The Project Infinite Podcast

127 - Captain America: A Brave New World Trailer & Deadpool 2 Retrospective

Court and Rob Episode 133

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We are back this week with another Deadpool retrospective as we continue marching towards the release of Deadpool & Wolverine. This week we look at Deadpool 2 and how we feel it’s aged better over time and that we may…enjoy it more than Deadpool 1? We reminisce about memorable scenes, the hilarious post-credit sequences, and the future of Deadpool in the MCU. Before that we breakdown and discuss the first trailer for Captain America: A Brave New World and share our concerns about how the MCU is going to handle Sam Wilson’s tenure as Captain America. Timecodes are provided if you want to skip around to your topic of choice! Thank you to everyone who continues to support and don’t forget to subscribe to download new episodes as they become available and don’t be afraid to share a rating!

0:00 Intro/Deadpool 3 Reveals & Speculation
 02:05 Captain America: A Brave New World Trailer Discussion! 
 19:57 Film Retrospective: Deadpool 2 (2018)
 49:18 What Happens Next…
 01:00:44 Giving Awards to Deadpool 2: Our Favorite Scenes, Momens & Performances
 01:17:00 Signing off!

Topic for Next Week: Film Retrospective: Deadpool & Wolverine Preview!

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Speaker 2:

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Speaker 2:

Infinite Podcast with Robin Kork the Cube. Yeah, hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Project Infinite Podcast, the podcast covering the infinite and ever-expanding multiverse of fandom For movies, comics, tv shows, video games. We got you covered. I'm Rob. I'm here, as always, with Court Court, it's another Deadpool week. It's another Deadpool. I can't wait. I know me either. It's going to be a great time. So last week we talked about Deadpool 1. And this week we are going to follow that up and talk about Deadpool 2 a little bit. You know, directed by channel favorite, david Leitch.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, this is his second movie, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because at this point it's 2018, right, this movie comes out and so he has. I mean, he has, like a co, no Atomic Blonde.

Speaker 2:

So he did Atomic Blonde and then this yeah, so pretty dang good for a second outing.

Speaker 1:

I would say I would say so, and it's a pretty big responsibility on top of that as well too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, 100% he's. You know Deadpool. It's interesting that Deadpool is such Appears to be you know. Obviously the third one's not out yet but appears to be on the precipice of being a really successful trilogy. But we talk about all the time how we appreciate consistency in sequels, trilogies, but this Deadpool thing, you're not getting any consistency director-wise, because you have Tim Miller directing the first one, you have David Leitch directing the second one and then Sean Levy's directing the third one, but the constant is Ryan Reynolds, of course, and I think that's why it's been able to get away with that the fact that there's been three different directors on these Deadpool projects.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, man, we're going to talk about Deadpool 2 in a little bit, because we don't have a ton of news this week. We don't. We have one news this week and it's the trailer that we talked about last week, that we knew was coming, but we recorded our episode before the trailer came out. We got a trailer for Captain America 4, captain America Brave New World, obviously a movie that has been somewhat plagued by reshoots, to the point where other properties were making fun of the reshoots. Yeah, it's been plagued by reshoots to the point where other properties were making fun of the reshoots. Yeah, it's been played by reshoots, it's been played by rewrites and it you know, for a little bit there it was really starting to sound like this movie was going to be a disaster and it, you know, full transparency. It still could be right, but I was really impressed with this trailer.

Speaker 1:

Yep I got that feeling I haven't had in a while watching a marvel trailer, I mean in a in a long time, and you know it's a feeling of there's something to be seen, there's something you know in universe to be seen, there's something with some weight to the entire universe to be seen like. This feels like a like attractive. There's something more at play here which I really appreciate it. So, um, one thing that I don't think one person has talked about is Anthony Mackie. I feel like nobody's talked about Anthony Mackie as Captain America.

Speaker 2:

Which is kind of the shadow looming over his tenure. So far as Captain America. To be honest, that's a good point. Keep going.

Speaker 1:

It's allegorical to real world and universe too Exactly what Falcon and the Winter Soldier was about. It's allegorical to real world and universe too Exactly what Falcon and the Winter Soldier was about. It's a line that gets said in this trailer You're not Steve Rogers. Good, I'm not Steve Rogers. It's not that I'm more than that. I'm something different than that too, but I still am a good person that needs to do the right thing. It's simple as that. I think that do the right thing is going to be a big piece of the plot of this movie yeah, I hope, and I hope honestly, the movie doesn't labor too much on the I'm not steve rogers point because that's kind of what the entirety of falcon and the winter soldier was supposed to be about.

Speaker 2:

Um, you know, maybe that's marvel kind of covering their ground, being like, hey, maybe not everyone saw that, um.

Speaker 2:

So maybe we kind of sprinkle a little bit of that kind of plot and that theme into this movie, but don't beat us over the head with it, because I kind of I want to see this character move beyond that premise at this point and I want to see him kind of come to his own as captain america. So hopefully that's kind of, you know, maybe an act, one kind of plot point and then, um, you know, obviously it'll be somewhat of a through line, you know, but I hope it's just not, hope they don't belabor the point and I hope they really just kind of make this about sam and being like hey, here he is, he's captain american now. Um, and then we saw harrison ford as as taking over, as as thunderbolt ross, obviously with the untimely passing of william hurt. And you said he said something interesting before we hopped on when we watched the trailer and that he feels like Thunderbolt Ross, even though he's basically just doing Harrison Ford.

Speaker 1:

And to the further point of maybe Harrison Ford just feels like Thunderbolt Ross at the core and you know, I think this is an interesting approach because this is a very old version of Thunderbolt Ross. It's like it's not something that we've seen before. Usually we see like in, like my headspace ross is usually like in his like 60s, almost in the comics. That's usually where he always feels like he fits, like I, like in, like a, like a early 80s like. This is my last effort to make a difference and do anything as the president, as the president, yeah, and you know they address right, they address it.

Speaker 1:

You know you look a little different. Well, they told me to shave the mustache or lose the election, and that's a really interesting plot point that I like about this movie. It's you know this, I don't know if you guys know this, but this is going to be a political thriller. This is going to be a. You know, we hope we hope.

Speaker 2:

We hope this because we thought Secret Invasion was going to be that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what show did that where you know the whole? Oh, it was WandaVision isn't as egregious doing it. I can't remember which show. I'm going to remember it that you know, the whole first part of it was, you know, very interesting, very intriguing, and then they just divulge into, like, throw everything out. We're doing the CGI last episode. So I don't think it's going to be anything close to what secret invasion was. I think it's going to be much better than that. I hope so. I mean, around the board. I mean you have isaiah bradley back. Um, you know, who is up to no good, seems to be controlled by somebody. Um, you have joaquin uh, torres back, which is awesome. Um, he's gonna, obviously, obviously, play the second version of falcon, which is cool.

Speaker 2:

I'm of two minds with the Isaiah Bradley thing and I usually don't get too much into theorizing on here because I feel like it's kind of a waste of time. At the same time I feel like it speaks to how intrigued I was by that little bit of a plot point that I kind of want to theorize a little bit. The conventional wisdom appears to be he's being controlled by the leader. I think it may be a little more nefarious than that. I think Ross may be setting that up. I think it might be Ross actually instigating the method of his own assassination to kind of demean the value of a black super soldier. That's kind of my.

Speaker 1:

That's my theory, my working theory. Right right now, I did not even remotely begin to even think about it that way. That's very interesting. That is a extremely interesting point. I still think it's the leader because of, you know, in the trailer we're going to get there, uh, with tim blake nelson, but you see him, you know, in that same room, you see him taking pictures. So I think it is going to be a, you know, a bucky situation which I, sebastian stan, is in this movie. Um, weirdly enough, we didn't see him in a trailer though. I think that's. I think that's, you know, somewhat interesting. Um, I'm going to get there in a little bit of.

Speaker 1:

I think this movie and the thunderbolts are going to be spiritual sequels to each other as well too, but that makes a lot of sense, you know, I, I do think it's the leader. The leader is going to, you know, have isaiah bradley do what he did, make sure, you know and it's just the line he said in the trailer like powers are about to shift, like there's going to be a, you know, a gigantic shift in the way we, we think about things. And you know, I think for the leader it's more of a. You know, I like the fact that he's a scientist. I think that might be a lot of real world implication. Like you know, the scientist is just not being listened to by anything, and you know, now I have to take matters into my own hands, and that might have to be through physical power as well too.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's a really great point and I mean, just on the kind of direction-action, front action looks pretty tight from what we saw. Yeah, I like hopefully the flight sequence is you know, obviously it's not going to be Top Gun Maverick, but you know it's I would like for it to be a little more practical looking and a little more kind of less reliant on the CGI stuff, because I think that could be a really sick sequence, because we got a pretty sick flight sequence in Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got two. Yeah, the first episode, and the last episode has a pretty good one as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I think, think you know, I think you should kind of build this movie kind of in the vein of of like a like we were talking about action movies a couple weeks ago like I think you can build this movie in the vein of like a mission impossible where, like, you build the movie around these impressive set pieces because you with the steve rogers captain america character you're not able to really do that. It's more like, like you know, he does some cool stuff with the shield. It's a lot of tight hand-to-hand fights, but with the Falcon version of Captain America you can do a lot of kind of tight aerial action sequences that can look pretty cool. So I think, on an action front, I think you have a lot of leeway to pull that off Right. But I mean, you know, at the end of the day it feels like we're going to get a confrontation between Captain America and the Red Hulk.

Speaker 1:

Sure, and you know that was the big stinger at the end. You know, obviously Ross turns into, turns into the Red Hulk, and you know, I think this is where it's going to lead into the Thunderbolts. Not by name of him being, you know, thaddeus Ross. I think it's going to be more of a situation where let's put on the theory time theory cap. This is what might happen. How I think this movie's going to go is I still think that whatever Cersei did in the Eternal, she's turned Tiamat into Adamantium. I think she unknowingly did it. Yes, he's back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, after many, many projects, I'm not even upset.

Speaker 1:

No me either. I keep seeing this whole idea of people are like oh wow, we're finally. The Eternals came out in the end of 2021. This movie's coming out in. People are acting like this was a 10-year pay. This wasn't a 10-year payoff.

Speaker 2:

It's not even a payoff, it just became a gag and this movie also was supposed to come out this year anyway.

Speaker 1:

So it would have been like two and a half years difference. It wouldn't have been like it was like a seven-year difference in between the two of them. So I'm looking forward to it. So what I think is going to happen is Tiamat turned into Adamantium. All the world powers are like well, you're telling me, well, obviously we can't get Vibranium now and there's no way we're ever going to get vibranium again. You're telling me there's this metal that might be more dense than vibranium and that it's up for grabs. So I think that's what's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

I think what's going to happen is Ross is going to be like go get me that Sam. And Sam's going to be like why? Why would I just get this for you? I feel like I don't need to do that for you. And then what I think is going to happen is I think they're going to lose. I think Sam's going to lose at the end of this movie.

Speaker 1:

And then what's going to happen is we're going to bring in the Thunderbolts. I think the Thunderbolts are going to come in and be like you know what this might play as this might play as the giant sized X-Men from 75, where you know obviously the entire X-Men get captured and Cyclops comes back and is just like help, basically Like I need, we gotta get them back. I think this might play like that where Sam loses in the end and then the Thunderbolts are supposed to come get them, but then you know how there's that asterisk next to Thunderbolts. I think they're gonna switch the name of that movie to the Dark Avengers. That's what I think is gonna happen in the end. Interesting.

Speaker 1:

And that going to be like the obviously you have us agent. You have a black widow, you have a. You know a captain america. You have a captain america, you have a black widow, you have a. If they choose to put the abomination in that movie, you're gonna have. You know, you're gonna have a hulk in there, you have. You have ghosts, so you have. You know an ant-man. You know adjacent person in there, like you have all these know surrogates for all your Avengers, which is what the dark Avengers are as well too. So I think that might be the play you make sure you get all of them together and like they go on this mission now Interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can see that. That makes a lot of sense to me.

Speaker 1:

And then I think that helps Sam as well too, because you know, and this is like the Infinity Saga way of thinking towards the end, like now, I have to see the next thing, to see if Sam gets out of this. And I think also, you think Mark Ruffalo's in this movie. I think he is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a super interesting question, right? Because it feels like he's so detached from anything truly Hulk-related at the moment and it feels like he's kind of been that way for a long time.

Speaker 1:

But all the Hulk characters are in this movie except for him. He's the only. I'm not counting She-Hulk, but he's the only one that's not in this movie. Right, you have Ross, you have Tim Blake, nelson, and also what's her name is in this movie too. Liv Tyler's in this movie. Everybody's in this movie except for Mark Ruffalo, and Red Hulk shows up, but Hulk's just not. How are they going to beat him in the end?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a great question. I mean, that's been the question, right, when we found out that this was going to turn into this Hulk hybrid Captain America movie but the Hulk was never officially announced as being in it. And you're like that's kind of Hulk hybrid Captain America movie, but the Hulk was never officially announced as being in it, and you're like that's kind of weird, right.

Speaker 1:

This is a good track to Like. I've been saying. This is the movie where you get the Avengers back. You make your new Avengers. This is it. You call Hulk and She-Hulk. You have the two of them. You get Shuri again. Who else do you have? You have them. You know. You get sherry again you have. Who else do you have? You have ant man. You can get back. Like you have characters around that can you can do stuff with. So I feel like this is the movie where you restart the avengers and like this is sam wilson's avengers at this point, and then your point of contention is them with the dark avengers, like the government avengers is the dark avengers. These people that are like these are not good people. Some of these people are not good people. And then you have this unsanctioned Avengers team. There's no Sokovia Accords, but they might try to do something like it again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you think he's going to get a new shield by the end of this movie.

Speaker 1:

An Animantium shield would make a lot of sense, where he gets a shield from it as well too Sets up the Weapon X program for whatever the MCU Wolverine's going to be as well, too Like. That's why I think I'm truthfully excited for this movie, because I feel like this is a. I feel like this movie might be the one where it's like starts to get the ball rolling a little bit Like. I feel like we've been so stagnant, like this might be and we said it there's like three levels that we're operating now. It's the, you know, the street level, the world level and then the cosmic level. This is a good piece to get the world level moving a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yeah, 100%. And then I guess the other sort of highlight was we got a couple shots of Giancarlo Esposito, wearing some sunglasses, firing a gun. That's pretty much. It Looks cool.

Speaker 1:

Apparently, he's playing GW Bridge Great name, george Washington Bridge from the comics, who essentially works with Cable for a little bit. Classically, a Moon Knight villain yeah, moon Knight villain I'm glad you said that, because I think that's what they're going to do with it and then, classically, a Moon Knight villain, also an agent of SHIELD as well, too. So, boy, I wish this move would have happened before Secret Invasion came out, because I feel like having somebody like Giancarlo Esposito might have made Secret Invasion a little bit more dynamic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean they weren't really having the power of hindsight. They obviously weren't that interested in making Secret Invasion a SHIELD thing.

Speaker 1:

So unfortunately yeah, and I was thinking about this too this is just trying to patchwork. I don't think that marvel's ever going to invest back into the to shield like full-time. Obviously swords the thing now I just I keep thinking about it just because of you know, the ages of shield show. Like they did so much in that show. Um, they already touched, like they touched upon the cree for so long that you know they mentioned the scrolls a bunch. Obviously we didn't see any scrolls, but then, once you get into the MCU side of things, then we get the whole scroll stuff too.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if the shield thing is played out and done. I would like to see it come back, though Again, I think what the MCU needs to do is add stability back and structure back. I feel like just having those little things in there like shield's still a thing around like I think that's what made the infinity saga so great is just like shield was a thing. So then you can like that's your through line to other things. Like that weaving tissue was just so strong. I feel like the weaving tissue is brittle right now. I'm like and you know the fortunate nature of this movie is I feel like this is going to start to strengthen it a little bit, something like this yeah, yeah, I agree with that.

Speaker 2:

And you know, like I said, all in all I was a little not. I mean, obviously I was excited to see this movie, you know, having it be Sam's first outing as Captain America, but then all the stuff started happening with it. I'm just like, oh, but after this trailer I think I'm reinvigorated again. But after this trailer I think I'm reinvigorated again. I think I'm really looking forward to it, especially coming with what's coming next week with Deadpool, which everybody seems to be really, really high on, at least the things that have been shown. I know a lot of press have seen the first 30, 35 minutes. Reviews are pretty universal. This is it. It's shaping up to be a terrific movie. Um, the trailers everything that was in the trailers is apparently contained in this first 35 minutes, which is just bonkers to me crazy two-hour movie so and also not much you know way back when, when this movie was filming.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of that stuff was really all that came out as far as like set photos and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we didn't really hear. Was that wasteland-y Right space Right? Because we keep seeing the portal scene where they jump into a portal but we don't know what comes of that.

Speaker 2:

Like we don't know what comes. This movie Like 2, 12? 2 hours 12, I think.

Speaker 1:

I don't even think. I think it's 2.

Speaker 2:

I think it might be just 2. I can't remember, but you know, if the first 30 minutes is everything that we saw in those trailers, then we might be in for something pretty remarkable.

Speaker 1:

I think they have some heavyweight fighter swings in the, you know, just loaded, locked and loaded, ready to go. Because I think I go, because I think I think they know, I think they know that this, like I think they know the naivete of the human, like the consumerism of a human like to be like, especially after multiverse of madness and then the last four years, I think they know better than to hold any punches. I think they said we can't afford to have a movie like this. You know it's the basis of us. You know reviewing each deadpool movie up to and then our episode before.

Speaker 1:

It's the whole basis of that Like they can't afford to miss, like, unfortunately, they, they truthfully can't like you know not to think about it, cause business is business and a competition lens, like everything that I keep seeing, just like from a social media lens. Like James guns, he's, he's like he's at the starting gate, he's ready to start running. Obviously, you have Invincible, you have the Boys, these non-DC Marvel properties that are starting to run too and dominate when they come out. If you miss on a movie like this, it's going to be tough to recover after something like this. I think they know, I don't think they spared anything, I think they went full send, I think anything you think that probably could have happened, it might. I think they're going to really try to do some stuff.

Speaker 2:

I think so too. I totally agree with that. Do you have any other Captain America? 4 thoughts no.

Speaker 1:

I'm really looking forward to it. My one ask is that this is an Anthony Mackie Captain America movie. Please do not forget that simple fact. Yeah, he is the main character of this movie. Don't forget it. That might be a cardinal sin if they ignore him as a as the main character of this yeah, yeah, I totally agree with that.

Speaker 2:

Um, speaking of deadpool, yeah, deadpool 2. So last week we obviously talked about deadpool 1. Um, a lot of that conversation revolved around the the long, long and sometimes you didn't think it was going to happen story behind Deadpool 1, obviously starting with X-Men Origins and culminating in Deadpool 1. And then, you know, deadpool 2 got greenlit in 2015. So it got greenlit before Deadpool 1 was released and this was the one, obviously the post-credits singer of Deadpool 1. He goes, oh, and Cable's in the next one. So people were like all right, yeah, right, all right, we're doing this, we're finally doing Cable Conspicuous by his absence in X-Men Days of Future Past. Right, they wanted to use Cable and then, obviously, they just didn't. Right, yeah, so they just didn't. But Days of Future Past did not suffer for it, because Days of Future Past, which we'll find some space to talk about, the X-Men movies at some point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that might come way down the line whenever the MCU gets there.

Speaker 2:

But Days of Future Past is really, really good. Yeah, I enjoy that movie a lot. And then you know, we'll talk a little bit about the directing. So Tim Miller was involved at the onset of this. He a little bit about the directing. Tim Miller was involved at the onset of this. He started writing it and then departed the project due to creative differences, apparently, between he and Ryan Reynolds. There was no bad blood or ill will between the two of them. Ryan Reynolds said hey, without him we don't get the first one. He put everything he had into it. You know how the media can get. They tried to drive a wedge between them but for all intents and purposes they seem to be on good terms. Kyle Chandler was originally supposed to be Cable. He was kind of the front runner.

Speaker 1:

I actually I don't hate that one bit. I like Kyle Chandler as an actor. Anytime he shows up in something he's you know where I love him the most and it's an ironic, I love him the most Somehow. It's an ironic. I love him the most Somehow. It's Godzilla King and the Monsters, Because I feel like he's the only one being super serious in a movie that should not be taken that seriously.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a great point, but, but, but, but, but, but. But. They managed to get Josh Brolin for this. Who? Just insane. The year of 2018 for Joshosh roland, good lord, my friends, come on, how much money, how much money, did he? Make this year um every, every money.

Speaker 1:

So he all the money, all the money.

Speaker 2:

So he starts. He starts 2018. Modest, the legacy of white tail deer hunter. Right, good job. I don't know who's seen that I sure haven't um, but he was probably good in it. Um. And then he did a little movie, a small independent movie, called avengers infinity war.

Speaker 1:

I'll check that out one day. You may have heard of it.

Speaker 2:

No, I definitely haven't little, little small scale, small budget movie. Um, obviously he plays thanos and obviously is spawned I don't know a million quotes. Yeah, put up, I mean, one of the greatest motion-captured performances this side of Andy Serkis as Thanos. And then he goes after Deadpool 2, he does Sicario. Yeah, after Sicario, he does Avengers Endgame. Yeah, after Avengers Endgame he does Dune. So I mean, the guy just went on and continues to be on an absolute tear you know what I love about Josh Brolin.

Speaker 1:

He's such a giver and I learned that in the book that he talked about this Dune. Exposures book where he kind of just says like A Timothy, like Timothy Chalamet's and A Austin Butler, flores Pugh, like they're the next up, and I'm just in awe, I'm just having fun, I'm just an old man having some fun hanging out with my kids and that's it. Josh Brolin just seems like a obviously a nepo baby, josh Brolin. But we don't care, some of them we let rock. That's one we'll let rock.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I mean you know, obviously Stephen Lang had been the fan-casted long-term, long-time fan-casted for Cable, which I think would have been great. Oh yeah, Still could happen. We're big fans of Stephen Lang on this podcast. Yeah, that still could happen If you've ever listened. It could still happen If you've ever listened to any of our Avatar podcasts. We're big fans of Stephen.

Speaker 1:

Lang on this podcast. He shot Will Smith.

Speaker 2:

He did shoot Will Smith on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, but I mean, he's tremendous as Cable.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, I think what Brolin does is, I think he again. Sometimes we say this a lot too. It's great when you understand the assignment because I think they wanted that, like you know, still be the Josh Brolin, like the menace, not menacing, but the gravitas of Josh Brolin as the name itself. I still need that. But you're also way too funny for your own good. His comedic timing is great because there's no comedy to the, it's just, it's unintentional every time he does something.

Speaker 2:

What this movie does is it moves Colossus out of the straight man role and more into the goofy kind of jughead role. So cable comes in as now the new straight man and it works flawlessly Right. I mean, you know, I think you know, I think it was Ryan Reynolds that kind of really pushed for Bolin and I feel like I feel like he, I feel like Ryan Reynolds, has a great feel for who he thinks he will work with.

Speaker 1:

That's a good, that's an incredible point actually is like if you're because the point you know with Tim Miller as well like if, if the main character is also like the main producer and like the guy that's really running the ship and making sure everything's getting done, like it's gotta be cruise control by the time I get there, it's gotta be like I don't have to think about this person being alongside of me, like we just need to work together. And I think josh brolin's so like sublime in the way he acts. I think that's the perfect counter for ryan reynolds yeah, and I think, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, I think ryan reynolds had a great feel for who he would bounce off, bounce off of um and that also results in getting zazie beats as domino, which was also a tremendous get.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe my favorite addition to this movie, because she's so and she's ridiculously charismatic and yeah she's. She doesn't do a lot either, which I think is the best decision too. She's like, not like plot wise, she just she's just herself, like she just exists in this realm, and then I guess it is lucky that they got her too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the the short list um for domino. So lizzie caplan, mary Elizabeth Winstead, which I think could have worked.

Speaker 1:

That would have been fun.

Speaker 2:

Sienna Miller.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad that didn't happen, because she probably wouldn't have been in Birds of Prey if that happened. I don't have rage issues. Do we ever talk about that movie? We'll talk about that movie one day. I don't think we ever did, because I think it's the single most underrated DCEU movie, and I'll die on that hill.

Speaker 2:

I think I agree with you. Sophia Boutella, stephanie Sigmund, sylvia Hoax, mackenzie Davis, ruby Rose, eve Hewson, kelly Rohrbach were all on the short list. Aubrey Plaza auditioned for the role of Domino. I don't think she's quite right for it, I think retroactively, just because I love the kind of charisma that Zazie Beetz brings to the role.

Speaker 1:

I think Aubrey Plaza obviously Hers is more dry and that's why I like it, but it works in certain sense.

Speaker 2:

That's why the Mary Elizabeth Wynne said it's kind of like a similar lane. It does feel like they were kind of going for a more reserved kind of dry humor, but maybe they figured they kind of had that already with cable. So they wanted something like kind of on the other end of the spectrum someone who could kind of put you know, because cable can put deadpool in his place physically right, but they needed kind of needed someone to put him in his place verbally, right. And I think that's what domino kind of does, because, like the whole movie, like deadpool's, like your powers aren't real, you suck. Like luck is not a real thing, and Domino's like, oh yeah, watch this, you wouldn't have got the zip it black black widow joke right.

Speaker 2:

You couldn't have got that off if you casted Aubrey Plaza, the joke wouldn't have landed Marina Baccarin, obviously back channel favorite now Marina Baccarin yeah, she's great.

Speaker 1:

She's not in this a lot no, no, I purposefully yeah because that's a plot piece we'll get to when we talk about the plot of this movie yep, so you know she's not in this much um.

Speaker 2:

We get the debut of fire fist. So julian dennison plays fire fist. Uh, fire fist. Um. Apparently this was a lock for Ryan Reynolds. He saw Dennison in Hunt for the Wilderpeople and was like that's him, that's my Firefist. He's in.

Speaker 1:

I think he's great Again it's the thing where it's such like a. You know what's funny about it. It's this whole you know, it's like the anti uh, what's her name? Daphne Keene and Hugh Jackman from from, from Logan. It's like the. It's like the perfect counter for that. I think that, and I think that was a conscious decision as well too, because I think, obviously I, I think that you know, ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman were friends, so I bet they were talking about Logan before this movie was coming out and Ryan Reynolds like hmm, what if? Hmm, what if I also did the same thing, because I'm going to talk about it. This movie is Logan and I'll get there. This has a lot of Logan elements and I think that was on purpose, not only for joke purposes, but I think, for the studio. I think it was on purpose.

Speaker 2:

And then you know returning characters. So Brianna Hildebrand comes back as Negasonic, we get Stefan Capich returning as Colossus Um. Leslie Adams comes back as Blind. Al Uh Karan Soni comes back as Dil Pinder Um. And then TJ Miller's back Notorious, horrible person. Tj Miller. Yes, second, second week in a row.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't. I didn't talk enough crap about TJ Miller last week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because your space was spent on Gina Carano. Yeah, but TJ Miller is also a horrible person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so she's out of the way now.

Speaker 2:

Thank, God making that low-budget movie nobody cared about. He's also not in this as much as he was in the first one Great, because he's a horrible person. Yeah, agreed, and that's pretty much it for the major cast. We got some. We get some surprises later in the form of the X-Force.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes, is in this. That was kind of you know everyone was was ready to put X-Force in this. So yeah, that's the cast and kind of the backstory. Obviously, you know David Leitch, we talked about getting getting his getting his feet wet here. He did atomic blonde.

Speaker 1:

Now he's doing this, yeah, and he you notice out of the first action sequence too. You know it's him, you, you can tell right away that this is, this is somebody in. You know it's, you can just you can crutch it and say this is budgetary, which I won't deny. That budget helps with stunt coordination to a degree, but it doesn't look as decent as the first act without somebody like David Leitch there too.

Speaker 2:

Yep, this movie again is relatively short, not as long as the first one, or it is longer than the first one, but not by much. It's about two hours. This one's about two hours Budget did not, you know, fox kind of shown a little restraint here? The first movie was only a $58 million budget, this one only $110 million, so not even double of the first movie, but this movie budgeted which, I think again. I think this movie benefits from that and Box Office it becomes the biggest R-rated movie of all time until Joker comes along. It made $785 million at the Box Office, obviously a massive success, and it was an interesting test case. I think people were really curious to see if they could just do this again with Deadpool. Are we really going to be able to sit with this character for another two hours, with the jokey-jokey and the fourth wall breaking and the bevy of toilet humor? And yeah, we are. This movie is also hilarious.

Speaker 1:

And that's why you gotta step your action up too, you gotta. You can't get complacent and, just you know, have yourself relying on something. The action is much better in this movie. Not that the first movie's action was still good, but this movie feels higher budget, except for one sequence in the middle of the movie that I'll talk about, where I don't know what happened in this sequence, but I don't know if maybe it was purposeful. They did it that way. I had a theory that they did that on purpose. But this movie looks good. It noticeably looks like it's color graded even better. You could tell this feels a little bit more like the studio said yeah, you can have a little bit more. Here's 17 more dollars. Gareth Edwards would have been like keep the money. In fact, I'm giving you money, I'm going to give you money.

Speaker 2:

Okay, gareth Edwards, directing a Deadpool movie would be hilarious. Oh, let.

Speaker 1:

Gareth Edwards direct Secret Wars. I'm telling you it's going to be incredible. Wait he's going to go to Disney. He's going to be like we're just going to travel to Battleworld. That's not a real place To you, it's not. We're filming this in a box. Yeah, that box is a multiversal box. We're actually just going to find Captain America on the street. Give him a super soldier, serum, have him be in the movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean the plot of this movie, again relatively straightforward it's a love story, slash, revenge film.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just like the first one. Yeah, no, this movie is Logan, because he guess what? Wolvie, I die in this one too, or does he, or does he.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, deadpool has been Deadpooling for quite some time. Pretty good at it. He's very good at it. He's killing all sorts of mobsters and criminals, except for one that he lets escape, except for one that he lets escape. And he rues. That day, as this said criminal comes back and kills Vanessa. So Marina Baccarin gets fridged in this movie.

Speaker 1:

Unreal. What were you guys thinking?

Speaker 2:

Bad idea, yeah. So she's killed and wade is not happy, obviously. Um, he, he wants to kill himself, but he, but, he can't. He's cursed by his, his ridiculous healing factor, right. Um, he explodes himself. Um, he's discovered by colossus who rehabs him in the x-Mansion and is like come join the X-Men, wade. And Wade's like absolutely not, I don't want to. But he goes on a little mission with the X-Men Training mission. He's got the t-shirt X-Men trainee, as Colossus and Negasonic are easy to remind him. And this is where he comes under the. He meets Firefist for the first time, russell Collins, owned by the Essex Corporation. You're Essex from Marvel Comics. Not bad, that was good.

Speaker 1:

I taught you well.

Speaker 2:

And then here comes.

Speaker 1:

Cable Cable's like what's up? I need that child to die immediately. That's the plot.

Speaker 2:

That's the plot, yep, and it's all about the friends we we made along the way.

Speaker 1:

that's it um, but seriously, cable comes back from the future. Copyright cable comes back from the future. It's just like I need that child dead in ways that you cannot understand, and Deadpool's like wait, wait, wait, maybe we could try to save this kid, it's all right. Um, so basically what happens is, you know, they get detained, right? Basically, wade and the kid get detained. They got the anti-mutant collars from you're the anti-mutant collars from Marvel Comics, aren't you? And they get thrown in prison. The icebox they're bunkmates having a good time. Black Tom Cassidy's there. He is Black Tom Cassidy. And there's a big old guy in the basement Needs his own floor to himself. Oh man, what Marvel character are you? Find out next week on X-Men 97. Just kidding. But yeah, prison break. Action sequence Loud Bang Good stuff. Good action sequence. Set to dubstep yeah, in loud bang, good stuff, good action sequence set to dubstep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in the future is dubstep still still a thing? Um, yeah, prison break, we got a prison break. Um, and then you know, we got a, we got a free, we got a free. Uh, free russell from the prison convoy, right? So what are we gonna do? We're gonna get a team together, aren't we?

Speaker 1:

well, basically what I mean, what happens in the prison too, is wade, kind of you know, shoves rus Russell off to the side. Wade's, just like you know, we're not friends. I don't need you, you don't need me, I'm no good to anybody. Nobody, even around me, can stay alive, and that fuels his rage. He's like you know what? I'm going to go find the biggest guy and I'm going to be friends with him. So he sneaks into the basement. Which Marvel character are you Find out next week We'll find out soon.

Speaker 2:

We'll find out shortly. So we're organizing, we're getting a team together to save Russell. We're going to call it x-force x-force.

Speaker 1:

Now you're probably thinking they're gonna get wolverine, maybe archangel psylocke no, no, no, we are gonna use this.

Speaker 2:

We are gonna use this just for nonsense, which?

Speaker 1:

is great, it's incredible. It's just. It's such a slap into the face and I love it because I do think that the mcu is going to use x-force at some point. So I'm glad that we got this jokey version and I don't think fox ever would have done an X-Force movie.

Speaker 2:

And we get some actors.

Speaker 1:

We get some actors to play the X-Force characters Now who's the X-Force? What's in the box Deet? What's the box made of? Deet? Zink Homelander.

Speaker 2:

Zink Homelander and what can.

Speaker 1:

I see through.

Speaker 2:

Z. What can I see through? Zane Coleman Linder Right again, X-Force man. I just wasn't expecting it. In this movie we're doing tryouts. Terry Crews is here. He plays Bedlam.

Speaker 1:

You're Bedlam from Marvel Comics. I'm going to get a lot of these off in this one.

Speaker 2:

Louis Tan shows up in this. Mortal Kombat's own Louis Tan Before the fame. It's not a birthmark hole. It means you've been chosen. It means you're Shatterstar. It means it, yes, he's Shatterstar. Bill Skarsgård is in this.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And Zeitgeist, and Rob Delaney as Peter Wonderful.

Speaker 1:

The most innocent character, maybe the best character in movie history.

Speaker 2:

And then we get. Obviously this is where we get. Zazie Beetz shows up as Domino. Your powers aren't real, you suck. She's like. My powers are real because I'm on X-Force. And last but not least, the Vanisher. Are we ever going to find out who plays the Vanisher? Maybe we might, we might, shoot we might. All right, so we're going to rest. Obviously, cable was like no, I'm not on your team, I'm going back to the future. I need to mourn my daughter. You're so dark and brooding. Are you sure you aren't from the DC universe? Zing Got him. They got him twice. In this movie too, they did get him twice.

Speaker 1:

I was actually fighting a caped hero, and he also found out that his mother's name was Martha.

Speaker 2:

We're doing a plane sequence Shout out Fast and Furious. We're doing a plane sequence. They all jump out of the plane and they're like X-Force, x-force unit, x-force activate and they all die. It's bad, it's hilarious, it's real bad. One of them flies into a wood chipper.

Speaker 1:

It's like Geist, and then when Bedlam goes to to save him, he throws up all over it. No, no, peter goes to save him, we'll save peter for a second. Um, who do we got? We got? Bedlam gets brutally, brutally murdered yep, um zeitgeist. Like I said, he falls into the wood chipper, um shatterstar, flies into a helicopter rotor and he's, he's from mojo world. So he has green, just the green goo, just going everywhere. Green blood, yep, yep. Who else we got?

Speaker 2:

That's it. That's the team, peter, yeah, poor Peter.

Speaker 1:

You're doing it, sugar Bear. Get down there. Gets down there. Unbooks. Good job. Peter Goes to try to save Zeitgeist. Zeitgeist murders Peter after throwing up on him Rip RIP to a real one. Yep, zazie Beetz is good though, yep. She's lucky Yep Wade's mourning the loss of everybody, and then she's like I'm in, he's like you're what? How'd you get in there, your powers still?

Speaker 2:

aren't real. It's still not real. Um, but the Vanisher. The Vanisher gets zapped, he flies into an electrical power line and wouldn't you know it? You're Brad Pitt from cinema, aren't?

Speaker 1:

you, oh my god, insane Wild. I can't even believe he said yes to that. Didn't they make a deal or something? He had to do something for him. I forget how the story goes. There's a reason why Brad Pitt said yes, because I know they're friends, so there's a reason he said yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was shortlisted for cable, but scheduling conflicts would not allow for it, and I don't think Brad Pitt also would have allowed for it. Funny enough, I don't know he was in this.

Speaker 1:

He did this bit Well. He's David Leitch's guy too, because he was in, obviously he ended up being in Bullet Train.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he might guy too because, he was in.

Speaker 2:

Obviously he was. He ended up being in bullet train so, yeah, he might have done it. He might have done it. I don't know, that would have been crazy, that would have been nuts. Yeah, um, so, yeah. So cable shows back up, he's like I'm killing firefist. They do they, finally. They waited, they held on to it for two movies, but they do the x-men origins callback with the, the spinny, the spinny swords deflecting the bullets and he gets Swiss cheesed. He's like man. That didn't work out the way I thought it would, which is hilarious. And then the other shoe drops on who the big fella is in the caravan, and it's the Juggernaut.

Speaker 1:

The Juggernaut from Marvel Comics.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, oh my god, oh my god. Juggernaut Voiced by Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna rip you in half now.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, the freaking juggernauts in this movie. This was amazing at the time, just insane, comic, accurate looking juggernaut.

Speaker 1:

Just a very large human being Juggernaut. Shout out, vinnie Jones. You're not the juggernaut Vinnie Jones coming back for Deadpool 3, though, which I think would be hilarious.

Speaker 2:

I think Vinnie Jones' juggernaut should get killed by Deadpool juggernaut.

Speaker 1:

Ripped in half. Yeah, in this movie I'm gonna rip you in half.

Speaker 2:

now. In this movie I'm the juggernaut In Deadpool rhymes. I don't know if that's going to happen, but I think it would be hilarious. Yep Juggernaut destroys everything. Rips Deadpool in half and escapes.

Speaker 1:

So we get the gag again. So this is a big, big, funny gag. Wade goes back, wade's recuperating, obviously end. Second half rally. The troops get ready for third act. Happens, cable shows up. They're like, ah, shoot, he. Rally. The troops Get ready for third act. Happens, cable shows up. They're like, ah, shoot, he's here to murder us. He's like no, no, no, listen, I'll give you ten seconds to try to save the kid morally, or else I'm murdering him. You got two options buddy, team up Deadbolt and Cable.

Speaker 2:

Because we find out that Firefist becomes a maniac in the future.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the big reveal is that he turns into like a, you know, like a, just a Omega level threat detected. Yeah, yeah, I mean he's, he's powerful, he's real powerful. The future sucks, but Cable's happy. I guess it's not the.

Speaker 2:

Sentinel future. It's the fire, is it not? It's the fire fist future.

Speaker 1:

Is it not the Sentinel future? It might be, we'll never know.

Speaker 2:

Wade's got tiny legs. Mm-hmm, those aren't my legs, blondow.

Speaker 1:

No, she's just like. Why is your hand small again? That's not my hand. Big fight, mm-hmm, big old fight. They go back to the school. Lots happens.

Speaker 1:

Juggernaut versus Colossus, which awesome Colossus gets in another fight with the big dumb muscle like he did in the first one. But this one is big CGI fight coming through. Everybody get out of the way. That's a good point you made about Colossus earlier, where he kind of goes into the goofball side character role instead of the way he was in the first movie. So I think that's a good point. Two or three moments Huh, yeah, that guy's gone. That guy's gone in this movie. He's cursing up a storm at the end of the movie. Good stuff.

Speaker 2:

Come again, yeah. I'm going to need a bus to get you kids out of there. Oh nice. So Wade gets collared In the fray. He gets collared and then Cable's like. That's it. You had your chance. I'm killing the kid. Now he shoots at Russell. Wade dives in front of the bullet wearing his collar, so his healing factor is neutralized. He dies. Yep.

Speaker 1:

Good guy Cable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Wade dies and this convinces Russell to not become a mass murderer and it saves Cable's family. Good job, Good job, Russell. And then Cable decides to pay Wade back in kind and saves Wade's life. He goes back in time to when Wade was shot, puts Vanessa's the skee-ball token in front of Wade to save his life and yeah. Cable decides he's going to stay in the present day, never be seen again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let me just hang out here to never be in another movie again Do you think he's going to be in Deadpool 3?

Speaker 2:

Do you think they're hiding that one?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I had something even better. I think he's going to be Thanos in Deadpool 3. Oh my god, that would be fantastic. I think he's gonna. It's too easy for him to be Cable in that movie. If you could get him to be Thanos, I think that would be infinitely funnier.

Speaker 2:

You look like my friend infinitely funnier, you say you kind of sound like my friend oh, that would be kind of funny, because he makes a Thanos gag in this movie zip it Thanos. So then you know, and then hilariously, kind of funny, because he makes a Thanos gag in this movie. Yeah, he does, zip it Thanos. So then you know, and then, hilariously, the headmaster is killed, the headmaster of Essex. He even runs like a pedophile. This movie's still funny. This movie is hilarious. Yeah, dopinder kills the headmaster.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dopinder's developing bloodlust for being a mercenary Dude.

Speaker 2:

I love Dopinder so much, and then that's it. That's the end of the movie. Post-credit scene. Yeah, we get a few, we get a bunch of these. The first one so Negasonic and Yukio. So Yukio is in this as well.

Speaker 1:

My favorite relationship by. It's my favorite relationship from a throuple standpoint of Wade being the outside looking in accepting uncle is just funny.

Speaker 2:

You may also know the character of Yu-Gi-Oh from not the anime. I wasn't going to say that. It sounded like you said Yu-Gi-Oh for a second. Um, the Wolverine. Um, yu-gi-oh is in the Wolverine, which is another kind of tie to Hugh Jackman, who gets a lot of a lot of uh, hugh Jackman, who gets a lot of strays thrown his way in his movie. I mean, I think with or without the MCU machine, I think they would have gotten him in a third Deadpool movie.

Speaker 1:

I think you're wrong. I think he would have been absolutely done and I think that Disney showed him that money and he said yep, I think the power of his friendship with Ryan Reynolds would have gotten him back.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it would have been as good. I just don't think Fox was on the right track enough to do it at that point too, like by the time that Dark Phoenix, because we would have gotten this probably in the 2020s.

Speaker 2:

This third movie, yeah, I don't think there's a shot that Hugh Jackman comes back after, I mean, when in doubt, when you're Fox, you break the glass and you get Hugh to do a thing, as Wolverine, I just think after, I think I do think he was done, like I think he was a thousand percent or 99.9% done.

Speaker 1:

And then I think there was hope for the X-Men again, like there was no hope for the X-Men after Dark Phoenix and after New Mutants, dark Phoenix you'd think that anybody would have been like yeah, I'm chomping at the bits to come back. You mean the best X-Men movie? Nope, nope, nope. The best X-Men movie or the X-Men movie? No one saw which one Both. Are they both the same thing?

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, we get a few post-credit scenes in this. So they fix Cable's time-traveling mechanism. So Wade's going to right all the wrongs of his life and he saves Vanessa, which is Did you think it was weird that they did that in the post-credits scene?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I guess that might be one of the greatest examples in superhero movies of hindsight 2020. Because it worked out, because now the TVA is going to be involved in the third one. So, without even remotely even thinking about realizing that probably was one of the best decisions of like a like a pretty big storytelling, no-no that they could have done.

Speaker 2:

And he saves Peter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I just man, he kills, kills Ryan Reynolds before he takes the script for Green Lantern.

Speaker 2:

Yep, he beheads the Weapon 11 from X-Men Origins, which they actually reshot that sequence, apparently with Hugh Jackman's permission, or they used the stock footage. Yeah, they reshot, they did the beheading, they shot that and then used original cut footage of that to do, which I think is hilarious Because I mean you had to original cut footage of that to do, which I think is hilarious Because I mean you had to, you had to do it Again. Great restraint, not doing it in the first movie and just doing it in the second one. And then, yeah, he shoots Ryan Reynolds in the head Because don't do Green Lantern, ryan Reynolds, don't do it, he did it anyway. Great job though, reynolds surviving that.

Speaker 1:

Not many actors could have survived that and then got the payoff that he did, because at that point I mean, where was his career going after that?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

He was going back to rom-coms, I guess yeah, he probably would have had to, and then rom-coms became a dying breed, like during the same time.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so he's, yeah, he's probably going back to to rom-coms and then he's probably just on netflix the rest of his life yeah, he's probably just like one of the funny funny guys around now.

Speaker 1:

He's like one of the biggest superhero names ever yeah, and he's potentially saving the mcu question mark.

Speaker 2:

Um, he is marvel jesus. He is marvel jesus, jesus. I don't know why I said jesus. Um, man, what happens after this movie? So they were getting ready. They were getting ready for Deadpool 3. Fox was getting ready for Deadpool 3. That was going to include a full-fledged X-Force team At that point did they have a lineup? Ready to go. I don't know if they ever solidified one, you know what, maybe they. I don't know if they ever solidified one, you know what.

Speaker 1:

Maybe they, I don't know. If you get Hugh Jackman back without Disney doing it, I think they would have tried.

Speaker 2:

They would have tried A thousand percent. They would have tried I think they could have sold it just being like hey, these two movies made almost $2 billion. This is easily our most profitable X-Men thing.

Speaker 1:

You and Ryan Reynolds are friends you don't have to play your version of Wolverine 2. They probably would have gotten him the suit too. I do think they would have, and we said funny enough last week how good the Deadpool suit is, and I mean still it's a different thought process, but the Deadpool 3 Wolverine suit looks phenomenal yeah, but Marvel gets Fox in 2019.

Speaker 2:

All the X-Men films in development get cancelled, including X-Force and Deadpool 3, because X-Force was going to be its own movie. They were going to MCU this, they were going to do X-Force and they were going to do Deadpool 3 after that, and then Marvel was just like give it, and they got it, and then that sets up the uh, that sets up this that we're gonna get next week with deadpool three. It might be the one man. It might be the one yeah, I mean it.

Speaker 2:

you know, revisiting these first two just makes me remember like, oh no, these movies are like really good, like in terms of like a film at this time to a dual, a duology of films, um, these, both these movies are really good. I think we both kind of had the same kind of realization that, like I feel like upon first seeing it in the theaters, like you feel like Deadpool one is better but they're either like of the same quality or deadpool 2s might be better yeah, it's just.

Speaker 1:

I think deadpool 2, I think you know it's, it's funny. Like obviously we love marina bachran, so like taking her out of the movie kind of sucks, but like storytelling wise, that's good. Take the thing. It's like again, sometimes simplicity is better. Take her away like give way, you know's simple. I feel like a lot of movies, especially in comedies, are like you know, these superhero movies that deal in comedy Like you do, like simple storytelling beats, like you take the thing away from the hero in a second movie, like hero has to go on a journey to get that thing back and rediscover himself and rediscover the new world that he's in. So also adding Josh Brolin in there, adding Cable in there, it's a good contention and then a good friend by the end of the movie as well too. So this movie's just not complacent on itself, I think. I think that's the best way to think about it. Yeah, that's a great point and that's Deadpool 2.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, really good, really really good, really consistently good Action, um, action's really good. The movie is very, very funny. Um, and everyone's great again, much like the first one, like everyone just plays their roles perfectly. Um, even though you know you might not have expected some of these things or some of these performances, you still got them and they were still really really good. Um, and it's just again just this, this whole revisiting these two deadpool movies are just like kind of just these reinforcements for me and for both of us. Probably that, like this Deadpool 3 movie is probably in good hands, as long as Ryan Reynolds is, yeah, still there.

Speaker 1:

I mean talking preview for for Deadpool 3. I mean Sean Levy's the biggest thought process pickup that they had and I think it's a combo of trust for Ryan. But like, just like we said, like you're not thinking to go out and be like obviously it'd be nice if you can go grab a huge-time director, but I feel like getting Sean Levy fun's not a bad thing to do and I feel like the free guy was fun. Sean Levy did the Adam Project as well too, with Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, this is somebody that Ryan Reynolds trusted.

Speaker 1:

He's also getting a Star Wars movie. Which one is he getting? He's getting.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they've said specifically which one he's getting.

Speaker 1:

It just feels like I mean bigger term for Sean Levy, but I feel like Hollywood is like happy with Sean Levy and like what he's doing, so like these studios are like this is somebody that can inject energy into whatever we have and it's like a good like. It could be like a family movie or it could even be streaming service. Like could be a family movie, could be a rated r movie, could be a superhero movie, could be a property movie. Um, but sean levy could be a guy where it's like a good person to get, seems like good to work with for all intents and purposes.

Speaker 1:

Like I know for the adam project I was looking at some of like the behind the scenes stuff, like people like he seems like a fun person, like a fun person to be around. So what you want, especially for somebody like hugh jackman, which I think is a good point like you have to sell him on the flight. Why am I here? Like you have to sell him on the fact of like I've done this for like hugh jackman has been wolverine for my entire life. He literally has been casted as Wolverine since before I was born.

Speaker 2:

It's an underrated kind of like. This guy has been this character for this long.

Speaker 1:

It's up there Because he looks the freaking same.

Speaker 2:

It's insane, it's on par with Indiana Jones, harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. That's the type of tenure you're talking, which? Sounds insane for a comic book character, but that's the type of longevity we're talking, which sounds insane for a comic book character, but that's the type of longevity we're talking about here like he's been wolverine since 2000, like it's insane.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if we talk about the character to the actor, like he is in the top three for the superhero, like what is it? It's him, it's I'd say, yeah, it's him. Obviously it's robert downey jr's, tony stark, it's probably just the two of them. Like those are the two most synonymous to each other there's ever been. Like I don't, I'm trying to say, and Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool, those are probably the three that are like the most. Like this is the person that's in the role. Like that's actually the person that they're just playing.

Speaker 2:

That's probably the list, man. You know, the Batman actors are probably disqualified just because of how many of them there have been.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then you have to add the Spider-Man actors because before I would have said I probably could have comfortably said Toby before. But you know, I think that new age it's not, as you know, it's not as resonant with some people in the new age. Like I mean, I joked about this to you like the older I get I keep gaining respect for that Raimi trilogy, the older I get the I keep gaining respect for that rainy trilogy, the older I get. But yeah, the three of them are like the actors that's like that's the guy, like that, that's the person that's playing them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's, and it's crazy, it's crazy. And then I mean this goes back to the story that we, that we saw, I don ago, maybe that Kevin Feige, upon seeing the final cut of Deadpool, was like put him on shortlist Secret Wars shortlist they sent him the script, apparently, and are kind of just like waiting for him to say yes or no. That kind of tells you a lot, I think he knows.

Speaker 1:

It's like I feel like Secret Wars is starting to get this like stigma and niche around it. Like if you're going to take this on, you don't understand what you're about to take on. Like this thing is we are going to make the single biggest movie in in film history. Like this will be the or whatever you know. They're probably gonna have to do a. What was I saying before? I think I said um, on one episode. I think they're gonna split it into three movies. Like I don't know how you even two movies. I don't know if that's enough for secret wars with what they're trying to cover. So, like the commitment of your life you're like you might have to take a decade of your life to complete this trilogy.

Speaker 1:

Like this thing might be like, uh, I think he's a relatively young guy yeah, he's 55 yeah, so he's you know, obviously he's got time. It's just a want, like it's like it's a it's a big ask to do something like this, but that's got to make him feel good. I'm always of the volition that none of these people are ignoring social media. I don't believe it. None of them are. Like they know what's going on. He probably is looking at it and looking at the fan reception and be like, oh, I can do this, I actually can do this.

Speaker 2:

Well, deadpool and Wolverine are going to be part of two Marvel panels at Comic-Con, so it's kind of again, it kind of goes to the confidence that they apparently have in this movie that this movie is going to get like a post-release Comic-Con panel.

Speaker 1:

I think that's very interesting. I think that's extremely interesting. I think they might try to do something with that.

Speaker 2:

I think they might try to do something with that. I think so too. I think they're going to be like. This movie is the cornerstone for whatever we're doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is the bridge point into whatever Secret Wars, like the road to Secret Wars, because I know there's rumors about how this movie is going to deal with. We didn't even talk about any of the TVA stuff.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, that's going to be more next week, right? We Well, yeah, I mean that's going to be more next week, right?

Speaker 1:

like we didn't even talk about any like next week's going to be a little bit more MCU-focused, a little bit so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it almost feels like. It almost feels like they're they've been waiting, not waiting, they've been trying to get like whatever their Iron man is for this multiversal saga. It feels like they've been trying to get it and they haven't gotten it for one reason or the other. Um, you know a bunch of reasons that that's been the case, but it does feel like this movie is kind of, in their view, this could be the iron man for the multiversal saga, which sounds crazy because we're how many years into?

Speaker 1:

it. Yeah, we're four years into and they finally.

Speaker 2:

But we, how, how many, how many discussions have we had about this? Where, like, we're trying to figure, figure out what is your direction for this saga? Maybe it's this Right? This could be it?

Speaker 1:

This could be the thing, and is it not poetic that it's characters outside of the universe with the same property?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's going to be the one that bridges it. It might actually make the most sense to start this way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, 100%. It's really cool. And then, yeah, I mean, like I said, one of two Marvel panels at Comic-Con, the other one is going to be the big. They're doing it again. They're doing it again. The thing that I hate, that they do.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'll be fine if it's something, just one, but it's got to be definitive and I purposely think that's why they're having Deadpool and Wolverine be there post the movie coming out.

Speaker 2:

Don't give me your movie and TV slate until 2032. Give me the next four years. Give me the next four years of what your plan is.

Speaker 1:

I think that's the point. I hope so you know what I think we're going to get. I think we're going to know who's going to direct Secret Wars on Saturday. It's next Saturday, right? Comic Con's next weekend.

Speaker 2:

It's next Saturday, right.

Speaker 1:

That's Comic-Con's next weekend, I'm pretty sure. I hope not.

Speaker 2:

It's always the we got too much to do in the next couple weeks.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's always the last weekend in July.

Speaker 2:

We got too much to do. We got too much to do in the next couple weeks. It can't be.

Speaker 1:

We're postponing Comic-Con for a couple weeks. Shit, it's the 25th.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, 25th through the 27th, so the 27th, the day that the 28th, yeah, 25th through the 28th, so the day that Deadpool comes out, we'll be in that time. Like I said, I think we're going to know and I think there's a very, very, very, very high chance it is Sean Levy that's going to direct Secret Wars. I want to see how he handles. I want to see how he handles like emotion and acting and those types of things, like the more cinema related things. I think I want to. I want to see how he handles something like that. I'm very, I'm very interested because that was where, like that's where I was leading, like coogler arami a little bit more, because I think they understand that a little bit more. But I think that marvel understands. It's like people are people. They know the crowd pops from Endgame and no Way Home, they know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you want to give out some awards for Deadpool 2?.

Speaker 1:

We have to, we have to, don't we?

Speaker 2:

Best relationship. I think you stepped on it before with Negasonic and Yu-Gi-Oh, but like with the added sprinkle of Wade on top of it. Yeah, I think they're great. They're all great together. Bye Wade, she's back in this. Fly high Yukio For a little bit of this, A little bit of Deadpool 3, she's going to be back.

Speaker 1:

Most underrated character.

Speaker 2:

Is it Dopinder again? Wait, is it? It might be. Actually. He's great, he is really good in this again.

Speaker 1:

I hope they pay off the arc in the third one, though, where he's now a full-fledged assassin at this point. That would be fun, and I hope he has his girl too. Oh you gotta.

Speaker 2:

And then he murders his cousin, you gotta give him the girl. You gotta give him the girl in the third one. Give himpected heroic and somber moment when you're like oh, I like how they orchestrated that bit with.

Speaker 1:

Like you know I talked about last week how hilariously ridiculous his healing factor is and you know, you take it away, you make him mortal and you're like oh, wow, right, I don't think we said it, but basically what he does, he puts the collar on and that's what does it to him and then he's slowly dying the whole time. I have to agree with that one. That's a good one, best bit.

Speaker 2:

Best bit?

Speaker 1:

Is it Cable being fought shorter than he is in the comics? Because they're going to do it in this movie too. So I think that's a good prerequisite to that that's a pretty good bit Cable thinking.

Speaker 2:

Everyone's a pedophile.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's not bad. That's actually kind of funny. That's pretty good. Best battle man. The prison break is good. Prison break is really good. Prison break is pretty good. I think that's where David Leitch flexes the most.

Speaker 2:

I like the prison break, I like the prison truck, everything leading up to the prison truck, the moving car fight with Cable down to the truck, down to the reveal of the juggernaut.

Speaker 1:

The only thing is there's a little sequence in the middle where it looks horrible. You think that was intentional.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't think so, because it looks like laughable, it looks cw bad. I mean, it's fox. I just don't know how they snuck that in there. And then they had sequences like before too, because there's parts of the movies that looked really good, I don't know. Very interesting. Uh favorite cameo, uh, three, two, one the juggernaut.

Speaker 2:

I said it was brad pitt yeah, the brad pitt, but the juggernaut, I mean the juggernaut one blew my mind. I mean it was more of like a reveal. Yeah, that's true, because he's less of a cameo. He's in it a little bit more than that, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Just Brad Pitt. Just had my jaw. I was like holy, is that Brad Pitt.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't believe it. Him and Matt Damon man sneaking into these Marvel movies. Oh, they got to team up for one to these Marvel movies.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they got to team up for one, get Ben Affleck in there. Nope, oh, should we wait until next week, or should we just address it now?

Speaker 2:

What Him coming back, as I almost said, deadpool Coming back as Daredevil.

Speaker 1:

Do you think he's in that movie? He's got to be right, because I think at this point he just thinks that it's a joke. At this point, would you just get Elektra? I said the same thing. I said there's no. I forgot she was in that movie, by the way. I said there's no shot that you put Jennifer Garner and you don't put him in the movie.

Speaker 2:

Unless he really just didn't want to do it. He's totally washed his hands of the superhero stuff. You know what's funny about that?

Speaker 1:

I think that Brad Pitt being in the second one helped convince him to be in this one Could be.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we're going to find out, we are going to find out. We have a whole, probably 90-ish minutes of that movie that we have no clue what's going to happen. I really think he's going to be even the people that have seen the first half hour are like no, there's some wild stuff in just that first half hour.

Speaker 1:

I think what you said before is great all bets are kind of off and then I do also think what was the other one that I thought about. I do kind of think that Wesley Stipes also might be in this movie too, and just because of Blade Trinity I think that would be phenomenally. The way those Blade movies rated our superhero movies at that time was unheard of. I feel like something like that would be a big homage to that as well, too. Best 1v1?.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go with the Hoss. Fight again. Juggernaut and Colossus.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to agree with that one.

Speaker 2:

I think that one's great Col the Hoss Fight again Juggernaut and Colossus. Yeah, I'm going to agree with that one.

Speaker 1:

I think that one's great Colossus for the second week in a row gets my favorite 1v1. Maybe you'll get it in the third movie. Is he in the third movie? I hope they put the actor from the X-Men the original trilogy in the movie. I think that would be so much funnier. That would be pretty funny, because that guy had nothing. He's barely in it. He's barely in it, he's American. He gets ripped apart in Days of Future Past. He does, he's American. Yeah, it's a big problem.

Speaker 2:

He's just a guy. They should get Anya Taylor-Joy back as Magic. They won't, but they should. That would be fun. That would be a really fun one. Man freaking, that's like you want to talk about. Wait, comic book movie casting. But we can do an episode where it's wasted comic book movie casting and that's on my short list.

Speaker 1:

Depending on how this goes, kit Harington might be up there too for wasted ones. It depends if we get another season of it, but Oscar Isaac has got to be on there too. You don't just grab Oscar Isaac and then be like yep, we're just not going to take care of you after this.

Speaker 2:

But man Anya Taylor-Joy is magic.

Speaker 1:

Oh, phenomenal, Just perfect man bummer Best heat check performance.

Speaker 2:

Juggernaut, juggernaut's good. Ryan Reynolds' Juggernaut is pretty good. I'm going to man, I don't know, that's a tough one, because everyone that I would have picked from the first one, they all get a lot. Actually, you know what? He kind of got backslid a little bit to side characters, I'm going to say Colossus.

Speaker 1:

Because his role changed a little bit. He joined a new team and now his role has changed a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Two or three moments Come again.

Speaker 1:

Infinitely the most difficult one we have to do, and ones like this.

Speaker 2:

Uh, funniest moment oh no again, oh no, uh. I mean, the x-force being murdered is pretty good, it's like the.

Speaker 1:

It's like the. It's the first part of it, which makes it so much funnier, though it's like it's so much hope and you're like, are this about to be like a fun? Like are they about to do it, and then they just brutally get murdered. It's pretty good, it's pretty great. You killed Black Tom Cassidy, you racist. It's pretty good. Black.

Speaker 2:

Black Widow.

Speaker 1:

I could be having the worst day. That could get a laugh out of me. Each time I think it the funniest thing. It's just because then they also keep playing at that Cable's a racist for the rest of the movie.

Speaker 2:

That could have been best bit also. That's good, but also we glossed over the cameo the X-Men. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we didn't even talk about it. The X-Men cameo in this, specifically the first class X-Men, which was pretty fun.

Speaker 1:

Well, they were filming Dark Phoenix during this and they were all on set and Ryan was probably, like you guys mind, just huddling in this room for 10 seconds. I don't know how they got Nicholas Holt to get in the thing.

Speaker 2:

To get in the makeup yeah.

Speaker 1:

Unless they really grabbed them in the middle or something, which would have been even funnier. But they would have never done that in 2014 to 2016. No, they would have been like, absolutely not. That's how down bad the X-Men were at that point in the main movies. God Best exposition dump.

Speaker 2:

It's Deadpool again. Cable narrating the future is pretty good it is pretty good.

Speaker 1:

You know what mine is. It's when Domino's explaining her powers, that's also pretty good.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go with Cable. Talk about the future.

Speaker 1:

Because it's like dark brooding Jocelyn talking about it. It's good.

Speaker 2:

It's good stuff.

Speaker 1:

Best source material callback.

Speaker 2:

The Juggernaut.

Speaker 1:

It's just him citing the comics.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a literal source material callback. How could you not pick that one?

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go with the fact that again, I'm picking the same one as my favorite bit. It's just the fact that Cable's not 6'3", he's 5'11". He's shorter than the comics I know Best.

Speaker 2:

NPC Black Tom Cassidy, nope, nope.

Speaker 1:

Nope, what do you mean? Are you the racist? He was so much more than that. He was a kid and they murdered him.

Speaker 2:

Who's yours? I don't even know.

Speaker 1:

Shatterstar? No, no, he's too good for that. Who is the best NPC?

Speaker 2:

Man, that's actually a good one.

Speaker 1:

One of the prisoners, oh, oh oh. It's the one where he calls him like. You have some like it's the one prison guard that comes out and he's just like, or not the my way with those weirdly seductive lips. Favorite action sequence. Did we not do that one already? Well, we did Best Battle oh that's right. Remember we had all these, so the Best Battle came from the Lord of the Rings episode, that's right, probably the Prison Escape. I'm going to go with the opening sequence then, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, where he's fighting the.

Speaker 1:

Yakuza. That was fun stuff, that was good, that was really good. And also it's good because it immediately shows you like, oh, we're not here to mess around, like obviously this movie's going to be absolutely hilarious, but we're not here to mess around on like an action piece because you kind of need that.

Speaker 2:

You can't just rely on the humor to get you through this kind of movie. No 100%.

Speaker 1:

Best song. The Celine Dion made an original song for this movie is just all types of hilarious.

Speaker 2:

That's it he got a Bond opening. He did get a Bond opening which I really enjoyed.

Speaker 1:

Celine Dion should do it. Who would you want to do a Bond song? Who would be good? Uh, we've had adele, sam smith, billy eilish yep, so you need someone kind of.

Speaker 2:

I feel like the weekend could do one.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's really good, not bad man. That's actually really really good. I'm impressed, I'm shocked. I'm also gonna say that I'm just gonna agree with you. That's really good. He's got that voice. He's got like that vintage voice to him too. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't know how he went down this road, but I already have my full pitch for the new bond. You get desmond edris because he's already british. John jay for washington nope, you get desmond edris because he's the coolest guy on the planet. Have you ever just seen that guy? That's like the coolest human being that's ever been. That guy's so freaking cool. You get Steve McQueen because Steve McQueen's also British. You get Bradford Young, who shot Rogue One who's also British? No, nope, nope, he's American. Alright, whatever. You get Ludwig Goreson to do the score. Who's definitely not British, definitely not British. The Weeknd can do the song. Who's also not British? Also not British. Not a bad Bond movie.

Speaker 2:

Sounds good, I'd see it.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, favorite musical moment. We don't need to do that. One Favorite line.

Speaker 2:

Uh man, oh man.

Speaker 1:

It is jokey, but it's Jesus. He even runs like a pedophile.

Speaker 2:

That killed me. I'm Black Tom Cassidy White, Wade Wilson. That gets me. That pops me pretty good.

Speaker 1:

That's not bad. Favorite world building or?

Speaker 2:

lore moment. Actually, wait, it's this line that Deadpool says to Cable. Cable, you get back to your family, you tell them Wade says hi and promise me. Promise me one thing that you'll start judging people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Speaker 1:

Dude Cable, being a racist is so funny, it's so freaking funny.

Speaker 2:

What was it? World Building Allure moment?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's probably the retroactive of like it's the setup.

Speaker 2:

It's the setup for.

Speaker 1:

Deadpool 3, but like they didn't know.

Speaker 2:

They didn't know what they were doing. It's the time travel setup for Deadpool 3 Time travel Like they didn't know.

Speaker 1:

They didn't even think that was like a thing. And look at them now. Look at my baby boy. Now Favorite Is it like the X-Force, like they're just all standing there ready to go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, probably. I mean this movie doesn't have a ton of memorable shots in it. I mean that one's cool. I like the. I just like the kind of overall look of the Cable future. Mm-hmm, so dark, it's so dark. It's got the weird future, not Black Tom Cassidy dark, it's got the weird that one might get me. That might be the one. It's got the weird colorful Shut up. I'm not doing this again.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. No, I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean.

Speaker 2:

It's got the blue and orange and purple, Weird, dark, colorful hellscape vibe.

Speaker 1:

Favorite performance.

Speaker 2:

Ryan Reynolds again.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's easy. Favorite character Cable Mine's Domino, because in any other movie Domino doesn't work Because luck is not a superpower, but in a Deadpool movie it's the only place it can work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and favorite moment of this whole movie I think, weirdly enough, it's the post-credits scene where he reunites with Vanessa.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to one-up you and say it is the same spot, but it's him. Saving Peter is the best part of this movie.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty good. I can get by that one. What a movie we got to do. The other three awards oh yeah, yeah, yeah. The new ones.

Speaker 1:

So we have the let's start with the John David Washington Kenyac Award. Is it Russell? I was going to say that Is it Julian Dennison? It's tough to do for kid actors, though I don't love the idea of doing that for kids that act.

Speaker 2:

No, I have some kids. Okay, he's fair game.

Speaker 1:

Well, we don't have to answer the question. That's the point of the award Never have to answer the question. We have the Glenn Powell. What was the Glenn Powell Award? The Movie Star Award, yeah, the Glenn Powell Movie Star Award. Is it Josh Rowan? Yeah, because he's just got that presence. Man, he's just got that presence. He just shows up and you're in, yeah. And then we have the world famous Denzel Washington. He Can Act Award.

Speaker 2:

Zazie Beetz, zazie Beetz.

Speaker 1:

She can act, she can act, she definitely can act.

Speaker 2:

I like these awards, I like these three that we've added.

Speaker 1:

We're going to add one for Deadpool 3. How about that? I?

Speaker 2:

also like that we put them after the other awards. There's a whole other level of prestige.

Speaker 1:

These are the awards.

Speaker 2:

We got to rate, we have our rating system. We didn't do Deadpool 1, so we got to do both of them.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Deadpool 1 goes into the. I think Deadpool1 goes into the movies category. Like this is a movie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think so, I think they Are they both movies?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think both of these are movies. I would agree.

Speaker 1:

I think I would agree. Well, we need to get something in between movies and films. I think that's the new piece. There needs to be something in between there. Okay, I don't know what it's going to be called.

Speaker 2:

We'll figure it out. Morbius, nope, whatever it is, morbius is there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we need something in between movies and films, and then we need something above pictures, because pictures is like a 9.9 out of 10. How do you get above pictures? What does that look like? But it's like us, though. These are the ones that supersedes that. You know what I mean? Oh man, that's rare territory. Yeah, like Fast X for us would be like whatever this God tier up above portion is that movie?

Speaker 2:

was a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

Ready to blow up the Vatican? All right, he can act. Yeah, he gets the Denzel Washington he Can Act Award.

Speaker 2:

That's fun. That was Deadpool, deadpool 2. Shout out. Shout out everyone involved. Yeah, shout out Ryan Reynolds. Shout out Josh Brolin for the greatest, one of the greatest years an actor can have. Yeah, both. Both in terms of like it's weird because, like, obviously he made a ton of money, but he also was really good in all of. Like it's weird because, like, obviously he made a ton of money, but he also was really good in all of those things and also was probably really good in that, whatever that, that deer movie was that he did.

Speaker 1:

maybe we should review that next week. You see, forget it. Actually we're not doing deadpool 3, it's an executive decision.

Speaker 2:

Do that weird whatever that weird deer movie that he was in we'll talk about that kicked off his 2018 yeah right, I and josh proen's career was dead before the deer movie.

Speaker 1:

If you ask me, I don't know about that. That kicked off his 2018.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, and Josh Brolin's career was dead before the Deer movie. If you ask me, I don't know about that, maybe, maybe it was. Was that movie good? Who knows? It's not even in his like. He has like, so he has like separate. You know he's got. You know how he's a good actor because he has. He also has a. He also has a thing in here that says career decline 1990 to 2006.

Speaker 1:

Well, it was before. Well, that's actually correct because it was before. No country for old men Like Josh Brolin wasn't like a, he wasn't like a. We need to get Josh Brolin in our movie type guy. Before that and it was like the mid-90s. And then, you know, he had that like it was like a lull, and then he hit 2007, comes along and then he does no country and it's just like oh, josh brolin's back.

Speaker 2:

Weirdly enough, the uh the deer movie is not mentioned in his international recognition from 2016 to present phase interesting we might have to deep does this movie actually exist it exists.

Speaker 1:

We might need to deep dive into. What is this movie? Is it a documentary?

Speaker 2:

hang on, I on, I'm going to find out. Now, I'm intrigued 2018. All right, the Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter. It is an American comedy drama directed by Jody Hill, written by the director, jody Hill, john Carcieri and Danny McBride. Okay, the film stars Josh Brolin, montana Jordan and Danny McBride. Wait, why?

Speaker 1:

does this film now sound kind of familiar?

Speaker 2:

The premise, is the great hunter, Buck Ferguson Brolin and his trusted cameraman, Don Danny McBride, set out for an epic weekend adventure to reconnect with Buck's son, Jaden.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, Rotten Tomatoes score 30%, that means it's got a bang right.

Speaker 2:

Website's critical contestant reads Legacy of a Whitetail. Deer Hunter wastes a promising presence and a talented cast on a frustratingly uneven comedy that lacks enough laughs to forgive its narrative flaws. Hmm, it's 83 minutes, Sheesh. There you go. That's the movie that kicked off Josh Brolin's 2018.

Speaker 1:

And it's also going to be the movie that supersedes pictures. That'll be the first. Oh, that's what we should call it.

Speaker 2:

What's the name of this movie? The Legacy of a White-Tailed Deer Hunter? The Legacy of the White-Tailed the White-Tailed Deer Hunter Award.

Speaker 1:

We can only put like five movies all time in this category. It's not going to be called that we lied.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, alright, that's it. We're done here. That's it, we've done it. Well, that's going to do it for us this week. You can follow us on Twitter at Project INF underscore pod. You can follow us on Facebook. We are now on YouTube at Project Infinite Podcast. You can find us there at YouTubecom slash Project Infinite Pod. You can follow us on Instagram at the Project Infinite Pod.

Speaker 2:

And next week it's our Big Deadpool 3 preview episode. We got a lot of stuff to talk about with this movie. You know, I genuinely haven't been this excited for a Marvel movie since Spider-Man no Way Home. I think you must have not seen the.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I wouldn't say I was excited for the Eternals. I was anticipating the Eternals, but I't say I was excited for the Eternals. I was anticipating the Eternals, but I wasn't necessarily excited for it.

Speaker 1:

Did you hear that Marvel thought they had an Oscar legitimate movie that the Academy was going to look at with the Eternals? That's what they thought. Yeah, I think they stepped in. I think they shackled Chloe Zhao a little bit, I'll save that for another day, I would probably agree with that.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, we're going to talk about Deadpool 3 next week. I mean, who knows, who knows what can happen in this movie? That's the joy of what's going to happen next week. And because we only had one news item this week, there's almost certainly going to be a cavalcade of news next week, Because that's what happens when we do these Something will happen, someone will get fired, someone will do something, somebody will get cast in something. That's bound to happen. Who knows? We'll find out, we'll find out next week.

Speaker 2:

So from me, from the Careful you gotta be real careful here. You don't want to be Black Tom Cassidy. Is that what you're telling me from the this is tough. From the Peter of the podcast no good, it's great. Who would you rather be? Bedlam? No, shatterstar. Why did you say that? Shatter Star, the Shatter Star of the podcast? No, it doesn't work. No, it doesn't. You're a much better actor than Louis Tan. Come on, man. I don't know why that was necessary, but it happened. Imagine if Steve Harvey was the Vanisher. Nope, just think about it for a second. It would just be a mustache.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait until we talk about House of the Dragon, season 2. So I can talk about what I think the greatest addition to that universe would be, and that would be Steve Harvey as the Hand of the King, and not Steve Harvey playing a character that's the Hand of the King. No, I mean actual Steve.

Speaker 2:

Harvey as the Hand of the King. Specifically, he needs to be Aegon's Hand of the King. Oh my gosh, what you just said Hang all the rat catchers. You done did what with the rat catchers? Show me rat catchers, they're already on the wall.

Speaker 1:

Show me, melyse, melyse ain't gonna be up there.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, she's up there. Oh man, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait. All right, guys, we're going to get out of here on that note. Until then, we'll see you next week. Goodbye.

Speaker 1:

And Rob, I just want to tell you, going forward in the future, make sure to judge all these great characters based off the context of the character, not the color of their skin, jesus Christ. All right, guys. All I'm saying is you said collared. This week you said it twice. So if I had a nickel for every time you said collared, I'd have a dime. But why do I have a dime? That's all I'm saying. Black Tom Cassidy, followed by collared, was a tough one.

Speaker 2:

We'll survive it.

Speaker 1:

You're treading on some mighty thin ice here.

Speaker 2:

We'll get through it. We'll get through it.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to stage a.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to stage a fight. Breakup, Jonathan. Major style.

Speaker 1:

Me and my brother were just talking about that last night. I can't believe he. What was he doing? Sage of Fight Breakup Jonathan Major style. Me and my brother were just talking about that last night Because it's the. I can't believe he. What was he doing? Somebody said he dances like it's 1930.

Speaker 1:

Come on man. Somebody said he dances like they just got back from World War II. Somebody said when Michael Ealy picked up Megan Gooding he was going to pull out a musket and shoot him. No, what did I say? He went home and he put miles davis on. But he like put it on the whole lexan, the whole house, so she had to listen to it. Just like two hours of miles davis best hits playing for like two. She's like can we put on like some like the weekend? No, you're listening to miles davis for the rest of the night. Oh, my goodness, he's not a real person. Like that's not a real human being no, there's no shot.

Speaker 2:

no, no't be All right, we're getting out of here. Now I'm out of here. Goodbye. Wait, you recorded that whole thing. I recorded that whole thing.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, we were just, I thought we were done.

Speaker 2:

I thought we were just conversating.

Speaker 1:

No, jonathan Majors, what a guy. All right.

Speaker 2:

I got to stop this. Now we're.

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