytell arrow season two had a very good season storytell. Like this is a front to back completed season of storytelling. That's like there's not a lot of chinks in the armor. What's going to go down like that. It's just, this is this is what it is. So I feel like for this it's going to be a great setup as well for the Messiah Complex for Hope Summers to come along too.

Speaker 1:

It's just do you do Hickman stuff from 2019? Do you do the House of X stuff in the futures, now that you have Professor X back in, magneto back and everybody's alive, do you do Ears for Extinction. You kind of dipped into the Cassandra Nova stuff with that, with that, you know, with the master mold kind of, you know wiping out Genosha. So you kind of have a lot of things to play with. So any, any specific thing you want to see or any. Any way, you want to see the season and any character that you want to see get some glory, anything like that.

Speaker 2:

I glory, anything like that. I mean, it's a three episode, essentially three episode finale. Um, I think they're doing like they're doing too much, not too much in a bad way. But I mean, like to your hope summer's point, like they're doing a lot with that family, that I feel like there has to be some kind of major payoff at the end of the season. And I think to your point, like hope summer's is probably that payoff.

Speaker 1:

That's how it feels that would make a lot of sense. I mean, do you and this is a show where you know this is the x-men 92 like this is just a continuation of everything as well? So do you maybe ask yourself like hey, do we now try to dip into, like now the 2000s, where that went? Like after you know, obviously you already did the age of apocalypse stuff and that's alternate reality, you don't have to worry about any of that stuff. So like, do you just go to, like grant morrison's run and you just like kind of revamp do you go to you know we hate the guy, but the comics iconic. Do you go to astonishing x-men? You dwindle down the team a little bit. Like, where do you go? Like there's still a lot of characters that you can go to, there's still a lot of teams that you can build out of this.

Speaker 2:

And I think, given the reception to this, I think Marvel themselves are going to be a little more open book with what they're allowed to put in. Do you take a swing at Avengers vs X-Men next season?

Speaker 1:

Because what I think Bastion's trying to do is get to the point where there's going to be a reaction. I think what he's going to do is he's going to have Magneto be mind controlled and kill Absolutely and kill the president, and then you know, the war is going to happen, and then that's going to lead like the the. The horror of Cable is that he's watching the timeline that he's coming from come, come alive. Even though as much as he can tie, like as much as him and Bishop can do it like they can't, I can't stop it, like there has to be something to stop it. And who knows if it's going to be Hope Summers is the one that's going to come into the play to be the one that's like again the Messiah to try to stop all this from happening as well too.

Speaker 1:

Um, there's just so many different directions you can go. I mean you know, I know what I really want to happen is like everybody's dead to rights and then storm, like again a mega level threat detected storm comes back. I mean just the way they've been talking. I mean you know he said he said five is going to be like one of those episodes that people are going to talk about, and it's nothing compared to eight through ten. Which just what does that even mean? Like what do you have up your sleeve that five has been one of the most received episodes of just television I've seen. Yeah, and you're saying that eight through ten are going to be the ones that's really going to have people talking.

Speaker 1:

So we're in for a wild ride, man they definitely have something up their sleeve, um, but I just I couldn't be happier that this show exists. I know, it's just this is it? Like you know? I was having a conversation today about like you know, because a lot of people are talking about this show and, you know, one of the questions that keeps getting asked is, just, like you know, obviously, animation lets you do some more things, but you know, this is my James Gunn point to like. Okay, but then what's the excuse for? You know, visual is visual, but what's the excuse for story? Why are live action? We're lacking on stories like this.

Speaker 1:

And then you get down to shows like Peacemaker, where it just has no business acting the way it does, and then you play it out and it's just great. But there's just one difference they just understand character work. That's the simple difference. There's love and care that goes into it. It's like, but it's. This is just one difference. They just understand character work. Yeah, that's the simple difference. There's, there's love and care. That goes into it, it's not it doesn't feel like a product.

Speaker 1:

This doesn't feel like a product. This feels like. This feels like actual emotional, resonant storytelling that has a grandiose nature behind it. That's what this feels like and a clear direction message. Um, that's just brilliantly written and brilliantly delivered, um, across the board, right, and you know, obviously I say that. But then you get shows like loki loki does it really well, like you can tell there's clear direction that comes with it. There's clear, you know, there's clear peace and everything that goes on. So I just I really can't wait to see what happens with, with the live action. I mean, fantastic Four is a piece for that, like, I still feel like we can get there.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, james Gunn is gone and but you know I don't want to speculate and I don't, I don't even really want to talk about this. I just I don't know what Bo DeMaio did and I just, and if if he did something truthfully bad, bad, then obviously it needs to be. You know he can't work if that's the thing, but I just don't know what he did wrong and he's producing stuff like this. Obviously he's gonna be, he's. He signed on and do season two if everything was going right. That's my new james gunn in the live action realm. I'm giving him whatever he wants in the live. If you're giving me this out of this, go give me some live action stuff. To the same accord, go do whatever you want. You kind of are going to get the keys to the castle, essentially, and be my right hand man, if I'm fine. So, um, we'll see. I just, I again, I don't know what he did. I just don't know and I wish we knew. So I can feel away about it.

Speaker 2:

But I know I can't yeah.

Speaker 1:

So at this point, without knowing anything, I don't want to jump the gun on anything, but still he's just understanding so many things. He even made me a shill of him by doing the man of Steel reference in Life, death, part 2. Phenomenal way to bring Storm back as well too.

Speaker 2:

Yep, 100%. I mean, the show is just clicking on all cylinders. And that's what happens when you get something in Storm back as well too. Yep, 100%. I mean, the show is just clicking on all cylinders. That's what happens when you get something in the hands of someone who clearly understands it. Like you said, we're still awaiting the fallout of all of that Crawl out through that fallout baby. But we have breaking news.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, kraven the Hunter is now coming out on Decembercember 13th 2020. Oh no, a delay not a sony delay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sony doesn't delay. So he doesn't delay unless it's for a great reason. Yeah, like the election, um huh. So now it's moved back. That's a four month delay.

Speaker 1:

Four months, I believe, because it's supposed to come out in august.

Speaker 2:

Yep huh, interesting, wonder why that is. Yeah, I'm not sure why I got pushed back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it has something to do with spider-man man, um I was gonna say is there any, is there any character, um, that you would want to take, that you just know you can, you can give this to and then you can tell me if you want live action, if you want, if you animated kind of how you want to do it, any character team that you just you know better, you think you know better than anybody else, like you can really just hone that, that property, and you can turn it into something like super relevant, something that people need.

Speaker 2:

Like a comic book character.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah, Um um, man, I don't. I'll do you one better. Do you think there's a video game property you can do that to, Absolutely. I know what it's going to be. You absolutely do. It's going to be Stray. Nope, that's not it. It's going to be Final Fantasy.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Yeah, I would love to do something just with those characters in that world, in that universe. That would be, I would love that those characters there's so much there and so much that you know I still think is left on the table that can be explored, that you could do, I could, I could do, I could do a thing about each individual character and probably make something compelling out of each of it, because it's so rich, the lore is so rich, um, but I mean, that would be, that would be amazing. As far as a comic book character goes, I would probably say, huh, I'd like to take a crack at Spider-Man Mm-hmm. Nice To kind of come at things not differently. I'm not arrogant enough to think I could come at a different thing.

Speaker 1:

Sure, Let me rephrase let's try to do somebody that hasn't either been like very rarely done or briefly done, or just somebody that just hasn't been touched yet in live action.

Speaker 2:

In live action.

Speaker 1:

Huh so like somebody I would take is like Cyborg. Like Cyborg hasn't had a lot of TLC in live action.

Speaker 2:

I would probably stay on like on that. Teen Titans range. Raven would be a character that I would like to see explored more. There's a lot there for that character. I think that obviously we haven't seen in live action except for Titans, which did a decent enough job.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that's good. I mean, if I'm going somebody I know like I'd try to do, if it's somebody bigger, like to your Spider-Man point, I would have to do at that point I would have to do the Flash. That's the only one that would make me feel comfortable. I just think, oh, I take that back, I'd do Green Lantern in a heartbeat. I feel like you totally can go so many different directions and I mean books were running at the same time where the tones were different in the books and they all worked for which ways? And when they interjected they kind of adapted each other's tones and it worked in that Geoff Johns run. So I think that Green Lantern would be a character that can be. You know, especially if I'm adapting the Geoff Johns run, I feel like I can really dive in, I can really kind of. You know it's again, it's like the, it's like the. The world is like these characters are going to. They can't succumb to the world. The world are going to kind of succumb to the characters. I mean, I would, I would love to take a crack at Hal Jordan. I feel like that would be so, so, so, so cool. But you know, a small, not a small scale scale character, but a character that I can completely like, own and like you, own and like I. Uh, you know, obviously you want to put things out into the universe that can hopefully happen. Um, I would love to be, you know, to kind of take what aver duvernay wasn't able to, unfortunately. I would love to. It's the stip. It's a stipulation piece, but I would want the fourth world. I would want to do dark side, the fourth world. Just for the fact that I, I want a mr miracle project. I just I think that, especially it. Just, you just do King's run, just how Supergirl is doing the Woman of Tomorrow run. You just do the 2017 Tom King run of Mr Miracle and I feel like it's almost like this.

Speaker 1:

You know how shows like Severance Barry, those kind of super dark comedies, that's the whole tone of what I would go for.

Speaker 1:

In something like Mr Miracle, where I love when the bear's winning all these Emmys and this show's a comedy. I'm like, are you sure about that? Are like that's the whole tone of what I would go for. In something like mr miracle, um, where I love, like when the bears winning all these emmys and like this show's a comedy, I'm like, are you sure about that? That's exactly what I would want out of something like that, like this is you can face front this as a comedy. This is not a comedy at all. This is gonna have a lot of self-referential humor, but this is gonna be, you know, emotionally just taxing. It just will. So yeah, I would love to get the fourth world and I can do my big old projects and my big overarching things and the dark side war and all those things with all those characters. But just Mr Miracle specifically I think he's a hidden gem and that Tom King rum. I think it's one of the most important comic books that's ever been written.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, last year, two years ago, I probably would have my answer probably would have been sandman, to be honest with you, but, um, the live action adaptation is stellar. So, um, the only thing I would say with like sandman is like an animated adaptation would be maybe even more beyond what the live action adaptation is given, but that would be that would have been my answer probably two years ago, before we got we got um invincible invincible, invincible.

Speaker 1:

Season two Um.

Speaker 2:

I mean we don't have to go episode by episode with this, cause I don't think there's necessarily a need to. Um, just, I mean a couple of episodes that we will have to definitely highlight is definitely the premiere, definitely episode four, yeah, and then definitely the finale, probably seven and eight, probably the last two episodes, because they kind of go hand in hand, because and I say the premiere because we're into the we've entered the Invincible-iverse, so multiverses are taking over the world. Invincible-averse, so multiverses are taking over the world. But to be fair to Invincible, they've done it a little bit more recently than in the comic at least. The show obviously is introducing this multiversal concept with Season 2, but this is something that obviously Robert Kirkman wrote years ago, like the mid-2000s. This has been a thing. So not a new concept to us, but new concepts for Invincible. And that's where episode one starts.

Speaker 2:

We're in the Invincible-iverse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good start. You know, Omni-Man and sorry, Invincible and Immortal are fighting that geriatric old idiot.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Immortal, you suck Immortal.

Speaker 2:

What does he even do?

Speaker 1:

You're just like an angry guy that flies. You're like an angry old version of Shazam that nobody cares about. So they're fighting and you're like, okay, I guess, like they're probably just beefing, very Invincible-esque. And then boom, his arm just gets chopped off and you're Holy crap. And then Omni-Man shows up. You're like surely somebody has to be dreaming, right? Like that's the only thing that makes sense, right? And no, you find out.

Speaker 1:

This is an alternate universe where Mark gets his cake. No, I'm kidding, but this is an alternate universe where, you know, the plan came to fruition. Omni-man got Mark to be recruited to his side. There's a band of freedom fighters. Angstrom Levy is one of these Freedom Fighters as well. Remember that name for later. But Adam Eve's there. You have your. What Avengers comic am I thinking about? Oh, the Age of Ultron comic, where it's, you know, they're actually like the Avengers are actually at their last wits. There's nothing left for them to have that type of. We're really the last of the survivors of this whole thing too and they're like invincible and omni-man, like kill, kill the immortal right kill the immortal.

Speaker 1:

Um, he kills eve and like just no, he paralyzes her. Yeah, oh, right, right. He's just like, oh, that. And then omni-man's just like can we hurry up? I'm, I'm hungry Like I want to go get some food.

Speaker 2:

Because Mark says to Eve like I can't kill you, like I would never do that, and then he like breaks her neck and Omni-Man's like oof, yeah. And Mark's like nah, I didn't kill her, I just paralyzed her, like I want someone to take care of her and Like so that's what you've been practicing this whole time, right, or that's what you practice on that. What does he say?

Speaker 1:

Like homeless, encampment or whatever. Whatever he says, jesus Christ, so Mark's going to college. Yeah, good for him. Mark's going to college. He's kind of dealing with that. Obviously, you know character that relationships, relationships, best friends, professors, college, that's actually college. Summed up, you don't have to go to college now. I just did it for you. Yeah, we're done. We're done with that. A character that has a lot of stuff to do this season is Mark's mom and it's not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's emotionally, yeah, she's really dealing with a lot this season and all this pays off at the end of the season to be.

Speaker 1:

Yep, she's not a pet, she's a great mom. So what else do we get?

Speaker 2:

I mean Angstrom Levy. Yeah, that's a big piece Voice by Sterling K Brown.

Speaker 1:

Great, great job. Love Sterling K Brown. Yeah, he Go watch American Fiction. He was great in that Angstrom has.

Speaker 2:

Well, this version of Angstrom has the ability to travel the multiverse and he uses that to escape this hellscape earth that he's on um and we find out that it's a hellscape earth and a lot of different earths, yeah, um, a lot of these earths result in a lot of these earths, almost every single earth mark joined omniman except for this one, except for this universe, except for the main character universe, yeah, um.

Speaker 2:

So angstrom basically has this idea where he's gonna, he gets the maulers, the maulers are back um and he grabs the maulers and he's like maulers, help me build this machine that's gonna essentially combine me with my other counterparts, who don't have my same powers, but they all have my, all have the memories.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're like a council of levy's count council of levy's.

Speaker 2:

Interesting. Mark has been wanting to superhero around. Everybody's like relax. Cecil's like alright Horse, buy Walt and Goggins. He's having a great couple months. He is and he's like alright, Invincible, you can superhero about. How about you stop? Whatever this is, Whatever's going on, the maulers are active. The maulers are active. The Maulers are building a thing. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

He shows up Invincible, you know, obviously, is like this isn't great. Invincible's like what is happening? What the heck are you doing? You're about to blow up the world.

Speaker 2:

And he's just like I need to know. And then Ancient Levy summons a bunch of maulers that could help and Angstrom's like I lied, they're the smartest stupid people ever.

Speaker 2:

I lied, I lied. The thing explodes. Yeah, because Angstrom, basically, you know it's a classic like misunderstanding thing between like the hero and the villain, where like the hero's like you're working with the maulers, this is an evil plan, and Angstrom's like not really, I'm trying to stop evil use from another universe. I mean he doesn't tell him that obviously, and then it causes an explosion. Mark's like I did it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did it, I saved the day. And he's like do you see my head? Does this look like you saved the day?

Speaker 2:

save the day. You killed every single person in that place, mark all my brothers. And then, yeah, angstrom wakes up and he's horrifically deformed and he's like invincible. And then we don't see angstrom levy for quite a while.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't think for like what another five episodes or something, yeah so mark, uh yeah, mark's going to college.

Speaker 2:

This is great. He's working for cecil. The guardians of the globe are back great.

Speaker 1:

Should we have the candid conversation about the Guardians of the Globe?

Speaker 2:

We need to start a dialogue. Pretty boy Overrated, not? Not look, cecil.

Speaker 1:

Also, that's the B version of the Guardians of the Globe, for sure. Brutally murdered.

Speaker 2:

But for Cecil to be like this kind of all-knowing guy who, like you know, has can. He's like nick ferry, basically right like this is the best group you could put together and you also didn't want to put invincible in the group right.

Speaker 1:

uh, you know, one thing I love about this whole universe in the world is when invincible is just doing invincible things. Like this is like the whole thing of like they can deal with these absolute grandiose things. But then he's going on missions I don't know why I love that. I like the mission where he goes to Darkwing's city whatever the city's called and then he leaps in the city and the city's just trapped in eternal darkness and he goes out and he's just like huh. And then Cecil's just like are you going to play around or are you going to go stop Darkwing 2? Yeah, mark, darkwing 2 is like essentially, darkwing 2 is just Dick Grayson Augments himself with the latest attack and Invincible's like that tickled but relax.

Speaker 2:

He's like hang on, what's with the line? He hits him and Invincible's like I didn't say that hurt, I said I felt it, relax, yeah. And then he traps him in the dark dimension. Invincible's like get me out of here, yeah. And darkwing too is like this is the worst nightmarish place, and so invincible just grabs him and keeps him there. Darkwing's like hey, you can't do that, it's cheating. And invisible's like I'll keep you here, yeah, just get me out. Right. And he does. But you know, mark, you know we see this through line throughout that like there's lines that lines that like Mark won't cross. Still, yeah yep.

Speaker 2:

When, like Cecil's like bring him in and Mark's like mm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like still trying to like be like a hero, Like I can't be mad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he still really hates Omni-Man.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yeah, I mean that's a big thing, for Mark is like his disdain for his father never went away. But you know it's a two way street and you know, obviously you're going to learn once Donnie Mann comes back, obviously, I mean he comes back, like I said, it is a two way street, because Mark still also has feelings for his father, like he still also feels that's his father that raised him, still, no matter the horrific things that he did, and like they really play on it this season as well too.

Speaker 2:

It's Midnight City. That's hilarious, that's the city. And also, like we get this interesting little character arc with Eve too, which obviously we were going to get, because they gave her like an in-betweenquel last year. They gave her this like the in-betweenquel, like that kind of kind of like introduced her and really showed what she can do. So she kind of has this like you know, it's the it's. It's kind of like on that Superman path of like how come I can't just solve all the world's problems with my powers? And she has that confrontation with her parents, like regarding that exact thing, and she's like look, I just saved Chicago by building a park. And her dad's like actually you didn't, um, you actually made it way, way worse. So she's like oh, oh no, so you know they're, they're, they're planting the seeds for the. I mean not planting the seeds, they literally blossom the seeds at the end of the season with the even mark stuff right to get, To get the get the kit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, kit, um, also, um side character that you get added is essentially you know your your Martian character gets added who turns into basically plastic man. That's all. That's all he is. He's a hundred percent. Yeah, he's like he's like Martian man Hunter and plastic man mixed into season. Does is like Mark. You know, the sins of the father become the sins of the son. Like you know, mark has to deal with all the fallout of him being the son of Omni-Man.

Speaker 2:

And not just that, but his mom has to deal with that too.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, down to a little. Like Mark has to go whatever the aquatic character was that was on the original Guardians of the Globe like he has to go fight a giant monster just because his dad killed him, killed the king of the seas, and he's like this is a drag man. This sucks. Immortal becomes the leader of the Guardians. Shut up, immortal, you old man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Rudy gets benched.

Speaker 1:

Rudy gets benched, much to Rudy's chagrin. Now he's upset.

Speaker 2:

He's like I thought I was doing a good job. You're doing a job and Cecil's like well, no, no, right, the Immortals are charged. Now, right, he has experience.

Speaker 1:

Yep Episode three Alan the Alan perspective episode. Best episode question mark. That's the most fun episode Peter Cullen's in this show.

Speaker 2:

I am not Optimus Prime. Are you sure you sound just like Optimus Prime. Everyone else is doing a voice. You're just Peter C. Just like Optimus Prime. Everyone else is doing a voice. You're just Peter Cullen doing.

Speaker 1:

Optimus Prime, but I'll let it pass because you're like 90. Right, the Viltrumites are a real issue, right, yeah? So basically, alan is just a guy, alan's just a good guy. One of the Viltrumites comes and said yeah, we're going to try to end the Viltrumites before they start murdering every single race, because I think the whole thing is that the Viltrumites are close. They have almost every planet that they need.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, except Earth.

Speaker 1:

Earth is like that's the big boy.

Speaker 2:

That's like the seventh Dragon Ball. We need Earth.

Speaker 1:

We need Earth bad.

Speaker 2:

And the Viltrumites now know that A Invincible went AWOL and B Omniman left, he left his post. Unacceptable. You don't do that. I don't care how great your mustache is. Yeah, I don't care that you're JK Simmons.

Speaker 1:

You can't do that you can't leave Right One piece. I love again the fallout of everything too. And you know that support group that his mom joins. That's actually in the support group. I thought that was a really nice touch. And she's like, ooh Well, you sure it was my husband Could have been Darkwing's wife. Who knows, it wasn't Darkwing's wife.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, the Viltrumites show up to Alan's house space station.

Speaker 1:

They were on like a space date. It was nice.

Speaker 2:

And they're like where's Omni-Man? I think it's hilarious that his name is Nolan, by the way.

Speaker 1:

Where's Nolan? Yeah, where's Nolan? Where's Houston Astros legend Nolan Ryan?

Speaker 2:

Where's Nolan Grayson? He left his post and Alan's like why would I tell you, viltrumites?

Speaker 1:

What if we just yeah, it's like look at this right fist that's about to cross your face. What?

Speaker 2:

if we just savagely beat you within an inch of your life and Alan was like not great, not great, I don't like this, not a great plan. That wouldn't be good. But they do, they pop his eyeball out, they rearrange his insides, alan gets floated back to his space station where Peter Cullen's like I'm sorry, alan, but this is the only way and shuts off his life support and you're like, alan will remember this. Right, alan will remember this.

Speaker 1:

Meanwhile end of this episode Mark gets visited by Seance Dog and Mark's, like the hell, am I tripping? Yeah, no, it was just a beetle-looking bug creature that was disguised as Seance Dog to blend in.

Speaker 2:

The Thraxes.

Speaker 1:

The Thraxins and Mark's like Mark tells Cecil, I gotta go on a side quest, I gotta go to space, yeah. And Cecil's just like you can't go to space. And Mark's like you guys have the Guardians of the Globes and Cecil's like yeah, but they kinda suck goes. That's not my problem, I'm not a part of this.

Speaker 2:

I'm not on the Guardians of the Globe.

Speaker 1:

I'm on loan. And then, wouldn't you know it guess who's still alive but Omni-Man. And then episode four pops off and it has one of like the most the saddest openings ever with Omni-Man. But it's like Omni-Man also murdered heaps of people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he doesn't get to be regretful or remorseful or sad. Think Mark, Think Mark. Remember that. Remember that bit. Yeah, we have to murder everyone. Remember that bit. When you beat your son to within an inch of his life, you don't get to, we don't get to. We don't feel bad for you. I'm new man.

Speaker 1:

Why not?

Speaker 2:

Because we don't. Okay, he no longer has a mustache. He has a beard and a mustache, not a great look.

Speaker 1:

He looks like Andrew Lincoln.

Speaker 2:

Coral Coral, yeah, is Arnie Mann a simp, is that his issue?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He falls in love easy.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you that much Real easy, real easy that man falls in love.

Speaker 2:

This man left Earth after murdering millions of people and was just like actually I love bugs. Unfortunately, these bugs live for one presidential calendar. He learns, he lands on thraxa and they're like ah, catastrophe. And omni-man's like I'll handle this. Why, who knows yeah, who knows?

Speaker 1:

he doesn't even know.

Speaker 2:

No, he doesn't, no, he doesn't and so he gets back and Omni-Man's like I've done it, I've changed Right. Look at my suit, ain't it nice? Yeah, I got a little chest plate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, look at this gold pin. Ain't that something, mark? Look? And you remember when you murdered all those people on Earth, omni-man's like eh yeah, ah-ah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah way, here's your brother, a a, 1a. I'm married right to this bug woman and she's gonna die in four weeks. Yeah, b, I got another son. Yeah, surprise, right, and mark's like what is happening? So many, so much information's just in me, dad, and look, omni man, listen, you didn't think I'd just summon you here right To be a big brother. No, no, no, the Viltrumites are coming, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's why I called you. Yeah, he said. And then he looked at Mark. He says you got a suit. And Mark says yeah, then suit up.

Speaker 2:

You better sack up Mark. Yeah, because it's about to get rough. Mark said. I travel light years to get here and honey man's like all right, if we train right now, we hit the hay we'll.

Speaker 1:

You'll be ready by the time the viltrumites are here and then boom, the viltrumites show up and he's like oh well, time to put your dukes up. Mark, let's go um so we get you know the big marks. Excuse me, yep mark's big, you know his big character arc. This season is getting his ass kicked but like, why aren't you letting your hands go?

Speaker 2:

let your hands go and no one tests that more than these three viltrumites that show up. Yep, because they're like huh huh.

Speaker 1:

One looks like Steve.

Speaker 2:

Harvey, one has knife hair Right. What's going on with these Viltrumites? I don't know, man. I thought they were. It would be hilarious if they all had mustaches, though Even the women.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm noticing? This season is a little bit more disjointed than I thought it was. It is Just looking at the it is. I don't think this season knows. Wow, this is unfortunate. I don't think this season knows if it wants to be the week to week thing or if it wants to be the overarching thing.

Speaker 2:

And you can be both, you just need to balance both, both so yeah we got to throw down and, hilariously, omni-man tells mark, like if we don't fight together, like these vulture mites are going to kill both of us.

Speaker 1:

I just I love omni-man's. It was just like Mark, the heck are you doing? Can you start acting like a Vulture man? And I was like no, I can't. He's like we're about to be murdered, but then Omni-Man just kills all three of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because Omni-Man's him Unfortunately as much as it's an annoying thing. He, he rears up, he doesn't quite go, he doesn't quite do the Goku Super Saiyan thing, but he comes close Because we get a, we get a, a nice callback to the season one finale, a nice inversion and a callback when Omni-Man goes. Don't think Mark, mark's like mixed messages, dad, yeah, you're telling me to think. Now you're telling me I guess I'm not thinking. And Mark, he lets the hands go. Yeah, he does, he doesn't kill her. Omni-man finishes that job. He finishes all three jobs, except the Steve Harvey filter might return. Somehow he survived having his insides ripped out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was crazy.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how he's just holding them and he's like you know what, nolan, you gotta make sure you get the job done, and Omni-Man was like to be fair. I thought I had the job done.

Speaker 1:

He said 99.9% of the time. Guts ripped out usually equals death.

Speaker 2:

The job's done, you know. So if you want to say that's on me, yeah, I guess. But yeah, omni-man gets captured, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, oh no.

Speaker 2:

We had to write off the, the most powerful character in the universe good job show and mark just gets a kicking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, this should have just killed him, right yeah, also take your little brother back to earth, because I'm gonna die in in 38 minutes. So I I need you to take your little brother like the, the head viltrumite shows up.

Speaker 2:

One of them, Voiced by Clancy Brown. Yeah, the goat. Yep, and he's like Mark. Thank you, Mark. I'm more powerful Omni-Man. For some reason he thinks I mean this is just me nitpicking, but he's like Mark, you're going to go back to earth and finish Nolan's mission.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what you would have already done it Shut up. Why do you think his own dad couldn't get him to do it? You think you're going to be like, like a principal at a school Like what about this?

Speaker 2:

This kid's demeanor lets you think you're just uh, um, he shows up or he goes back to earth. He's like, and he takes his brother with him. Hi mom, can you raise this kid? Yeah, kind of a tough thing to put on your mom. Yeah but, she's, and you know this, oh and. But before that, omni-man gives mark in classic omni-man fashion mark my books yeah, read my books mark's like huh, dad, those books suck.

Speaker 2:

Is that literal, is that metaphorical? Like you want me to actually read the books. So mark gets back to earth and he's like where are dad's books? And debbie's like, oh, those old things. I threw them out because I don't know if you know this mark, your dad's a jerk, yeah, and I don't really want any reminders of him around the house. And Mark was like those books could be the key to the universe.

Speaker 1:

Fine Good thing we're in a digital age. What if this came out in like 93?

Speaker 2:

Meanwhile there's a Donald subplot, yeah there was a Donald subplot.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of sad, kind of sad, it's real sad he watched his spine get ripped out yeah. Yeah, and now he's still kicking. He's most machine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's a real iRobot situation. It is Remember that part in iRobot when Will Smith gets his arm broken and he looks at it and he realizes he's actually half robot, mm-hmm. Just wait for our iRobot retrospective oh I can't wait. Converse what a movie that detective converse what a movie.

Speaker 1:

That, detective, is the right question. Who played the main robot? Was it? Alan tudyk yeah, oh, it was alan tudyk. Yeah, he was cooking um yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then donald confronts cecil. He's like am I man or machine? And cecil's like does it matter? Doesn't matter, you're alive, you're still cooking. Donald's, like is this what you call living? And cecil's, like stop getting philosophical on me.

Speaker 1:

Donald didn't get me a coffee do you go run a mission or something?

Speaker 2:

man, you piss me off donald's having ptsd from being a. It is a real colson fury sitch I mean, that's exactly the thing is um. So, yeah, mark apparently spent two months on thraxa. Yeah, rebuilding yeah, and somehow he didn't get kicked out of college and somehow the Viltrumites weren't like, yeah, where you been? You think the Viltrumites would have shown back up and been like ahem Earth. Yeah, they're like. Look at, do we need to beat your ass?

Speaker 1:

again. Yeah, they're like where's Mark? He's still on the ship. Why don't you guys fly him over here yourselves?

Speaker 2:

meanwhile, the martians are coming yeah, the martians are coming. This is crazy well, specifically the the uh, uh, the sequins are coming, not the sequins yeah, you're the sequins from invincible comics ah, this bit doesn't work as well.

Speaker 1:

When it's one storyline it's still funny, but it's just not the same um. So yeah, the team's training the new guardians of the globe, and they suck.

Speaker 2:

They're terrible. Who?

Speaker 1:

do? We got Bulletproof, but that one little piece where Bulletproof's explaining the whole team, that kills me Because I had to watch this season twice. That killed me each time Bulletproof's like you got Immortal, who hasn't connected to somebody in five million years.

Speaker 2:

You got Duplicate duplicate, and every time she dies she's emotionally scarred.

Speaker 1:

You got who else? You got ray shrinking ray. Right, you got shrinking ray. You have, um, you have monster girl, who's gonna be a toddler by the time that this mission's over. Rex rex, who's in love with the toddler that's gonna be be a toddler by the time this is over.

Speaker 2:

And rudy and rudy, who's just crazy um, yeah, so we get, yeah, the guardians, oh man, so yeah, so so luckily, fortunately for cecil adam, even invincible are both like we'd like to be on the guardians of the globe?

Speaker 1:

mercifully, because if you didn't have those two, woof it's like they show like a full splash panel and it's just like it's that it's the gardens glows plus adam, even invincible. And then you take away the guardians of the globe and it's like this is the guardians of the Globes plus Adam Eve in Invincible. And then you take away the Guardians of the Globes and it's like this is the Guardians of the Globes at 99% power. They're still the same team.

Speaker 2:

See, the Martians are coming, the Martians are coming, the Sequins are coming and Shapesmith is there and he's like oh no, the Martians, what a tragedy. Yeah. And they're like but I'm not a Martian, no, like you're a martian, aren't you? I love that bit when bulletproof come or not, is it bulletproof that walks in or the other guy? It's the other guy, right, the other guy walks in and he's like shapesmith is a and they're like a martian you know, yeah, we cut, come on cece was like you think I would have put him on the guardians of the globe if I didn't know he was a martian.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're like you guys. This didn't say anything, huh, all right, but they so. They go up. All the good ones go up, so Immortal. What do you mean by that Immortal? Who goes up there? Immortal, invincible. Adam Eve, rudy, bulletproof, goes up. Basically everyone, except for Rex, rey and Duplicate, who get left behind. No child left behind. Remember that for later.

Speaker 2:

They go up to Mars or the spaceship. Because. So this Martian shapeshifter, or shapesmith, swapped bodies. He did a real Martian Manhunter. He swapped bodies with an American astronaut, left the American astronaut to rot, essentially Mm-hmm, and this American astronaut had since got taken over by the Sequids Mm-hmm, great. And this American astronaut had since got taken over by the Sequids Great. Because the Martians' skin is impenetrable, which makes them completely invulnerable to the Sequids. But not this guy, not this guy, not this astronaut. So they all get up there and it's a big fight and they get overwhelmed because the shapesmith is like there's one million Skrulls, one million Sekwids, one million Sekwids on this spaceship. It's a real hassle, but not as much of a hassle as the Guardians of the Globe go through.

Speaker 1:

No, there's no hassle. What are you talking about? They're fighting the Lizard League. The Lizard League shows up. They're so mid, the Lizard League sucks, but the Lizard League's been recruiting. Yeah, they got Aaron Donald on the team.

Speaker 2:

Him, him is on the team now. They fight the Guardians of the Globe. It's a massacre.

Speaker 1:

It is a massacre. Because they're not expecting any of that. The Guardians of the Globe are like alright, they should still be able to handle it for them. I thought that was kind of crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that guy Shaquille O'Neal, he packs up everyone. Yeah, basically he kills, duplicate, the actual Duplicate.

Speaker 1:

All of her, all of her, because he gets the one and then one finally gets to split off into two but before two gets away, grabs her and he smashes the two of them together like two dolls their organs just interlock and just hits the ground. That was the first one in the episode. I was like uh-oh.

Speaker 2:

This can't be good. Shrinking Red gets mad. She jumps into his mouth and he's like huh, she doesn't stay small forever.

Speaker 1:

And then he flexes and murders her.

Speaker 2:

And eats her. This isn't good.

Speaker 1:

Rexplode gets his arm ripped off and murders her and eats her. Yeah, delicious. This isn't good. This is not good. Rexplode gets his arm ripped off. He gets his arm bitten off by this tank of a human.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what this guy is. He eventually kills him, though, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, he has one of his charges in his mouth and then it explodes. And then Rex is like, oh God, his head explodes, his head is. Rex blows and he's looking down his hand and he's like, oh, my arm's gone. That's particularly not great. And then the lizard king shows up. The lizard king shows up and he's just like what up? He's like you know, I'm gonna have to shoot you in the head right. And Rex blows like if you're gonna do it, just do it. And you think comic book superhero things gonna no, no, no, he just gets, he just gets a bullet in the head, which is what a way to end the episode. And then I remember episode six comes out and then I saw because I didn't watch it right away Everybody on Twitter's just like I didn't know Rexplode was him. I was like, what are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

Wait, you missed the post-credits scene of episode five where Alan got yoked. Oh yeah, alan's been hitting the gym Because Thaddeus walks in. He's like I'm Optimus Prime, no, I'm Peter Cullen. I'm Peter Cullen, there you go and he goes I was a Viltrumite once and Alan's like, ooh. And then Thaddeus is like by the way, I turned your life support off just to see what would happen. Right, adapt or die Alan.

Speaker 1:

And boy did you adapt.

Speaker 2:

And Alan's like I'm him now, like I'm him now, I'm him now. And Thaddeus is like you could fight three Viltrumites with that physique. And Alan's like yeah, right, and then he does. And then Thaddeus is like go find Invincible because he's gonna help us. And Alan's like okay, alright.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna go find my best Kyle Invincible.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, episode six, we find out, rex of Lode is indeed him, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Gets shot in the head, gets up, uses his bludgeoned hand and obliterates Lizard King's skull. Just man, buddy, there's blood leaking out of his head.

Speaker 2:

And then he goes to the hospital.

Speaker 1:

And then he goes to the hospital.

Speaker 2:

We find out Rey is still alive. Yep, she survived that somehow. I don't know. I don't know how. The Guardians also escaped.

Speaker 1:

Well, the Guardians are on their last legs. Rudy does Rudy's beast from the X-Men Shut up, nerd.

Speaker 2:

He does some science. Yeah, shut up, nerd.

Speaker 1:

Do something cool. Shut up, nerd. Everybody's sad. It was a very, very tough thing that happens. Should Invincible's mom just babysit the kid permanently? Should Invincible's mom just babysit the kid permanently?

Speaker 2:

No, but she does, she does, but she does eventually acquiesce to Cecil. Cecil's like we have a secret nanny that can take care of special children. She's taken care of superhero kids for years and she's like all right, fine, rick comes back. Yeah, why, who knows Somehow Rick returned? Rick is traumatized, though. Rick has back. Yeah, why, who knows Somehow Rick returned? Rick is traumatized, though. Rick has PTSD.

Speaker 1:

Well, Rick's now the government guy.

Speaker 2:

Government, government.

Speaker 1:

Watch your mouth. I'm talking to the president of the government.

Speaker 2:

And just as Mark and Amber's relationship is starting to have a clash, eve is like maybe I like Mark actually.

Speaker 1:

And maybe I actually knew this the whole time.

Speaker 2:

It's a classic love triangle situation. The love triangle from.

Speaker 1:

Jean Greg Wolverine and Cyclops.

Speaker 2:

And then Mark shows up. Who's who Eve is. Yeah, it's more complicated. So Mark is Jean.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, mark is Jean because Cyclops is Amber yeah, cyclops is Amber. And Wolverine is Eve yeah, wolverine's Eve.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Wolverine's like I do like you, but I know I can't have you.

Speaker 2:

But she will. Mark goes to Rosenbaum, and Rosenbaum's like your dad was a pretty crappy writer, didn't you know this? Yeah, and then Mark is like wait, whose voice is Rosenbaum, by the way? Mark Hamill, yeah. And Mark is like wait, do these books actually reveal the Viltrumites' weaknesses? And Rosenbaum's like who's to say who's to say kid. You don't think this was useful before this? And then Marcos talks to Alan and he's like look, look, hey, you're yoked bro. I'm like whoa. But look, look, the Viltrobytes are weak. They have a weakness. What's the?

Speaker 1:

weakness my gym routine. That's their weakness. These gains, these gains, bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so how about that the tables are turning? Yeah, so how about that the tables are turning? Yep, and the war, the war, war never changes, war never changes. And then this astronaut, this poor astronaut, he's like I'm home, I'm home free. And then he gets possessed again, yeah, by a sequed. Dang it, a secret, sequed, secret, sequed. That was in the fridge, damn it gotta be watching where them sequ man. And then Omni-Man's back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, omni-man's back, but he's like not he's, he's still him. I can't even.

Speaker 2:

I can't even. No, he's still him. He's still him. He's getting interrogated by Clancy Brown, right, and he's like I got sad. I beat up my son and it made me sad. I had these things called emotions Weird, right? And then, just in case you forgot about Anxium Levy, he returns to his native Earth and he's not happy.

Speaker 1:

His head's crazy. His head's crazy. His head looks like a peanut. It's a bad deal. Bad deal for Buddy.

Speaker 2:

Then we get to Episode 7 and 8, essentially we go what happens?

Speaker 1:

in episode seven. Well, seven is immortal, gets benched. Immortal gets benched. Well, immortal, benches himself immortal's like. Can I have some time off? I'm sad about my, my young girlfriend, being murdered everyone's young to the immortal. It's fine, yeah, but still just it's like the whole, like it's like it's like in like x-men apocalypse, where, like where Gene and Wolverine looked at each other. I'm like this is wrong. I don't like this. This is wrong. This is very wrong.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the immortal cashed in his 5,000 years of PTO.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. He literally had 10,000 years of paid time off that he didn't. He had banked PTO. That rolls over year to year.

Speaker 2:

So guess what, rudy, you're back in yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

And Rudy's like cool, remember when I got shot? That was traumatizing. But Rudy's like well, I feel the need to be him, so I'm going to go on a mission by myself. Um, like this squid monster, hey, invincible. Like can you go get rudy? Can you go get him? He's acting like an idiot, yeah, and he's like I, I need this is actually a good moment. He's like I like I need this, like I just please let me have this. And then he has a spider-man, he has a cannon arm.

Speaker 2:

That's cool, yeah, that's cool. But guess what? Yes, another vulture might shows up. Yep, anissa, oh that's like.

Speaker 1:

That's like basically like invincible comic fans. That's like saying's like basically to like invincible comic fans. That's like saying, like the words from, uh from and if Omni-Man is him, anissa is indefinitely her yeah, um, obviously Anissa's character is. That's one of those you know. For those who know, who knows? I mean, obviously next season it's gonna come with some trigger warnings of some very dark and very real-world implications that come with their character. So I don't think they're going to shy away from any of those things.

Speaker 2:

Nothing about the show leads me to believe that they would Right.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, anissa shows up and Anissa's like I'm only going to do this twice. So number one can you stop? Can you just take over Earth please?

Speaker 2:

And Mark's like no, she's like well, now I'm gonna savagely beat you. Yeah, and she does.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, beats the living well. No, she saves well after she beats him. She's just like I'm gonna be a hero for a little bit. Look how easy this is. This is what the Viltrumite rule would look like on earth. Look, it's great. It's great.

Speaker 2:

Stop resisting, yeah stop, it's all right. And then the Viltrumites come across Alan and they're like he's yoked.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when did that brother get yoked?

Speaker 2:

And Alan's like oh no, the Viltrumites, I surrender. Yeah. So he basically just fakes losing. He could have beaten them yeah, because he's so much stronger than them at this point. So they capture him Right. And then Mark breaks up with Amber Sad. You know what else is sad? Kidnapping, yeah, kidnapping. So Anxion Levy kidnaps Mark's mom and his new baby brother Yep, and he's like I'm ending this Invincible. And then episode eight yeah, just tomfoolery unfolds.

Speaker 1:

You're the multiverse hopping that we thought we were going to get in Doctor Strange 2.

Speaker 2:

Boy, there's some multiverse. Hopping Mark is like let go of my parent Parent. Yeah, let go of my parent and my half-brother. That's purple and he's like portal.

Speaker 1:

See, that would be funnier if Doctor Strange yelled portal every time he did portal.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, so he just starts shooting. Mark, I love his supervillain suit. He just starts shooting.

Speaker 1:

Mark, I love his supervillain suit. It's just an actual suit. It's pretty good he doesn't have a power suit or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

Nope, it's just a big head and a suit, he just looks like.

Speaker 1:

Brooks Brothers One suit please. Give me one of your suits. Please See that guy's head.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so he sends Mark through. He sends him to a several dimensions. Where are we going?

Speaker 1:

so we go to a universe where Zachary Quinto gets to play a dinosaur. I'm kidding. We get sent to a universe where there's talking dinosaurs. Tom Cruise is Iron man. Tom Cruise is Iron man. No, no, no. But we do get to an earth with a very, with a very Spider-Man looking character fighting an octopus-looking character.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, voiced by Josh Keaton, which is great Good stuff.

Speaker 1:

I love how, when he gets there, he just tries to beat up Spider-Man first. He's like you have red eyes, man, you were beating up that old man. He's like that old man's a supervillain. Trust me, buddy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean old man, he's like that. Old man's a super villain, trust me, buddy. Um, yeah, so I mean this. People were speculating on this for ad nauseum, um, and ultimately sony, sony put their foot down, yeah, and said, no, yeah, you can't have spider-man, sorry. So they did their best, they did what they could and they got spider-man adjacent. Um, we did get the universe. We did get the dinosaur universe, like you said, we get the the Walking Dead universe. It might be the Walking Dead universe or it's as close to the Walking Dead universe as Amazon could get. We got the Mad Max universe, which is where we end up. We finish in the Mad Max universe, the Batman universe. That was universe.

Speaker 1:

Um, Batman universe. That was funny. So your parents were killed and now you dress up as a giant bat.

Speaker 2:

We get all the universes where invincible is evil Mark's like oh no.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's where invincible starts to play on, to play on Levy. He's just like but I'm not though, like I don't, like I'm not evil though. Like that's just, that's not me, like you're talking about worlds that are not this one. So why are you? Why?

Speaker 2:

does this matter? Why does this?

Speaker 1:

matter. Why are?

Speaker 2:

you doing this? Why do you do this?

Speaker 1:

And Levy's like. You don't know this, but I've been in the gym. I have a big head now. I and starts beating the living daylights out of Mark. Yeah, that whole thing that I was talking about. He's punching him through different dimensions. It's actually really cool. Portal, portal, you've been portaled, you've been portaled. Mark's down to his last wits and Mark just flips.

Speaker 2:

Well then Levy makes the classic villain mistake. Yep, he hurt her, I don't care, he hurt my mom. Yeah, angstrom hurts, hurts. Uh, debbie breaks her arm, beats her and mark is like that's it he lets, he lets the hands go he finally lets the hands go and is just bludgeoning his levy's head. And it's just, it's gruesome they end up in this death, desolate, lifeless world and mark's saying as he's gruesome, they end up in this death, desolate, lifeless world, and Mark's saying as he symbolism huh, yeah, he said I'll.

Speaker 1:

I'll never let anybody, you know, I'll never let this happen again Like I, just I won't.

Speaker 2:

and murders, angstrom levy yeah, just pummels him to death.

Speaker 1:

And then the famous quote from this last episode that everybody was talking about I thought you were stronger, oh no, you're turning into your dad see now the philosophical question is Mark asking that to angstrom or is he asking it to himself?

Speaker 2:

hmm, these questions, these questions, um, and this isn't even halfway through the episode. I know you would think that would be the climb. I mean it is the climax, but it's not the the end of the episode, because alan alan and omni man hang out.

Speaker 1:

What's up, bro? It's popping you in a while it's popping slime how's everybody, how's everything.

Speaker 2:

How's everything? Um, yeah, they, uh, they kind of they have a moment. They clasp hands, they flex their biceps, rocky, rocky, three style um I mean, man looks guy looks yoked. Is he him now?

Speaker 1:

Is he?

Speaker 2:

actually him. What's going on with that? Are we both him? And yeah, they kind of come to a what.

Speaker 1:

I like at first is that Alan's like all right, let's figure this out, and Omni-Man's like no, I'm good, I think I'll just take the execution. I'm depressed, I'm depressed, I'm depressed, I'm depressed, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

He misses his wife and his other wife. She's deceased at this point. Yeah, and my kids.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just going to take, you know and I did abandon my post I'm just going to, I'm going to take the execution and Alan's like man, what about the other 150 issues of this comic that we have to do? Stop being so soft, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Why are you?

Speaker 1:

being soft. I'm Seth Rogen.

Speaker 2:

Why are you being soft Omni-Man, think Omni-Man.

Speaker 1:

Think Omni-Man, take out these Viltrumites. Omni-man.

Speaker 2:

Think so. Mark is caked in blood, stranded in this desolate divestment.

Speaker 1:

And he starts going crazy. He's just like, wow, there's nobody in this universe and I'm gonna die here. And you know, he says, I wonder how long viltrumites can go without food or water or anything like that. And he's like, oh, shoot. And then the future gardens of the globe show up. They're still mid, I'm kidding, they're slightly less mid. Yeah, they're slightly less mid. We get like a thor looking character, like an old man thor. That's also like if donald blake was just always thor, I guess. Um, we guess we get duplicate. We get not duplicate. We get Monster Girl, just an older version of Monster Girl, where I guess she figured it out, I'm pretty sure. Obviously, we get a middle-aged version of Eve that tells you know, and she tells Mark, go tell your Eve how you feel right now because she loves you. Just so you know, mark's like I just broke up with my girlfriend. This is a great idea. What a win for me.

Speaker 1:

What a come up. Who cares about that other girl? I forget her name at this point. What's?

Speaker 2:

her name Doesn't matter, I'm going to go love Eve now. So they send him back, get lost. Invincible Duplicates alive.

Speaker 1:

The Immortal finds us out. Immortal's depressed like depressed, he goes to cabin Big Thor energy.

Speaker 2:

And then they uncover the tomb of Kahor.

Speaker 1:

I love Moon Knight and who plays one of those characters in there other than what's her name Ellie Purnell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Ellie Purnell. Ellie Purnell right Fallout's own, fallout's own Ella Purnell, ella Purnell Right. Fallout's own. Fallout's own Ella Purnell and Fallout's own Walter Goggins Right. And then Mark meets up with Eve. He's all juiced up, ready to go, ready to confess, and he doesn't do it. He blows it, yeah, he chokes.

Speaker 1:

Right, does he? Or is there something more to this? Because he has a candid conversation with cecil where he says cecil, I'm getting really tired of everything, so this is going to start to be on my terms.

Speaker 2:

and he's like oh, you sounded he sounded like your dad right there, a lot like omni man right now. It's not good. Is that a? Is that?

Speaker 1:

a mustache. Yeah, I see some whiskers on your face. This is, this is no good oh, no a mustache. That's pretty much Invisible Season 2.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was a little disjointed, wasn't it?

Speaker 1:

What else? Oh, it was Batman vs Superman that we talked about. Obviously, this is miles and miles better than Batman vs Superman, but I remember us talking about it because I was going to go in not to defend Batman vs Superman, but tell everybody to relax. And the more I talked about it, and if you go back and listen to that episode, kork gets more angry and angry, and angry as the episode goes on, because nothing makes sense. This is still a fine season of television A lot of great setup. I think that season three has the potential to be an absolute banger, though I think they have a lot of stuff that they're going to try to hold. Um, obviously do we. Do we still know?

Speaker 2:

why they took this break, do we?

Speaker 1:

we still don't know, right, uh, no, but I assume it was probably just workload, workload yeah, um, and they poked fun at that in episode seven at the comic-con where they meet one of the creators of the show at the Comic Con and this university decreated seance dog and he's just like you notice, when you're doing a wide shot in an animated show, nobody's actually really moving. We're just moving the camera out so it makes people look like they're moving. And you notice we save money when we turn the characters away from their face to save money on talking. And he's just like hopefully they're, they're nicer to us in the next season.

Speaker 2:

That was a funny little, that was a cute little piece. Yeah, that's invincible. Yeah, good season, yeah. So you know, and it, you know it's, it's a, it's a testament to all the other stuff that we've been given, especially like in the realm of animation, that this season of invincible felt not, it didn't feel as like spectacular as the first season. But I think it's because when that first season came out it was like whoa this thing right.

Speaker 1:

There was a shock factor that came with seasonal. It's the shock factor that also comes with it just being good storytelling on top of that and like just the brutality of it, that like people were not ready for.

Speaker 1:

But now, like your, your mind immediately thought of you know, for the people the most of the people that didn't read the invincible apocalypse, your mind went like animation. And know for the people the most of the people that didn't read the Invincible Apocalypse, your mind went like animation and they held most of the stuff up until that final fight with Omni-Man versus the Guardians of the Globe. Like you're holding all that stuff. So, like in your mind, you're like, alright, this is like a fun little thing. And then oh god.

Speaker 2:

So like that trick. They kind of used that trick and it's not a trick, it's literally the what the comic is based on. But now, like, specifically like, you have x-men 97 coming at the same time, of like, equal quality to like, invincible in terms of like storytelling, so invincible by proxy looks a little less spectacular than maybe it did in season one.

Speaker 1:

That break hurt, that break that break really did just derailed people's week.

Speaker 2:

Toto-week in and out Because we live in consumption culture now. So that's why, going back to Fallout last week, why I do feel like it was kind of smart that they released the whole season at once Because we all consumed it and it was so good. People are still talking about it, so it's not like it came and went Like, okay, that was a fun little bit, but Fallout has staying power because the performances and everything was so good. And now, obviously, like people I, you know people have gone back and played the games now, like I think it was fallout 76 and fallout 4 saw like a 5 000 increase, I think it was like.

Speaker 2:

All the physical copies of fallout 4 have been yeah, since sold out, like active, yeah, and like active players on steam like went through the roof, like unfortunately, like invincible doesn't have that, but I do think season one got people to at least read the books right for the most part, um, so like that's why fallout has the staying power where, like, I just feel like if invincible, like if they were able to map out the whole season and get it done to, they could release it week to week, this probably would have played a little bit better. Because I watched it, um, all in a row and I was like, yeah, it felt, it felt pretty smooth, like the, the going, you know, one through eight like felt pretty smooth, whereas like, um, I think, if I had left off with that omni-man episode and then, however long that break was, it was a pretty. It wasn't a non-substantial break either, it was, it was substantial like two months yeah yeah, um.

Speaker 2:

And then you come back from that omniman episode and you're just like where are we?

Speaker 1:

what is happening right um, so it's a.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think that hurt it, but all in all, I mean the quality I would say is probably still on par with that first season again, like if you watch this front to back which I I did a couple days ago, just like the whole season, it plays, it plays real well. You know, mark's arc is really defined this time and it's becoming complex, like the complexities of his arc. You know, this is probably one of the best payoffs to that final episode. Like when I watched it front to back of, I thought you were stronger. That you know, because that reverberates at that point.

Speaker 1:

So you know that break, the derailment on that break it is truthfully like you know, a detachment from the reality which is this show and it's it's unfortunate and just. It just is. Um, obviously, you know here we're all about. You know creator empowerment, making sure you know the creators are able to have, you know, good workspaces where they're able to feel comfortable, but you know the the creators are able to have, you know good workspaces where they're able to feel comfortable, but you know the the fact of the matter is is like, if I'm looking at what we were given, like that break the hurts a heck of a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, a hundred percent, um, and then you know as far as what the future holds for season three.

Speaker 1:

Three, um, crazy stuff, man yep, the the viltrumite war is is going to be upon us. Um, all the multiverse stuff on top of that, which is a big, big deal, big big deal, um. So we got the multiverse world, we got the viltrumite war coming. Anissa, that's the, you know again. Um, obviously, it's to the point where, like, the boys had to start doing it, like I think they're gonna have to start putting trigger warnings in front of some of these episodes, just because some of the material that they're going to have to cover, if they choose to, which, again, amazon, I don't think, is going to shy away from anything like that as well too.

Speaker 2:

No, no yeah, viltrumite War Invincible War.

Speaker 1:

That's the one council you don't want to see the Council of Invincibles.

Speaker 2:

Somehow Anxium Levy returns. Right right, it's going to be wild man. I can't wait to see what they have in store for next season. Yeah, that's Invincible.

Speaker 1:

What came out five years ago and six years ago. Let's talk about both. Do you want to do the DC one or the Marvel one first?

Speaker 2:

We can talk about the DC one if you want.

Speaker 1:

So what was two days ago? What was the date? What was the full date?

Speaker 2:

That would be April 24th 2024. No, the Flash disappeared in crisis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, god, that one actually physically hurt me, that one actually hurt. Yeah, I remember being in my mid-teens early teens, not early teens, but mid-teens when that came out. And I'm not in my early teens anymore and that one hurt because I remember the first episode, right when Walls opens up the time vault and he looks at the, he looks at the newspaper article and it's a 2024.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, surely 2024 is a thousand years away, right? And then I was looking at the date at my big boy job and then you're like, oh, it's april 24th, 2024.

Speaker 2:

Time waits for no one remember that time he time traveled to 2024.

Speaker 1:

Remember that yeah you're like the future. Wow, look at this, we're here. We're here. We have, like, I don't know what do we got. Now we have things. Yeah, you made an incredible point. This, what we just happened, like what we just went through, is how people must have felt for back to the future, like the people that probably saw that in theaters. And then 2015 came about again and they're like ah, it's 2015. Yikes, we had hoverboards, but they're like wheels yeah, yeah, we came close.

Speaker 2:

Remember the hoverboard, current trend yeah, that was funny that was good, that was a good time.

Speaker 1:

I would just see kids rolling across the street and like hoverboards and like disassociated from reality, I'm like maybe it is maybe this is back to the future um, let's talk about the avengers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep, five years ago we got avengers endgame and to the to the day, to this day, um, any movie ever is still chasing that theater experience.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anything will come close to that. I know Secret Wars is going to be probably off the rails, crazy, but we were talking about this today. It's not the fact that Secret Wars can't be crazy, right, it's not the point. It's the point that nostalgia is a heck of a drug, and I do think that Secret Wars is going to play on that. Nostalgia is a heck of a drum. There's no nostalgia. The nostalgia that's coming from Endgame is the fact that they built this thing for 11 years straight. That's where the nostalgia comes from.

Speaker 1:

The nostalgia comes from main characters being fleshed out over years, different arcs, different places. You throw a character this way, then you throw a character that way. These different worlds we got to experience, for the good, the bad and the ugly and the pretty. All these things that we got to experience. And you know, for me, specifically like what I love to say, I physically grew up with this universe. I literally went from a kid to an adult with this universe. I, I literally went from a kid to an adult with this universe. Like I'm gonna be, like you know, in the grand scheme of like movies, like as, like a grand scale thing, I'm gonna be able to say like I grew up with the greatest cinematic universe that there's ever been, like I physically grew up with this thing yeah it.

Speaker 2:

I've said this before on the podcast and off it it is the single greatest cinematic achievement in the history of movies. This thing that they forged back in 2008 with Iron man should have been impossible in so many different ways. There's so many avenues, so many times this could have failed. This could have failed, and we've seen it fail in multiple iterations, and different production companies have attempted to mirror this thing and none of them have worked.

Speaker 1:

We've seen DC do it twice now at this point, We've seen it do it twice, and then in television as well too.

Speaker 2:

We've seen three basically, and to be fair, that is art, people might laugh. But that DCCW In television as well too, yeah, we've seen three basically, and to be fair, that is, people might laugh. But that DC, cw, arrowverse, go ahead say it is as close as anyone has ever gotten to what Marvel did with the MCU. Obviously not on scale, because this Marvel MCU made quadrillions of dollars. I'm not saying on scale or money or anything. I'm just saying on scale or money or anything. I'm just saying on execution. Right, the dc cw arrowverse is the closest anyone has ever gotten to replicating the mcu. We've seen star wars try it and they have not done it. In my opinion, they've tried especially the mandalorian has tried this not and I don't think it's been as successful. Um, like I said, we've seen dc in movies try it twice. Um, we've seen the monster universe try it.

Speaker 1:

We've seen fast and furious try it is godzilla, the close to the monster verse, as as far as like big scale, probably that, or Fast and Furious. Transformers is up there too. Transformers also has a lot of interconnectivity In terms of quality. Nothing's touching the MCU In terms of one.

Speaker 2:

That endgame era like the endgame.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Saga, essentially Because, you know, know to be fair, marvel is also trying to chase that and not succeeding.

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah again, and you know it's funny I talked about I had a fear for deadpool and I couldn't kind of like canonize in my brain what that fear was. And then the end game thing came out. Or it's been five years since end game and I talked to you about this today. I was like I, oh, I finally figured out. Or it's been five years since end game and I talked to you about this today. I was like I, oh, I finally figured out what it is. And, like I said, nostalgia is a heck of a drug.

Speaker 1:

Like the idea of like what Deadpool and Wolverine like you made a great point Like the pop moment in the trailer that people were taught like there seems to be a great arc with Wolverine that's brewing in this thing, where it's like this prime version of Wolverine it's not this old man Like this is a prime version of Wolverine that we're seeing that's lost everything, and like he's going to have to gain that back.

Speaker 1:

Like that's a great story beat for a character, especially a character we love and an actor we love, but people were only talking about oh, that's Ant-Man's head, that's that thing that we knew. That we knew those are all the characters from the movie that we saw before, portal, portal, right so, and but the other piece was we. You know, there's a rumor floating around that wesley snipes is going to be in in secret wars to some capacity. And I said and you, you made a great point you were like oh, that's not great for a universe that can't get the movie off the ground with the two-time oscar winner versus the guy that's notoriously a problem on set playing this character.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I said it to you. I said it feels like more people are more excited for Wesley Snipes to return as Blade than they are for the actual Blade movie that's supposed to be coming out, with a great actor playing Blade, weird man, you know when. It's like Endgame, like all that stuff. It's organic, it's organic and they it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

There was nothing nostalgia, baby about it no, no, this was the thing.

Speaker 2:

This is like you know the things in endgame that were nostalgic were the things that were already in marvel movies. You know what I mean. Does that make sense like the one of the biggest nostalgia pops? It's not even a nostalgia pop, but one of the biggest payoffs is obviously captain america wielding thor's hammer, which is a seed that was planted in age of ultron and that's not a seed of like convenience, or it's not a seed of the world.

Speaker 1:

It's a seed of character building. That's what that's a seed of like. That's a seed of like he couldn't do it because he didn't tell tony about his mom.

Speaker 2:

But they finally got, you know, they finally had their reconciliation in this movie yeah, so like all their, all their payoffs and all their callbacks in endgame, why they work so well is because it's it's payoffs and callbacks that they themselves built, you know, whereas now it's like here's, we're bringing toby mcguire back, like all these things, all these things that we, we marvel studios, didn't build, we are now integrating well, again the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, even like you know what it is.

Speaker 2:

It's that you know that meme of the, of the, the two guys that are standing there and the one guy is like holding a thing and he's like I made this. And then the other guy comes in and he takes it and he's like I made this. Like that's kind of what marvel's doing right now with, like the toby mcguire, spider-man with deadpool, with wolverine with blade, with if they're going to bring back past iterations of Fantastic Four, it's like look at this thing that we didn't do, but we know you love, yeah, but we bought it, so now we can use it. Yeah, and it feels a little cheap, right.

Speaker 1:

And you know again characters you know you have to have these characters navigate through this world and that's what the Infinity Saga did so incredibly well. Like you had three discernible main characters. Like you had Iron man, you had everything that he had to go through. You had Captain America, who had one of the most dynamic arcs in the entire MCU, and then you had Thor this like, you know, this, like headstrong college boy that turned into like this you know, almost you know, almost you know good worker, soldier-esque, to like this like completely broken character back to trial. Like you've had all these things through the infinity saga. Like you know, down to your B characters, down to your C characters, like, and then you go out into the other, like everybody felt right in the spots.

Speaker 2:

That's a great point because I think what makes kind of these two eras of Marvel different from one another, right, is these original characters. Right, you think about Iron man, you think about Captain America, you think about Thor. These were like B to C list-esque characters, right? So what they had to do is they couldn't rely on the name, like they couldn't just rely on like here's an Iron man movie, and people are like, yes, couldn't just rely on like here's an iron man movie, and people are like, yes, you know, they had to literally make a compelling. Like they had to write a compelling character and cast. Obviously they knocked the. You know, they took a shot on robert downey jr and the rest is history. We talked about this when we talked about iron man. But, um, you know, they kind of got in recent years, kind of got a little lazy when they're like look spider-man.

Speaker 1:

Well, here's the and here's the thing I'll go even further into that point for the, for the multiverse saga, like I think what started happening too is they started well because the now they started, they tried to do, they tried to do they had the thing again.

Speaker 1:

Well, they had three good ones in a row, because it was wandavision to falcon and the Winter Soldier to Loki. So three characters that were not backburners, but these just weren't your three mains, or your six mains if you want to found the full original Avenger squad. But, like all right now we can start to dive into them and that's a good direction to start going. Let's start to prop some of these characters that have been here as the main characters. Let's start to get them there and then we're going to introduce some new main characters. But you know what it started to feel like after that? It started to feel like here's this project from this Marvel comic that's here, and now it's just going to be here because it's here and that's it. Like you know, we always joke about it, like where's Shang-Chi been this whole time? That movie was fun. Where have the Eternals been this whole time? Not getting a second movie?

Speaker 2:

And they never did that before. Mm-hmm, like, I mean, we talked about it when we talked about Iron man 1. Like, iron man 2 came out two years after, right, mm-hmm, iron man 1. Shang-chi came out in 2021.

Speaker 1:

2021, so three three years, or 2024, without any confirmation of a sequel, any confirmation, and the director's doing a different project for marvel right now. That wouldn't have happened to john favaro. John favaro made iron man one and it's just like all right, that worked. Iron man two let's get it running. Simple as that. I it's just again. I I still think it's a very simple thing. There's just there's no main characters that we're following for the story to weave through. There's just no main. There's no main characters. The biggest main character in this whole thing is loki at this point, and that's not one of your main heroes. Wanda's on her, she's in her villain era. So all these characters that you could have had and that's why I think the gas has been hit on the fantastic four and the x-men, like all right, well, let's actually get the comic heavy hitters into live action too.

Speaker 2:

So and that can work. That can absolutely work because, um, I think they are especially as really, this fantastic four thing has a different energy to it.

Speaker 1:

Um, then is it court's point coming to fruition?

Speaker 2:

They're trying, they're going to try to do cinema this time around it feels that way and you know, to be fair that you know it's not quote unquote like Iron man.

Speaker 1:

One wasn't quote unquote cinema, but it was felt more if just it felt like an actual purposeful, it felt like a picture, like it felt, like it felt purposeful.

Speaker 2:

Like you could show someone Iron man 2008,. Like a jet, like grab someone off the street and sit them down and have them watch Iron man 2008. And I almost guarantee you they will have a blast and they will enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just because you know what it is. It's a good movie, right? It's very simple, um, it's like there's no laws it's obeying. It's just if you had done, if you had stripped away the Marvel machine from Iron man and you just made that movie, but he was Robo-Man. I think the movie still probably works, even if it's not Iron man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this billionaire gets captured and has a change of heart in what he's doing.

Speaker 2:

You would watch it and go. That looks a lot like Iron Man's origin story, but you would still enjoy the movie, whereas you couldn't show somebody Moon Knight no, you couldn't show someone Moon Knight. You couldn't show somebody Echo and be like, look, yeah, you couldn't show somebody the Eternals and be like, look, we've reached a. We've reached a point of like inaccessibility where, like you know I think they just said it before that we've they've lost the plot a little bit and I think maybe this fantastic four thing, um, is a course correction of that a little bit. Um, that's what it feels like. It feels like they're just kind of hang on until Fantastic Four comes out, and that'll be that. I don't want to spend this talking negative about Marvel. We have to talk about Endgame. Circling back to Endgame, to be fair, I haven't revisited it in quite a while.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I haven't like sat down, like Sat down and watched it, watched it. Like I feel like I've just picked pieces from that movie specifically. I mean obviously the third act. You pick the third act and you the whole third act is magnetic as soon as, like you know, they have the scene by the lakefront after Black Widow dies, like right since that point in the movie, the movie just hits like a gas, like it hits the NOS, and then something, it's going.

Speaker 2:

I mean, and the high moments are incredible, the whole cast just gels perfectly together, like the characters from all the different movies. I mean you walk through it like the achievement of not just Endgame but Infinity War also, like you're, just like this whole not just the whole thing, not just the whole universe, should have been impossible. Just these two movies should have been impossible. There's no way you can get all these different characters from all these different movies, with all these different vibes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like, again, you know what makes it incredible. Like to animate, like to live actions, help. Like, like you said, this is an impossible achievement. Like animation, I can just throw somebody there and I just need to animate. Like I have to work, like this is me, like logic, adult, me thinking, but like I also have to think about this person has to shoot this movie on this day from this studio that has nothing to do with us and I need to make sure they're there on this day with this actor that they might not like this actor at the same time and we need to pay these people at the same time. Like nightmare is like a it is an understatement to think about for something like that, it's a logistical like impossibility and I just go back to the infinity war thing.

Speaker 2:

Like, after infinity were released and it ended up on Disney+, they had that director's roundtable with the Russo brothers, jon Favreau, ryan Coogler, taika Waititi and James Gunn and that's like the collaboration between those guys.

Speaker 1:

Because everything has to work, because, like we always say this about Black Panther, like we'll say, black Panther-wise, like Black Panther's world, took the third act of Infinity War. You think if Black Panther didn't make a billion dollars they were doing that? No, no, that would have been set in some city if that was the case.

Speaker 2:

And you know what the Russos had to do was they're going to. This third act is going to be in Wakanda. We have to create the vibe that Ryan Coogler created with Black Panther. How do we do that, right? Well, we get Ryan Coogler in here, right, and so he can kind of not, he's not directing, but he's informing us on how Wakanda should look and feel how T'Challa should act, and feel how Okoye should act, and feel how M'Baku should act and feel how Shuri should act and feel. You know, same thing with you know when the guardians come in, yeah, yeah, I mean I'll take that same thing, like you said, like the, the guardians have to.

Speaker 1:

That's a tricky piece to do because james gunn james gunn kind of set this niche almost and like it's this emotional niche, like this funny emotional like bit that he put into the mcu. That just absolutely blossomed out of that too. So you know, and again, another cool thing that they did is like they took Thor and they put Thor in that realm, because at that point Thor was not, you know, until Taika Waititi, to his, to his credit, took him in 2017. Like Thor would have not. Thor probably would have been in Wakanda and somebody like Hulk probably would have been in space with them or somebody like Iron man would have been put in space with them. But the decision to put Thor there there and kind of have Thor play more on like that little bit of the comedic element but again, I always say Thor has the best arc in the Infinity War Endgame, like Thor playing as like I'm absolutely, I'm broken, like I'm absolutely broken in, like that triumph piece, it like it feels so much better, like when you know when everything happens. Like you know when everything happens, like you know getting into your pieces in endgame, like and you know, if infinity war is this like infinity war is just a heck of a film. Endgame's like and I think endgame plays on two fronts like it's still a really solid movie and like people are like there's plot holes and like I'm saying this walking. I was like do I not care? Like and this is me talking like I don't, don't even care, like this shouldn't be real, like this shouldn't be a real, like it's funny, the people you meet.

Speaker 1:

I met this guy the other day, um, and he, he had a cool, he had a cool Star Wars jacket on. So I told him nice, cool jacket. I. The words he said will never leave my brain for as long as I live. He goes, especially for what we do here, and he goes, you know. I asked him what's his favorite movie and he said he can't pick and he said give me anything. And he said I'm not an apologist, but I'm like I'm a fan. I don't hate any of these movies because just give me more of this to escape this reality. Sometimes, like give me more Ahsoka. He told me he's like give me more because ahsoka, give me more of the original trilogy, the sequel, it doesn't matter, just give me more of this thing. That shouldn't exist. This should be impossible. Obviously, we always talk about quality, we want that, but like the fact that this exists is just amazing.

Speaker 2:

It just is yeah, and I mean infinite. You know the two movies infinity wars, the setup, and endgame is the payoff. Endgame, more or less, is supposed to be a little more predictable. A little more predictable but also a little more satisfying. Not as, like, this is the better movie per se, but Infinity Wars sets off all the payoffs that Endgame possesses. You know in your brain, as a logical thinker, all these characters are not going to stay dead. You know what the third act of Endgame is going to be, but it doesn't make it any less satisfying when it happens. The thing about Infinity War is its unpredictable nature.

Speaker 1:

That's why Infinity War kind of becomes a better quote-unquote movie than Endgame is, because it ends and you're just like wait, they right, like that's not supposed to happen and it's the frenetic nature and the frenetic energy that they're you know that they're moving with, like it moves like a, that movie moves like an absolute freight train, like it's one of the best paced, uh, superhero movies I've seen.

Speaker 2:

Well, because you know, they expertly balance the characters. That's why that movie paces so well is because they expertly balance the Iron man stuff, the Guardian stuff, the Captain America stuff, the Scarlet Witch stuff, the Black Panther stuff. It's all balanced pretty perfectly, which is ironic given the theme of the movie with Thanos about things being perfectly balanced. But like infinity war truly is perfectly balanced, um, whereas like endgame obviously is like just kind of focused on the core avengers, which obviously duh it's a smart idea too.

Speaker 1:

It's got and it kind of strips away a lot of like the anxieties that brings you with infinity war. Like again, there's people that call like the first two, first two acts of Endgame, like I'm, like this is grief, like this is, like this is it Like they lost. Like this is the thing. Like we're going to deal with all the. We're going to deal with the characters we didn't see. Like Ant-Man. Ant-man goes on a pretty nice arc in that movie. Everything's still credible. You want to do the time travel cop-out Again? Endgame, as much as Endgame, is a solid movie. Endgame isn't naive to the fact that this is a payoff to 11 years. Why shouldn't they be able to celebrate what they've done in 11 years? Who's to say that they can't? Because of the sake of you know, this needs to be absolute sin. No, you can have a little fun. You can go back to Thor the Dark World and make me care about Thor the Dark World for 10 minutes, like that's fine, 100%, I'm okay with that, 100%.

Speaker 1:

I'm not above that, and I hate the people that say they're above that. No, you're not. You're going to watch the Secret Wars movie and want every crowd pop that you can get. You're not above that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that to like the secret wars secret wars in the room is like I am a little worried that they're kind of like chasing the lightning instead of trying to recreate it. You know, I think they're just like you know, kind of like you know a home thing about like the literal, like applause breaks. I feel like secret wars could be in danger of like that like magnitude, to like 11 well, it's who takes the movie too.

Speaker 1:

That's a big thing. That I'm thinking about is who's gonna take this movie? Because you know, and this is the tough thing because I do think that sam raimi wants it, I do think he wants it I have a really sneaking suspicion that they're also gonna give it to him. But it's a double-edged sword, it's like a monkey's paw, because I do think his first priority is going to be like movie making. And I always and I mean we talked about it with with doctor strange too, there's some movie making in doctor. Strange too.

Speaker 1:

It's not like this just shilled out movie, that's just only encompassing of like your crowd pops and and I again I think that illuminati, the whole illuminati bit, that's got to be in a marvel studios insert. I don't think Raimi was concerned about that. I think he wanted like a pseudo. I'm gonna take what Derrickson left me and have like this pseudo fun, cool horror movie and, you know, have this emotional bits, which he does well with Scarlet Witch. If he takes it the good pieces, we're gonna get more of that the bad piece. I think and it's not even his fault, it's a studio thing. They're going to be like well, you understand toby mcguire, so now he's going to be a main character.

Speaker 1:

He's not in this story. This isn't. This is like the. I guess the rumor that's floating around for secret wars is the whole plot's going to be like you know. It's going to be hugh jackman's wolverine uh, toby mcguire spider-man. I wouldn't be surprised if Wesley Stimes Blade is there. I wonder if they're going to try to get either Eric Bana. I don't think Edward Norton is ever going to do a superhero thing ever again. I think he's too above that for himself at this point. But you're going to get Yoan Griffiths, reed Richards. They're going to make this team of characters that we grew up with and that's cool. But the MCU didn't earn this. The Fox and Sony universes earned those things. Like that's not, that's not really. That's not really for them so.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a. I'm not a fan. I'm not a fan, I'm not a, I'm very, I'm not. I'm not a fan, I'm very. I'm just very weary. That again shout out that Black Mirror episode. Nostalgia is something that makes you feel good temporarily, but nostalgia is only feelings of things that are now lost.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree. Hopefully Secret Wars is still a little ways off and I think that Fantastic Four thing is really going to much, like you know kind of how you mentioned how Black Panther dictated kind of a lot of what happened with Infinity War, I think Fantastic Four is going to dictate a lot of what happens with Secret Wars.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just afraid that it's not again. It's, I guess, the thing it's like organic versus artificial, yep, yep. This whole Secret Wars thing feels very like it's not studio-heavy in the way that a studio's like, well, this character, you know it's studio-heavy in like these real-world things keep happening to the MCU.

Speaker 2:

And it's also like we need to. We want to recreate Endgame.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I mean also again, the thing that I keep saying is we grew up like we're not the kids anymore and the kids got spoiled with having organic storytelling pretty much all the way through. Now this feels like the kids that are adults, that have adult brains, now have to think about real world things while these things are happening. So the organic nature is now like well, now my main actor is now in legal trouble, so he's gone. My main characters are gone. Yeah, um, these, some of these actors are unfortunately passing away, so we need to replace some of these actors. Like there's real world stuff that we're now aware of going on.

Speaker 1:

Like when I was a kid, I didn't think about terrence howard being gone for, for, um, for don cheadle. I didn't think about that. It's just don cheadle. Now he's a war machine, that's it. Yeah, let's keep running. That was it. So I didn't think about edward norton being on and you know, and mark ruffalo being there. It just happened, that's it. Like, now I like consciously, I'm thinking about these things when they're going on and now questions are being asked.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, but at the end of the day, five years shout out avengers endgame for one of the most, you know, incredible experiences that I've ever tried to get the tickets to that.

Speaker 1:

It was like getting tickets to, like, a Beyonce concert. It was like every site on the planet was like crashing getting the tickets. I finally got some decent tickets. I was sick that day and I was borderline thinking about coming and my brother looked at me and he said you are never going to experience anything like this ever again in your lifetime. You better come. And I did and I was like it was a euphoric and again it's.

Speaker 1:

It's one of those things that sounds cheesy but like nothing else mattered in the whole world, I don't care what yeah, totally, anything that was happening like nothing mattered, like all your that's the definition of like global storytelling and like the collective audience of like this is the thing like there's just like this. Is it like this thing that we had for so long is, finally, this is the payoff for this thing like this, is it man? Like this? This feels absolutely incredible yeah, it's.

Speaker 2:

It truly felt like I was at like a sporting event.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's insane like it's a sporting event where also your favorite team hits the game-winning shot, so like you're on cloud nine. And it's a sporting event where also your favorite team hits the game-winning shot, so like you're on cloud nine.

Speaker 2:

It's also a sporting event where, like there's no opposing fans, like you're all everybody's there you're all there for the same thing.

Speaker 1:

It's like the harlem globetrotters playing like the yeah, yeah, like no. No one's rooting for thanos like no one.

Speaker 2:

No one's going into the movie trying to hate it. Like everyone, we all collectively in that theater were on the same wavelength of like the things we wanted to see, the moments we wanted to have happen, and then they delivered them. And there's only. You know, you can only react to those things with euphoria, yeah and applause. And it's the only time I've ever been in a theater where, like reactions from people didn't bother me because, like I was also experiencing them, yeah, you know, whereas, like you know, people flipping out and dr. Strange too, when professor x showed up, I'm like it's cool, but I didn't get that like euphoric, genuine, like I wanted to like cheer as like you know, yeah, cat wielding the hammer, or the all the avengers returning through the portals, or anything like that I mean juxtapose that to no way home.

Speaker 1:

Like andrew steps out of the portal and like there's no score. Like the score, music just magically just stops. Like you know what you're doing at that point, and like I was more sitting sitting there out of like the. I can't believe they like this is cool that they actually did this, not like the. And again, you're never. It goes organic versus versus artificial. Like that was made to be, like that, like it was made to get and it didn't need didn't need it.

Speaker 1:

No, and you know what's funny about that whole thing. The best moments that came out of that was like them on the rooftop or them in the scaffolding just talking candidly to each other. That's where that came from.

Speaker 2:

You didn't need to create those artificial moments. They would have created themselves if you just let them and I hope that's the lesson they learn ultimately We'll do those movies proper, like retrospectives at some point, Maybe what we'll do is do chunks like retrospectives at some point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe what we'll do is do like chunks like lead up to Secret Wars, like when we get a definitive date of when Secret Wars is going to be. We'll do like we'll start with like Blade, like the late 90s, and like we'll chunk them off, yeah, and then we'll get all the way up to like yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe we do. Eras have changed, much like comic books. The way that comic book movies are made are encompassing of the decade, the era and the real world around it too. These movies were for anybody that's younger. These movies were not accepted, much like the X-Men, these movies were just not accepted. They were laughed at and didn't make the money that they make now. They were hokey. They were hokey. They were hokey, they were awkward. The biggest issue they had is they didn't know what to pull from the comics and they didn't know what to make real, and that was a difficulty. Blade was the first one that kind of had clear vision and clear direction. Shout out Guillermo del Toro. And then you get to the X-Men movies again. The X-Men movies had clearer direction and that was a bigger swing to take. And my hot take is that those Fantastic Four movies are not as bad as everybody thinks they are. They just came out in 2005 and 2007.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're definitely going to retrospective those Fantastic Four movies, because it's been a long time since I've seen them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, Make Miles Teller the maker. I think that would be pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

That would be actually pretty cool. He would fit that role, I think, really really well. But yeah, that's going to do it for us this week. A lot of good stuff X-Men, invincible, avengers Good stuff. So, that being said, you can follow us on Twitter at Project INF underscore pod. You can follow us on Facebook. You can follow us on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

At the Project Infinite pod.

Speaker 2:

Next week, I don't know, maybe we binge and we check out Shogun.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a phenomenal idea. I think we're going to watch Shogun. I think this show is going to be absolutely phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

I've been hearing great things.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, to put it mildly, that might be my nextly. That's going to be my next watch, because boss said I had to do it, so now I have to do it so, yeah, we're recording this on Friday.

Speaker 2:

Episode will come out Wednesday. We got probably like 10 days, to be honest, to watch Shogun, so I'm very keen on that because people are.

Speaker 1:

People are throwing the thrones word out. Yeah, they're calling this God level television.

Speaker 2:

Thrones. Thrones is being thrown around as a comp. So you say Thrones is a comp, I'm, I'm in, um, so yeah, I think we might, we might, we might, uh, we might binge and we might watch Shogun and talk about it and it shogun and talk about it, and it'll be nice to talk about like a regular thing when we talk about regular things sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's good stuff. What's a regular? I mean?

Speaker 2:

oppenheimer was like oppenheimer yeah, but that was still part of like a gimmick, yeah that was like a big thing.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's got a gimmick these days.

Speaker 2:

Um, that's an organic reaction so shogun, shogun, uh, that would be like a normal thing that we talk about. Yeah, um, um and I. It's something I know nothing about. I know it's based on a book, right.

Speaker 1:

Um, apparently there's only one season of this show. It's going to be one and done A one, done. Um, a lot of shows that are bangers on I mean under the banner of heaven, is a good example you get one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, know a ton about, um, I'm super into, like the japanese samurai stuff. Um, I love that kind of you know that aesthetic, so definitely something I'm interested in. So, yeah, we'll, we'll check out.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we'll check out shogun who's my guy that's in that show.

Speaker 2:

That's that was in john wick and been so many, so many different things oh, uh, uh, hiroki sanada, yeah, yeah, yeah, he was Scorpion in Mortal Kombat as well.

Speaker 1:

Right right.

Speaker 2:

One of the most, yeah, one of the most notorious Japanese actors that has made the successful transition to the West. Sanada's well-known, you know, people, people, people. Sanada's not lacking for work, right? So he's awesome man, yeah, yeah, man, I'm super keen to check that. I think that's a plan. I think we're gonna do shogun. I'm super excited, um, so that is it for us this week, from me, from the careful man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what do we talk about? Invincible?

Speaker 2:

talk about invincible, yeah and x197 yeah careful man. Um from the. Don't call me like a mollart twin or something.

Speaker 1:

Or don't call me like a mallard twin or something. Or don't call me rex bloke from the allen of the podcast. Yes, yes I'm gonna get absolutely yoked.

Speaker 2:

You guys aren't ready for it um, so for me from the allen of the podcast, we'll see you next week for shogun, most likely sock on the door on my planet means somebody's doing it.

Speaker 1:

he's like send him here, man, for Shogun most likely Sock on the door on my planet. Means somebody's doing it. He's like send him here, man, send him here.

Speaker 2:

Don't think, mark, don't think.

Speaker 1:

What Think, mark, that one really did look like Steve Harvey. That one's hilarious.

Speaker 2:

Survey says Survey says You're getting your butt whooped. Think about killing Maso was part of our trash in the X-Men 97 episode, rogue was like hold on, let me cook that show.

Speaker 1:

God, that show has no business. And you know, again, I don't know what happened with Bo DeMaio, but look, look, hear me out, he did my thing from man of Steel. And you know, again, I don't know what happened with Bo DeMaio, but look, hear me out, he did my thing from man of Steel, a movie that I love real, real much, a whole lot. So this thing for Storm oh man.

Speaker 2:

Storm's comeback was also have X-Men. Yeah, I mean, we'll probably just do, we're gonna have to hold off. We are gonna have to hold off. We are going to have to hold off and probably talk about Tolerance is Extinction in full.

Speaker 2:

Right That'll be our, as difficult as it will probably be, because episode 8 is probably going to be crazy, but we're going to have to hold off and talk about the three-parter as a full thing, so we will have to do that. But, alright, we'll see you next week, shogun, it'll be a fun time, I think. Until then, goodbye. Think, mark, no, don't think. Also don't think. Think, but don't think.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were stronger.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, all right.

Speaker 1:

Goodbye Peace.

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